
10 de julio de 2017

NEW SCRIPTURE FOR JESUS ​​/ SANANDA - CHAPTER TWO. review the religion which was established in my nameNEW SCRIPTURE FOR JESUS ​​/ SANANDA - CHAPTER TWO. review the religion which was established in my name


Today is the second day of the new era for Planet Earth.

It is time for change, it is time to leave behind the old ideas, no matter how beautiful they may be for you.

I regret now having to revise the religion was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that I have to clarify the situation.

They do not do the same, if they knew they were quoted very often and deliberately changing the meaning of the message was the result of his soul and heart?

For me it is not a matter of pride. It's a matter of Truth. Mother / Father God and I worked for aeons with the Supreme Creator developing the plan for Planet Earth.

Our dream for the Blue Planet was always to descend into the lower vibrations, to become a heavy world of three dimensions, and mankind to experiment with free will.

Of course the only way to experience free will be behind the veil of oblivion, because it is the only way you can feel separation from the Universal Laws.

His senses suggest to them that things happen independent of each other and feel detached from the dynamics of cause and effect that is so obvious to us in the higher dimensions.

The fruit of that dream would come the day (in cosmic terms, of course) when the Earth again climb to the 5th dimension or even beyond, triumphant with his beloved family of humans, animals, plants and other sentient beings who would rise with it in such glorious ascension, which would drag the whole cosmos.

Yes, that was what was planned and what we expect now see. Our faith in humanity was not wrong.

Although the Dark tried to stop the process by creating chaos in the way of thinking and feeling in the people; humanity has demonstrated its resilience and the true nature of the Adamic race: his ability to feel what is fair, just, right and true.

They have done so because they have large hearts and minds robust and even when they are slipping, they can not help but become to some form of Fe.

They have been forged for greater flexibility, courage and determination. These are qualities that provide a sound basis for creativity.

You will see themselves as chaotic, unable to control their emotions and thoughts and at the mercy of his instincts.

But we see his brilliance, which would lack only have a skilled coach that elevates levels of intelligence and mastery to the level for which they were created.

That is the purpose of these messages: help them raise their level of functioning in daily life to the point where they are able to ascend with his beloved Mother Earth in the very near future, and we mean weeks or months, not eons.

Many of you are ready, but the promise of Ascension we made them in the time of daydreams was that we would meet everyone, to create the most wonderful and joyous exaltation of hearts that would take them all together to cross the threshold of the 5th . Dimension at the same time.

Now, to tell everyone at once, not necessarily at the exact same time.

Each will make your change when you feel ready. Some, already have been preparing for years, will be those who will sail in the first wave, because they are already fully aware of the discipline and lifting required to make the transition.

Others will require a few weeks or months to get used to the idea that his whole life will change, no matter how much or not cling to their old family customs.

And, of course, for many old family customs they are steeped in religious traditions.

This has been an area of ​​conflict around the globe, one religion against the other, each claiming to be the only true Word of God.

Dear friends, now I can say with confidence that there is no one true religion at this time on Planet Earth.

There are many truths and untruths in every religion, from Christianity to Islam from Buddhism to Hinduism, even in the belief systems of the tribes living in the remote forests and mountains (although some are closer the Truth in its simple acceptance of God within themselves and within every living thing).

This time I hope to do a better job, recording my own words so that everyone can read and expressing the direct lessons and simply, as is now customary in the 21st Century.

I like to use parables and vivid examples when I give lessons now I want to happen to them, but I will limit my descriptions to common events that everyone experiences in everyday life, as did 2,000 years ago. Since much it has changed and descriptions and language have taken different nuances of what was then.

A long time this review was needed ago.

Today, I am able to write these words with the help of my friend, Lady Portia, and send it to everyone electronically.

I hope that millions of people read it in one or two weeks. That's why we ask you not to alter the text and translations are authorized directly by me.

These ideas are already quite difficult to communicate, without well-intentioned reinterpretations or an incorrect translation.

Keeping in mind that international and multilingual audience, I'll start with the most basic first teachings, as are those that have been very poorly understood in the ancient scriptures.

After nearly two years of previous messages and conversations with Mother / Father God I decided to present these teachings because now I have the advantage that his words set the tone that I must follow.

Thus, his words provide an important context for my simple lessons.

