
31 de julio de 2018

Earthlings analysis

2 ALIEN conversation between 
July 31, 2013 


What did you learn about the smartest realm of Earth? 

Here is the report: 

throw their waste into rivers, lakes and then try to purify again to have crystal clear water as they already had. 

Sow to feed their younger siblings (animals), which need many kilos of vegetables, then eat them, as if all eat the fruits of 
their planet, they would have plenty of food for everyone. 

They burn their forests, using felled timber and do not plant their seeds to replenish them Or they destroy them when, not for them, they would have no oxygen to breathe.

They send their strong and healthy children to the battlefield, then invent braces so they can mobilize. 

They mess up the air they need to breathe. 

Use fertilizers that have banned themselves (after verifying their dangerous poison), for its edible plants. 

Fumigate called, to pollute the air and cause the death of birds that carry the seeds from one side to another, and also are the ones who feed on those insects that damage their planting. 

They use chemical preservatives in foods that harm their health. With all this they get sick and then create drugs to heal.

Use of atomic energy, with which invented sophisticated devices to kill each other, and at the same time, let them nuclear waste, which isburied in places that become cancerous and producing areas deformities in their physical bodies when in state fetal. 

Interfere the route of putting expensive to generate electricity plants rivers, when the sun rises around the globe and gives your energy without cost and without consequences. 

Lose 6,000 plant species per day. 

The northern nations tested nuclear bombs in the south of the planet pole, as if it were not part of the place they inhabit all, pretending to ignore the negative ions remaining in the air are attracted to the north pole that is the positive .

These explosions destroy the ozone layer covering the planet giving protection. 

They invent bacteria that undermine life, with the excuse of war to attack each other, when all are one humanity; and what happens to each affects everyone. 

Throw seeds sea on one side and the other children are starving because they have nothing to feed them 

They sell drugs to their young, and then try to cure them. 

They educate them from children with movies and drawings full of violence and then marginalize violent. 

Hear loud vibrations that exceed the decibel tolerance of their hearing organs, called music, and then invent hearing aids for the deaf.

They feed on animal carcasses waste, filled with bacteria and fat and then invent gadgets and diets, to remove fatty residues and diseases thus occurs in their physical bodies. 

They hunt the animals they must share the habitat evolution, undermining the species, by the mere fact of putting the corpse's head ornament. 

Energy use money to subordinate each other, believing that accumulate important, as if they take her to withdraw from the planet. 

They accumulate material things that do not use, making it uncomfortable and dirty the place in which they live.

They used the blood of the planet, which they call oil to mobilize their vehicles, which in turn and consequently pollute the air they breathe; when they already have the knowledge to make cars that run on water, which would generate oxygen which in turn purify it. 

Dirty oceans, attack life in whatever form it manifests itself. 

Keep the corpses of those who left their bodies in places called cemeteries, polluting the planet with bacteria and diseases that have had, rather than purify with fire. 

And these places seem beautiful gardens, are themselves, anxiety and depression centers for the cities where they are; thus it seems to pay homage and honor more death than life.

Assume that the dividing lines between nations, which do not cease to be an invention to have more order, makes them different from each other, and fight for the possession of different parts of the world, as if someone might really have something. 

Some are called landlords and other landless people , they see that all belong to the same evolution of the planet. 

Invade territories belonging to animals, decimating species without consideration. 

They use the skins of the bodies of these as in the Stone Age, and those who use it are believed important and outstanding. 

Bred animals with care and attention and sometimes they show affection, then feed on the remains of these.

On behalf of Peace invent increasingly sophisticated weapons. 

On behalf of health invent medicines to cure diseases also invented. 

On behalf of Love, create images scariest horror and justify indifference. 

On behalf of Liberty, they build their own prisons of pain and suffering. 

Children are not respected, nor among them; They kill each other, steal each other, belittle each other as if they were not part of the life. 

They speak of Love, Peace, Freedom, God; but do not understand anything ... 

** Do you want to continue with the report, involving most? ** 

No, leave it there; Now I understand why the terrible word derives from earthling ... 
Although ...
You tell me that this is the majority, and ... 
What could other different? 


They are few in relation to the amount of global humanity, but is growing in number and are everywhere in the world; viewed from here: 

you See those little dots of light that are linked together, forming a bright red? 

And how they are? 

They think in terms of one humanity, one world;They feel they do not belong to themselves but to humanity. 

They develop and extend their intellectual faculties parallel to their qualities of heart, have love and compassion for life as a whole, try to change, looking straight way to live, to feel, to think, to discriminate.

They spend part of their time, money and energy to hallow the welfare of mankind; They try to dispel hatred, jealousy, resentment, through their own lives and their thoughts. 

They are beings who understood that the world was changing in their own change; they found the path of meditation; listening to the call of the Interior Masters, and expand their humility in the Light of Cosmos. 

They are grateful to life as a whole and can understand flowers, trees, birds, animals, all in the beauty of their love.

They are beacons of light for their homes, their cities, their nations, their continent and build bridges among people, among nations, thinking of the good of all humanity for what it is: a unit, a set of lives within a Great life. 

They are the ones who bring in the New Age does not matter the age of the body, but the mental attitude and understanding. 

They boast a Goodwill and a great love for all. 

Torches are leading humanity from darkness to light and expand its horizon to the Cosmos. 

Well, then who they will become sources of beauty, love and joy and be connected with the ..., transforming the planet into a Star of Light. 

(ENOKQUA Stirm Personal Land Agent) 

With Love <3

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