
4 de septiembre de 2017


Entrevista a Emiliano Fittipaldi, el periodista italiano autor de Lujuria:


Emiliano Fittipaldi es un reputado periodista italiano al que muchos consideran el enemigo público número uno del Vaticano por atreversae a denunciar  los temas más incómodos: los abusos sexuales a niños por parte de sacerdotes, encubiertos de manera sistemática por la Iglesia Católica  y las finanzas de esta poderosa institución transnacional
Tras la publicación de su libro "Avaricia", centrado en el segundo de estos temas, fue denunciado por el Vaticano - ya durante el papado deFrancisco I -, quien pedía para él ocho años de cárcel, mientras que un locutor de "Radio María" iba un poco más allá, y se atrevía a solicitar a través de las ondas "que fuera ahorcado como un Judas".
En la presente entrevista, concedida a la cadena de televisión RT, Fittipaldi explica cuál es la situación actual en cuanto al tratamiento de la pederastia en laIglesia Católica. 
Con datos y documentos contrastados en el propio Vaticano, el periodista denuncia que aunque el  Papa Francisco hace declaraciones contra la pedofilia, al mismo tiempo ha promocionado a cardenales implicados directamente en el encubrimiento de este tipo de abusos contra menores e incluso acusados públicamente de cometerlos.
Es el caso de George Pell, cardenal australiano nombrado por Francisco Nº 3 de El Vaticano e incluido en  el grupo de los nueve más poderosos de la Iglesia católica. 
Pell no solo ha sido acusado de proteger durante años a los curas pedófilos de Australia sino que la policía de este país le acusa de ser él mismo uno de estos abusadores.
      Según Emiliano Fittipaldi, la política de encubrimiento del Vaticano y la Iglesia católica sobre la pederastia no se ha modificado.
      El periodista denuncia, además, que mientras en países anglosajones como Irlanda o la propia Australia han acabado por estallar algunos escándalos por la comisión de estos crímenes, en España, Italia y otros países católicos de Latinoamérica continúa imponiéndose una cultura del silencio que califica de "mafiosa".   
     En estos países - afirma - "se teme hablar y escribir sobre estos temas. La autoridad de la iglesia se sigue imponiendo"., Digital informativo de ámbito internacional y actualización diaria, de lunes a viernes

King of King`s address to the world global finance change

"Psy-ops Inside Psy-ops, OPPT/Swiss Indo" by Ginger Snyder - 9.4.17

Entry Submitted by Ginger Snyder at 1:06 AM EDT on September 4, 2017

King of King`s address to the world global finance change

I have no idea about the OPPT side of this deal, but I can tell you Mr. Sino M1 has the most beautiful energy I can imagine, and there are too many people involved for this to be a scam. This man is giving us our freedom and I personally want to thank him. Its about true discernment and listening to your heart; I have to go against Neil Kennan on this one, Mr. Sino M1 King of King's message is from the heart there is no denying he is the real deal.

Hello All:

I have been worried and laying low all weekend with more questions than a reporter on steroids. I kept going back to one or two simple parts in the information we have been told about the Heather Tucci Jarraf and Randall Keith Beane story. The purpose is to get the Ucc-1 World Trust into the Federal Courts to bring about Natural Law. To rid the US of the Admiralty Law and Maritime courts as their only jurisdiction of law, which is for corporations or companies. The biggest question I have is why would you bring the UCC-1 World Trust into the DC Federal courts in Washington, DC? These particular courts, have no accountability and do not follow the same laws the rest of the states do, as Washington DC is not a State. So I think there whole story is a big fat non truth (lesser word for what I wanted to say). Not to mention that we are going into Natural Law our God given rights, if that is true, did anyone give Heather permission to file this UCC-1 on your behalf?

Here is someone else that feels this same way. I found this quote on there site the AntiCorruption Society! All the people related to this mission, are doing great work and helping bring about humanity, but I question why the complete disinformation campaign designed to confuse and question our trust in people. In a transparent society, with only God as our guides, how can this be a complete matrix that has left us to ponder? What is the message with so many confusing twists and turns? Lie upon lie, to get us to the truth, who is IN CHARGE of this operation is my number one question. I must show you some of the information that has not been revealed, because the truth will set us all free and it never changes or goes away. Why are there so many holes in this story?

