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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta US hidden plots. Mostrar todas las entradas

5 de noviembre de 2020

If this is TRUE, HE is ONCE AGAIN, A GENIUS!!!

 Nikki Putman CLo'Morrow Reborn please share the fuck out of this 


I added the document to back it up!



If you  have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters" you probably understood it to mean the 3 gorges dam but it was never referring to that!!  The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!!  The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchcain to prevent fraud.  12 states were targeted. The National Guard  has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin,  Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!! 

The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!!  Fraud will be exposed for the world to see. 

And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!

So, did Trump win by a landslide? You will soon see that he did!!!


6 de febrero de 2018

The war against the deep state has begun, as evidence in the memorandum of FISA supports what we've all been saying for months as Americans

Obama appointed Judge Rudy Delgado raided by the FBI on federal charges of bribery  05/02/2018  Breitbart Reports

This week, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an "activity of law enforcement" in the 93rd District Court of State and FBI spokeswoman Michelle Lee revealed to Breitbart, Texas. While he could not reveal details of the operation or its purpose, Lee confirmed that the FBI made an arrest. The identity of the person arrested and the charges could not be released until Monday, Lee said. The Hidalgo County Sheriff, Eddie Guerra, confirmed the raids to local media shortly after they began. The sheriff posted a message on social networks about the presence of FBI agents in Hidalgo County Court in the State District Court 93. According to reports, federal agents and state and local authorities were present at the judge's house in Edinburg. Judge Rudy Delgado is the president of the Judge 93rd State District Court  .  
In this position, listen to all kinds of state court cases, including civil and criminal matters. As Democratic incumbent, Delgado appeared unopposed in the general election of 2016 and is currently registered on the website of the Secretary of State of Texas as a Democrat candidate for Justice of the 13th Court of Appeals, Place 4. I guess this is an easy way to get rid of judges appointed by Obama to put feelings about America First across the United States, and I bet the judge Rudy Delgado, appointed by Obama, is not the only federal judge who could be prosecuted for crimes. 

Multiple federal officials connected with the Democratic Party, Obama or anti Trump movement in the United States continue to be arrested, and this is another case of someone related to the Obama administration or theDemocratic Party who is arrested but not mentioned in the main news 
Administration of ma and the Democratic Party are, as Obama officials, judges Democrats, Democratic mayors and Democratic leaders continue to be arrested throughout the country Why the Democratic Party and Obama agents are continually arrested across the country, but Trump continues to be hit with an FBI investigation based on a conspiracy theory? So Mueller's research is really about Trump? 

Nunes goes hunting, now demanding transcripts FISA court hearing Obama02/05/2018 One thing that Democrats never think that when you attack, bite becomes stronger. Now, after multiple attacks left many officials, MSM and Obama ... Devin Nunes Deep State is now demanding court records and transcripts of FISA Obama tonight on illegal spy ring on President Obama Trump and countless US during the 2016 election cycle. 

If the President of the Intel Devin Nunes Camera not get transcripts Obama FISA court or enter drafted ... I think that would be the time to begin the arrests and people start being sent to Guantanamo that is connected to this network Obama illegal spy. This could happen very well, since judges FISA court appointed by Obama in DC are in the FISA court ... this could be fun. House Intel Committee votes to release Dem memo refutation of FISA, this is hilarious 05/02/2018

 Fox News Reports:  The Intelligence Committee of the House on Monday approved the publication of the Democratic Republican rebuttal to the highly publicized memorandum alleging abuse of government surveillance during the campaign of 2016.  The vote was unanimous. "Republicans have struggled to sue the FBI, prosecuting the Justice Department, accusing and challenge the hard work of these dedicated public servants in the FBI and the Justice Department , " the California Representative Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the panel, told reporters after the committee vote Monday. "We think this is very bad for the public and we expect them to stop." On Friday, they released the Republicans in the Intelligence Committee

the memorandum  of President Devin Nunes, R-California, who claimed that the FBI and the Justice Department could not have asked forsurveillance warrants to spy on former campaign adviser Trump, Carter Page, without the infamous funded by Democrats antitrust case. One thing that, unlike Democrats trying to block and vote against the publication of the memorandum FISA last week, Republicans Intelligence Committee of the House allow House Democrats Intel launch its rebuttal against the FISA memo Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives. Unlike Democrats, Republicans for most Democrats willeven allow release their shit without locks, unlike what they did Democrats Intelligence House of Representatives last week Adam Schiff. With all tests spy ring illegally Obama led by FISA, the FBI and the Justice Department, this refutation of FISA memorandum of recent weeks should be absolutely hilarious ... 

As it is likely to be Russia, Russia, Russia once again. What Democrats do not realize is illegal spying ring of Obama, although the FISA judges appointed to the FISA court has five other memos as Nunes the other day. This is a rebuttal, so this is just an opinion of the Democrats on FISA memo based on facts.

