
3 de diciembre de 2018

Archangel Metatron: Embracing change and the necessary release of fear

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Regards! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I accompanied Tyberonn Cristalino Service, and weembrace coherent divine light, unconditional love. Dear hearts, this session, we dedicate our energies to address an important and timely topic. An important issue for humanity at this time ... the toxicity of fear and hatred. And we offer our knowledge in love, because you are in a time when the conflict is easily amplified. Consider our words ... but to share our message, it is up to you as sovereign beings accept if these words resonate with you, or reject them if they do not. For your discernment, always you required to receive any messages of this type, from any source, including this one, since you are a master of creation.
Teachers at dawn of 2019, other precious and timeless moment brings us together, uniting thoughts within the divine matrix of the unified field. Combining geometric thought patterns with desire, consciousness and vital life force. And so all things come together in this way. For every thought, every experience, every life-electromagnetic lens of consciousness, representations of manifestation, of everything that ever was or will be.
Human ones, entering 2019, you remind them to you the importance of this time of change. You waited in line, metaphorically speaking, to be here at this time, to be part of the Ascension. You were prepared for this in many lives, because they knew in advance that this key of earthly evolution of humanity would be magnificent and challenging phase.
In fact, there are certain rooms of reincarnation that carry more light, more opportunities, and although this is a time of very poor intensities, it is also an extraordinary period, a timely stay of key importance, which offers an amazing perspective for the soul.Growth, in fact, a quantum leap in consciousness.
In the new energy you can expand your perceptions, your beliefs and, indeed, your priorities. It is a great time to more light, and therefore attenuating the shade. It's time to embrace the challenge, to embrace the opportunity. During the years that are fast approaching, it offers another refinement of light and, in fact, contains multiple phases influx of code crystalline light.
Polarity Full Tilt
Continuing in 2019, the remaining shades of the unknown currents will slowly replacing Truth. As you progress, all kinds of myths, darkness and ignorance continue to emerge for the dissolution ... to erode slowly, piece by piece, bit by bit. Your true origins, your true history and your nature are putting your hand slowly, in small digestible bites. Change is always the nature of reality, and a major change is taking place.
In fact, planetary transformation of old to the new energy is in full tilt in this. Upshifting of the Omni-Earth is now in an erratic mix, a chaotic fervor ... and this can sometimes be quite overwhelming ... disorienting and frightening.
In the next 2 decades, divinity seekers, the Guardians of the Earth, the Lightworkers, must learn to overcome obstacles and projecting light, as the pendulum end 'Arco Oscillation' the duality gradually decreases. As we have said on numerous channels, at the present time, the polarity of duality is extreme. At present, over the next 7 years, the excessive division will actually increase until Uranus comes into play in 2026 ... and then guide faithfully Quantum Leap, the Return of Light in 2038.
Meanwhile, the masses of humanity sometimes experience conflicts and crises from the ends of the polarity ongoing ... constantly pushing, pulling and stretching your energy fields. This, quite turbulent, linear time between 2019 and 2026 Ubiquitous acute phase is filled with energies of disharmony and imbalance. Fear, anxiety and anger are rampant in this frenetic and penetrating phase of Astrology Crucible ... all unresolved energies are seeping to the surface.
As an important note, we can tell that extreme polarity and ongoing division in the political arena, particularly in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, has a tangent field of negativity, violence ... even shades of hatred. This aspect of fervent attachment, if dogmatically biased and inflicted misguided. Beware the wolf in sheep 's clothing! Negativity can disguise fair in the fields of religion and politics. Especially in this transition phase unbalance can be misleading, quite subtle and overwhelming. In fact, the way of thinking Collated this energy can be detrimentally erratic in current astrological gravities. And we say that this will remain so for 7 years to 2026. Energy can be quite exhausting.
You must avoid fear! The fear can open the door to hate!
A man never hates anything or anyone that believes tobe worthy or deserving. Who hates, he thinks being 'correct', justified. ... but hatred itself forms a very strong for the "hater" evil link. Hatred becomes a "form of negative thinking" living that strongly calls ... who hates life and will "hate" after life ... until you discover that hatred is the real enemy, the bastard of fear, the great destroyer. ….Fear !
The choice of approach
Remember what you focus on, you attract to yourself, as you stop, you actually manifest. ... and we emphasize this point, because it is a great truth that few choose tolive. When you focus on negativity deep, deep fear, deep hatred, your vibration changes immediately and your Auric Field it will break like a broken glass.
When stopped in negativity, toxic enzymes are introduced into the bloodstream. These are "poisons" that are degenerative for the nervous system, the immune system, vital organs and glandular systems of the body.
This results in mental and emotional imbalances that fed the toxic anger and an acceleration of negative experience to impair judgment. If left unchecked, your energy will become quite repulsive to others, so that old friends will choose to no longer be in his presence.
And teachers, in this time of gravitational low cycle and energy extreme change, fear can easily join. .
Negativity: Fear and Loathing
Vibrationally speaking, fear and hatred are the same frequency. Fear is toxic, in fact, the Masters, the main reason why individuals do not achieve their purpose of life and soul contract, is that fear does not recognize, confront and resolve patterns rooted in fear. Fear is the driver of hatred. Fear is the basis of all negativity. Fear kidnaps your skills and keeps them hostage, disguising his crime with several rationalizations combined with half - truths.
In terms of the auric field, hatred and fear are the main disruptive forces that create auric energy imbalance and toxicity. When your auric field is open, the destructive vibration of negativity can have a negative effect on you in myriad ways. At its core, the core vibration of hatred is fear, but the nuances, the causes and mechanisms of hatred are not always so obvious to you. And so, in this speech we will talk about the far -reaching effects of hatred.