Lesson One says that All is One. All consciousness is connected. Therefore all beings are connected with each other and with God.

This is true not only for the Earth but also for all other beings, planets and stars Cosmos. All is One. Everything is God.

Now, in Lesson Two, I will explain the relationship of what you know as the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Supreme Creator ranks at the top of the pyramid is the Trinity.

He is the Creator of all creators, it is the principle of every principle and source of everything. I, Sananda, I am the Son of the Supreme Creator.

But now I will review it to include my Twin Flame, Lady Nada, who is the other half of my soul, and is the glaring missing link in this story.

Mother / Father God Created Flames Life in the Galaxy of the Milky Way, are combined the Holy Spirit.

Patriarchal description of the history of Creation left them out to them, who are given life.

Mother is the essential part of this process, as it is also in humanity.

The original trend to mention only men, their deeds and strength, gave a distorted picture of the value of women in the life and government of the planet.

I'll try to correct that error in these writings.

Contrary to the teachings in the Bible, María Magdalena was not a prostitute or a straying woman somehow.

It was a strong, intelligent woman of great dignity. It was my beloved wife and mother of our daughter, Sara.


His description degraded was the beginning of the degradation of women that continues to the present.

Only there has been some small progress in the West over the past 120 years or so.

María Magdalena, the heart of my heart, soul of my soul and the love of my life, would have been over the years a pattern of strong woman and straight.

Instead, the group of men who 300 years after my death gathered for Bible stories, made a conscious decision to erase their existence from the minds of the people and for all practical purposes they succeeded.

To separate and create an image of me as a celibate man, a single individual unattached, they told a lie that deprived the people of the truth, because I really was a loving and devoted husband and father.

That was the beginning of what became known as the War of the Sexes. For us, there was no no war.

It was an equal partnership, intimate and strong, on the basis of mutual respect and enduring love, which sustained me through the challenges of my life, much as the love of my devoted father, my mother and my extended family .

That's the image they wanted to eradicate the fortress through family love, because that is the basis of a culture of happy, independent people.

People who are strong structures of family or community support are less vulnerable and less dependent on external resources, both government institutions and religious, and thus are less easy to control, as they are less tempted by promises of purchase power or material pleasures.

After rewrote my life in the Bible, the Big Lie left everyone confused doubting how they should be their primary relationships.

Relations between men and women, including women and children, and men with their children; all were redefined and distorted.

Is serving God means you must be celibate, separate and apart from the opposite sex? Certainly not.

The desire to lead a life in solitude is strictly a matter of personal choice.

It would have attracted an adult of the same sex is a risk of disapproval and punishment of God?

Absolutely not. The choice of lifestyle, in terms of how they are intimate relationships, has nothing to do with devotion to God, except in the quality of love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness to practice in your interaction with them.

Instead of recourse to others to find comfort, tenderness and friendship within the immediate family relations which both inspire us to feel the glory and presence of our amorous God she asked people who would come to a priest or a minister for forgiveness, guidance and consolation.

This created a power structure in which the institution of the church (any church) and their doctrine to become an authority on people, and that is how this doctrine assumes the right and responsibility to interpret the Word and the Will of god over the people. That was never the intention of God, nor mine.

I suggest that all religious structures are eliminated, except perhaps a meeting place where people can share, celebrating and having fun, the conscious joy of receiving the loving embrace of God.


I also suggest the elimination of all doctrine, dogma and rules. The only guidelines we need are the ones that I present in these simple lessons: live with Kindness, Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Joy.

Love expands the heart and mind and brings joy to all who experience it. If you have no such effect, it is not love, it will be something else masquerading as love.

God is love. The Supreme Creator is love, and that is our highest example of love without end.

Mother / Father God is Love, individually and together. This leaves no room to judge for revenge or guilt.

God does not punish. Only humans who are under the influence of the Dark Energy is interested in talking, thinking and conceiving punishment and suffering for what they call "sins". God does not even consider that kind of thing. I do not teach or support such thinking.

We know that oppression breeds anger and tends to create competition and conflict between and within people.

We are confident that if they are taken under the yoke of economic, religious and political slavery, and freed from self-imposed guilt, shame and the resulting resentment; free men and women begin to experience themselves as kind and loving breed of creative beings who are meant to be.