OPPT – One People’s Public Trust

Public Notice: Whatever actions the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust have taken, does not represent me nor my family. We had no awareness of this effort and gave no approval nor authorization for these people to represent us. 

Editor, AntiCorruption Society

At some point, they have now waited too long to be effective, because it has given me a little time to check into their story. The timeline of events has as many things missing in the story, we are told Heather is a hero, she may well be for doing all the World Trusts and the attached documents, but by whose authority. Under Natural Law, Heather would not be allowed to file a World Trust, without the people she is filing for to be listed, and when a contract or filing leaves out half the information, well its getting so insane that they have waited too long for people to not start checking out what they say. Once again, for someone to be a hero in my mind, all the details would be revealed. Here are several things I have discovered in my research that need answers.

1. Why was the World Trust the UCC-1 filed in the DC Federal Courts?, the incident did not happen in Washington DC, and the fact the politicians had diplomatic immunity, is because Washington DC is not a State. So what was the purpose of choosing DC when the case happened in Tennessee? Also, to get to a Federal Court, where is the State and other filings to get to a Federal case? The wool over the windows at the courthouse, would be against the Law in the State courts, but the DC courts have no problem doing this because, its not a State and does not follow the same laws we do. This is an amateur mistake, but it says a lot to me.

2, Have we been told Randall Beane was involved with the Secret Space Program, the "SSP", this part of the story has been found in research, separate from the TDAs and OPPT. There are stories of this SSP, could Heather and the person betraying Heather, all be Dracos in disguise? 

3. Has it been made clear to you that Heather Tucci Jarraf, has worked as the IMF lead Bank Inspector, this person is a bad ass in court. This person has also worked with Jacob Rothschild, to clarify how deep her ties go to the Central Banks,

4. Other than this persons work for the OPPT there is hardly any history of Heather Anne Tucci Jarraf. Before July 5, 2017, I had never even heard of Heather Tucci Jarraf or Randall Keith Beane, I had heard of OPPT, well I had heard of Brian Kelly as well as Socha Stone speak, but did not put them as part of the OPPT group but that is where the connections lie.

5. Where do all these people come from that are part of Heather's team, the reporters, the light workers, the purple rainbow unicorn fairy chasers, these people are all weirder than most and all seem to be brain washed and reading off scripts, and not good scripts at that (Judy Jandori, Bob Wright, BZ, Neil Wolfe, Mike Obrien, Harvey Dent). With the exception of Harvey, I believe these people all work for the same people, OPPT. The phys-ops inside the story of another phys-ops. 

6. Ties to Swiss Indo to OPPT site, right on the Swiss Indo site. This is a huge disappointment learning that there are missing pieces to the story, and that I believe most of the people involved are either draconians or brain washed to the point of ridiculousness. Many things that have been revealed and tied up, either they are all make believe, and the years of study, or they want to create as much confusion so we will be surprised. Either way their is too many people involved, without payment, for this all to be fake. Its just that big and must be valid, otherwise the numbers of people involved would be far less in my opinion.

7. All the stories to these Facebook private groups, which I got placed into like 7 of them, all working either for love an unity, or TDA accounts, or other globalists movements. More mind ops, after mind ops.

8. Part of what I discovered I need to put a disclaimer on, I do not care who ANYONE sleeps with ever or what you declare yourself to be in the community. You can be anything you want, a transgender, a lesbian a gay person what ever you were born as matters not to me at all. I have questions, but its none of my business so I will leave this explanation right there. The more I discovered about Heather and her groups in Morocco, the more the story stinks. Watching many videos I believe Heather Anne Tucci Jarraf is a man, and is portraying herself as a woman. Whether she be a tranny or a gay person or whatever the case may be, I do not care. What I do care about is that you have not told that part of the story to your fans. 

