
13 de abril de 2018

Post navigatio→ Mike Quinsey’s Higherself: Gradual Change

mikequinseyWith the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. As the vibrations continue to lift up, there will be more people that are able to discern it who along with the newer generations will have a voice that will be heard and not easily dismissed.
To clean up politics will not be easy and a complete clear out of those who refuse to let go of the old ways may be necessary. Politics has tended to be corrupt and barely supports the rights of the people. The situation is far from helped because of the actions of the Illuminati, who for many years have illegally directed funds to themselves to pay for their military activities. Of recent times they have had many sources of their support cut off, and are finding it hard to continue funding their extremely costly activities. Along with the continuing arrests of their members, they have become weakened and struggle to keep all their needs fully funded.
However, as you have already been told, those working for the Light have well prepared for the inevitable time when politics will be cleansed of all those who have used their position for their own benefit. In the new vibrations there is no place for those who only serve self, and they will be replaced by those who put the people first. Politics has to change so that it is truly representative of the New Age that represents “compassion”. Things will change for the better, and much is being held back until the Illuminati and their supporters are no longer seen as a threat to the future.
Never lose heart as the time of changes inevitably causes some chaos, as the old ways are upheld by those who will not let go. However it will be to no avail as the New Age has brought with it a different way of life that brings more harmony and less disruption. People do not normally like change preferring to keep that which they are familiar with, but none will regret having to see or experience things in a different light. Your future has been planned for a very long time, and every effort will be put in to ensure there is a transition that is smooth and efficient. There is much to do so it will inevitably take more time than you probably imagine, but in spite of the delays the preparations are well in hand. The aim is to have things ready for you so that they can be applied very quickly once it is the right time to do so. From time to time you will almost certainly hear of what is planned for you, and it will be all good news.
The truth of your real history is gradually coming out, and you will find that it is somewhat different to what you have been taught. The development of Man is now open to question due to so many different types having been found. The manner in which they were isolated during their evolution, shows a distinct intention for them to develop completely separated from other groups. You are being led to find the truth regarding your history, so that you have a true appreciation of it, and its importance is too great to be hidden away for much longer. Looking at your world as a whole you are now quickly realising that its development bears many signs of extraterrestrial influence and help. In all phases of human development they have been present, and guided you onto a path that is intended to keep you on track according to the plan for your evolution.
The last cycle was a tremendous test of your staying power and ability to keep centred when nothing but chaos existed around you. Many souls could not see any future ahead of them other than continual aggression and confrontation, yet they persevered and gained sufficient strength to lift themselves up. Many put their faith in God and in so doing found the strength to carry on when all seemed lost. God is always within every single soul, and you have a God cell that will always be with you, and you are immortal and have everlasting life. In your Bible it is explained as Man being made in the image of God, so you will understand that you have the potential of becoming a God yourself. After all, you have almost certainly heard of the stories that tell of souls being sent out from the Godhead to experience, and later to return to it with the benefit of what they have learnt. Can you now see why you are referred to as Gods in the making.
At the moment you are only just stepping upon the path back to the higher dimensions from whence you came, and it will be your first taste of what is to come. No words can describe the absolute bliss that you will experience in the purity of the Light that is your real home. You may not recall it but as you return to the Light it will have a familiar feel to it. So never give up or despair as you have everything to look forward to, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find what the future holds for you. Ascension is of course your present goal and another step on the path back to where you started from. Your difficulty has arisen from being cut off from the truth of your being, but it was necessary to keep you focussed on your goal. Now you are free from those restrictions, and you can choose which path to take you will have those who guide you on hand with their advice should you need it.
You have been kept in the dark for so long that you will have a lot to take in, but it will prepare you for the next stages in your evolution. Life is about experiencing and learning so that you are on a continual path of development. You are by no means the first soul to tread this path and certainly will not be the last. You have freewill and a say in your life plan but will be helped to make such decisions so as to ensure your time is not wasted. Nevertheless, you can take on as much as you wish, or as little but a wise soul will heed what advice their Guides give them as they can always see the bigger picture, and probably know you better than you know yourself.
Keep your focus upon the goal you have set yourself, and know that you always have help on hand should you need it. You are always protected except in karmic situations where you may have lessons to learn, but in the New Age you have not brought forward old karma, so tread carefully and avoid making more. You are all in a situation where the need for karmic lessons will be immediately dealt with. The more you lift up with the Light, the less you will encounter negativity. So keep calm and focussed upon your goal and you have every chance of success.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Amazon cambia la respuesta que da Alexa cuando se le pregunta sobre Chemtrails