Our intention is to show them the way to end the divisiveness, duality, separation and alienation. Replace them with generosity of spirit, kindness, acceptance, friendship and service to others; to all others and the planet that has been his loving mother.

I am Love. I am your Sananda, who gave his life in service to the enlightenment of mankind, because mankind was created in God's image, and it is my Way demonstrate and teach the true path, the path of Love so that every human being can discover that you are God. You are the light and you are love.

This is the end of the Second Lesson.

We are all one.



The New Scriptures written by Sananda / Jesus - there is no hell, there is a Supreme Creator, which we call the Father of Creation. It does not require you be worshiped, and not punish.

I am, Sananda. It has long been believed that God punishes those who do not believe in him or who do not accept the concept of One God will be condemned to a terrible life after death.

Often in that belief system it is included that those who do not accept me, Jesus as their Savior, will have a similar fate: burn in hell forever or be exiled from Heaven.

I want to declare emphatically and without conditions, that none of these beliefs is true.

Now I will answer each of these beliefs so familiar and dominant:

God does not punish, and neither. We see the punishment as a cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.

There is no Hell. You create your own lives and the conditions after it through their own actions and efforts during their lives here on Earth or elsewhere.

There is a Supreme Creator, which we call the Father of Creation. It does not require you worship him.

He is the Creator of all Creator, you could say the God of the Gods. He is one, and it is not male nor female.

The Supreme Creator is the principle and source of everything. He created me, and He created you call your personal God; the creators of the Galaxy, the Milky Way are Mother / Father God.

They are also one, and both are male and female.

A Mother / Father God is known by many names: Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Zorra and Saraya name a few.

Note that most of these names are male. This will change to reflect the true equality between them.

I do not consider me their Savior, and I do not want worships. I'm the one who comes to guide and supervise the Ascension of humanity on planet Earth.


What is Ascension, and when, if ever, happen?

Most of you are familiar with the story of my resurrection.

This was the example that we wanted to give them what is Ascension.

If there are those who doubt that there is an afterlife, (life after death) I can assure you, it is not an afterlife, but it is eternal life.

Toda persona termina esta actual encarnación, yendo a la Luz para continuar la vida como un alma en un ‘cuerpo de luz’ y que es lo que se podría considerar como su estado “normal”, ya que esta estancia en la Tierra es sólo una fase corta en su vida como alma.

Esta vez no sólo viajarán a la 5ª dimensión, sino que serán capaces de hacerlo sin la muerte del cuerpo que están habitando, como se hacía en el pasado.

Esta vez, tienen la opción de llevarse este cuerpo con usted, y ser completamente sanado y restaurado a un cuerpo saludable.

Ustedes tendrán la posibilidad de realizar cambios en la apariencia, tamaño, forma, y posiblemente, incluso el sexo del cuerpo que mantendrán una vez que se hayan mudado a la 5ªdimensión.

Esto puede sonarles como mágico para ustedes, pero claro la supuesta magia, para sus valores, sucede en las dimensiones superiores porque la creación se produce con la combinación del pensamiento y el sentimiento, y no a través de la manipulación de las sustancias materiales con las manos, como la conocen aquí.

Este es el mundo que pueden esperar, es la Tierra Prometida que ha sido predicho en sus textos antiguos, pero es muchísimo mejor de lo que podemos expresar con palabras para ustedes aqui.

El mundo de la 5ª dimensión en su futuro será realmente el lugar en el que el león se acuesta (yace) con el cordero, ya que todas (las criaturas) y los seres humanos, se mantendrán con una dieta de materia de frutas y vegetales, y ninguno necesitará o deseará consumir sus hermanos y hermanas.

Los cambios del tiempo (clima) harán posible un planeta completamente cubierto con una exuberante vegetación, abundantes jardines y la gente y los animales serán libres de expresar la realización (cumplimiento) de sus almas sin preocuparse por cosas como el dinero, el hambre, la guerra o el peligro físico.

La comunicación será telepática, inmediata y perfectamente entendida, y el transporte a largas distancias será realizado por naves espaciales individuales o comunitarias.

Esto no es un sueño de ciencia ficción, sino que es la realidad actual de muchos otros planetas en el Cosmos – esto y mucho más.

