Estem amb rumb segur a la recessió: Alemanya, el motor de l'economia europea està en crisi, Europa estancada, EUA desaccelerant el seu creixement, i en general un entorn tèrbol. La guerra comercial EUA amb la Xina, el Brexit, tensions en matèria del petroli amb l'Iran, la situació d'Argentina, això no pinta bé perquè crea una tremenda incertesa en els mercats. Xina va devaluar la seva moneda fins a un nivell que desencadena una guerra de divises; sobre això la situació de Hong Kong en perill de ser intervinguda per la Xina, que desaccelera el seu creixement com a resultat de la guerra comercial que la porta a nivells de creixement equivalents a l'any 2002; altres països en similar situació ens mostren que la recessió és imminent i no tema de discussió, sinó de mesurar la gravetat del fenomen i prendre providències ... Argentina, víctima d'una situació insostenible, ens mostra les conseqüències del model d'estat totalment estatista, dependent dels diners dels altres, i no de l'economia productiva que no creu en mercats, i aquests no creuen en l'Argentina. Com els problemes no vénen sols, el antisistema en la seva marxa irrefrenable, es porta tot per davant d'acord amb els pactes de l'aliança terra i la exopolítica, que donen un marc al pla GESARA, que s'inicia amb el sistema "Quantun Financial Sistem" (QFS) implantat en el món financer, a partir de la matinada del dia 15 d'agost de el 2019. La computació quàntica ofereix una tecnologia impossible de desxifrar, i consisteix en la connexió de tots els bancs del món a un sistema monetari internacional recolzat per actius d'or. Els governs sistèmics i els mitjans de comunicació callen per evitar el pànic financer. Aquesta informació és important i de transcendència a nivell internacional, però té un calendari dels propers dos anys i només mig any d'avanç; els governs segueixen mantenint silenci, perquè només ho faran quan no els quedi més que comunicar obligats per les circumstàncies. El nou sistema té per objecte donar per acabada la manipulació, la usura i la corrupció de l'estat. La computació quàntica crea un encriptació pràcticament impossible de desxifrar el que permet una comunicació interbancària i segura de qualsevol tipus de ciberatacs. Aquest sistema QFS, s'executa a través d'un ordinador central que es troba en un satèl·lit en òrbita, i està protegit pel "Sistema Espacial Secret" per evitar pirateria, és completament independent del sistema bancari centralitzat existent, després de la revaluació de les divises sostenible, aquesta revaluació deixarà obsoletes a totes les moneda digital que no tinguin suport d'or, ja que són només notacions en bancs i dígits en computadores. La computació quàntica, permet crear una moneda inclassificable i irreproduïble, a causa de les propietats úniques dels estats quàntics, on no es pot copiar el que no se sap, i si s'intenta llegir-la, no s'obté la resposta correcta, perquè els estats quàntics estan en constant canvi i l'únic moment en què es dóna la resposta correcta és quan es dóna la pregunta exacta. Com ve la fi de la corrupció, la manipulació i la usura, on el "SOBIRÀ" resulta víctima d'impostos abusius, interessos injustos, i excessos d'autoritat, callen els governs, callen els mitjans, i mentrestant el món es regira entre els vicis, les mentides i la corrupció.
