
26 de diciembre de 2018

1 Ancient Egypt

Resultat d'imatges de egipto

Egypt  , from the perspective of Nine, seems to be born from the demise of the company alteana  . For humanity,  Egypt  , together with  Sumer  , remain fascinating examples of high civilizations that appeared suddenly in the region midway through the fourth millennium BC  There is speculation that such knowledge that both  Egypt  and  Sumer  possessed was taught, rather than being developed by them. This chapter is full of surprising information, sometimes controversial.
Read carefully and patience would be beneficial: there is more than what you see in many of the prayers.

ANDREW: Is it true, as the Platonic legend, some Atlanteans brought the desirable elements of the Atlantean civilization to Egypt? For example, I am very curious about the  legend of Horus and the winged disk, which would appear in what is called a frisbee.

Tom:  It came in a spaceship. Remember that he was not born. At that time he ran through what you would call a spaceship. The alteanos were masters of that. And then they went beyond spacecraft and mind learned how to travel without a ship. Horus  ,  Tehuti  ,  Isis  and other leaders taught them.

ANDREW: What were the arrangements by which  Tehuti  and Isis  and  Horus  gathered in Egypt to start a new civilization?

Tom: They  all came simultaneously. You understand they could be in different places at the same time? He arrived in Egypt Horus and  Isis went to Ur  , and others were elsewhere, but could also be together at each location.

ANDREW: I see. They were interchangeable, very interesting. Now, many historians have noted the similarity of the cultures of Ur and Egypt. Other people have noticed that there was a similarity also with Chinese culture ...

Tom:  That's right. They were founded by the same people.

ANDREW: And who was involved in  China  ?

Tom:  The one that had been in place near South America. Each of them could be simultaneously anywhere.

ANDREW: I see, what other places on Earth were developing simultaneously at that time?

Tom:  They were only three places, and it was from these three that advanced culture spread worldwide.

JOHN: I am very interested in the  Great Pyramid  and its meaning.

Tom: It  was  the Sphinx's  that had more to do with the beginning of Egypt. When the day comes when there is understanding of the planet, and when the arrival of other civilizations happen, to help the planet, that will be the day when all the secrets of what you ask will be given.
In 1976, Andrew asked several questions about the pyramids which  Tom responded:

ANDREW: We have some questions about the  Great Pyramid . Could you tell us who built it for the first time?

Tom:  It was altogether:  Hoova  ,  Ashan  ,  Altea  , and the civilization of  Myrex  . Were  four civilizations that arose. When you ask who built it , you're talking about  twenty - four civilizations  .

ANDREW: Does that mean that humans had no part in the building?

Tom:  They had a large part in the building. Engineering, programming was carried out by the four civilizations. The attempt to transfer and transmit knowledge came from civilizations. Stonehenge also came from civilizations. Yes.

ANDREW: And could you give us the dates that  began  the Great Pyramid  and when completed?

Tom:  The Great Pyramid, and there were others that were similar in nature, started at a time  before the destruction of Altea . It began approximately 150 years before the destruction of Altea,  13,000 of his years ago  , in the colony where he had started. Then, about 7,000 years additions were made and then completed.

ANDREW: It was originally a flat upper structure and then completed as a pyramid or was originally designed as a pyramid?

Tom:  It was originally designed to be a triangle. Without  But not full for a long time. He took from start to completion, due to the destruction and changes, 6,000 years.

ANDREW: I see. I went to a very secret part of the Great Pyramid  ,  the  chambers of the Chambers of the King  , and found and photographed the signing of Pharaoh Khufu [Cheops]. Did he completed that particular part of the structure was?

Tom:  It was completed  before  . The understanding came to him.

ANDREW: You mean the pyramid is?

Tom:  If  Khufu was the reincarnation of falcon.

ANDREW: And when he lived, what was the year?

Tom:  Altea  has said it was 6.257 years before the Nazarene.

ANDREW: - Yes, thank you And could you tell us, the way you want, what was the purpose of building the pyramid and what their inner secret that worries people so much?

Tom:  In part, it is the regeneration of cells. Channels the energy of civilizations. The Great Pyramid, and other pyramids, energy spiraling upward. But civilizations bring energy to Earth through the pyramids. In the chambers of the pyramids, there are areas that call rejuvenation chambers: preserve the cells. There is more to them, but this we can not talk right now.

JOHN: Yes  . The other two pyramids beside the Great Pyramid, are they much later? What date are?

Tom:  They came about between 1500 and 2000 years after completion.

ANDREW: When was the legendary  Tower of Babel  ?

Tom:  That was in  Ur  . After the destruction of Atlantis:  Ur was a colony of Atlantis  . Its existence was in 200 years of existence Khufu Pharaoh. Its destruction was 3.000 years later. Yes.
In 1991, Tom answered some more questions about the pyramid:

MIKI: Some years ago I asked when would be the time that woulddisclose the secret of the Pyramids. So today I ask you again if you can reveal the secret of the pyramids?