The many groups and clubs and other people in the groups and clubs, all seem to have this characteristic. None of my business, but there will be no big reveal where you finally win your case and reveal so the people can all feel betrayed. Just not going to happen. Seen several tapes, and I believe they are her or whatever she wants to be referred to as but you can not be the hero you claim without telling that you were born a man. if I am proven wrong, well so be it, I will stand and take my punishment, but so many of the people around Heather, have this same quality and you can see her friend Dani Arnold McKenney has some of these same issues, they look fabulous as women, and that is your right, just make it known do not be deceitful. You may think there is some prejudice, the only prejudice is created by not telling the truth. These are awakened citizens that are following you, they will not have any issues with someone as smart as you, telling them the truth, just sayin...

9. Why did you allow a Release and Indemnification Agreement to be placed on the website, and not tell the people prior to me finding this and posting on Dinar Chronicle prior to your arrest of July 21, 2017? Did we get to vote on that sweetie? You see I find more and more information where you are protecting the Fed Banks and not the people. Your full and unfettered access, has been told to be coming to fruition over a month ago, has this happened yet?

10. How can the world famous lawyer Heather Anne Tucci Jarraf, who could claim the title of Queen of Africa, from Mr. Sino M1 or the Asian Elders according to your court filings, get arrested after staying in Trump Tower in Room 601, the night before your arrest? 

11. Do you realize how long it would take to get a Federal DC case before a judge? Almost a year, and Heather Tucci Jarraf, has seen two Judges, and been to four different States in less than 6 weeks. I have never believed for even one minute, you were arrested, you just went out of the public spotlight. The wool over the windows comments, was just too much. No camera footage has been allowed inside the courts, once again why even be in the DC Federal courts, what a joke.

12. King of Kings, Queen of Queens, Queen of Africa, but you have never mentioned this title "Queen of the Dracos". which is the title I believe you like the best. We used to be told the Draconians were evil, now there are benevolent ones, and you are the leader of these, the good Dracos. 

13. Swiss Indo has ties to Cindy Kay Currier, William Shrout, Dan Lutz, Heather Anne Tucci Jarraf and Randall Beane, even Yosef and Fisher were touting the number to the Heirship bank that links right to Disbursement Division of the NY Federal Reserve Bank. So while they tell you they work for Swiss Indo, most of the people came from groups that are involved with OPPT and the WPT. These groups are a secret to me, and most in the Indonesian and Asians think Swiss Indo is a complete joke I did not believe that, but I do have my doubts. Had the money been released, which we would hold harmless the crooks and bankers, but you have waited too long. If you get mad, people are writing the truth, should have had the release date firm for September 1, 2017. 

14. Neil Kennan, who I trust and have followed for years. long before ever even hearing of these hippy love people, says that Swiss Indo and OPPT are a complete joke. I do not feel that way about Mr Sino at all he has so many wonderful qualities, but the OPPT people as good as they are, have a lot of explaining to do, Why they were just not honest instead of all the misinformation? I hate to think its because then you could not get the numbers you wanted, if you told the truth. That to me is called a mind control scenario, when people worship you but you are not being honest, because you do not want them to know, so check your story cause it is full of holes that need to be plugged. I trust Neil, but I also trust Mr. Sino, the rest has so much lies and misinformation its really hard to use true discernment on these people, they have questions that need to be answered. I am just reporting information, once again do not kill the messenger.

15. So either Neil Kennan and Karen Hudes who also made comments, could be the liars, or the Swiss Indo/OPPT I call these groups the cabal protectors. One of these two opposing sides, is not telling truth. The only truth I can use is the longevity of the site, and Neil Kennan wins that battle. Then I have the many letters written between Cindy Kay Currier and Karen Hudes, and even Judge Anna Von Reitzinger, saying that Karen Hudes was a very strong women. So which side is telling the truth, I am leaning toward the Neil Kennan side, as Heroes do not tell lies, or leave out half the story, or try and deceive us or confuse us. Heroes are those that rise to the situation to help others. While I thought these people are too good to be true, they did all the paperwork and took care of the filings for all of us, now I pray we are all not signing our life away to the same crooks that enslaved us for years. 