Los Hermanos y Hermanas Estelares están circundando el planeta ahora, en agosto de 2013, para traerles sus tecnologías, sus conocimientos y su ayuda en el cumplimiento del sueño de la Ascensión, todo el Cosmos está a la espera.

Eres tan amado, tan respetado y admirado en todo el Multiverso que todos los ojos están volteados (girados) para observar su maravilloso progreso en elevar su vibración para que puedan dar el salto al mundo que les espera.

En este y en futuros mensajes, los alentaré a enfocar sus energías en hacer la fuerte conexión entre los centros emocionales en el cerebro y el corazón.

Se trata de la organización de Sí mismo, que les permite vivir en el Amor Puro, con su profunda conexión con la Fuente, conmigo, y su Ser Superior, que es la parte de tu alma que permanece en dimensiones superiores y es Uno con Dios.

Ustedes son de la Raza del Creador, hechos a semejanza de su Creador.

Esto no significa que son completamente idénticos al Creador, sino que significa que, en su progreso hacia la ILUMINACIÓN (literalmente, encarnando la Luz) crecen cada vez más cerca de la perfección del UNO.

Todos nos estamos moviendo hacia ese final glorioso – El convertirse en UNO con nuestro Creador.

En el curso de su crecimiento han llegado más cerca de nosotros, más capaces de escucharnos y hablarles, en sus sueños, en sus momentos de ensoñación, y ahora, a través de estos mensajes.

Se ha acelerado la trayectoria de su progreso, y eso ahora hace posible para nosotros llegar a todos en el planeta.

Despierten, Amados. Dejen sus instrumentos de la esclavitud de sus puestos de trabajo. Miren a su alrededor la belleza que se ha perdido a los ojos de los niños, de las puestas de sol que brillan intensamente y el brillante amanecer.

Su madre tierra está limpiándose a si misma, están siendo protegidos de todos los peligros nucleares y la contaminación tóxica.

La era de la destrucción del planeta y de la esclavitud de la humanidad ha terminado.

No habrá más guerras, no más genocidios masivos o la pérdida catastrófica de la vida, a medida que continuan el ascenso con su querido planeta. Ella ya ha dejado el reino de la muerte, para renacer y renovarse.

Ella modera el ritmo de su transición para seguir ayudándoles, para sostenerles y proveerles.

Comiencen con el conocimiento de que todos los seres vivos son seres conscientes, cada animal, vegetal y mineral está formado por la conciencia del Creador.

Ustedes, como parte de la creación de todas las cosas, tienen una relación viva con todos los seres conscientes a su alrededor y en todo el Cosmos, tanto si lo reconocen o no.

La Madre Tierra está llena de amor por sus hijos, así como nosotros.

Madre/Padre Dios están de pie con ustedes enAmor y Luz, para instarles a que avancen en el más estimulante, y triunfante “Recto Pasaje” jamás conocido.

Ninguna alma se quedará atrás, ningún hijo de Dios será ignorado o postergado.

Todos y cada uno tiene su valor, y todos son honrados por igual.

Levántense, Hijos de la Tierra. Es realmente el momento de conocer a sus Hacedores y estarán encantados de descubrir cuán amorosos, compasivos, tolerantes y humoristas son.

The New Scriptures written by Sananda / Jesus - Chapter Four ★ "The New Scriptures"

Chapter Four ★ "The New Scriptures" written by Sananda / Jesus by Kathryn E. May, PsyD

August 10, 2013

Edited and translated by Tony Paul ©


I am, Sananda.

As a community of souls, we are participating in a phenomenon that just never been treated this way before anywhere in the Cosmos.

You will realize how different my approach now that I'm able to talk about their heritage and biological connections - connections related the human body - your Star Brothers and Sisters.

Two thousand years ago, he could not speak so directly about these truths. Of course I talked to my disciples, family and friends about our stellar family, but all references to these things were 'eliminated -censuradas' of my teachings and my brothers and sisters who served with me.

There will be no secrets about the actual contacts have been made with other distant planets and star systems, once again walk again with you in the beloved Planet Earth.

Contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where the "alien" technologies were adopted by the black hats instead of being used for the good of all humanity, which had been intended .

There have also been contacts in the past - (they are not allowed for longer) - for which you call "gray" or reptilians.