Tom:  The answer comes at this time, your circulations ...

JOHN:  crop circles  , you mean ...?

Tom:  If  on this planet Earth in relation to you ... according to your planet Earth, in maintaining the rotation. The energy of the pyramid had a purpose to issue energy for what was circulating about your Planet Earth.
Once the pyramid containing glass elements emanating energy out. The crystal was removed by humanity in his thinking without thinking. In this retreat created a difficulty generation energy required  for its purpose. Is that clear?

DAVID: When you said about energy flow of the Earth, what does that mean?

Tom:  Have not visited Planet Earth, now in recent times, these rings?

DAVID: Yes  . Crop circles  .

JOHN: There are more questions about how the pyramids were built, and what were built mainly by people of other civilizations with the help of people of Planet Earth, or was performed entirely by other civilizations?

Tom: The  peoples of Earth were of marginal importance in understanding the formula for creating this structure. When the Humanity is (is there a word 'debased'?)

JOHN: Yes, when humanity demoted ...

Tom:  ... through no understanding of the purpose of their interactions much memory it was locked.

JOHN: Yes  . Another issue, related to that: the pyramids in Mexico, are built for the same purpose and the same way, or were human attempts to copy?

Tom:  There were some created for the observation of those who call gods to help them create an energy field that sent waves of sound and color on Planet Earth, and there was ... how do you say? I do not know how. Is in your native being the desire to bring the blessings of heaven, and then people believe what they believed him down.

COLUMN : A number of people I know go to the Great Pyramid to see if they can help open your energy. Is this the right time to do that?

Tom:  can open the door first, but if it were opened out , wouldamount to a flood of energy, and humanity would not understand completely.

GUEST: I also understand, I would like to clarify how large stone blocks were placed in the Great Pyramid. I have a feeling that itwas using crystals that the stones were placed in the pyramid.

Tom:  It was with the benefit of crystal, with the benefit of vocal sound tuned to crystal, with the sound of 'OM'. You understand?

INVITED: Yes  . I had a vision of a being on the stone, and under the command and direction of someone, the stone was lifted and placed in place by this system. Is this correct?

Tom:  Yes, however there were many voices.
On March 22  nd  1993 researchers announced the  discovery of a narrow well  , so small that they had to use a remote control camera to explore itThe well was closed for a secret door.

ANDREW: How much knowledge of Atlantis was given to the early Egyptians?

Tom:  It was given to the early Egyptians, including knowledge of medicine, with the exception of knowledge of what could be done with the sexual organs. They must also understand that primitive people with whom they worked on the land of Egypt were very frightened people, because of their simplicity and their unconscious destruction memory, so they built on their belief structure a large system of worship. Also they worshiped those who were not so good nature chose not to mention this, and made them look good, for fear of being damaged.

ANDREW: So, for example, Isis was, I believe, seen as the consort of Ra, who was one of those not so good people we're talking about.

Tom:  This is true.

ANDREW: And  Horus  was seen as the son of Ra and Isis. So my question is, where did the figure of the goddess Hathor comes? Because it is much like Isis for us in many ways.

Tom:  The goddess Hathor was a goddess of the night, what you would call a lady of the night. She was a lady who was a consort of the gods. She was a lady of the night. You have ladies of the night in the nation in which you exist. Is the same.

ANDREW: So how he was identified in the literature as the wife of Horus?

Tom:  She was the wife, but of all the gods , people gave him a job because he was powerful because he could control the gods, and feared that if not worshiped, have destruction.

ANDREW: And then there was Sekhmet [a goddess of fire], how Sekhmet was associated, as another feline, with Isis and Hathor? These functions are very difficult for us.

Tom:  They were actually sisters.

ANDREW: I see. And Nephthys [housekeeper Osiris and friend of the dead], she was in the same category?

Tom:  It was just the goddess Hathor that controlled the rest, or tried to. When people do not listen, then she controlled the gods. It's hard to explain because you do not understand what is brought from the alteana era.

ANDREW: Yes, would ask whether Hathor came from the Altean age, or if it came from Altima, Hoova or where? Where are you from?

Tom:  She was not Altima, but his knowledge was. It was his knowledge of the physical control of others. She came from a species that has been kind for most of existence, because it was a mixture of all civilizations of the universe have the strongest desire for goodness, but also the strongest physical desires of thewhole universe.

ANDREW: Well, she is a member of the opposition or ... do not understand these things?

Tom:  She had all the goodness and all desires. They are two beings.

JOHN: A total mixture of both.

Tom:  it Can be used by others, as it can be us. It is a sacrifice. You are tempted, you know?

ANDREW: That became a kind of law in the universe?

Tom:  What other way we could eliminate the physical desires of people, beings and species? If you are caught in desire, and you dry, then you are lost, is not it? We speak here to those that exist on this planet.