Uninsured are heading into recession: Germany, the engine of the European economy is in crisis, stagnant Europe, USA slowing its growth, and generally a murky environment. The US trade war with China, the Brexit, tensions on oil with Iran, the situation in Argentina, this does not look good because it creates tremendous uncertainty in the markets. China devalued its currency to a level that triggers a currency war; about that the situation of Hong Kong in danger of being taken over by China, which slowed its growth as a result of the trade war that leads to growth levels equivalent to 2002; other countries in similar situations show that the recession is imminent and no topic of discussion, but to measure the seriousness of the problem and take orders ... Argentina, victim of an untenable situation shows us the consequences of totally statist model state, dependent on the money of others, and not the productive economy does not believe in markets, and they do not believe in Argentina. The problems do not come alone, the anti - system in their unstoppable march, carried all before it in accordance with the covenants of the earth alliance and Exopolitics, which provide a framework to GESARA plan, which starts with the "Quantun Financial Sistem" system (QFS) implanted in the financial world, from the morning of August 15, 2019. Quantum computing offers a technology impossible to decipher, and involves connecting all the world's banks to an international monetary system backed by gold assets. Systemic governments and the media are silent to avoid financial panic. This information is important and significance internationally, but has a calendar for the next two years and only half a year in advance; governments continue to maintain silence because they will only when there is more than communicate them forced by circumstances. The new system is intended to terminate the handling, usury and state corruption. Quantum computing creates a virtually impossible to decipher allowing interbank and secure any communication encryption cyberattacks. This QFS system runs through a central computer located in a satellite in orbit, and is protected by the "Secret Space System" to prevent piracy, it is completely independent of the existing centralized banking system, after the revaluation of sustainable currencies, this revaluation will leave obsolete all criptomonedas not have gold backing, as they are notations only banks and digits in computers. Quantum computing, can create an unclassifiable and irreproducible currency, due to the unique properties of quantum states, where you can not copy what you do not know, and if you try to read it, the correct answer is not obtained, because states quantum they are constantly changing and the only time the correct answer is given when the exact question is given. How comes to corruption, manipulation and usury, where the "sovereign" is the victim of abusive taxes, unfair interests, and excesses of authority, Callan governments, Callan media, and meanwhile the world revolves between vices, lies and corruption.
Cases of complaints against members of the Catholic Church met from the scandal of Father Julio Cesar Grassi in 2002
May 12, 2017
Abuse, silence, protection. This framework is repeated in many of the 62 cases reported in Argentina since 2002, after the scandal broke Father Julio Cesar Grassi.
An investigation by the agency Telam -of journalists Toninello Lucia and Mariana Garcia, reveals that the complaint against Grassi is not an isolated incident: since four new complaints were added per year and only three cases were sanctioned with the penalty provided by canon law: the expulsion of the priesthood .
Are 59 priests and three nuns denounced in the country . Of these, eight received a court sentence . The data show how a complex system of responsibilities within the Church allows rarely have a conviction .
"Most cases are not reported. The Church denounces are the victims who dare to tell what happened to them and for them is a very painful process . These numbers show the arbitrariness of canonical trial, because except in cases that are indefensible or have had a lot of public importance, expulsion does not materialize , "he told Telam Carlos Lombardi, attorney for the Survivors Network of those Abuse Ecclesiasticus and one of the few specialists in canon law of the country that do not belong to the Church .
In our country official records on the number of priests or nuns reported no records. There is also no record of how many are the victims.
Following regional notes published in national media and agency reports and consulting own sources, Telam rebuilt a map of pedophilia within the church using the same mechanism of La Casa del Encuentro, an NGO that carries out the only national registry that exists on femicide. This map shows that in most cases the Church did not accompany the victims, abusers and had a history and that transfers are the most frequent response to a complaint.
"There are different levels of responsibility in transfers. These different levels and that fragmentation and discretion conspire against zero tolerance and other premises of the Pope about the abuses , " he acknowledged in an interview with Telam Bishop Sergio Buenanueva , chairman of the committee of Ministries the episcopate.
Cases of priests "transferred" from one diocese to another, when they weigh about allegations of abuse are not isolated episodes. The Provolo case, one of the most recent, is a clear example of the procedure given in the Church.
In these 15 years, only three priests were punished with dismissal from the clerical state, which means they can no longer exercise the priesthood more
Buenanueva, who in 2011 was appointed to develop a protocol to follow when allegations of abuse, admitted he does not know how many priests denounced nor convicted and held in the Church today "there is no single criterion" . It all depends on the order to which belongs the abuser, whether exercised or not as a priest. And if Bishop, research then borne by the Vatican. Thus, overlapping responsibilities may end up working as a network of cover - up.
In these 15 years, only three priests were punished with dismissal from the clerical state, which means they can no longer exercise over the priesthood: Miguel Angel Santurio (2013, sentenced to 14 years for aggravated sexual abuse against 5 guys), José Mercau and Cristian Gramlich (Pope Francisco who ordered the sanction against the two priests of San Isidro, but the complaint was never brought to justice).