His desire was to achieve full ownership of the planet. Their black hats-in earth- were influenced by them we have called "wannabe" - had the same inclination.

Each faction believed they could outsmart others to gain the upper hand.

They can now be sure that their dark machinations finally turned against them, making sure that no dark faction never reach what they imagined.

Always they underestimated the power of the Light and the determination and resilience of humans who lived and worked in the Light. Now we have 'repressed-overwhelmed' power structures of the Black Hats, who always turn have supported each other when things get tough.

This single trend demonstrates the greater power of the Light, because we have an innate desire, even a need, to come to the aid of those who need us.

The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing day marked by the clock on the earth, the way is clear, and the Lightworkers are stronger, and the strength of the concentration of light can not be denied.

You could call a wave of love and goodwill, and that has raised the weary spirits of all, bringing comfort where there was pain, comforting physical and psychological trauma, as people wake up and recognize the new feeling of being in love. (love)

You are in love with yourself, your peers and neighbors, their babies and their friends.

See the aura of light around which previously never realized, as they begin to see their own.

Yes, they have been tested, as I plan to.

It suffering was worse than they thought it would be optimistic in their planning stages, so it is what was so important that your Higher Self was always there to protect you and relieve pain to not surrender.

In the end, almost all cling to life with great tenacity, despite their complaints during tough times.

Nobody knows better than me, I was aware of what was coming in my life as Jesus, and although there were moments of unbearable pain.

Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal with the same intensity that I felt physical pain.

Let it be known here that Judas did not betray me, it was my most trusted and beloved friend.

He was the only one he could trust the difficult responsibility to disclose my whereabouts when the time came. There was no one else with the strength of faith and loyalty to me, and whom I knew could be done without a moment's hesitation, or a residue of repentance.

Although most of those who turned against me at the end were not near me, still it leaves you a deep sense of abandonment to see your fellow man (human companions) as support an attack on one of their own species.

Any child who has been taunted by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by his family for some ideological offense has felt that deep sense of horror and despair. Why do we turn against us?

This is our job now, dear.

We must join forces, healing divisions and duality faced a human being against another, in order to ensure that this time, the transition to the New Age of Gold, no one will turn against their peers to pursue, judge or condemn anyone.

The days of religious wars, ideologies based on hatred of others, and wars of 'greed-greed' will no longer be permitted.

The war itself is never justifiable when people recognize that they are stronger working together than being in opposition.

You've been so immersed in the thought of lack, competition and the fear that was not obvious to you that most, perhaps all wars on the planet were instigated deliberately for the benefit of those in power, and especially those who are behind those in power.

It was not difficult for those in power foment discord among populations who were already oppressed, angry and hungry.

It's an old trick of setting fire to a fire in order to be the one who heroically rushes off, gaining fame, fortune and allies in the process.

All these truths will be revealed at the end.

They will learn the true history of your planet, and when they do, their hearts filled with love for his teammates, and suffering and relief they suspect that all was not as it seemed.

When you understand who really benefited from their prejudices, their distrust of others and their religious conflicts, they will find it much easier to put aside the convictions that were implanted in unsuspecting child's brain without your permission.

There is no inherent human quality, suspicion or hatred of those who superficially appear to be slightly different from oneself.

Look how dogs of all breeds naturally approach each other tail wagging, as well as birds of all species come together, and the ease with which a family of elephants or bears or geese are mixed and even they help others when their territory is not restricted in such a way that there is a need.

It was not a difficult leap for leaders of intuition to understand that all they had to do to control his "flock" should limit their resources and inform them that the culprits were immigrants, Jews, women, blacks, Armenians or Shiites.

Yes, they have been the subject of great experiments of "control-mental and social".

For a while, he had some success, but there have always been some who saw through the schemes and shaken for freedom, justice and equality. I was one of those people, and you too.

You are not alone.

Their numbers are growing day by day as the media lose their control open communication possibilities for political and social truth through Internet borders.

Although the open Internet Forum invites the scaremongering and fraud, it is less controlled and a better source of truth than any of the stations of the media they have now, and have become propaganda machines for businesses who pay their bills. It can not be other way. Whenever money entra- in the mix, there is the opportunity for misuse of power.

Now, let's address a current issue in many of their minds.

What is Ascension, and when, if ever, happen?