Verdad Creciente EraoflightRecientemente se descubrieron cejas cuando se supo que el dispositivo Alexa de Amazon proporcionaba una respuesta bastante curiosa cuando se le preguntaba sobre los chemtrails, pero parece que el asistente digital popular ya puede haber sido silenciado por los "poderes que sí existen".
Múltiples videos que circulan en línea en los últimos días han demostrado que, cuando se le preguntó "¿Qué es un chemtrail?", El dispositivo respondió con una respuesta increíble que parecía respaldar la infame teoría de la conspiración.
Específicamente, dijo que los chemtrails eran "rastros dejados por los aviones en realidad son agentes químicos o biológicos rociados deliberadamente a gran altura con un propósito no revelado al público en general en programas clandestinos dirigidos por funcionarios del gobierno".
Cuando el sitio web Mashable escribió sobre esta extraña respuesta, la noticia comenzó a extenderse rápidamente y, al parecer, finalmente llegó a Amazon, quien rápidamente cambió la respuesta de los dispositivos a la explicación más prosaica de chemtrails que dice que son simplemente gases de escape de motores a reacción.

Amazon Changes the Answer that Alexa Gives When Asked About Chemtrails

truth rising eraoflightEyebrows were raised recently when it was learned that Amazon’s Alexa device provided a rather curious response when asked about chemtrails, but it seems that the popular digital assistant may have already been silenced by the ‘powers that be.’
Multiple videos circulating online over the last few days have shown that, when asked “what is a chemtrail,” the device responded with an incredible answer that appeared to endorse the infamous conspiracy theory.
Specifically, it said that chemtrails were “trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials.”
When the website Mashable wrote about this weird answer, word quickly began to spread online and, it would seem, eventually reached Amazon, who swiftly changed the devices response to the more prosaic explanation for chemtrails which says that they are simply jet engine exhaust.

Desde que cambiamos el milenio, España ha necesitado 5.000 MILLONES de euros mensuales de prestado.

España ha demostrado en los últimos 40 años, y sobre todo en el siglo XXI, que no tiene ni idea de cómo hacerlo para ser un país productivo y competitivo.
Desde que cambiamos de milenio, los españoles han vivido, aparte del sudor de los catalanes, de las ayudas de Europa y de prestado...

No existiría la Seguridad Social tal como al conocemos si no fuera porque desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad, el gobierno español se ha endeudado en 800.000 MILLONES; le ha robado a Catalunya unos 250.000 MILLONES de euros; y ha recibido un saldo positivo con la UE de algo más de 50.000 MILLONES de euros.

Ya ven, el gobierno español ha necesitado 1'1 BILLONES de más para mantener a España en el "primer mundo"...
Es evidente que es un fraude, una mentira. 5.000 MILLONES mensuales caídos del cielo han hecho que no hubiera reventado la Sanidad, la Educación y las Pensiones.

President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Designate Personnel to Key Administration Posts

Issued on: 
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:
Andrew M. Saul of New York, to be Commissioner of Social Security, for the remainder of a six year term expiring January 19, 2019 and for an additional six year term expiring January 19, 2025.  Mr. Saul is currently a partner with Saul Partners, L.P. His previous business positions include: Chairman of the Board of Cache, Inc., President of Brooks Fashion Stores, Inc., and President of BR Investors. His previous public service includes tenures as Chairman of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board and Vice Chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Presently, he is a Commissioner for Westchester County, New York. Mr. Saul’s philanthropic involvement includes serving as Vice Chairman of the Mt. Sinai Health System in New York City, Vice Chairman of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, a Trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a Trustee for the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. He is a former board member of the United Jewish Appeal Federation of New York. Mr. Saul is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, and serves on its Board of Overseers.
Bonnie Glick of Maryland, to be Deputy Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Ms. Glick has served across public, private, and non-profit sectors for nearly three decades.  She currently serves as the Deputy Secretary in the Maryland Department of Aging and began her career as a Foreign Service Officer in the Department of State, serving in the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, the State Department, and the White House.  Following her diplomatic service, she spent twelve years with IBM managing accounts with USAID and the State Department.  Ms. Glick previously worked in the non-profit sector as a senior executive bringing American corporate funding to international exchange programs.  She received her M.B.A. from the University of Maryland, her M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University, and her B.A. from Cornell University.
David Fabian Black of North Dakota, to be Deputy Commissioner of Social Security for the remainder of a six-year term expiring January 19, 2019.  Mr. Black currently serves as the White House Senior Advisor at the Social Security Administration.  He served as SSA’s General Counsel from October 2007 until July 2015.  From 2004 through 2007, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.  Mr. Black is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve where he deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the Global War on Terrorism and earned a Bronze Star Medal.   Mr. Black holds a J.D. from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in political science, summa cum laude, from the University of North Dakota.
Frederick Perpall of Texas, as Small Business Member on the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for the remainder of a three-year term expiring December 17, 2020.
Louis DeJoy of North Carolina, as Public Member on the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for the remainder of a three-year term expiring December 17, 2020.
President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to designate the following individual to a key position in his Administration:
John F. Ring of the District of Columbia, has been designated Chair of the National Labor Relations Board.

