, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : THE GREAT CALL WITH BRUCE




 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2018  INTEL ONLY  Transcribed by pinkroses  (Thanks, pinkroses ~ Chronicles Dinar.)  

Bruce: Welcome everyone to Big Call tonight. Let 's see where we are with a perspective of Intel. It was very strange.This has been a week of ups and downs. It has been a roller coaster ride, even for me, because it had information indicating that in a couple of days it seemed we were going. We had time and days. It did not happen. We had reason to believe that we were there and everything was full, but it was not. Where we go from there? Where do I go from there what I'm getting? I receive information on several occasions.

Sometimes late at night and sometimes in the middle of the afternoon. It all depends. Bruce:

Where we are now it is that we know the Tier 3.  Remember that 6, 950 individuals worldwide were affiliated with funding sources. Which it means they had a certain amount of money they had pocketed for an exchange, but had not yet received their funds, but mostly not for everyone. These people had decided to take very little of it, a small percentage of 2% or less than 5% of that total for them personally. The rest would give the source of funding. That happens. Bruce:

That's a lot of people who are doing that. We are doing our with our exchange for use in financing projects, but they are working with great actors like China Global Atlanta and others. There are many of these 27 to 30 or more we know, and there are probably many more in the world who do not even know. Those people, 6,950 were supposed to end up around midnight last night with those transactions. Transactions were more or less keystroke. They did not have to go anywhere. They literally would ultimately be financed. These people are Tier 3. They finished? Have you finished now? I think they are close to being over. I do not think they have finished at midnight. They started big guns and then dispersed. These are happening globally around the world not only in the United States. So we have different time zones involved and different time zones 24 hours a world in which the world is divided. We know that we are very near the end of those levels 3 If we are not yet there. I think we're very close.

Bruce: I also know that there were large stretches of funds I spoke and were received on Tuesday at 4:15 am in the morning. There were 142 sections of 950 quadrillion dollars each. I told you on the call Tuesday got another 164 sections which began yesterday morning at 2 am and should be completed here in a few days. They also have between 900 and 950 trillion dollars each. That's a lot ofmoney, equity being introduced into the system worldwide. That is coming to 32 different financial institutions worldwide. Once he gets there, he is received, confirmed and then to other financial institutions or whatever that is supposed to go from there is distributed. It's all there for these exchanges. It is there for Level 4 and Level 5, whom we call the uninformed who pays no public attention. That's really what 5 are. We are Tier 4. We 're supposed to go when Level 3 is complete, which is now fully or is nearing completion. We are there. We are at the end of that. That's an interesting place to be.

Bruce:  What happened last night? We had 3 different telephone conferences were meetings in New York. Once was HSBC, one for Wells Fargo, a separate, and one for the US Treasury. These 3 calls each and had people who were in these meetings, so we know directly, these meetings were video calls, were there to review and confirm rates of exchange, confirm the coins themselves, knowing that our Zim are gold - backed bonds, to know that the dinar is backed in gold, the Vietnam dong is backed in gold, and our US dollar is quoted as the USN internally backed by gold, and will likely be announced as gold possibly backed up as part of our July 4 announcement that they are seeking. I think that's when you know in the United States and the world. 

Bruce: These calls were happening, one at 4:30, one at 5:10 and one at 5:45 pm in the afternoon. What came out of those calls? What did we learn? What we learned was sit tight in the coming days. You'll Is that all we have? Yes, that's all we got from last night. What that says is that we are very near the end of this, and toll -free numbers reach yours truly. Did we get something else besides that? Yes. We know they have some kind of time chosen.The theory I think it's a good theory is that we should have this before the end of the month, which is on Saturday 30th June. Find out if then begin exchanges or begin early next week or not. I do not know yet. I know what I think  What I believe is that we are there for a fresh start ready to start. 

Bruce: Rates have been determined for these coins. We know, for example, Level 5 John Q Public, the misinformed, will begin on July 12. There will be no rear screen rates at that time. Those will be gone. They seek only the front display rates. We, Level 4, start and exchange centers have available to make our exchanges and exchanges until 11 July. I think some of these exchange centers are closed before traffic dependent, depending on the number of incoming calls for programming.

 Bruce: Let me make clear that there is information that some of you may have read and with which I disagree. Remember we have direct sources within these calls with HSBC, for example. If something should change or be different from what I'm telling you, I know about the period. No change. I will reach 800 numbers or toll free numbers, an honor, the diseminaré. They will. You will find toll - free numbers to look at our homepage of our website:  , or our new website is:  . Bob will put on those sites. By registering on our website:  bigcalluniverse.comemail, email to those who have registered toll -free information. This is how we will remove it In addition, I'll give it a couple of places online and we will. Leave that way too. It will not be only our two sites. We'll give it to people who we think will do a good job of disseminating information. 

