
13 de diciembre de 2018


HOW TO DEVELOP her psychic powers


The human aura

The human aura is a highly charged magnetic field surrounding and penetrating the human body. Although it is possible to learn to see the aura in five or ten minutes, most people ignore their existence, possibly because of a functional blindness. Often, people often see an object selectively, so that often does not look at all the details of the object in question, because it has only served certain features.

They have conducted a lot of research regarding the human aura. Dr. Walter J. Kilner, Santo Tomas hospital doctor in London, made the first known methods to determine the nature of the aura laboratory experiments.

These experiments began in 1908, when Dr. Kilner first observed a halo around the human body. Then he wanted to explore the possibility that this halo or aura may reflect the physiological state of a human being, and found, in fact, that certain colors and shapes of some bodily aura accompanying diseases, ie organic. In 1920, Dr. Kilner published his human atmosphere   (human Atmosphere), which followed the human aura (human aura). Dr. Kilner believes that 95 percent of people with vision normalpuede be trained to see the aura .

In Russia, a photography system, the Kilner method has allowed scientists to photograph and calculate the magnetic field that surrounds all to  human beings in life. Recently at the American University of Stanford, scientists have emulated the feat of the Russians, photographing the human aura in color. Another researcher at Cornell, Dr. Otto Rahn, discovered after extensive research that the most powerful human radiation emanating from the fingertips of his right hand . This discovery already knew for some time, individuals who are concerned with psychic healing.

You can find proof that the aura have seen some people for centuries, despite not know its exact nature, religious paintings that highlight the halos around the bodies of saints and prophets.

Through the efforts of many researchers we can, at present, specific and verifiable statements do about the human aura. The magnetic field surrounding the body and se3 extends about one third of centimeter around all parts of it, including the hair, is usually called the ether or bioplasma body. This narrow band is sensitive to touch, and it is  possible to be aware of their existence with very little difficulty. Several researchers have found that this inner aura responds to a magnet; It may be attracted to them, though not a magnet. So the aura has a mass, probably because of the presence of iron particles.

The aura extends slightly around projects as nipples and fingers on flat surfaces. It is interesting to note that this also happens in a conductor electrically charged.

Scientists from Russia, the United States and England have discovered that it is possible to send a beneficial thought, perhaps a slight electrical charge that can send another. Using breathing technique, an individual can learn to increase energy aura and direct at will to a given point.

When a person becomes aware of his aura, it is difficult at the same time knows its various designs and colors. The ability to see the colors and patterns of the aura is a matter of time and practice, for some people; others however, quickly see color; and others claim to have known of bright rainbow of his body since childhood. Although the facet relative to the interpretation of color in connection with the aura still need intensive research and refinement can be formulated some conclusions regarding the relationship between the presence of certain colors and mental, physiological and emotional state of an individualAlmost all data accumulation obetnidos gives an empirical evidence; the aura is open to research more deeply for the interpretation of the particular nuances and shades.




 - Usually represents vitality and energy. It has been experimentally found that when a person is angry, red dominates the auric field.


- It is often associated with tastes, philosophical. als about shades of blue field much remains to be done.


- it corresponds to logical reasoning and critical analysis.


- It is connected with malice, hatred and a great depression.


- it is believed   (it is still under study and research) would indicate a highly evolved as a teacher or guru to be.

COLOR yellow-green

'This color can relate to deception


- It's relaxing, often seen around the very people  who love the outdoors.

Brown spot

-Suelen surround the diseased organs


- usually represent a relationship with negative emotions such as fear, a slight depression and negative attitude in general.

The reader should   remember that there is still much to discover about color and drawing the human aura, and its relationship to daily life of man.



1.       CHOOSE A ROOM WITH A WALL without pictures.
2.       Lighting should enable people in the room that distinguish FACTIONS OF PERSON WHOSE AURA SENSE WISHES
3.       experimenters look the subject's forehead (placedfront of a neutral wall) then thoseallow their eyes revolve around the head and the body.
4.       For power aurathe subject must breathe deeply, inhaling widening the diaphragm. The subjectimagine that the inhaled air rises to the top of his headDuring this process, thesubjectrelax the stomach muscles.
5.       When the subject is executed as specified in paragraph 4, researchers focus their gaze on the subject's head , particularly at the crown. Aura as a mist or fluctuating light and halo (for example, many people describe the appearance of aura as something like heat waves rising soil in very hot days) are usually currency
6.       To confirm that even more energy forming the aura can be controlled, while others focus on the crown of the subject, this will breathe deeply and again direct the breath into the skull. Then, those present will attend the increase in brightness of the aura, and observe its fluctuations under the control of the will.
7.       The subject stretch out his hand, palm toward others and fingers pointing to the ceiling . It will breathe as before, but this time the subject imagine that the air is concentrated in his hand . Present should focus their gaze on the aura of his fingers.
8.       It is not necessary nor advisable to look with great fixity . If an observer has any doubts about what you see,is preferable to look awaya moment and then look back tosubject.
9.       The ability to see colors auric field can immediately befall the observer, or develop loso with practice.
10.   can be carried out easily, demonstration that the aura has mass, using a powerful magnet experiment.
11.   A person is chosen to remain standing closethe subject, holding a magnet in his hand. That is approximately halfmeter from the subjectbody.
The subject will breathe deeply, and observers pay special attention to the area to where the magnet is pointing. The aura will extend towards it.


Once the subject positioned against a neutral wall and high energy level aura by respiration, as described above, participants placed a large horseshoe magnet about ten centimeters on each side of the subject's head.

Participants observed that by placing the magnet in this position, while they perceive the aura originates une3fecto very interesting. The inner aura will elongate or extend towards the magnet, which can be placed at the same distance from any area of ​​the body, achieving the same effect. This experiment indicates that the aura has mass and can be used as a valuable example of the answer to the question of the back imaging.


The subject of this exercise will increase the energy of the aura , with the breathing technique  described above. Those who take part of this exercise, will stand directly in front of the subject, one by one, and placed his hands about fifteen centimeters on each side of the subject's head. The participant will close his eyes and make all their sensitivity to concentrate on his hands. The subject will breathe deeply from the diaphragm, and imagine that fills the air and out through your head.

The participant will likely experience a feeling of warmth and movement around their hands. This technique has also been successful with blind experimenting with human aura.

Excerpt from the book to develop his psychic powers  by EM TERRY MONAHAN and BAKKEN

© Ediciones Picazo
© Evelyn M. Monahan and Terry Bakken

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