 The Hill Reports:  Defense Secretary  James Mattis
has fired the senior official who oversees the trials of the five men detained at Guantanamo who are accused of plotting terrorist attacks of September 11,  he reported  the Miami Herald  Two people familiar with the development told the Herald that Mattis fired Harvey Rishikof, who has been calling for the authority ,responsible resourcing of defense equipment and approving cases for trial - for the military commissions since last April . Mattis is now technically convening authority until a new name designee, so the decision does not stop the ongoing hearings at the court martial. The Pentagon declined to comment on the dismissal and was given no reason for it.

Yes, we have more confirmation that something is happening in Guantanamo, because today Mattis has dismissed Harvey Rishikof, which is the principal officer dealing with Guantanamo detainees Sept. 11 over the years. With this Mattis firing senior Gitmo, only arouse more curiosity about what is happening in Gitmo and why this activity is increasing in Gitmo. Since Mattis dismissed the senior official dealing with Guantanamo detainees on 11 September, is it possible that Gitmo is used for more than just Islamic terrorists?

You also have to implement the recent executive order Trump in Gitmo to keep itopen because it was not terrorists, it was enemy combatants ... And when Trump gave this message to the State of the Union, looked at the Democratic leadership of the House. Gitmo activity is increasing, and now Mattis is laying off Gitmo officers to replace them ... And for enemy fighters, not terrorists. 

Trump's legal team approves a second special counsel to investigate DOJ / FBI 05/02/2018 of

No consideration on staff movements in the DOJ. The order of FISA should be released? And what about a second special attorney? * Lawyers presidents have addressed this and have responded positively to a second special counsel. FISA: This document together with any other that the Intelligence Committee of the House decided to vote outside their committee through the process and all proceedings in the House, we would entertain as anything else. It looks like we will get a second special counsel against the FBI, DOJ, and its role in the illegal spying by FISA against President Trump in a record Fusion GPS not verified, since the high tax Trump reported approval of a second special counsel at a meeting with officials Trump war against the deep state has begun, as evidence in the memorandum of FISA supports what we've all been saying for months as Americans


... And that is the fact that the Obama administration, although Obama elected judges FISA and Obama lovers within the Department of Justice and the FBI used the false record of Hillary Clinton / DNC Fusion GPS to spy illegally Trump President . Not only that, but the DOJ officials were actually bribed by Fusion GPS in recent years during the election cycle under President Trump. The deep state is now being investigated.

 The decision to release Julian Assange arrives tomorrow  02.05.2018 It seems that one of the modern heroes of our time, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, could be released tomorrow in less than 24 hours, since the judicial system of the United Kingdom decide whether removed or not his arrest warrant against Julian Assange. Now the question is whether Julian Assange is released where it will go, because the United States is one of the thoughts that Julian Assange could go whenever released from unwarranted situation.

Julian Assange has exposed more than anyone in the world clique Deep State, and even helped to avoid a Hillary Clinton presidency for Deep State with the help of Patriots as Seth Rich through emails and Podesta DNC ... That Leaks Deep State Clinton exposed in multiple ways. Now, if Julian Assange is released, everyone should hope and pray for their safety, as it would become an instant target for the elite Deep State remove it .

Jus Department officials icia under Obama paid off by GPS merger  05.02.2018 daily calls  reports: "Money sweetens the pot for OHRS, and they certainly make it easier for the merger to obtain the record to be used in court if the payment to the wife of Bruce Ohr was"said the former judge and Texas Republican rep Louie Gohmert the Daily Caller News Foundation, 

"Fusion had to have known that because of the relationship between Bruce Orr and his wife were joining Fusion, the DOJ and the DNC under one roof to work for the same goal, which was to prevent Donald Trump became president" . he said. "The financial agreement between Ms. Ohr and Fusion GPS gives the appearance of a government rent , " said Tom Anderson, an expert in ethics watchdog group conservative National Legal and Policy Center. " It seems to be a sophisticated scheme to access the highest levels of our government ... ensure the use of government resources in an attempt to influence an election."Imagine his surprise after the release of the memo FISA, which today

We are discovering that DOJ officials were paid by Fusion GPS while the false record Trump / Russia was making waves. 

There must be more involved in the American justice system paid by Fusion GPS in addition to the Ohr, and now you must wonder if the Clinton camp was also paying federal law enforcement officials in the Justice Department and the FBI. The criminal sedition against President Trump for defaming the president before and after the elections now may involve federal bribery charges ... As Bruce Ohr his wife DOJ and CIA were paid by Fusion GPS . 

The FBI and DOJ believe the memorandum of FISA did not hurt the American people, but what you're really doing is exposing elite Deep State to protect Hillary Clinton through seditious criminal conspiracy against Trump now involves bribery .

12 de agosto de 2017

Here is the plan to overthrow Trump and the American People - WILL THE PEOPLE STAND UP NOW AND ORGANIZE TO DEFEND THE RESTORATION?