ANDREW: Now I understand, yes, okay. And that is its function?

Tom:  Of the goddess Hathor? It has always been, every day.

ANDREW: There is an Indian goddess who might be more appropriate, which is called Shiva ...

Tom:  It's always the same.

ANDREW: But Shiva is more clearly explained in our literature. Hathor is a mysterious figure.

Tom:  Do you understand why? For in Egypt, they wanted toplacate Hathor, in their minds, that they might believe she only help. So did the wife of the gods.

ANDREW: Thank you for all these things ...

JOHN: I 'd like to go over the transfer sequence of civilization after the fall of Atlantis. You told us, I think, was the first Sumerian civilization after that, but I'm trying to organize, Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations and Greek periods after Atlantis.

Tom:  At the time of the destruction of Atlantis, there were colonies. You were the first Sumer, the second was China, sometimes there were meetings between the two, you know? There was also Egypt at that time. Greek culture came last, after the Egyptian. I was not simultaneous with Ur and Egypt.

JOHN: Yes  . The Greeks kept the Atlantean legends more than the others, it seems. Is that correct?

Tom:  It's true. Because channeling through Plato. Plato he was given the impressions made him think, to ring the bells in his head.

JOHN: Yes  . When channeling Plato says, I heard that Socrates and Plato was the channel was who recorded it , is that correct?

Tom: It  was Socrates, but Plato was the interpretation of what was important. If complete information be provided in detail, would lead to confusion and misunderstanding. But to pieces, through assimilation of these pieces, and more research and discussion, knowledge is obtained.

JOHN: And the human-animal figures from Greek and Egyptian cosmology?

Tom:  They came from Atlantis.

JOHN:  That's the experimentation?

Tom:  Yes

JOHN: At the time of the first Greek civilization, were there any visits of higher civilizations?

Tom:  If  the gods.

JOHN: Well, I understood that Greek mythology we have is from an earlier time.

Tom: of  Egypt - and Atlantis. But you understand that Greece also had visits  Altea  ?

JOHN: I did not. What form did that? That was in space vehicles?

Tom:  If people had the knowledge of a flame, came as a flame.

STEVE: I'd like to know about mythological characters like Mercury, Apollo, Diana and others: Were these beings physically existing on Earth at some point, or are, as Jung says, archetypes of the unconscious?

Tom:  They were physical beings. But archetypical.

STEVE: In my investigations of correspondences with your communications, I found the  Gnostic philosophers  , a group of thinkers in the early Christian period. And it seems that many of his ideas are ideas in communications, particularly the name ' Aeons  ', which I understand has been used to refer to the Nine. Are these correct matches?

Tom:  Yes

STEVE: The name 'Aeons' refers to  the Nine  ?

Tom:  That I'm the spokesman for, yes.

STEVE: And so, these revelations, when they appear in Gnostic literature, previously channeled .......

Tom:  (interrupts) .... if.

STEVE: communications, and are correct.

Tom:  If  Knowledge was given to a few, such as knowledge of this time is given to a few. At that time it was only for a few, but now the exception is that at this time should be given to the masses. It is a benchmark for validation.

STEVE: Yes, I found these very impressive matches.

Tom: A  lot of truth was destroyed to keep the masses in control.

STEVE: You're probably talking of religions, churches suppressing the Gnostic revelation.

Tom: The  people and organizations of government and religion do not delete anything unless it is a threat to them or truth. It is not like this?
And then, referring to the demise of civilizations,  Tom  said:

There was the collapse of the first arrival in Akesu, and then the collapse of what you call Atlantis, and then the collapse of Egypt, and then, if they continue, there was the collapse of many of the civilizations of Earth. Have you discovered why have collapsed all?

ANDREW: Well, you've probably been when desire has exceeded the upper evolutionary movement of the soul, is not it?

Tom:  That's part of the truth, but also around the year 11,000 BC, from the time of Atlantis, the other group of beings who were colonized were mixed with those of Hoova. That was the beginning of what you call the Hebrew culture.

ANDREW: Oh, so far back, I see. And that would not have begun in Atlantis but in Ur? Or am I wrong in assuming that began before the period of Ur?

Tom:  They were before ur period.

ANDREW: And who was the leader of this Hebrew colony?

Tom:  It was four generations of Abraham.

JOHN: So the beginnings of Hebrew culture were a mixture of Hoovids and these other beings, and this explains the characteristics of the Jewish people?

Tom:  Yes

JOHN: I thought there were no survivors of Atlantis?

Tom:  No. There were colonies that were not destroyed.

ANDREW: I thought I became dolphins.

Tom:  Those who were destroyed, they were not in error became dolphins.

ANDREW: That's beautiful.

JOHN: And those who were in error, were annihilated their souls at that time? What happened?

Tom:  How can you kill a soul? You can only pray and hope for it.
Source: Library pleyades

©  misteri 1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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