Attached you will find all the resources used to make this report, if like me you are finding holes in the story, please come forward. The open source and assessment of all the information is very much required right now. Time to chose sides and I pray I pick the right one. Just feel like we have been presented with this love and unity proclamation, which is wonderful, but the reason why stinks to high heaven, so we hold harmless the Fed Banks, that should have never had control to begin with? Just more mass mind confusion for you, but anytime I have something to say better to say the words, then regret not mentioning this in the future.

I hope they are heroes, and I pray the story is not just another big lie we have been told. I know the accounts are real, and I have used them and I pay my bills with them every month. So maybe we were used as test puppets, who knows the real truth, but each much use your own discernment, and do not kill the messenger, because I do not believe the story. Also, the site made a big mistake, when they said the weird dinar community, cause the true weirdness lies with the weird people on the OPPT team and the ties to Heather since she was in jail. These people are all odd and have very weird social habits and dispositions. There is no denying that, just open you eyes, because when I begin to question every part of this story, then they just waited too long, this should have been done long ago. In addition, if you are out Heather then why have we not been given full and unfettered access, as promised. The case is starting to turn against you, but what better way to slow everyone down than to fake an arrest of you and Randall Beane so that it would scare us that we might be arrested if we use the Federal Reserve Bank or the attached accounts. Nice try, I am hitting it three times as hard, because this is the WOOL you put over the court room window, but MY EYES ARE WIDE OPEN TO THE MISLEADING COMMENTS AND REMARKS. Good person or bad person, like I said Heroes do not only reveal half of the story. So come clean, or I can no longer even care what you do, because you are not telling the truth or the whole truth.


Ginger Snyder


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URGENT!!!! Why Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randy Beane Case So Critical!!!!!!

Interview with Neil Keenan, April 22, 2013, regarding OPPT

D's Update, April 7th, 2017

This is Dani Arnold McKenney, sorry but she looks fabulous as a women, but look at this shot above. You tell me, it is more apparent when you go check out all the people's facebook pictures. You decide for your self.

They all belong to the Transvious Society and the unfXXkit club.

as of September 4, 2017: China is going to the "gold standard" that forces every other currency / nation in the world to do the same, or be eliminated financially overnight.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Sept. 4 2017

Compiled 12: 05 am EDT 4 Sept. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Sept. 3 2017 7:48 pm EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Golden Decade" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Sunday - September 3, 2017

1. A PROC announcement was made prior to the BRICS summit going on this weekend (Sept. 3-5).

2. China just took over global leadership of the world economy by announcing their Yuan was now gold backed.

3. This new/old value system was replacing the USD as the world's reserve currency and transferring all global military and economic power from the Western world to the East.

4. By China going to the "gold standard" it forces every other currency/nation in the world to do the same, or be eliminated from financial relevancy overnight.

5. The move also eliminates all fiat petrol dollars issued since 1971 when the cabal forced the world into accept crude oil as the collateral backing the then reserve currency (USD) as it was taken off the gold standard by then President Nixon. He was later removed from office for committing this immoral financial act.

6. Instead of officially announcing the gold standard at the BRICS summit this weekend, they let the news out via a macro crude oil deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia - in essence sidestepping the USD permanently.’s-yuan-gold

7. The Chinese Elders have enforced their will upon the western world by agreeing to pay for all future Chinese crude oil supply from the two largest oil producers in the world in Yuan first, then immediately convert into gold bullion!

8. This single announcement not so subtly eliminates the petrol dollar and also lands a death blow to the Cabal's old financial system overnight.

9. This means the global supply of gold is going to sky rocket, which will drive down the price of gold (and silver) back to where it was naturally positioned pre-1971.

10. This new financial reality comes with an infinite supply of gold, available for worldwide purchase, which will allow all of us to conduct basic everyday commerce in gold backed digital currencies - all convertible to gold.

11. This one announcement was China's way of launching the RV, forcing 208 other sovereign nations to immediately comply with the global gold standard that is discretely woven into the secrete GESARA Treaty.