Most of you are familiar with the story of my resurrection.

This was the example that we wanted to give them what is Ascension.

If there are those who doubt that there is an afterlife, (life after death) I can assure you, it is not an afterlife, but it is eternal life.

Everyone ends this current incarnation, going to the Light to continue life as a soul in a 'light body' and that is what could be considered "normal" state, since this time on Earth is only a short phase in his life as a soul.

This time not only travel to the 5th dimension, they will be able to do without the death of the body that are inhabiting, as was done in the past.

This time, they have the option to take this body with you, and be completely healed and restored to a healthy body.

You will be able to make changes in appearance, size, shape, and possibly even the sex of the body that remain once have moved to the 5ªdimensión.

This may sound like magic for you, but of course the supposed magic, for its values, it happens in higher dimensions because creation is produced with the combination of thought and feeling, and not through the manipulation of material substances with hands, as she is known here.

This is the world we can expect, is the Promised Land that has been predicted in their ancient texts, but it is much better than we can express in words to you here.

The world of the 5th dimension in the future will be really the place where the lion lies (lies) with the lamb, since all (creatures) and humans, will be kept on a diet of field of fruits and vegetables and neither need or want to consume their brothers and sisters.

Weather changes (climate) make possible a completely covered planet with lush vegetation, abundant gardens and people and animals are free to express the performance (fulfillment) of their souls without worrying about things like money, hunger, war or physical hazard.

Telepathic communication is immediate and perfectly understood, and transportation over long distances will be conducted by individual or community spacecraft.

This is not a dream of science fiction, but it is the current reality of many other planets in the cosmos - this and much more.

Brothers and Sisters are circling the planet Estelares now, in August 2013, to bring its technologies, expertise and assistance in fulfilling the dream of the Ascension, the whole cosmos is waiting.

You are so loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes are turned (rotated) to observe their wonderful progress in raising your vibration so they can make the leap to the world that awaits them.

In this and future messages, I will encourage focus your energies on making the strong connection between emotional centers in the brain and heart.

This is the organization of Self, which allows them to live in Pure Love, with its deep connection to Source, me, and your Higher Self, which is the part of your soul that remains in higher dimensions and is one with God .

You are of the race of the Creator, made in the likeness of his Creator.

This does not mean that they are completely identical to the Creator, but it means that, in its progress towards enlightenment (literally incarnating Light) grow ever closer to the perfection of UNO.

All we are moving towards that glorious end - Becoming one with our Creator.

In the course of its growth have come closer to us, more able to listen and talk in your dreams, in moments of reverie, and now through these messages.

It has accelerated the path of progress, and that now makes it possible for us to reach everyone on the planet.

Awaken, beloved. Leave your instruments from the bondage of their jobs. Look around you the beauty that has been lost in the eyes of children, the sunsets and glowing bright dawn.

His mother earth is wiping itself, they are being protected on all nuclear dangers and toxic pollution.

The era of the destruction of the planet and the enslavement of humanity is over.

There will be no more wars, no more massive genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as they continue to climb with his beloved planet. She has already left the realm of death, rebirth and renewal.

She moderates the pace of their transition to continue helping to support them and provide them.

Starting with the knowledge that all living beings are aware, each animal, vegetable and mineral consists Creator consciousness.

You, as part of the creation of all things, have a living relationship with all conscious around and around the Cosmos beings, whether they recognize it or not.

Mother Earth is full of love for their children as well as us.

Mother / Father God are standing with you enamor and Light, to urge them to make progress in the most challenging and triumphant "Straight Passage" ever known.

No soul will be left behind, no child of God will be ignored or postponed.

Each and every one has its value, and all are honored equally.

Arise, Children of Earth. It is really time to meet their makers and be delighted to discover how loving, compassionate, tolerant and humorists are.

You can listen to Mother / Father God who speaks to listeners and everyone in the historical recording radio is in  / HollowEarthNetwork.

The file is available for everyone on August 10, 2013. You will be amazed and will love to join the conversation. We want to meet you, talk to you and hear your voice, accompanied by his brothers and sisters in loving spirit, the family of their hearts. I will join you too. in these calls.

Until next time, I'm your Sananda, which you have known as Jesus.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 10 18:00 EDT website,


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...