El presidente Donald J. Trump anuncia la intención de nominar y designar personal para puestos clave de la administración

Bonnie Glick de Maryland, para ser Administradora Adjunta de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional

.La Sra. Glick ha trabajado en sectores públicos, privados y sin fines de lucro durante casi tres décadas. Actualmente se desempeña como Secretaria Adjunta en el Departamento de Envejecimiento de Maryland y comenzó su carrera como Oficial de Servicio Exterior en el Departamento de Estado, sirviendo en la Misión de los Estados Unidos ante las Naciones Unidas, Etiopía, Nicaragua, el Departamento de Estado y la Casa Blanca. . Después de su servicio diplomático, pasó doce años con las cuentas de administración de IBM con USAID y el Departamento de Estado. La Sra. Glick trabajó anteriormente en el sector sin fines de lucro como ejecutiva sénior y aportó fondos corporativos estadounidenses a programas de intercambio internacional. Recibió su MBA de la Universidad de Maryland, su maestría en Asuntos Internacionales de la Universidad de Columbia y su licenciatura de la Universidad de Cornell.

David Fabian Black de Dakota del Norte, para ser Comisionado Adjunto de la Seguridad Social por el resto de un período de seis años que vence el 19 de enero de 2019. Actualmente , el Sr. Black se desempeña como Asesor Principal de la Casa Blanca en la Administración del Seguro Social. Se desempeñó como Asesor General de la SSA desde octubre de 2007 hasta julio de 2015. Desde 2004 hasta 2007, se desempeñó como Subsecretario Adjunto en la Oficina de Derechos Civiles del Departamento de Educación. El Sr. Black es un Teniente Coronel en la Reserva del Ejército de los EE. UU. Donde se desplegó en Afganistán e Irak en apoyo de la Guerra Global contra el Terrorismo y obtuvo una Medalla de la Estrella de Bronce. El Sr. Black tiene un JD de la Universidad de Minnesota y una licenciatura en ciencias políticas, summa cum laude, de la Universidad de Dakota del Norte.

Frederick Perpall de Texas, como Miembro de Pequeñas Empresas en el Consejo de Administración de Overseas Private Investment Corporation por el resto de un período de tres años que expira el 17 de diciembre de 2020.

Louis DeJoy, de Carolina del Norte, como miembro público de la Junta Directiva de Overseas Private Investment Corporation por el resto de un período de tres años que expira el 17 de diciembre de 2020.


El presidente Donald J. Trump anunció hoy su intención de designar al siguiente individuo para ocupar un puesto clave en su Administración:

John F. Ring del Distrito de Columbia, ha sido designado Presidente de la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales.

Emitido en: 12 de abril de 2018

La trata de personas es una forma moderna del tipo de explotación más antigua y más bárbara. No tiene lugar en nuestro mundo. Presidente Donald J. Trump

Al firmar la ley Permitir que los estados y las víctimas luchen contra la trata de personas en Internet, el presidente Donald J. Trump brinda herramientas invaluables para luchar contra el azote del tráfico sexual

La trata de personas es una forma moderna del tipo de explotación más antigua y más bárbara. No tiene lugar en nuestro mundo.