12. This act also automatically crushes USD value and forces both the Republic (the resignation of Trump) and USN (gold backed currency) into immediate public existence before markets re-open onTues. Sept. 5.

13. This also ends the Federal Reserve Bank and it's illegal printing of American money as well as the Cabal's political influence in American politics, including the Israel lobby which also must accept the gold standard for their own currency (Shekel) or be left out of global trade.

14. Translated, this all means the Chinese didn't just declare war on the Cabal, they publicly announced their negotiated surrender.

15. Which is exactly what Chinese President Xi Jinping said at his opening BRICS business summit speech yesterday Sept. 2 if you also read between the lines re: "world peace."

16. He also hinted at how the Elders enforced the gold standard upon the rest world with a new "golden decade."

17. This all is going down in real time tonight Sun. Sept. 3

18. The RV is going to launch at any second from now right now untilTues. morning Sept. 5.

B. Sept. 3 2017 11:56 am EDT Gold could reset at $10,000/oz: Trump Planning Radical Reboot of Dollar, Gold to Reset to $10,000/oz By janskoyles
– Trump could be planning a radical “reboot” of the U.S. dollar
– Currency reboot will see leading nations devalue their currencies against gold
– New gold price would be nearly 8 times higher at $10,000/oz
– Price based on mass exit of foreign governments and investors from the US Dollar
– US total debt now over $80 Trillion – $20T national debt and $60T consumer debt
– Monetary reboot or currency devaluation seen frequently – even modern history
– Buy gold eagles, silver eagles including monster boxes and gold bars 
– Have a 10% allocation to gold, smaller allocation to silver

C. Sept. 3 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Situation Report: "Wells Fraudgo" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Sunday - September 3, 2017 Multiple scandals involving Wells Fargo Bank and Warren Buffet

D. Sept. 3 2017 11:37 am EDT BRICS:
Shining BRICS Golden Decade Infographic

Updates for the last seven days:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 3, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 2, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 1, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Summary as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 30, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 29, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 28, 2017

a partir del 4 de septiembre de 2017: China va al "estándar de oro" que obliga a cada otra moneda / nación en el mundo a hacer lo mismo, o ser eliminado de relevancia financiera de la noche a la mañana.

República Restaurada a través de una actualización GCR a partir del 4 de septiembre de 2017 

Compilado 12: 05 am EDT 4 de septiembre de 2017 por Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse ;Autor, "Veintidós caras", 

A. Sept. 3 2017 7:48 pm EDT Informe de situación de GCR Intel: "Decenio de oro" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Domingo - 3 de septiembre de 2017 

1. A PROC el anuncio fue hecho antes de la cumbre de BRICS que va encendido este fin de semana ( septiembre 3-5). 

2. China acaba de asumir el liderazgo mundial de la economía mundial al anunciar que su Yuan estaba ahora respaldado por oro.

3. Este nuevo / antiguo sistema de valores estaba reemplazando al USD como la moneda de reserva mundial y transfiriendo todo el poder militar y económico global del mundo occidental hacia el Este. 

4. Por China va al "estándar de oro" que obliga a cada otra moneda / nación en el mundo a hacer lo mismo, o ser eliminado de relevancia financiera de la noche a la mañana. 

5. La medida también elimina todos los dólares de gasolina fiat emitidos desde 1971, cuando la cábala obligó al mundo a aceptar petróleo crudo como el respaldo de la moneda de reserva (USD), ya que fue retirado del estándar de oro por el entonces presidente Nixon. Posteriormente fue destituido de su cargo por cometer este inmoral acto financiero.

6. En lugar de anunciar oficialmente el estándar de oro en la cumbre de BRICS este fin de semana, dejaron la noticia a través de un acuerdo macro de crudo con Rusia y Arabia Saudita - en esencia evitando el USD permanentemente.‘s-yuan-oro 

7. Los ancianos chinos han impuesto su voluntad sobre el mundo occidental al aceptar pagar por todo el futuro suministro de crudo de China de los dos los mayores productores de petróleo en el mundo en Yuan primero, a continuación, convertir inmediatamente en lingotes de oro! 