We define our use of the word to mean a deep hatred hardening of the heart in which one stoic and firmly refuses to see any light of any divinity in the other and becomes obsessed with the deep destructive emotions. Hatred is assigned to stop the feelings of hatred towards the other regardless of forgiveness or rectification.
Hatred is widespread in duality. His Bible speaks of Christs, Jeshua ben Josef, and tortured and crucified, yet asks that those who committed the execution are "forgiven for they know not what they do". Their religious texts also speak of 'eye for an eye'. There is a saying with which most of you are familiar speaking of "forgiven but not forgotten". So there is a wide range of approaches to perceive injustice, some of which indicate that compensation is adequate vindication.
Knowledge unused
Teachers, by the Law of Grace, are able to receive a merciful correction for transgressions committed in ignorance by the actions they know are harmful. Did not Jeshua ben Josef 'Forgive them for they know not what they do'? And so, 'sin' in their biblical terms is the commission of an act that you know is wrong. Edgar Cayce beautifully defined his 'sin' as 'Knowledge unused'. We ask that you add to your knowledge that hatred is wrong in all circumstances ... and act accordingly.
So what we say is that hatred is mutually destructive, but even more devastating for hating that which is hated. Although in most situations, both sides of an odious hate hostility turn down to become equal generators and, therefore, victims of hatred.
Dear, is an absolute truth that there is a human who hates, but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical, and kind there is no human being who loves, but that love is projected outward and made physical . The energy involved in the emotion of hatred is far more destructive and far - reaching than many of you realize. Its effects are similar to malignant neoplasm increased, because hatred is actually quite toxic to the body, mind and spirit. Hatred and fear are the same resonance, and both, if you focus on them, absolutely weaken the body, distorted mind and open his country to the "disease".
So in this channel, we are emphasizing the issue of negativity because it is essential that you are clear that by insisting on the destructive forces attract more negativity towards you. And as such not only the months and years may be contaminated; They may be unnecessarily wasted lifetimes. No soul is ever embodied with a plan to include hate. However, you willattract hatred towards those whom you hate to resolve the conflict. Because hatred will continue year after year, life after life, until eventually you learn that hatred is the enemy.
Laws and balance
There are laws pertaining to growth in duality. The Law of Attraction and the Law of Belief are generated and shaped by the Law of Cause and Effect. Cause and effect is an absolute truth of duality. It is malleable, it is forgiven only in grace and often experienced in what we might call the school of "hard knocks" but is rather inflexible, either in the "hidden" corridors of the mind or the visible outer planes 3d. Thoughts are things. And where you live in thought, soon you will experience. Period  You yourself will attract what you fear and what you hate.
Hatred will link you to those whom you hate with absolute certainty until the hatred will eventually become love. Who you hate herein may be your father, son, brother or colleague in the next stay. Those who act unjustly with another often return to balance the soul.
Karma is not a debt, but the search for balance ... A "righting" the Self.
His civil rights movement in the United States contained many former slave owners. Native American reserves contain many gold miners reincarnated. It is why many casinos are in native land, gold miners trying to recover gold that took ... and experience the situation that created their greed, which can not be restored.
.All the souls who remain on the journey seek to retain or regain harmonious balance. You must understand that no soul is never without pay for the mistakes in the illusion proposal and dramatic lessons of the Earth. No soul is condemned forever, no soul left behind, no matter how heinous is the act. Rectification is available to every soul. Such is the grace of what you call God.
All of you, at one time or another, make grave mistakes in his travels, and the road will allow everything is well and that is wrong in the way that helps them understand the error. When the deep malice and despicable acts of hatred are related to the confrontation, analytic understanding and balancing process for rectification and balance are, of course, much more complex, depending on the individual. We say again, all injustice, all that you call sin is against Himself in a higher aspect.
Hatred, greed, injustice, every iota will face and willface ... not as punishment but on the balance of the individual soul. Some in realization and Law of Grace, others update, I always chosen. But no soul is beyond forgiveness, and every soul should forgive those who offended against them. When you hate those who trespass against, you arraigas with the same energy that attacked. All in duality creative experience both the positive benevolent force as the destructive force of negativity. How to react to negative situations willlargely determine how advances.
Is an interesting truth that the righteous find it easier to forgive someone for being wrong, to recognize someone who is right.
We say again and please note that ... a human never hates anything or anyone he or she believes is worthy or deserving.
Who hates, he thinks being 'correct', justified. ... but hatred itself forms a very strong for the "hater" evil link. Hatred becomes a "form of negative thinking" living that strongly calls ... who hates life and will "hate" after life ... until you discover that hatred is the real enemy, the bastard of fear, the great destroyer.….Fear !
A soul does not reach Wisdom and Master by chance. Rather, mastery is achieved through discipline and continuous effort in the 'right thinking followed the correct action. The radical fanaticism, self -aggrandizement and self - righteousness are also imbalances distorting thinking ... and open to the downward spiral of hatred under the guise of false justification.
People who hate always believe fully justified and willnot be considered wrong in that feeling. Hatred is hidden behind a skewed sense of right reasoning misaligned. And again, the core of all hatred, destructiveness ... is fear. Fear is the great destroyer.
Finally, we say again ... Fear and hatred will continue year after year, life after life, until finally learn that is fear and hatred, which is opposed to love ... Fear itself it is the enemy.
I am Metatron, Angelical of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service ... and we share with you these truths. You're always loved.
And so it is ... and so ...
© EraOfLight                        Original
Posted by ®misteri1963

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