NOTE:  Alex Jones and Roger Stone were talking yesterday, and Jones said something to the effect that all information that Trump has asked to be sent to him (text, email, phone calls) to help him govern effectively, and to alert him as to all that you are describing in your email, are being diverted and Trump doesn't get that information.  That is, there is a panopticon around Trump where the deep state is in effect creating a virtual reality by, in real time, removing information that Trump needs to either govern according to the wishes of the American people in electing him, or to keep alive and safe from this lawless and monstrously evil deep state coup.  The amount of effort that this must be taking must be ENORMOUS, and the surveillance and intervention technologies vastly beyond what the general public could even fathom at this point.  Jones made it clear he was disclosing information he was not authorized to disclose, but essentially said, f _ _ _  it, the bad guys know all of this, and it's time the American people know this.

Btw, John DeCamp died just recently.  My guess, knowing nothing about the circumstances, was that this was a deep state hit because DeCamp had irreplaceable knowledge among good guys in the system about the pervasiveness and depth of the satanic pedophilia evil of our self-appointed and psychopathic elites, and there's clearly been widespread rumors from good guys in the system that they are working to roll up all of this.
 The plan to overthrow Trump and the American People
Kirk MacKenzie  
August 10 2017
Here is the plan to overthrow Trump and the American People. Read this entire explanation, then pass it on!

We The People—Recognizing an attack on Trump is an attack on our rights, property, sovereignty, and question, the big question is whether the People will recognize what’s going on, then stand up and organize en masse to fight back effectively to save our Republic.

Coup D’Etat—The globalist goal is to remove Trump from office by next spring, by concession else impeachment and conviction, then win back the Senate and House during the 2018 elections. Like Nixon, Trump did not commit a crime nor collude with the Russians. However, they will go after anything and everything possible, finding something illegal if they can, otherwise going after Trump for a “coverup”.

The Media*—will continue to create public hatred for Trump so that a majority—or an impassioned minority at least—will see Trump's removal as justice.

House Impeaches—It takes a simple majority of those present and voting in the House to impeach, i.e., pass articles of impeachment laying out the allegations. It does not take a majority of the House, only a majority of those PRESENT AND VOTING. No-shows and abstentions reduce the number of votes required.

Senate Convicts—It takes two-thirds of the senators present to convict. That may be less than 67. All Democrat senators (48), RINOs and Trump-Haters (10?) will vote to convict, although they will do everything to hide that fact for now. Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, others? So, it’s possible there are already 58 or more Senate votes to remove Trump from office.

Alabama Election—Every Senate seat counts! That’s why McCain came back from the dead. And that’s why the upcoming Alabama election is so important. Former Judge Roy Moore (yes, the proven warrior) has been the popular favorite. Luther Strange has been McConnell's pick. That’s why McConnell and the RINO establishment have put big money behind Luther Strange—to vote to convict Trump! Despite the big money, Judge Moore has had the edge. Then two days ago, Trump endorsed Luther Strange, the very man that may cast the deciding vote. Doesn’t Trump see what’s going on?

Intelligence Agencies (FBI, CIA, etc.)—already hacked the computers of Trump and his supporters. They know what documents are available to them, and where they are headed. These were given to Mueller long ago to guide his efforts. They will continue leaking documents and emails over time to maintain and fuel the media efforts, Watergate-style. However, the documents are not admissible in any legal proceeding.

Special Counsel—Robert Mueller will use his position as Special Counsel to second-guess and attack Trump, and to pressure key Trump supporters to turn on Trump, using any and every possible grounds available, actual or invented. The recent early morning FBI raid of Paul Manafort’s home reveals the strategy. Already in possession of documents and emails obtained through illegal and inadmissible surveillance, subpoena Trump’s supporter, ask pointed questions on the record to get some gotcha, then immediately raid the person’s computers—home or office—to obtain the documents legally, so they are admissible.

Hillary Clinton—will be let off altogether, or given a favorable plea deal.

The National Security Council—headed by McMaster will protect Hillary and thwart Trump.

Attorney General—Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein* will continue to support any and every effort Mueller makes to get Trump. Sessions has been exclusively focused on illegal immigration and crime. The big question is: WHAT WILL SESSIONS DO? Will he go after Hillary? Will he allow Mueller to continue his coup d’etat? Or will he do his job?

Congress—Chuck Schumer* and the rest will continue their attacks and war plans. RINOs will insure none of Trump’s major campaign promises—healthcare, the wall, peace with Russia, tax reform, etc.—get passed. They will stall, delay, rationalize, take recesses, all the while trying to maintain a facade of support so Republicans don’t turn on them.

The Senate Judiciary Committee—headed by Diane Emiel Goldman* (otherwise known as Dianne Feinstein*)—will insure Hillary is protected and Trump destroyed.

The Administration—Obama holdovers will undermine Trump in every way possible.

The Judiciary—will be used to thwart and delay Trump’s initiatives.

Obama—will continue to travel worldwide to shadow Trump’s visits with world leaders, while continuing to use and grow his army of community organizers.