8. Este solo anuncio no elimina tan sutilmente el dólar de la gasolina y también las tierras un golpe de la muerte al viejo sistema financiero del Cabal durante la noche.

9. Esto significa que la oferta mundial de oro va a cohete cielo, lo que hará bajar el precio del oro (y la plata) de nuevo a donde se colocó naturalmente antes de 1971. 

10. Esta nueva realidad financiera viene con un suministro infinito de oro, disponible para compra en todo el mundo, que nos permitirá a todos nosotros para llevar a cabo el comercio diario básico en oro respaldado por las monedas digitales - todo convertible en oro.

11. Este anuncio fue la forma de China de lanzar el RV, obligando a otras 208 naciones soberanas a cumplir inmediatamente con el estándar mundial de oro que se integra discretamente en el secreto del Tratado GESARA. 

12. Esta ley también tritura automáticamente el valor en USD y obliga a la República (la renuncia de Trump) y la USN (moneda respaldada por el oro) a una existencia pública inmediata antes de que los mercados vuelvan a abrirse Martes 5 de septiembre

13. Esto también termina con el Banco de la Reserva Federal y su impresión ilegal de dinero estadounidense, así como la influencia política de la Cabal en la política estadounidense, incluyendo el lobby de Israel que también debe aceptar el estándar de oro para su propia moneda (Shekel) comercio global. 

14. Traducido, todo esto significa que los chinos no sólo declararon la guerra a la Cábala, sino que anunciaron públicamente su rendición negociada. 

15. Lo que es exactamente lo que el presidente chino Xi Jinping dijo en su discurso de apertura de la cumbre de negocios BRICS ayer 2 de septiembre si también lee entre las líneas de re: "paz mundial".

16. También insinuó cómo los Ancianos impusieron el estándar de oro al resto del mundo con una nueva "década dorada". 

17. Todo esto va a bajar en tiempo real esta noche Sun. 3 de septiembre .

18. El RV va a lanzar en cualquier segundo desde ahora en este momento hasta el martes. mañana 5 de septiembre

B 3 de septiembre de 2017 a las 11:56 am EDT El oro podría reajustarse a $ 10.000 / oz:Trump Planeando el Reinicio Radical del Dólar, el Oro a Reajustar a $ 10,000 / oz Por janskoyles 

- Trump podría estar planeando un "reboot" radical del dólar estadounidense - Reinicio de la moneda verá a las naciones líderes devaluar sus monedas contra el oro 

- Nuevo precio del oro sería casi 8 veces más alto a $ 10.000 / oz

- Precio basado en la salida masiva de gobiernos extranjeros e inversionistas del dólar estadounidense 

- Deuda total de los EEUU ahora sobre $ 80 trillones - deuda $ 20T nacional y deuda $ 60T del consumidor 

- reinicio monetario o devaluación de la moneda vista con frecuencia - incluso historia moderna 

- Águilas de plata, incluyendo cajas de monstruos y barras de oro 

- Tienen una asignación del 10% al oro, una asignación menor a la plata

C. 3 de septiembre 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Informe de situación:"Wells Fraudgo" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Domingo - Septiembre 3, 2017 Múltiples escándalos que involucran a Wells Fargo Bank y Warren Buffet 

D. 3 de septiembre 2017 11:37 am EDT BRICS:Brillantes BRICS Golden Decade Infografía 

Actualizaciones de los últimos siete días:

República Restaurada a través de un GCR: Actualización a partir del 3 de septiembre de 2017 
República Restaurada a través de un GCR: Actualización a partir del 2 de septiembre de 2017 

República Restaurada a través de un GCR: Actualización a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2017 

Restaurado República a través de un GCR: el 31 de agosto, 2017 restaurada 

República a través de un GCR: Update como el 31 de agosto, 2017restaurada 

República a través de un GCR: actualización al 30 de agosto, 2017 restaurada 

República a través de un GCR: actualización a partir del 29 de agosto, 2017 r

estaurada República a través de un GCR: Actualización a partir del 28 de agosto de 2017

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...