
31 de julio de 2018

THE COSMIC CODE 441 - Light Body Activation Rainbow Ascension

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 THE COSMIC CODE 441 - Light Body Activation Rainbow Ascension



Dear friends, I greet you with the sacred words of love and unity of Omar Tat Sat.


Because now, in the new era in which we live, it is necessary to know and among us, among the Warriors of Light on what it really means the magic number 441.

COSMIC CODE 441 is a code-CONCLAVE UNIVERSAL LIGHT is a code number Metatronic And CRISTOTRONICO Crystalline living in our brains, in our hearts and in our whole being in constant interconnection with the whole universe.

In our radial plasmas are inter-related to the Crown Radial Plasma and Plasma Radial Heart and Earth.

If I had to define it in two words, I would say that is a coded-Conclave number Matrix Universal Love and Unity, is the numerological sequence "sanctification of God," ie "DIVINE HOLINESS." This means that the light emitted by this "code-conclave blessed and who dwells within us, is the Christ Light of the Holy Spirit that once activated our crystal minds and in our hearts, brings us to the Consecrated-Multidimensional lighting. The purpose of "INTERCONEXION 441" and through INTERCONEXION ARCOIRIS this code is enabled Sacred Light of Love and Unity.That is why it is donominada by the Masters of Light and the Angelic Kingdom Interconnection as a great blessing and initiation of sanctification or divine consecration and through the Angel of Love,



The particularity of this magic number "441" is that it emits a vibration of "healing, evolution, LOVE AND UNIFICATION ..." and is the vibrational frequency of Light Interconexion-Ascension transmitted through "INTERCONNECTION RAINBOW" and Lightning through magnetic Love and Unity, Channel Holy Spirit. In truth and according to the Kabbalah is the cabalistic number Fifth of the Seven, the Arcangel Samael-Chamuel.


Thus, the number 441, is a telepathic code of Unconditional Love, and Light Unification and interconnectivity. It is a code Unification Telepathic emitting a numerical frequency speaker.

Really is, "MATRIX UNIT ALL" the source. and it is from this matrix from which comes the light and information to be fully re-connected and interconnected.



Conclave Code is the new human being number Angel CRISTAL RAINBOW New Age of Aquarius and Golden Age, the new Ascended Christ Homo Rainbow expressing the victory of light, freedom, unconditional love, unity and celebration. If you turn your back would be 144 which corresponds to the number of our energy centers and Light Body of Crystalline Energy, ie, the crystal lattice 144 of Mer-Ki-Vico "System levels Ascension to the Merka-Ná level and the last Merka-Ra Ki-Ris-Ti Christ-Avatar "level. 



These frequencies Vibratory "144 & 441" Interconnection Arcoiris allow them entry into stellar vibrations and help them change their future by making higher choices within their field of creation. 144 starseeds circulating within our DNA. They help us remember the inherent light within everything it seems dark. They contain matter of luminescence, a light that is alive and constantly changes shape and appearance. Vibration 144 creates a new entry through the old neural conduits average light higher vibrating goes hand in hand with the functions of new neurons, allowing the dimensions melt and become visible.

, The "elect", the Lords of Destiny representatives of the Christ consciousness of the Golden Age, Danzantes ArcoIris-Christs Cosmic living Originals that are intended to illuminate the Planet Earth is also obviously corresponds to the 144.OOO Starseed, ie this New Age and Golden Age, most of them now remain deactivated and the great awakening process. We must know that the primary goal of interconnection ArcoIris is enabled and inter-connect these volunteers and loving beings who have consented to be at this crucial time on Planet Earth to help all mankind Gaia and the entire universe. They are the future representatives of the Archangels and the Cosmic Christ, they will be golden eagles that illuminate the consciences of all mankind ...

144 000 x 13 = 1,872,000 ....




If we add 4 + 4 + 1 gives 9 which is the number of the universe, the unification of the nine frequencies show the way regeneration spirit and wisdom. cosmic personal fulfillment. The Final! ... enter the next level of love, heart, soul and service to the planetary evolution to heal oneself. free fall from the height of 9 toward the next level of Light. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through 9. 9 is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. 9 is the number of the master, the human being interconnected to its full potential. Represents the "Higher Self" is the strength, balance of the three planes, it indicates "AUTOIGNITION". 9 is the plane of archetypes, the cosmic mind. In metaphysics Numerology is the I AM.



In short the 144 or 441 is the number Sacred Excellence, and means "Light of God".INTERCONNECTION work ARCOIRIS 441 is interconnected with this number and what is more important, 441 is the numerological sequence of the Throne of God, the Angel Eleua Shan, Shija, the Higher Esu Sananda'-Jesus and Saint Germain , Divine Cosmic Mater and archangels.

Thus, the 441, is the cabalistic number Arcangel Chamuel and numerological sequence of DIVINE INTERCONEXION of the Feathered Serpent Rainbow and Eagle DORADA ELOHIM SAMAEL, which means that this number Sacred Code is the numerological language energy firm "INTERCONNECTION RAINBOW", and thus the electronic footprint of this blessed this sacred fusion of Pattern energy.





"3 . 7. 21 = 21 X 21 = 441 "

System Language is the Cosmic Telepathy is the Order throughout the universe.

"Roads 21 x 21 = 441 Roads are the ways of Eleua" ...



My dear brothers, take a few minutes of silence, reflect on the 441, observe these symbols with conscientemnte love and know without any hesitation and with confidence that with the simple hccho to be here and on behalf of Christ, of the White Lodge and Archangelic kingdom Interconnection ... that in this blessed moment of here and now, that the Divine Light of Love and Unity penetrate into iT and activated within you the light code 441, and therefore, you form IT right now balance your mind, body and spirit Corazon..tu.

The Crystalline Light 441 Rainbow SANE your whole being. LOVE AND LUZ441



WITH LOVE Immeasurable


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