Technocrats* (Google*, YouTube*, Facebook*, Microsoft*, Intel*, Apple*, Amazon, etc.)—will continue to support globalism, while preventing all conservative and constitutional discussion and revelations.

12 de mayo de 2017


US academic leftist Noam Chomsky, characterized as a controversial and provocative activist, has made some controversial statements in an interview with the BBC.

Chomsky has stated that in the US, no party represents the interests of the working class.

According to Chomsky, Republicans, although they claim to be their representatives, are basically the enemies of the working class. According to him, his political message, is aimed at religious people and white supremacy. On theother hand, Chomsky argues that Trump is hurting and damaging the planet, with its denial of global warming and climate change. However, the most striking of his statements, is that it defines the Republican Party USA, as the most dangerous organization of Earth and history of mankind. Chomsky believes the Republican party and its denial of climate change, as a lot worse than North Korea Kim Jong-un Islamic State or danger.
 "Republicans are convinced that the science behind climate change is unfounded. No matter if you really believe or not. People who truly believe in Jesus Christ confident that will come to save them during their lifetime. But if the consequence that they do not create or science is that we use more fossil fuels, we will not subsidize developing country and are willing to eliminate regulations that force to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, then the consequences are extremely dangerous.Unless you live under a rock, you have to recognize the seriousness of this threat. Not only do nothing to prevent climate change, but we are trying to accelerate the race to the bottom ".

Posted by  

TERRORISM q is the US has been doing in the Middle East since autoatentado 11 / S 1 million dead cry out for justice

USA, after invading a country, knows how to lift (Germany, Japan, South Korea) and transform into an economic powerhouse or plunge (Iraq, Afghanistan) and make him failed state

The bankruptcy of Iraq and to the Middle East

The battle against Daesh  is a war that no one will win. 

Here the real battle that should concern us and that we must fight. All eyes are on the battle for Mosul. 

Is the coalition will defeat the Islamic State or not? In the end, it will not matter.

If we have learned anything in the last 14 years of "war on terror" in Iraq it is that the hard-won victories today can quickly become tomorrow's disaster epics.

We're in favor or against war, the facts speak for themselves: the overthrow of Sadam Husein created a vacuum covered by extremists of al Qaeda who previously had no presence in Iraq and that quickly transformed and expanded in apocalyptic force known as Daesh.

But the very nature of the battle of Mosul is one of the many signs reveal that the Middle East as we knew it no longer exists and will never return. The region is deeply mired in the throes of an irreversible transition to a new geopolitical instability disorder.

Before 11-S several neocon strategists thought their role was to order the imperial power of the United States to accelerate the disintegration of the Middle East. Actually, the Middle East we knew is disintegrating under the pressure of deeper and slow biophysical processes: environmental, energetic, economic.

These processes are undermining the power of regional states quietly.

As states become weaker and unable to cope with the essential environmental, energy and economic challenges, they will cover the gap extremists.

But step up the fight against extremists does not mean that you are facing these deeper issues.

On the contrary, it is producing more extreme.

The war in Mosul is no exception.

Fallujah to Mosul

"It Fallujah on a larger scale," said Ross Caputi, a former US Marine who participated in the second siege of Fallujah in November 2004. 

"I've heard terrible stories about civilian casualties leaving Mosul; a friend who worked in humanitarian assistance trying to recruit volunteers to work in a medical surgical unit in Erbil, where much of the most serious cases are redirected. it was she who told me that the situation is worse than it is told in the media. "

Caputi concerns  are corroborated by the findings of  AirWars, whose  report victims  February documented that the US -led coalition air strikes are killing more civilians even than  Russia.

In the first week of March,  the group  found  that between 250 and 370 civilians were killed by coalition forces led by the United States who raided western  Mosul , a figure exponentially higher than the number of civilians killed by bombing since November 2016.

Although the Russians have caused more fatalities, Airwars notes that the operations of the Iraqi government to recover eastern Mosul control Daesh "represented a high cost for non-combatants caught in the city."

The war in Mosul is the culmination of a longer sectarian war that precedes the onset of Daesh.

The Iraqi government backed by US sidelined since the beginning [of the occupation] the Sunni minority. 

As the Sunni insurgency against the occupation intensified, US and Iraqi officials painted him as something more than an uprising of fanatical extremists. Actually, it was the occupation itself which radicalized the insurgency and al Qaeda placed at its apex.

Caputi witnessed when he was a soldier in Fallujah in 2004 that the insurgency was not dominated by al Qaeda. 

Instead, he said, under the pretext of attacking al Qaeda insurgents, the US military attacked and killed mostly Iraqi civilians.

Describes a striking example: when doctors at the main hospital of the city announced that US bombing had caused significant civilian casualties, the US military officially considered as "personal terrorist support" and at the same hospital as "little more than a hotbed of insurgent propagandists "because" they had used their infrastructure to issue claims of civilian casualties nonexistent. "

In the end, US troops took control of the main hospital on the eve of the US attack on  Fallujah.  This recalls  Caputi,  was considered a success of the "information operations" Americans.