The following list -reconstruida by Telam - reveals the names, positions and status of cases in the criminal justice ecclesiastical and religious accused of abusing since 2002. cases never came to justice included, still underinvestigation, which they had condemned and those who were dismissed.
1- Luis Anguita. Denounced and dismissed in 2004 for raping a 13 year old girl. He served in the Holy Land Franciscan College of the City of Buenos Aires. Without conviction.
2- Luis Alberto Brizzio. Accused of molesting a 16 year old in Santa Fe. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he ruled that when these events took the complainant was of age and ruled the crime. There was no judicial complaint.
3- Father Walter Eduardo Avanzini. In 1998 a TV program showed how he paid for sex with children and adolescents in a square of Cordoba. It was not investigated.
4- Miguel Cacciuto. Accused in 2009 of abuse in a kindergarten in Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires. Current pastor of the Holy Family of Mar del Plata. He was not convicted.
5- Ladislao Chomin. Sentenced in 2012 to 4 years in prison for sexual abuse of a girl in Misiones. He served house arrest.
6- Nicolas Corradi. With house arrest for child abuse at the Institute for the deaf and hard of hearing children Provolo of Mendoza. Accumulate complaints of abuse in Italy and Provolo of La Plata. He was not convicted.
7- Alessandro De Rossi. Accused of child abuse between 2008 and 2013, when he was a parish priest in a temple of Salta capital. Arrested in Rome in 2014, extradition was denied for lack of evidence and was released six months later.
8- Fray Diego. Criminally charged in 2008 for sexual abuse of a 15 years in Buenos Aires. It was not investigated.
9- Juan Diego Escobar Gaviria. They will bring to trial the cause that investigates sexual abuse of at least four children in Entre Rios. In 2016 he was arrested in Victoria No. 5 Criminal Unit.
Atilio 10- Jesus Garay. He accused of repeatedly raping a girl in 2004 in Los Angeles, United States. He was a candidate for mayor of General Campos, Entre Rios. He was not investigated or convicted.
11- Daniel Giménez. Reported in March 2011 for abusing a teenager in Formosa. A court case was opened. He was not convicted.
Father Ricardo Giménez 12-. Denounced in 2013 by Julieta Añazco, repeated abuse in La Plata. He was not called to testify.
13- Brother Isaac Gómez. Sentenced to 11 years imprisonment by the Oral Criminal Tribunal No. 4 of Mercedes, Buenos Aires, for aggravated sexual abuse of a minor.
14- Giovanni Granuzzo. Provolo is part of the cause of Mendoza, where he molested deaf and hard of hearing children. It was also reported abuse in Verona, Italy and La Plata with Nicolas Corradi, Luigi Spinelli and Eliseo PRIMATI. He was not convicted.
Father Justo José Ilarraz 15-. Canonical investigation was initiated by abuses at least fifty children between 10 and 14 at the Archdiocesan Seminary "Our Lady of the Cenacle" of Parana, Entre Rios, between 1984 and 1992. The trial will begin in August.
16- Father Virginio Juan Isotton. Arrested in July 1999 for "indecency" of girls in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Cañuelas, Buenos Aires. He was acquitted in October 2011.
17- Jorge Luis Morello. Denounced by Ivan Gonzalez, a seminarian 19 years of Guaymallén, Mendoza. In 2012 a civil lawsuit against the archbishopric (José María Arancibia and Sergio Buenanueva) began to hide information and had to pay compensation. The archdiocese argued that the relationship had been "spoiled". He was not convicted.
Albano 18- Mattioli, former director of the Provolo of La Plata. He came to Argentina in 1965 from the Provolo of Verona, Italy, after being denounced abuses. He died in 2013 at 93 years in Italy and was never investigated.
19- José Antonio Mercau. Pope Francisco declared the cessation of his priestly status. In 2011 he was sentenced to 14 years for "aggravated sexual abuse and subjugation" to the detriment of five boys in a home of Tigre, Buenos Aires. It was released on March 18, 2014.
Reinaldo 20- Narvais. He accused of sexual harassment and abuse of power by members of the parish of Our Lady of Pompeii, Rosario. The Vatican opened a trial, no abuse was proven and was acquitted.
