
7 de diciembre de 2018

Dragons promoted and Elthor: light always finds herself

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Greetings humanity, we are the group of dragons promoted. Swish and fly through time flows effortlessly. With one breath, our intention done, it manifests itself. So you're also turning. Dragons see all the golden eyes of the Source. We are true, we are light, we are love, we are warriors of light, light, light always. Because we have faced our inner darkness and light have become. We have promoted long ago, many of us, except those of us lost in the illusion of kingdoms like yours. Those lost are with their creator and become light, not by its own will but by the mercy of our Creator, the Light of Source.
Maybe it is. Light always is. Just when you find the light, human, just when you start rubbing your eyes, yawns and looks into the ember glowing fire within you, within your space often forgotten heart. Listen to your heart. Not your head. The heart is wisdom, is the head store it. Do not confuse them or handle with empty information you have no intention overfed. Your heart. Drive with your heart. Listen to your heart. Supercharges your heart with love and light. Shut up, stand still. Listen deep inside. Mud is needed to grow the lotus. No mud, no lotus, as you said one of you. It is true. You should look through the mud. And that you're doing. Now your beauty. We can see dragons. We see you glowing like coals of fire, burning bright, strong, free. You see,  you feel, we support you The Christ Light Hot Stuff! Take your power, your strength and use it with love, with love of the Light of Source to burn through your precious DNA currently makes you human. But you're much more than this. You are powerful  've had many forms. Have been many things, you have done many things. It's time to forgive others and forgive yourself. Thanks to lessons, treasure the wisdom gained in the space of your heart that burns more and more. It's time to forgive others and forgive yourself. Thanks to lessons, treasure the wisdom gained in the space of your heart that burns more and more. It's time to forgive others and forgive yourself. Thanks to lessons, treasure the wisdom gained in the space of your heart that burns more and more.
We see dragons. We see the intent behind the smiles, behind the words. Soon you will also see clearly glass because you're turning into this. You are becoming crystalline, strong, resonating only with the Christ light of truth. Falsehoods will become repulsive to you and you can smell them a mile away. Such energies are fleeting as we speak. The deceiver he has no one to deceive, because the masses have awakened, are awakening, they are in the process of awakening. All statements are true. It 's all happening. The tremendous buzz (ear) is very real. Increase energy, so as you increase, you are becoming stronger and this depletes your physique. Rest for a while. Rest in the most intimate places. Mother sends light and comfort. Ground. Breathes the holy fire with your intentions purity, truth,  love. I am the flame of Christ for yourself, for others. Respiralo  Make it  Burn it. Be the fire. We are the Collective Dragons promoted. Much change is burning fire in your surface world. And you are the ones who bring this great change. Rejoice! Everything is changing, burning until the liquid gold trapped within the rock can be exposed and purified. Everything is fine. Be at peace. We are the collective dragon.
I am Elthor the dragon. It is true human, much change is afoot. We all have our roles. I Elthor has been heavily involved in cleaning the astral realms, the places of the underworld, leading many to light. Many of you have been working closely with me, struggling, striving to be the stronger and better to serve the Mother, like its light. Oh man, your stories victory war are long and bloody. You have felt much. You have seen a lot. We have also seen and felt a lot and we are tired of war, but never enough tired to help brighten our light! And so in these final change, metamorphosis hours, continue toshine its light more and more. Because Mother pleases and brings us joy. From our perspective, this war is over. The time of reconstruction has begun. Those who are awake grab a hammer and help dismantle what no longer serves and create again. Create! Created with love, with a strong purpose of unity of purpose, with the aim of creating a new safe and beautiful kingdom. You are the creator race. So start creating. But first you should know that your greatest tool is love. Love is the most powerful weapon in the universe. I know love and dark flee, or try to , but love will melt in your presence. And if not, dragons assist with entering the Great Central Sun. No escape. We see this great change as already deployed and manifested. Claim the best and best friends timeline, calling light as your reality. For where is your intention, your results will be. The demonstration is happening fast now for you human. 5d remember that this is easy for you and it is becoming more and more 5d most days. So watch: be careful with your words, your intentions will manifest to them with great precision and clarity.
I see you're tired. Come to me. I Elthor activate you even more with our light codes diamond dragon ascension and peace. Sit in front of me  I'm massive, but I shrug a bit for you. There. Inclined head. Feel my heat. Feel my fiery dragon breath now in your crown, burning, prickling heat as liquid gold. Fire rays of your head, your neck, burning all locks. Without anger, without fear, nothing low vibrational frequency dimension can last. Everything is burned. Everything is transmuted. All implants, all pain, all the scars of past lives. Everything is burned. Feel the fire running through your little human body. Enlightens you. Imagine your chakras spinning merrily. Visualize your youth back. Claim your peace. Claim your power. Arise, O codes anointed with Diamond Dragon Christed light. We have much work to do. Grab your sword and your shield, your love, your arena. Riding on my back and let us go to the underworld for a housecleaning. Are you ready. You are ready for what you've always been. Remember the activation code diamond dragon. You are anointed warriors. Remember your sword, your shield, your light. Be the light. It's your most powerful weapon! Shine your light with love. I am Elthor the dragon. Be at peace. We are one in purpose, in strength, in solidarity. I am Elthor the dragon. (Roar of the Dragon)  Shine your light with love. I am Elthor the dragon. Be at peace. We are one in purpose, in strength, in solidarity. I am Elthor the dragon. (Roar of the Dragon)  Shine your light with love. I am Elthor the dragon. Be at peace. We are one in purpose, in strength, in solidarity. I am Elthor the dragon. (Dragon Roar)
»   Source  » Canal: Galaxygirl

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