The destruction of Fallujah  by the US military's role Iraqi Shiite sectarian and central government, which described the predominantly Sunni city as a hotbed of extremist added.

Fallujah war never ended. 

Armed US-Iraqi forces attacked and bombed the city intermittently almost daily since 2012. These operations intensified after the city was captured by Daesh in January 2014.

In this period,  Bashar al - Assad of Syria  allowed fighters of  al Qaeda  freely moved across the border  to increase the Iraqi insurgency  against US forces.

This policy, which  continued until 2012 , contributed  to the destabilization of Iraq.

But  al Qaeda would not have been able to strengthen this foothold in the country  if it were not  for the deeply sectarian violence practiced by the US military  and the Iraqi government against the Sunni minority, as  was exemplified in Fallujah , which  led some to Daesh accept as a "lesser evil"  and others radicalized enough to join the movement.

The warning

US officials were warned of this outcome since the beginning of the occupation. 

However, they and their Iraqi counterparts have learned little in recent history. 

According  to Anne Speckhard , director of the  International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism  and Pentagon consultant who designed the psychological and religious sections of the  program of rehabilitation of detainees in Iraq , terrorists recruited and trained prisoners in the camp  Bucca.

United States  began to intervene but the rehabilitation program that was designed to de-radicalise never really applied. Among the prisoners was the founder and leader of  Daesh, Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi. 

Daesh other senior commanders were also jailed in the prison:  Abu Ayman al - Iraqi, Abu Abdulrahman al Bilawi, Abu Muslim al Jarasani, Fadel al Hayali, Mohamad al - Iraqi, Mohamad Abd al Aziz al Shammari and Khalid al -Samarrai.

However,  the military coups that had led to the Baghdadi  and others to  the detention camp Bucca  were indiscriminate, were part of a invasion and occupation attacking Iraqi civilians Wholesale and were directed disproportionately against Sunnis. 

According  to Speckhard,  internal estimates of US authorities in late 2006 confirmed that only 15% of detainees at  Camp Bucca  were  "real extremists adhering to the ideology of al Qaeda."

When Speckhard  interviewed former prisoners of  Camp Bucca in Jordan in 2008 , he found that US officials  had never applied  irrefutably e l detainees rehabilitation program. 

Former prisoners informed him  that the Imams, carefully selected by the authorities, remained outside the fence of the prison, reading Islamic verses while detainees were laughing and spitting them. 

"This was not what I proposed , "  he said.

Speckhard  said that was not reported many of the abuses at Camp Bucca. 

"The prisoners told me they were tortured by the Iraqis and they were happy to have fallen into our hands instead." 

But others - including  former soldiers  and  prisoners - referred  to as witnesses abuses in prison. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests that hers as  Camp Bucca  was  under the tutelage of the United States 24,000 prisoners mostly Sunni and it was there that the systematic abuse and brutal torture caused deaths.

A classified report from the  US Army in 2004 and  published  by the American Civil Liberties Union  (ACLU) in 2006, documented the existence of  62 separate into allegations of prisoner abuse investigations  in US detention centers throughout  Iraq, Camp Bucca  included . 

Difficulty reading the list of abuses that would have caused Saddam to be proud: physical and sexual assault, mock executions, death threats to an Iraqi child to "send a message to other Iraqis," stripping detainees, throwing stones at Iraqi children handcuffed detainees drown with knots of their scarves and interrogating them at gunpoint.

But there were deeper issues at stake. 

Major General  Douglas Stone,  then commanding general of the  Task Force Detainees  began 
to allow  "rapid release of detainees through a four - day program that basically checked many boxes and meant them only superficially, if he did." 

"Maybe that program was good for the 85% who did not sympathize with the ideology of militant jihadism" . But it did not cause any effect where interested.

MEE contacted the General Stone  to ask for an assessment but had received no reply at the time of publishing these lines.

At that time, recalls Speckhard, warned the General that rehabilitation Stone  " will only work if Iraq's political support. A man who has joined the militant jihadism that killed her sister may agree to renounce violence, but after his brother will kill again head to it. "

Divide and conquer

"Mass releases were carried out to satisfy Sunni tribes" he says. 

"We would release detainees into supporting [the initiative of the militias] Awakening, aimed at organizing the Sunni insurgency against al Qaeda." 

But the US military did not decide en masse to release these prisoners kindness. 

There was a dubious and dangerous strategic context:

[Militias]  Awakening  was an initiative led by  the United States  to  mobilize Sunni tribal leaders against al Qaeda in Iraq. 

It was believed that the widespread release of Iraqi detainees would help build trust between the Sunni tribes about US intentions, and would bring fighters. 

But US intelligence agencies also knew that many of those who went to fight al Qaeda in Iraq within the framework of the Awakening initiative were in many cases of al Qaeda sympathizers.

classic counterinsurgency strategy practiced: try to break the resistance back to sections of it against itself. 

