
5 de diciembre de 2018

December 2018 Energy Report

by  December 2018 Energy Report

Can you believe it’s the final month of 2018? What a year it has been and this month is an energy wrap-up as we put the finishing touches on a year of spiritual initiation (an 11 year) and prepare for a year where creative energy, intention, and manifestation, all 5D energies, will dominate. Are you ready for 5D creation? If you aren’t sure what that means I’ll explain it in this article and just to get you started, it’s about being the CEO – that’s Creative Expansion Officer – of your energy, managing your energy container, setting good boundaries, and creating the energy path to fulfill your intention. To prepare for that the theme for December is efficiency and how we manage our use of our energy.
December opens in a completion cycle which is perfect for the final month of the year. Think of tying up loose ends, finishing what you started, taking care of your life’s business and re-organizing your priorities. Did you take on too much? Maybe it’s a good time to re-assess your commitments and let a few go. It’s OK to tell someone that you cannot meet a commitment and have to let it go. In fact, it’s far better to do that than to try to force yourself to honor a time or energy commitment you wish you had never said yes to and that you allow to drain your energy with regret, self judgment, and anger.
This is why I said the theme for December is efficiency because we need to learn how to be efficient in how we use our energy. Efficiency means to perform in the best possible way with the least amount of waste of time, energy, and effort. This month we can do an efficiency review of our energy and ask the following questions:
  1. Is this situation the best use of my energy?
  2. Am I doing things that I enjoy doing and being part of?
  3. Have I over-committed my energy resources, am I giving and not receiving anything in return?
  4. Is there another potential for my energy that I have not considered yet?
These questions don’t mean that you stop doing things for others, that you don’t exercise kindness and compassion, and that you pull your energy from everything. They do give you the opportunity to reconsider your own options before you give to others and to ensure that you are not over-committed, drained, tired, stretched to the limit, and unable to meet your own energy needs.
To explore the full potential of 2019’s creative options we will need to have full control of our energy so we have the energetic resources to expand into our new potentials and possibilities and not have energy leaks and drains sapping our resources. To do this we will have to learn to say no to people and situations that are not an efficient use of our energetic resources. That may be hard to do at first but remember that often the people you think you disappointment by rejecting their requests for assistance are merely inconvenienced because they have to ask someone else (see my article on Disappointed or Inconvenienced at this link).
So what does December have in store? First, the month opens with a Mercury retro which ends on December 6 and Mercury is at 29 Scorpio, recalling the long Saturn retro over this degree from June to September 2015. We also have 4 planets at 29 degrees of their sign. This is the degree of completion which contains all of the energy of that transit for us to reconsider, re-assess, and release before we take that next step. What an excellent message for December.
And we have a new moon on December 6 at 15 Sagittarius and a full moon on December 22, the Equinox, at 0 Cancer. Remember from the November Energy Report, from November through April 2019, all new moons are at 15 degrees, the degree of alchemy, and all full moons are at 0 degrees, the degree of absolute potential. 0 is no thing, where infinite potential exists because it is energy that has not yet taken form, which we do with our intention. It’s great support for our creative path in 2019. Every month we’ll have support for creation and transformation and unlimited potential.
One interesting astro point – Mars is in Pisces all month and moves into Aries on January 1. Mars rules Aries, the first sign of the zodiac so with its Pisces transit in December it is bringing us full circle, the Alpha becomes the Omega, the initiate completes their path and achieves mastery. I first wrote about this in the March 2015 energy report, which you can read at this link.
It is interesting that the new year will begin with Mars in its own sign of Aries, the sign of the pioneer, way-shower, and new beginnings, at the critical zero point, the very first degree of the zodiac. Another example of the alpha becoming the omega, coming full circle into energy congruence, becoming 360 within our Divine Trinity, and aligning our humanity with our divinity in a flow of congruent harmony. 
Do we need any more proof of the powerful creative potential that we are stepping into now?
The Solstice of  December 21 and is followed by a new moon at 0 Cancer representing home, family, the mother, and emotions. We have a lot of Chiron activity again this month, so look at the Martyred Healer paradigm you may be engaged in and start thinking about moving into your Empowered Mastery. Emotions impact our energy field, our health, our mental state, and every aspect of our lives. Pay attention to your emotional energy this month, and watch how your emotions either drain your energy or expand it.
November ended with a surprising announcement, the death of George HW Bush, a former US president. His death marks an important release of a significant amount of 3D density as he was a major cornerstone and embodiment of that paradigm of domination, power, greed, and control. There was a noticeable lifting of energy with his passing and we’re going to see more of the dismantling of this 3D power structure in  December and in 2019.  Jupiter’s entry into Sagittarius supports truth, justice, and higher thought and actions. Anything less than that will no longer be supported by the collective energy.
And finally December 2018 has a 5 energy, the number of transition from material to spiritual. Look at how 5 is written, it can become an 8 or a 6. The 6 is Virgo, representing detail, judgment, and service, and the 8 represents infinity, empowerment, and rebirth or destruction. Virgo is either in service as a servant or of servant as a Light Beacon or master.
The 8th sign of the zodiac is Scorpio, which has three representations – the phoenix which rises from the ashes of its destruction to be reborn, stronger and more powerful than before, the scorpion which stings itself with its own tail, or the eagle, which soars high in the sky with very clear sight that either focuses on minute details or sees far ahead into the horizon. These are key topics this month, they figure prominently in how we will use the creative energy of 2019 to expand into new and wonderful possibilities, and they are also described more in my upcoming book, which will be published this month.
It’s a powerful month so get complete and give yourself closure, learn to manage your energy resources, become your own Creative Expansion Officer (CEO) and start thinking about what you want to create in 2019.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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