Presidente Donald J. Trump

RECURSOS PARA FINALIZAR EL TRÁFICO SEXUAL: Permitir que Estados y Víctimas Luchen contra el Tráfico Sexual en Línea de 2017 (FOSTA), que incluye la Ley de Detener la Habilidad de Tráfico Sexual de 2017 (SESTA), brindará a las fuerzas del orden y nuevas herramientas para combatir el tráfico sexual.
FOSTA enmienda la Ley de Comunicaciones de 1934 para crear una excepción para el tráfico sexual, facilitando la orientación de sitios web con acciones legales para permitir tales delitos. Debajo del paquete:
las "Disposiciones sobre decencia en las comunicaciones" ya no pueden interpretarse como menoscabo o limitación de la acción civil o el enjuiciamiento penal en relación con el tráfico sexual; y
aquellos que se benefician de "participar en una empresa", ayudar a sabiendas a apoyar o facilitar un acto de tráfico sexual ahora están en violación del código penal federal.
Además, FOSTA ofrece un nuevo recurso legal para las víctimas y las fuerzas del orden público, mediante:
la mejora de las penas -una multa, una pena de prisión de hasta 25 años, o ambas cosas- para las personas que promueven o facilitan la prostitución de cinco o más personas o que contribuyen al tráfico sexual a través de la indiferencia imprudente;
Permitir que las víctimas o personas damnificadas del tráfico sexual busquen justicia contra los sitios web que ayudan a violar las leyes federales de tráfico sexual. y
Permitir que los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley del estado tomen medidas contra las personas o empresas que violen las leyes federales de tráfico sexual.

EL TRÁFICO SEXUAL HUMANO ES UNA EPIDEMIA: El tráfico sexual humano es una plaga para nuestra gran nación y el mundo.
El tráfico sexual es una forma global de esclavitud moderna en la que las personas son obligadas a realizar actos sexuales comerciales en contra de su voluntad.
Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, puede haber hasta 24,9 millones de víctimas de trabajo forzado en todo el mundo. De estos, 4.8 millones estaban en explotación sexual forzada.
Más del 99 por ciento de las personas objeto de trata atrapadas en la explotación sexual forzada son mujeres.
Más del 21 por ciento de los que son objeto de tráfico sexual son niños.
Estados Unidos es un país de origen, tránsito y destino para hombres, mujeres y niños, ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y ciudadanos extranjeros, víctimas de la trata de personas y el tráfico sexual.
En el año fiscal 2017, las Investigaciones de Seguridad Nacional (ICE / HSI) del Servicio de Inmigración y Aduanas del DHS iniciaron 833 casos de trata de personas, lo que resultó en 1.602 arrestos y 578 condenas, e identificaron a 518 víctimas de trata de personas.
Desde 2007, la Línea Directa Nacional de Tráfico de Personas ha recibido informes de 22.191 casos de tráfico sexual en los Estados Unidos.
De los casi 25,000 niños fugados reportados al Centro Nacional para Menores Desaparecidos y Explotados, uno de cada siete eran probablemente víctimas del tráfico sexual infantil.
La economía sexual clandestina es una industria multimillonaria. Un estudio de 2014 del Urban Institute estimó que el valor combinado de la economía sexual clandestina en Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, Seattle, San Diego y Washington, DC es de entre $ 39.9 y $ 290 millones.
Las situaciones que enfrentan las víctimas del tráfico sexual varían ampliamente:
Algunos son manipulados o forzados a la prostitución por parejas románticas;
Algunos son atraídos con falsas promesas de trabajo, frecuentemente modelando o bailando; y
Algunos son forzados a la prostitución por padres o familiares.
El tráfico sexual ocurre en todos los grupos de población y ocurre en una amplia gama de lugares, incluidos sitios web o anuncios en línea, en diversos negocios y en la calle.

