
8 de diciembre de 2018

Internal documents prove that Facebook is a criminal operation lawless and data extraction

alternative news eraoflight

After entering into a series of congressional hearings last spring, the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, again the news after the revelation that his empire of social media committed further crimes with his mishandling private user data.
A package of documents that were recently delivered to lawmakers in the UK proves once and for all that Facebook has repeatedly broken the law to get where he is today, and also shows that each of its movers and shakers, including their own Zuckerberg, belongs to jail.
According to the content of these internal documents, Facebook used a virtual private network (VPN) Onavo, a company that later acquired, to spy on the activities of major competitors like Snapchat and WhatsApp, which also were acquisition targets for Facebook . Facebook is also selectively focused on applications of its competitors, preventing them from functioning as designed.
In addition, after thoroughly reviewing these same documents, key lawmakers in the UK found that Facebook had set up "agreements whitelist" secrets with select companies, giving them preferential access "to vast amounts of user data", information previously it had been sealed by California. Cut.
"A treasure of internal correspondence, published online Wednesday by legislators in the UK, offers a glimpse into the ways in which the heads of Facebook, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg, treated the information published by users as a product could beused to serve the business goals , "he revealed Nate Lanxon and Sarah Frier in an article for  Bloomberg  on these revelations.
"He invited applications to use the network of Facebook to grow, provided that increased use of Facebook. "Certain competitors, revised by the same Zuckerberg list, could not use the tools and data from Facebook without his personal approval."

Facebook violated privacy even more users to conduct secret global surveys on the use of mobile applications without consent

Many of our readers will remember a story we published earlier this year about how Facebook allegedly infringed records private calls and contacts from mobile phone users with Android. Well, we now know that this was taking place without the knowledge of users.
Facebook held calls "global survey" that allowed the multinational corporation control the usage habits of customers without their knowledge or consent. It was a secret change  Bloomberg  says that allowed Facebook record "data calls and messages" without users knew what was really happening.
Within these documents already published, there is an e - mail dated February 4, 2015, a Facebook engineer who admitted that the Android app Facebook had the ability to "continuous load" call history and SMS (messages text) of a user, which of course was not revealed publicly  if it had been, said the same engineer, would have been "somewhat high risk from a PR perspective."

Facebook deliberately blocked the tool exchange videos came under the direction of Zuckerberg

Although Facebook claims to be committed to fairness and quality, the Silicon Valley giant was also surprised pointing to a tool for sharing videos developed by Vine in 2013 that would have allowed users Vine connect to Facebook and search for their friends through the platform.
Facebook engineer, as revealed by internal emails, suggested disable this feature search of friends to enrich the monopoly on Facebook. In response, Zuckerberg gave his blessing, after writing, "Yes, go ahead."
Facebook also facilitated the spread of a data mining application developed by a company known as Six4Tree who carefully studied the Facebook profiles of people and took all the pictures of girls in bikinis. The application was made possible through an application programming interface (API) that Facebook gave special privileges to access that data freely and again without the consent of users.
Six4Tree founder, Ted Kramer, won a treasure trove of revealing documents about this and other bad practices of Facebook as part of a major lawsuit against the monolith of social media.
"A small number of documents already made public last week, including descriptions of emails suggesting that Facebook executives had discussed giving access to valuable user data to some companies buying advertising when I was struggling to launch his business mobile advertising , "  The Washington Post revealed.
"The alleged practice began about seven years ago but has become more important this year because the practices in question, which allow external developers to collect data not only users of the applications, but their friends are at the center Analytica Cambridge scandal on Facebook ".
Facebook, of course, denies any wrongdoing in connection with any of these powerful revelations. The company says that the documents are "misleading without additional context" and that several changes were made to the platform to  protect  to  the  users of Facebook data breach rather than encourage them .
But this has not prevented things "overflow" at the headquarters of Facebook. With one crisis after another in the technology giant, many within the ranks of the company they are having difficulty coping. Reports indicate that the "internal tensions" are now so extreme that they are "spreading public view".
"Internally, the conflict appears to be Facebook divided into three camps: those loyal to Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg; those who see the current scandals as evidence of a larger corporate crisis; "And a group that sees the whole narrative, including the description of the procurement of communications consulting firm definers Public Affairs, as examples of biased media attacks",  reported  Buzzfeed News  .

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