As  I reported  earlier in MEE,  the elements of the strategy are described quite frankly in an insightful report from the RAND Corporation commissioned by the Center Capabilities Integration Training and Indoctrination US Army, published in 2008.

What no such information is emphasized in the  report of the RAND explicitly recognized that its strategic proposal "divide and rule" to exploit the Sunni-Shiite sectarian tension throughout the region applied after US forces in Iraq. Thus, the report notes that US forces should use covert strategies to sow "jihadist divisions in the field. Today, that strategy is being used in Iraq at the tactical level. "

The report explained what it meant exactly that in Iraq:  America was forming "temporary alliances"  with "nationalist insurgent groups" affiliated with al Qaeda Sunni who had fought against the United States for four years providing "weapons and cash". 

While these nationalists "have cooperated with al-Qaeda against US forces" in the past they were now being supported to exploit "the common threat that al Qaeda poses to both parties."

The idea was to split the insurgency  from within by co - opting its broader base of support among the Sunni population. It sounds clever in theory,  but in practice we now know that  the strategy sowed the seeds of the birth of Daesh.

But Americans got into that garden all by themselves. 

While channeling their support for a whole range of disaffected Sunni jihadists with several past affiliations to  al-Qaeda, theUnited States  supported the same time  the central government Shiite Iraq. Both sides were supported by the US and increased sectarian tensions. 

And the Iraqi government, in particular, showed a progressively brutal contempt for the Sunni minority. In this context, the US strategy was doomed from the start.

"Since retiring from Iraq , the anti - Sunni sectarian bias Iraqi government under then Prime Minister was exacerbated  Nuri al - Maliki  and  forces emboldened Shiite security" says  Speckard.

Under al - Maliki , the Iraqi authorities even profiled and  arrested the main Sunni politicians , reinforcing prejudices within the Sunni tribes and  increased the rate of sectarian resentment that led to a minority of Sunnis to support Daesh. 

Of course, the sectarian violence of the late  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi , the former leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, compounded this problem. "

The following insurgency

While  the atrocities of Daesh in Fallujah, Mosul  and beyond, have undermined its traction among local Sunnis, the atrocities of  anti-Daesh coalition  backed by  the United States  are alienating the long - term population.

"Overall, I do not think that people in Mosul see the coalition as anti-Daesh heroic saviors,  but I think they have changed their assessment that Daesh is the lesser evil , " said  Ross Caputi. 

"The past year both  Fallujah and Mosul, the anti-Daesh forces kept these cities under siege , while  Daesh prevented people escape  and caught everyone as human shields. 

Therefore the food prices soared and people began to starve. 

The NGO for which he worked could introduce some food in Mosul, and we saw no feeling of support Daesh ".

In early 2014, minority sectors Daesh tolerated as a marginal part of a diverse uprising against the central government backed by the United States. Daesh crimes changed that perception. So the coalition could succeed and end the chain of command of the terrorist group remaining in Iraq. But it will mean the end of the war?

A senior Kurdish intelligence doubt. 

Lahur Talabany,  a senior counterterrorism official in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), believes that  although Daesh is defeated in Mosul, the group will continue and escalate their insurgency by mountains and deserts. 

"Mosul will recover ... I think what we have to worry about is asymmetric warfare," he says.

Although Daesh be dissolved, another extremist group will likely emerge in place if nothing is done to solve the deep sectarian tensions in Iraq. 

"It may not be Daesh, but another group will emerge under a different name, a different scale, we must be very careful," warned Talabany Reuters. "These next few years will be very difficult for us politically ... 

We know some of these guys have fled. They are sending people to the next phase post-Mosul, hidden cells and sleepers. 

We must try to find them when they go underground, try to eliminate these dormant cells, certainly there will be unrest in this region over the coming years. "

Caputi agrees that a "victory" in Mosul could be the beginning of a protracted conflict, but is skeptical about the "sleeper cells". 

If the strategy is to kill each of the last members of Daesh, fail, warns. And that's why the current operation will not end the war because it is no longer about the conditions originally created by Daesh.

"These operations are creating the context for long-term insurgency against the Iraqi government and against Iranian influence across the region," Caputi told me. "

Daesh phenomenon  is the product of several historical, social and political conditions which transform this war has not helped at all, since those conditions are still there: injustice, poverty, political repression. I move that we will see continuing Sunni insurgency ... Iraqis will remain second - class citizens under this government and not tolerated. "

System failure

Meanwhile, the conditions that set the stage for the emergence of Daesh are worsening. 

I mean surface geopolitical conditions: the destruction of Iraqi society during decades of war and occupation; the collapse of Syria in the internecine war due to the total destruction of civilian infrastructure by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the atrocities of extremists who gradually have been doing with the rebel movement supported by the Gulf States and Turkey.

But there are fundamental biophysical processes developed throughout the region that are accelerating the conflict in depth.