Bruce: There will not be any redemptions Zim military base. The only people who exchange on military bases will be active military and for other currencies besides Zim. The Zim will only be exchanged Redemption Centers led by HSBC and Wells Fargo. The other banks Level 1 will do that, but these exchanges as Chase, Citibank and Bank of America, HSBC will channel these. They will take that Zim and transferred to AIIB, or Afreximbank, or the Peoples Bank of China, or China Infrastructure Bank. It will reach its final resting place with the Chinese Elderly. 

Bruce: You need to know is that redemption centers are ready. They are connected to the Call Centers. For example, if I got a phone number, I called that number and told them I had to Zim was one of my coins. Yes, it is a Zim link. I then call from that initial call to another person at the center where it would exchange based on my zip code. If you're like a connection that takes place from the Call Center to someone who can help you schedule the appointment at the Center for exchange. If you do not get a direct call connection like that, you will be given a toll free number to call and possibly a local number to call based on your zip code. You can get one or the other to call and then schedule your appointment. 

Bruce: Each appointment is a maximum of one hour and a half. Then, the time intervals will be half an hour. I'll fix and run smoothly. Remember this: that's the only way this is going to handle. I'm not talking about a private group in the west. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the 6.5 million people who are in Level 4, the Internet Group. That's what I'm talking about. . We  Bruce:  Another thing is that when you walk in and do your exchanges, want them to know what we talked for months about what they intend to do. What are your plans? What is your intention for these funds? If you request more than a front display rate would imply a rate of rear screen, you should have a reason for such a fund, which should be projects you have in mind.

Bruce:  listen. We bit off a big project with Rebuild America. That's a great. That 's what I want to help, because I want people to voluntarily provide what I need help making a city, town, community, perhaps more than where you live or where you want to live. I do not care. We will have opportunities to make those choices, and even what we correlate on a map you will see on our website. You will see what it takes and what is not taken. We will have available to you and very safe, and we will do so if you want to join Rebuild America, be part of it. I hope we receive more than 5,000 listeners Big Call to have a vision as having a vision. We all work together on something that is amazing. 

Bruce: Do not forget that we VRN, Veteran Retreat Network nationwide. The last time I looked we had about 85 we were seeing, maybe more, maybe less. We'll start with that and we find integrating these two projects to some extent. Veterans will be involved with us Rebuilding America. Rebuilding America it will be involved in building homes for veterans. They are tied to the hip. That's another thing we're looking to do. 

Bruce: What are you going to tell them? I do not have a business plan  I have a business plan VRN. The business plan is primarily Rebuild America in my head. I have people ready to go and I support that. I know that we will create a basic template of steps. You know what we do, how we do and how you can be part of it in your city, town or community in particular. We plan to make community gardens, domes food in our VRN sites, and other communities where land availability. We will do many projects. We will make desalination plants. We'll do that on the islands, the Caribbean, wherever there is a coastline and salt water can get, wherever it makes sense. Where water is short like California it makes sense. ç

Bruce: When you walk in and see and you have the basics in place and they see what you have in cash and run it through the machine Rue, then say what you plan todo. Tell me what your projects. What are you doing? What are you trying todo? You talk to them about infrastructure, job creation, the longevity of your projects. Do your projects are 10, 20, 50, etc.? Will you continue and create jobs? We will do to Rebuild America will create 10,000 jobs. For each job created, there are 5 auxiliary works. It will be really fun. It will be the most fun we've had for a long time. Bruce:

It will work, work, work? No. I am looking for volunteers to help. We will equine therapy horses at our retreats for veterans. I need our horse people who know about horses to help us build it. It will be fun. I can not wait Also do puppies therapy, canine therapy. We need that for our vets. We need that to help. It will be recreational and therapy. What we want to do is just start. IK know you're ready, ready to start. I also. I'm ready. I feel very good about what we're going to have before 4 July. 

Bruce: We are expecting some announcements about the return of the Republic, the return of the gold - backed currency. There is plenty that can go. We assume having a July 4th like no other. This will be a 4th of July like no other. I'm glad you all follow me and participate together. We will contact you. Take a month to reach your CPA, your lawyers, take a look at a holiday week, a new house, a new journey. Enjoy this, and we will be working on this. I'm looking forvolunteers, at least one leader for each state. Also a leader who will be a leader in a region with 7 or 8 regional leaders to the United States. 

Bruce: Too much behind the scenes work has continued and will continue. Listen out. I know we are starting here with Rebuilding America, but many of us have heart for the Caribbean, Centeral and South America, Mexico, parts of Africa, other parts of the world who take our technology and we can help these people. We want a level playing field where no child goes hungry, everyone will have clean water, clean facilities that do not have a lot of pollution and contaminated water.Oceans clean up and recycle plastic. Zero Point Energy will build the houses. We'll have energy conscious and aware of what we can use. I think this is just the beginning of what we will do to give the world. All are protected, clean water, end hunger worldwide. We have to work with the government bureaucracy.

Bruce:  We're seeing the last days of the month to be fine. All remain in faith and believe that this comes to a final end. Thanks Sue, Bob and all Big Universe Call for tune in and listen again. All thanks and appreciate. Thanks Sue, Bob and Big Call listeners and God bless you abundantly. Goodnight. 


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