
7 de diciembre de 2018

Florida Hospital refuses to treat children unvaccinated

eraoflightdotcom real news source

A major pediatric hospital in EE. UU. He refuses to treat children have not been vaccinated.
The Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Florida has given parents a notice of 90 days to have their children fully immunized or alternatively find another hospital.
The hospital has even said it will not recognize the usual religious exemptions, despite the fact that this is permitted by the law of the State of Florida exclusion.
Below is a picture of the alleged letter sent to parents of children attending physicians of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine shows.

From November 1, they ceased to care for unvaccinated children, including those with religious exemptions or where alternative vaccines programs.
Reports WDDTY: In a note to parents, medical director of the hospital, Rachel Dawkins says he will not accept any new patient who is not vaccinated, and existing patients who have not been vaccinated or who have not completed the program, They must meet 90 days.
"Our practice believes that vaccinating children and young adults is crucial to promoting healthy lives and future step," he wrote in a letter dated November 1.
"Unvaccinated children are at increased risk of becoming ill with a series of preventable diseases that can have serious consequences and sometimes devastating. In addition, unvaccinated children can potentially spread a preventable disease to another child who may be too young to be vaccinated or is immunologically compromised ".
She says that vaccines have been "thoroughly tested" for their safety and effectiveness.
The ban has not been universally accepted, even among doctors. One, Dr. Robert J Rowen in California, described the announcement as "the next phase of the systematic destruction of their rights to health care arising from the vaccine industry."

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