I have studied these processes and published my conclusions about them in a new scientific monograph:  Failing States: colapsing Systems: Biophysical Triggers of Political Violence, published by SpringerBriefs in Energy.

One of my  conclusions  is that Daesh  born in the crucible of a long process of ecological crisis. Iraq and Syria are increasingly experiencing water shortages. 

A number of scientific studies have shown that a cycle of drought in a decade in Syria, dramatically intensified by climate change, caused thousands of Sunni southern farmers lost their livelihoods as malograban crops. They moved to coastal cities and the capital dominated by the Alawite clan of Asad.

Meanwhile, Syrian state revenues were in terminal decline because production of conventional oil in the country peaked in 1996. 

Net oil exports gradually decreased, and with them also decreased capacity Syrian finance. 

In the years before the uprising of 2011, Asad reduced domestic subsidies for food and fuel.

While Iraqi oil production has better prospects, since 2001 production levels have remained well below the projections of lower rank in the industry, mainly because of geopolitical and economic complications. This has weakened its economic growth and, consequently, the state's ability to meet the needs of ordinary Iraqis.

Drought conditions in Iraq and Sir ia exacerbating have intensified agricultural failures and eroding the living standards of farmers. 

Sectarian tensions have been exacerbated. 

Internationally, a series of climatic disasters in major food-producing regions has fueled the increase in world prices. 

The combination has become economically intolerable life for large groups of Iraqi and Syrian population.

External sources - the US, Russia, the Gulf countries, Turkey and Iran - saw the escalation of the Syrian crisis as a potential opportunity for themselves. 

The interference of these powers has radicalized the conflict, has kidnapped Sunni and Shiite groups on the ground and has accelerated the de facto collapse of the Syrian we knew.

At the same time, drought conditions have also worsened through the porous Iraqi border. 

As I write in Failing States, Collapsing Systems, there has been a striking correlation between the rapid territorial expansion of Daesh and worsening local conditions as a result of drought. 

These extreme conditions and water scarcity will intensify in the coming years.

The discernible pattern here is based on my model biophysical processes generate, environmental, energy interconnected economic and food crises, what I call interruption system of the earth (ESD acronym). 

ESD, in turn, undermines the capacity of regional states like Iraq and Syria to procure goods and basic services to their populations.I call this process destabilization of the human system (HSD in English).

While states like Iraq and Syria begin to fail as the destabilization of the human system is accelerated, who act-whether the Iraqi and Syrian governments, foreign powers, militant groups or civil society actors not just understand that bankruptcies statewide infrastructure and drive them deeper systemic processes ESD.

the focus is always on the symptom and that is why the reaction almost always fails completely even as the starting point for addressing the crisis. 

Thus, Asad, instead of recognizing the uprising against his regime as signifier of a deeper systemic change -sintomático a point of no return Deeper driven more environmental and energy crises has chosen to end what its narrow conception considered the problem: the indignant people.

Similarly, the Syrian resistance circumscribes the problem nefarious, corrupt and oppressive character Extractive Asad regime, ignoring the fact that it came crumbling and previously by deeper biophysical processes that continue to be developed when is gone.

And consequently, while Syria has become a failed state, no one is addressing the same growing process is altering the earth system is causing destabilization of the human system throughout the region. This is not surprising. 

If something works by preventing address the causes, rebuild an environmental resilience, new energy systems and strengthen the political and social empowerment, that something is war.

The slow death of the old order based on oil

This myopia still affects officialdom in Iraq, which is not far from systemic state failure of Syria. 

US and Iraqi officials are pinning their hopes on the ephemeral dream of turning the country into a thriving oil producer, capable of pumping oil at a rate that rivals its neighbor, Saudi Arabia.

Which it is literally a chimera.

In my new studio, I quote solid data showing that conventional oil production will reach its peak Iraq within a decade, around 2025, then decline. This means that after 2025, the main source of central government revenues start declining to par.

In this context, it is only a matter of time before the state  without having identified a new source of income sostenible- is forced to recant. 

In this scenario, we can see how the central government will be less and less able to meet basic social expenditures and extremely tightened. 

In a normal trajectory,  Iraq we know is heading toward a total systemic state failure to approximately 2040.

This is a conservative forecast, in my opinion, is likely to accelerate due to feedback from existing amplified the underlying processes ESD conventional oil depletion, climate change, water scarcity and agricultural crisis; HSD processes and state repression US-backed sectarian, geopolitical competition intensified insurgency and sectarian long-term Islamic State, al Qaeda and other actors.

In short, while the disturbance of the Earth system will slowly and silently unraveled state power, myopic responses are causing destabilization of the human system, leaving a vacuum that increasingly fill more who seek autonomy from the central government and the extremists who are in open war with him.

Not only Iraq and Syria  who they are in the path of systemic state failure. Other countries in the region exhibit similar dynamics.


