
4 de diciembre de 2018

Cryptocurrency war for control of the world economy by Susan

You Susan,  
did you know?
Good night,
Around the world, we are witnessing several countries beginning the process of integration into new policies and monetary reforms. Migration to electronic currency seems to be gaining speed with the ultimate goal of the "cashless economies".
Safety, efficiency and the concept of decentralized financial systems delivery have grown exponentially in recent years with the development of technologies Ledger distributed.
Technology ledger distributed, or DLT is a consensus digital data replicated, shared and synchronized geographically distributed across multiple sites, countries or institutions. There is no central administrator or centralized data storage.
As an example Blockchain beyond, we see the development of Hashgraph system. (Hashgraph is a decentralized protocol, which has a "security level bank grade" and can work with financial institutions). Hashgraph and other developing DLT systems offer an alternative to existing systems of Central Banking (SWIFT) who enslaved and monopolized the global financial delivery mechanisms.
In other countries where banks have been slow to develop payment applications that meet the needs of the public, other possibilities arise.
Australia. On November 26, 2018 Payment Summit was held in Australia. In his speech at the summit, Philip Lowe, governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia or RBA, announced: " It seems to have reached a turning point." Now it's easier than it has been to conceive of a world in which banknotes are used for relatively few payments; that becomes a cash payment instrument niche. "
Earlier this year (2018), Australia implemented its new payment platform. (NPP) has made it possible for people to make payments from person to person in real time without using banknotes. This system allows people to make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using a simple identifier such as a mobile phone number or email address. It also allows a lot of information to accompany the payment. Lowe also suggested that the functionality of the electronic system would be improved if the RBA issued an electronic version of the Australian dollar, eAUD.
Russia: President Vladimir Putin has announced plans to abandon the traditional banking system in Russia for the cryptocurrency. Putin met with the founder of ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, and now has its sights set on becoming the first country to operate a national system of cryptocurrency. Putin said: "The digital economy is not a separate industry, is essentially the basis for creating new business models."
Bloomberg reports that the Russian central bank has already implemented a technology ledger distributed based on ethereum as a pilot project to process online payments.
Putin announced plans to dump the dollar and escape the Rothschild banking system reintroducing the gold standard in Russia. In summary, it appears that Russia plans to deal a massive blow to the banking class and are looking for the best way to do with gold and cryptocurrency.
The United States seeks to dominate the foreign exchange market by limiting the use of cryptocurrency. As the United States tries to hack, dismantle and fear for the technology revolution that is distributed ledger (Blockchain, Hashgraph System), other nations seek to implement it .
China: China's central bank, the People 's Bank of China (PBOC) revealed it is in talks to launch its own digital currency. It is a partnership with Citibank and Deloitte & Touche to determine the best way to build and deliver digital currency. 
It began in 2014 with research on how to build and issue currency and explored "related business operations, key technologies of digital currency, Environments for the issuance and circulation of digital currencies. Now it seems that the work is done and ready to move to the design phase.
PROC said: "In the future, the establishment of a system to issue and circulate a digital currency will help China build a completely new financial infrastructure, to further improve payment systems in China, improve the efficiency of payment and settlement and promote higher quality and economic efficiency in general. "
From the statement, it is clear that the PBOC understands the global digital landscape and how the emergence of new technologies will shape the future. This movement seems to be an attempt to become the reserve currency of the new digital world.
China has also emerged with payments based on the QR code. Payments based on the QR Code (Quick Response Code) provide consumers pay with their mobile wallets. Without the requirement of any additional infrastructure and backed by offers and deals regularly provided by providers of payment services, payment QR codes has become an excellent means for contactless payments in the store and is gaining popularity Southeast Asia.
Europe. The Bank of England is one of the cartel members moving to usurp the power returned to the people through the criptomonedas. The Bank of England has a current experimental cryptocurrency called RSCoin.
RSCoin, however, is the opposite of ethereum and Bitcoin. Its purpose would be a tool of state control, so the central bank could maintain strict control of the money supply, ostensibly to "protect" citizens in times of economic crisis, but in reality, to enrich those in the top through handling. +
While central banks around the world try to avoid the decentralization of criptomonedas, they have remained vigilant because of the nature of transactions and security technology ledger distributed.
On a global scale and the fact that communication skills can hinder the efficiency of electronic payments, pay bills is faster and more convenient than paying electronically, although this advantage is less than it was before. Tickets are therefore an important payment instrument emergency or backup. They are particularly useful in case of natural disasters or failure of the electronic system and be present even when the world becomes electronic currencies.
By observing these developments at the macro level and its relevance to the GCR, what we see is the emergence of a new global financial infrastructure. Modifying the cryptocurrency backed hard assets and using distributed technologies ledger as the delivery system. If you have seen the question of how these large sums of GCR can be delivered efficiently and what has been happening in the background to suit that, well, that 'sit. Get to know these developments is a very deep and good news, and shows the missing components of which are finally becoming aware.
To view the full speech delivered by Philip Lowe in Australia payments Summit on November 26, 2018, visit this website
For a more complete history of currency and US summary. UU., The GCR and a synopsis of protocol generally accepted, should manifest 800 # send a request to  ? "SUMMARY OF GCR?"
P.S. I will answer only the subject line above.
Posted by © misteri1963 

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