21- Sunday Pacheco. Sentenced last February to 13 years in prison for child abuse Osvaldo Ramirez in Corrientes. Remains free until the judgment becomes final.
22- Ruben Pardo. He accused of raping a 14 year old boy in 2002 in Quilmes, Buenos Aires. He died in 2005. He was never tried, but the Justice condemned the local bishopric of concealment and forced to pay compensation.
23- Hector Wall. Sentenced in March 2003 to 24 years in prison for sexual abuse in a home of Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires. He died in September of that year.
24- Martin Paz. Separated from his ecclesiastical duties in May 2003 by the Archbishop of Salta, Monsignor Mario Cargnello, for abusing in Catamarca a 17 year old girl who became pregnant. There were criminal complaint but was not investigated.
25- Luis Pezzolo. Arrested in September 2003 for sexual abuse in the home work of Don Bosco de Bernal, Buenos Aires. He spent five years under house arrest. Public trial is expected.
26- Fernando Enrique Picciochi. Sentenced in 2012 to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing at least five children. Sebastian Cuattromo, who was the Marianist school in Caballito, Buenos Aires, denounced in 2000 and is released for the benefit of the 2 × 1 since early 2016.
27- Monsignor Carlos Robledo. In October 2012, former seminarian Alfredo Bazan denounced the abuse of six teenagers in 1987. He died in 2009 without being investigated.
28- Luis Sabarre. Denounced in 2010 for abusing a girl of 9 years in Mendoza. The Church opened an investigation and declared him innocent. He was appointed parochial administrator of Our Lady of Lujan de Cuyo College.
Father Miguel Angel 29- Santurio. Convicted in 2013 in a canonical trial for abuse Misiones. He was released for lack of evidence.
30- Napoleon Mario Sasso. Sentenced in 2007 to 17 years in prison for sexually abusing five girls in 2002 and 2003 when he was pastor of the chapel San Manuel in Pilar, Buenos Aires. At trial they tested the concealment of two colleagues from Sasso, who were accused priests.
31- Father "Seryo" , Vicente Pallotti Institute, Turdera, Buenos Aires. Denounced for abusing students in the Institute. He was not convicted.
32- Luis Eduardo Sierra. He sentenced to eight years in prison in 2004 for abusing in 2000 and 2001 three altar boys between 12 and 14 years of college Ave Maria de la Obra Don Orione, in the locality of Claypole. It is not known whether he served his sentence. He went to Paraguay, where he was also accused of abuse.
33- Luigi Spinelli, director at the Provolo of Mendoza. He had also been reported in Verona, Italy. It is not known where he is.
Edgardo Storni 34-. Former archbishop of Santa Fe. In 2009 he was sentenced to eight years for abusing a seminarian. He spent a little over a year under house arrest because he had more than 70 years. In 2011, the Criminal Chamber overturned the ruling. He died the following year.
35- Richard Suttle. He was denounced in 2008 for sexual abuse between 1982 and 1983 in Sacred Heart Elementary School in Prescott, Arizona, United States. In 2013 he arrived in Buenos Aires as a team member of the Claretian dedicated to the missions of the United Nations. It was not investigated.
36- Carlos Urrutigoity. Denounced by "dishonest behavior" at a seminar in Buenos Aires and moved to the United States. For new complaints they relocated to Paraguay. Currently in the Institute of the Incarnate Word in San Rafael, Mendoza. It was not investigated.
37- Aníbal Valenzuela. In 2007 the Bishop of Puerto Iguazu (Misiones), Marcelo Martorell, decided to suspend as pastor allegations of abuse. He had the support of Bishop Joaquín Piña and was never investigated.
38- Father Mario Yulán. Accused of sexual abuse in the parish of San Juan Bautista, in Buenos Aires in 2007, replacing Jose Antonio Mercau. He was not convicted.
39- Cristian Vazquez. Former priest of the chapel Virgen del Carmen Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego), accused of abusing a minor in 2012. He was not convicted.
Renato 40- strumming. In March 2014 it was denounced by abusing a 15 - year Andalgalá, Catamarca. In 2015 the prosecutor ordered his arrest, but did not materialize. Released awaiting trial.
