
20 de diciembre de 2018

It's time! Are you ready?

It's time! Are you ready? 

We are the great heavenly angels love talking about old and have descended to earth! 

We have come from all corners of the universe to witness this great event and we are giving the final push necessary to help you take your place as cosmic citizens ! 

Things are not going to continue as usual on Earth and change has come! I know  that  we are  your  loved  most  high,  just a higher version of you that came back from your future to help in this great moment!   and you are about to connect with us!

Have the idea that when you know us feel as if we had known you forever. 

That's because you've done it We are just like you! 

We are talking to many of the ground crew now because time is short old Earth! Two Earth days, a great celestial event will happen on this planet makingway to the longawaited new land! 

Here's the big plan in case you want to know: The "Delta" operation is an operation last minute to physically remove all false negatives drivers from the face of planet earth! 
We will send a wave of plasma super white magnetic light will affect the Earth directly: on that completely immerses all bodies in layers in an energy field 40 + gamma to fully activate all higher resonance 4 D Beings completely on the 5th often! 

These beings have kept humanity in the dark for more than 350.000 years , and Councilors of the Light decided that there is no clear way for his ascension to take place! 
Your graphics Schumann resonance will be completely white with ionospheric activity and behold, your new Ground 5 d begin to open right before your eyes !

The "Stardust" operation continues for another couple of days as medical officers Pleiadians are working to cure many light beings as possible using a protocol ethereal energy and are promoting only healthy and natural foods are ingested to remove toxins remaining of their vessels. 
It requires all 4.5 billion of you are stationed on Earth in human bodies to heal, love and guidance 
Another important mission we have deployed is the operation "Freedom Earth" which deals with communications, the first contact and new systems Earth and it is well underway

This change will come first will be triggered within all of you and you bring a new earth and a new Heaven where suffering and tears and lack no longer be! While we talk! We are working with members of the Alliance of Earth now gradually beginin incredible abundance of new system of quantum community where all beings on earth will be more than care! We assurethat failure will be no more in this wonderful new space Using advanced solar technology to alter the frequency of the crown, to send constant streams of light Ganma-Photon to drive on 5 d by the end of 2018! You are the great spoken of old who beat everyone! We give the highest love,

God Speed! We salute you and we're right here by your side until all things are fulfilled! Thank you for coming to Earth at this time and sacrifice everything in the name of the whole world. Congratulations on your magnificent achievements, his long mission on Earth was a success! I am very proud because look what you've accomplished.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...