In Yemen , for example, conventional petroleum production peaked in 2001 and is now virtually collapsed, recent data. In August 2016, net oil exports had been reduced to "a trickle" that continue until now.

The  Yemen  of after that peak oil, like  Syria  and  Iraq , exhibits features of growing shortage of water and food. 

Electricity production is intermittent and fuel shortages across the nation is a pervasive problem that has forced to close factories and foreign companies and international organizations to suspend operations and withdraw capital and personnel.

This means not only that the main source of state revenue is nearly empty, but its ability to respond to the crisis in a way that is not just reactive symptoms has been fatally inhibited.

Gulf states  are not far from the comment cited above. Collectively, the major oil producers could have much less oil than they claim on their books. 

Analysts at  Lux Research  estimate that  oil reserves of OPEC  may have been exaggerated by up to 70%. 

The consequence is that major producers such as  Saudi Arabia,  could face serious challenges to maintain high production levels that are used in the next decade.

A new  study  by Dr. Steven Griffiths,  vice president of research at  Masdar Institute for Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi , peer - reviewed and published in the journal  Energy Policy,  confirms these concerns. 

Dr. Griffiths  said that the countries of the  OPEC in the Middle East and North Africa  in particular may have exaggerated the extent of its reserves. 

It indicates proof that  "proven reserves of Kuwait may be closer to 24,000 million barrels  [than 101,000 million barrels cited by OPEC],  and that the reserves of Saudi Arabia may have been overestimated by up to 40%" .

Another example of exaggeration seen in natural gas reserves. Griffiths  argues that "the abundance of resources is not equivalent to the abundance of exploitable energy."

While the region has substantial amounts of natural gas, the subinvestments because of subsidies, the terms unattractive investment and the "challenge of the extraction conditions" means that the producers of the Middle East "are not only unable to monetize their reserves for export but also are fundamentally unable to use its reserves to meet domestic energy demands. "

This is particularly important in the Gulf States: 

"The GCC countries [Cooperation Council Gulf], for example, have substantial reserves of natural gas associated and non-associated, but all GCC countries, except Qatar, are facing right now a shortage of supply domestic natural gas ".

Griffiths  therefore concludes that  "the proven hydrocarbon reserves in the MENA region  [stands for Middle East and North Africa] can be misleading about the prospects of regional energy self - sufficiency."

food threat

Although this "does not necessarily imply an impending shortage of oil, raising questions over the conventional peak oil".

Go ahead pointing potentially destabilizing implications:

"The MENA countries that have historically depended on the income of their resources to support social and economic agendas, policies and face a series of risks to their actual timetables for implementing the reforms necessary for economies 'post-oil'".

Oil depletion is only one dimension of the ESD processes involved . The other are the environmental consequences of oil exploitation.

In the next three decades, even if climate change is reached stabilize at an average increase of  2 ° Celsius, the Max Planck Institute  expects  that the Middle East and North Africa  will face heat waves and storms prolonged dust that could turn much of the region  in "inhabitable" . These processes could destroy much of the agricultural potential of the region.

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development  (AOAD) reports  that the Middle East  is already experiencing a continuing shortage of agricultural products, a gap that has expanded rapidly over the past two decades. Across the region, food imports are now over 25,000 million dollars annually. 

If nothing is done to address these challenges, the 2020-2030 period will witness how the oil exporters of the Middle East suffer a systemic convergence of climate, energy and food crises. These crises weaken their ability to deliver goods and services to their populations.

And the process of systemic state failure we are already seeing  in Iraq, Syria and Yemen , will spread throughout the region.

broken models

While some of these climate processes are blocked, not so with their impact on human systems.

The old order in the Middle East is unequivocally collapsed. There can never recover.

But it is not too late yet-East and West to see what is really happening and act immediately to implement the transition to the inevitable post-fossil fuel future.

The battle for Mosul can not defeat the insurgency, because it is part of a process of destabilization of the human system. That process does not provide a fundamental way that addresses the alteration processes of the Earth system that undermine the ground beneath our feet.

The only significant response is to begin to see the crisis as it is, look beyond the dynamics of the symptoms of the same-the sectarianism, insurgency, combates- and address the deeper issues.

That requires thinking the world differently, refocus our mental models of security and prosperity in a way that captures well how human societies are part of environmental systems to respond accordingly.

Maybe then we can understand that we are fighting the wrong war and the result is that no one can win.

As the old order of oil in the Middle East will collapse in the coming years and decades, governments, civil society, companies and investors have an opportunity to build basic structures of posfósiles fuels which can pave the way for new forms of ecological resilience and economic prosperity.

Nafeez Ahmed is an  investigative journalist , an expert on international security issues, trying to track and delve into what he calls "crisis of civilization ". He has won the Project Censored Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism Award for his report in The Guardian about the intersection of global ecological, energy and economic crisis with regional geopolitics and conflicts. He has also written for The Independent, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Scotsman, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, Quartz, Prospect, New Statesman, le Monde Diplomatique, New Internacionalist, etc.

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