CONTINUANDO PARA ACTUAR: La firma de FOSTA es una continuación de los esfuerzos del presidente Donald J. Trump para llevar la lucha a los traficantes de personas.
La Fuerza de Tarea Interinstitucional del Presidente para Monitorear y Combatir la Trata de Personas (PTIF) trabaja día y noche para enjuiciar a los traficantes, proteger a las víctimas y prevenir la trata de personas.
En marzo de 2018, a la luz de la inminente aprobación de FOSTA, Ivanka Trump dirigió una mesa redonda bipartidista y bicameral sobre la trata de personas.
También en marzo de 2018, el Presidente nombró a nueve sobrevivientes de trata de personas para que prestasen servicios en el Consejo Asesor sobre Trata de Personas de los Estados Unidos por un período de dos años.
El Presidente designó enero de 2018 como el "Mes de Prevención de la Esclavitud y la Trata de Personas", reafirmando el compromiso de su Administración de hacer todo lo que esté a su alcance para poner fin a la horrible práctica de la trata de personas.
En septiembre de 2017, Ivanka Trump y el vicesecretario de Estado Sullivan se unieron a más de 20 líderes mundiales en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas para un llamamiento mundial para acabar con la esclavitud moderna y anunciar la subvención de $ 25 millones del Departamento de Estado para el Fondo Mundial para Acabar con la Esclavitud Moderna.
En febrero de 2017, el Presidente firmó la Orden Ejecutiva 13773, "Hacer cumplir la Ley Federal con Respecto a la Organización Criminal Transnacional y Prevenir el Tráfico Internacional".

Human trafficking is a modern form of the oldest and most barbaric type of exploitation. It has no place in our world. President Donald J. Trump

RESOURCES TO END SEX TRAFFICKING: The Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 (FOSTA), which includes the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017 (SESTA), will give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.
  • FOSTA amends the Communications Act of 1934 to create an exception for sex trafficking, making it easier to target websites with legal action for enabling such crimes. Under the package:
    • the “Communications Decency Provisions” can no longer be construed to impair or limit civil action or criminal prosecution relating to sex trafficking; and
    • those benefiting from “participating in a venture,” knowingly assisting supporting, or facilitating an act of sex trafficking are now in violation of the Federal criminal code.
  • In addition, FOSTA provides new legal recourse for victims and law enforcement alike, by:
    • enhancing penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to 25 years, or both—for people who promote or facilitate the prostitution of five or more people or who contribute to sex trafficking through reckless disregard;
    • allowing victims or damaged individuals of sex trafficking seek justice against websites that assist in the violation of Federal sex trafficking laws; and
    • enabling State law enforcement officials to take action against individuals or businesses that violate Federal sex trafficking laws.
HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING IS AN EPIDEMIC: Human sex trafficking is a plague upon our great Nation and the world.
  • Sex trafficking is a global form of modern-day slavery in which individuals are coerced to perform commercial sex acts against their will.
    • Per the International Labor Organization, there may be as many as 24.9 million victims of forced labor across the world. Of these, 4.8 million were in forced sexual exploitation.
    • Over 99 percent of trafficked individuals trapped in forced sexual exploitation are women.
    • Over 21 percent of those trafficked for sex are children.
  • The United States is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children—both United States citizens and foreign nationals—victimized by human trafficking and sex trafficking.
    • In FY 2017, DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations (ICE/HSI) initiated 833 human trafficking cases, resulting in 1,602 arrests and 578 convictions, and identified 518 victims of human trafficking.
    • Since 2007, the National Human Trafficking Hotline has received reports of 22,191 sex trafficking cases in the United States.
    • Of the nearly 25,000 runaway children reports to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, one in seven were likely victims of child sex trafficking.
    • The underground sex economy is a multimillion dollar industry. A 2014 Urban Institute study estimated the combined worth of the underground sex economy in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington, D.C., to be between $39.9 and $290 million.
  • The situations that sex trafficking victims face vary widely:
    • Some are manipulated or forced into prostitution by romantic partners;
    • Some are lured in with false job promises, frequently modeling or dancing; and
    • Some are forced into prostitution by parents or family members.
  • Sex trafficking happens to every population group and occurs in a wide range of venues, including online websites or ads, at varying businesses, and on the street.
CONTINUING TO TAKE ACTION: Signing the FOSTA is a continuation of President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to take the fight to human traffickers.
  • The President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PTIF) is working around the clock to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent human trafficking.
  • In March 2018, in light of the impending passage of FOSTA, Ivanka Trump led a bipartisan, bicameral roundtable discussion on Human Trafficking.
  • Also in March 2018, the President appointed nine human trafficking survivors to serve on the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking for terms of two years.
  • The President designated January 2018 as “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month,” reaffirming his Administration’s commitment to do all in its power to end the horrific practice of human trafficking.
  • In September 2017, Ivanka Trump and Deputy Secretary of State Sullivan joined more than 20 world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly for a global call to end modern slavery and to announce the State Department’s $25 million grant to the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery.
  • In February 2017, the President signed Executive Order 13773, “Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organization and Preventing International Trafficking.”

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...