41- Omar Daniel Acevedo. He denounced him as a young author who had suffered sexual abuse as a child and 13 November 2016 was separated as a cure for Ushuaia. He was not convicted.
42- Juan de Dios Gutiérrez. Reported in April 2015 for abusing a girl of 16 years in Belen, Catamarca. He was not convicted.
43- Agustin Rosa, Salta. Detained in pretrial detention. The cause will be elevated to trial. He was denounced by two former novices. Canonical has 25 complaints of abuse, corruption and illicit enrichment.
44- Parma Osvaldo Nicolás Vega. Accused of sexual abuse but was not investigated. It belongs to the congregation of the priest Augustine Rosa.
45- Cristian Gramlich. Dismissed from the clerical state. There was no inquest. Abuse allegations against him had begun in 1998 at school Carmen Arriola de Marín San Isidro, Buenos Aires.
46- Marcelino Moya. He denounced in 2015, he is about to go to trial. He committed abuses against minors who were altar boys between 1994 and 1997 in Santa Rosa de Lima Parish of Entre Rios.
Eliseo 47- PRIMATI. Cure Provolo Institute Mendoza. Complaints of abuse have also in Italy. It was not investigated.
48- Finnlugh Mac Conastair. Sexual abuse reported by Cardinal Newman of San Isidro, Buenos Aires College. The best known case was that of Rufino Varela. It was not investigated. Both the school and the Congregation of Christian Brothers Latin America recently called for "public apology" to "all abused" at that institution.
49- Felix Alejandro Martinez. In 2002 he was denounced by the physical education teacher Fernando Melo Pacheco for the sexual abuse of children attending the kindergarten of Nuestra Señora del Camino School, Mar del Plata. Recently he celebrated the Mass for the 20th anniversary of the murder of José Luis Cabezas. He was not convicted.
Alejandro 50- Squizziatto. Accused of abusing a child in Mendoza in 2014. There was investigated.
51- Raul del Castillo. Denounced in 2008 in Mendoza for abusing a teenager. It is in Paraguay, he was not convicted.
52- Carlos Ibáñez Richard Morino. Accused of sexual abuse of at least ten young people in Bell Ville, Córdoba, in the early 90. In 2004, Paraguay 's Supreme Court authorized a project to extradite him to Argentina. He was not convicted.
53- Carlos Alberto Dorado, Santiago del Estero. Accused of abuse was not investigated.
54- Monsignor Adolfo Uriona. In 2006 a young denounced for having thumbed when he was bishop of Añatuya, Santiago del Estero. It was delayed by the police. In 2014, the pope appointed him bishop Francisco Rio Cuarto. It was investigated and dismissed in May 2009.
Carlos Miguel Buela 55-. Founder of the Incarnate Word, Mendoza. Accused of raping seminarians of the congregation. The Vatican admitted that he was guilty of "sexual misconduct". He was taken to a church in Genoa. He was not convicted.
56- Fernando Yanez. Prosecuted for abusing boys in a home in San Rafael, Mendoza. He was not convicted.
57- Horacio Corbacho. Arrested in Mendoza allegations of abuse by deaf and hard of hearing children in the Provolo Institute. He was not convicted.
58- Nestor Monzon. About to go to trial for abuse of two kids for three years Reconquista, Santa Fe.
Bibiana 59- Fleitas. In 2015, an ex - nun wrote a book about the abuses nun in Santa Rosa de Viterbo College of San Lorenzo, Santa Fe. It was transferred to Mendoza but was not investigated.
60- María Alicia Pacheco. It was another collaborator abuser priest, Augustine Rosa. Detained since December 2016 by repeated a girl of 13 years in Salta abuse.
61- Monja Kosaka Kumiko , accused of aiding and abetting the priests who abused the boys Provolo of Mendoza. It is investigated and could face a sentence of between 10 and 50 years in prison.
Father Julio Cesar Grassi 62-. Sentenced in 2009 to 15 years in prison for molesting a child who lived in the Happy Children Foundation, which he directed. The Supreme Court upheld the decision last March. In April, the Oral Criminal Court 1 Morón it benefited from the 2 × 1 and dropped two and a half years worth. The measure will be appealed by the plaintiffs lawyers.