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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Energy Synthesis. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de diciembre de 2018

Psychic self - # 4

Lisa Renee 
Translation: Anita Manasse
Dear family,
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues the theme of Attachment Cords between ourselves and others, what they are, why they exist? Also known as cords "etheric" or karmic, most healers / intuitive energy are extremely aware that these strings exist in a myriad of patterns in the human energy fieldSome originated in the current incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord can permeate through time and space! Truly our emotional body and chemistry that are our emotions, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and one of the gifts we have received from the Divine Source. It is worth understanding the impact and the incredible force of power that are our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let's investigate the cordoned ...
Etheric cords attachment (energy ties) commonly form between people, places, time lines and objects, especially when connections are deeply emotional nature. These adhesions clairvoyantly appear as long fibrous strands, such as large long telephone cables, essential. When these attachments remain between people can become a conduit by which energy is drained from the filled to the vacuum. Usually this comes from the person who has made the effort consciously or unconsciously to energize which is an energy vampire.
These cords can also send and receive pain, guilt, fear and any number of thoughts and feelings that can not even be yours. Also traumas experienced at different times in one's life can create a roped off or fracture energy so that it breaks and be reduced to the past to the event source. Hence the importance of being present in the eternal moment of "now" because you have all energy resources available when consciousness is aware at the present time.Many diseases are caused by imbalances and drained energy sources, designed for use at the present time, however, the mental body is tingling haunted by a pain of a past experience, letting the body is severely depleted.
It is possible that many times these cords drain the energy grid of the etheric body, where attachment is attached, depleting the area of ​​chi (vital energy) and leading to imbalance or disease. Often these problems can be perceived as a psychic attack when strong emotions cause explosion. You can use muscle testing or orientation with the pendulum to see clearly if what you are feeling is indeed an addiction and then take steps to clean up and release.
Adhesions the more one has, the greater the number of lines of potential problems and loss of energy and network in their field. This will also slow your vibrational increase in effort of evolution, as its light body is trying to build more fabric to maintain the level and vibration energy.Releasing attachments with forgiveness and acceptance goes hand in hand with spiritual growth.
Adhesions that form may be imbalanced or conflicting emotions that are loaded in our beliefs and / or connections over others. Lacking awareness of our personal boundaries, deliver pieces of ourselves energetically due to guilt, conditional love and allow our power to be drained when we act in line with expectations of another without allowing acceptance of who we are the true level .
To fully release the cords you have to be able to identify them and to make an honest inventory of personal emotional behavior and habits of one.All conflicting emotions should be separated. If one is confusing love with support for co-dependency, or assumes responsibility for the happiness of others, then you are opening themselves for the invasion of others, and the ambiguities of these inter-relationships can prevent them fully cutting the cords. Examining the true being of oneself compared to the subtle abuses to which we are exposed to external form, such as our upbringing, religion, social expectations and other programming sources, it is important to obtain full clarity to regain our autonomy.
As a practitioner of energy healing me has become clear that the emotional conflicts of the past that have not been resolved, will create a sympathetic response in organs, tissues, body areas where trauma can be "projected" and stored energy within all layers of the body and its field.This special event perceived trauma or suffering will be positioned as a "dark" mass 'goo' negative or tar-like energy (goo), sometimes with multiple strands, layers of adhesions connected to various experiences of other lives that produced the same response produced due to the original event of trauma.
This combines the original trauma with more accumulated rubbish and to my inner vision appears something like a dark octopus with tentacles that originate from different timelines and events that cause which activates the emotional body so that the original dark energy block experience additional pain sensations.Customers usually experiment with the perception of a feeling of a deep wound of trauma, say, established as a very young child.The timeline of trauma to the child's age splinter, a piece of the spirit of the soul is broken due to experience pain and closes various energy functions that develop as a psycho-spiritual wounds later as an adult.
Deep wounds have not been resolved form a path from the energy bodies to the physical body and located and stored patterns trauma in cells, and the physical body starts to create a unique imbalance against ingrown genes, to ancestral patterns / karmic and other factors. The physical, emotional release, soul retrieval and additional body work, such as in the neuro-muscular restructuring is required when the wounds are deep and date back a long time ago.
I will also add that, in my personal experience I have witnessed an energetic entity, spiritual adhesions, multiple personalities or just a dark being attached to this "wound" and manipulating the emotional response according to his desire instead of your unconscious subject . It is why it is clearly important to get out of the 3D box, which have been conditioned as our absolute reality, and understand these dynamics and not allow our energy fields nothing I have not been invited. A simple antidote to this phenomenon is to keep your personal power with the divine consciousness built, which have inside, their intuitive powers and manifest his command. You have to be responsible for healing so that it is permanent.
An interesting place to take into account the energy and physical act of sexuality and its implications in the energy field factor. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that can not be broken energy, unless conscientizado, free of conflict and transmuted. Thus psychological bonds can be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energy cord still exists. It's amazing! These cords are like electrical wires with the energy passing through them back and forth, drawing power in the depth and intensity of the connection.
It is also important to understand that thoughts and emotions that have consciousness or who are having when they have sex, which is being implemented in your partner. Naturally being in love, having loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner, it is the mint when fused to this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love is shared and merged force in a union of the soul, you can burn karma and even contribute as an amazing transformative force for others. By understanding these karmic bonds that are created with people every time they have sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in choosing a mate.
Below I have included a "display for cutting cords" as a guideline for their work release and healing of these cords of attachment.
Find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted, so you relax and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine standing in a beautiful peaceful place, a meadow, shore of a lake or sea.Take a few moments with your imagination, to feel the nature around them. Ask your higher self to merge with you or is present. Create a flat area on its peaceful space and draw a circle of light around delineating the circle its protected space.
Invoke the higher self of the person with whom they want to release the cords attached. Draw another circle of light (not playing his own circle) around them as the display stand in front of you.Explain the reason why they are doing this exercise, you want to be free of old emotional conditioning and psychic cords that have been built in the past, or future expectations. That you intend to keep unconditional love flowing between you and being released from mutual expectations for the greater good.
Look and see if they notice cords symbolically and how they manifest themselves. As perceived, cut them with a giant golden scissors, first of yourselves, cutting them and removing them and healing and sealing the places with light, and then removing the other person. Make sure to cut all cords feel even looking at the back of both. The cut strands can be stacked alongside or left aside. Whenever possible, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance to flow everywhere, like an energy of intention, to every cell and pore through you and the other person.
Then see the person in your circle of light in a space separate from yours. Gather all cords and seen as a pillar of violet fire them are transmuted and burned. (They can also invoke the Violet Flame of Transmutation of the 7th Ray, and ask that all cords are transmuted into the purity of God's perfection) Take a moment to feel the feeling like fire Violet Flame energizes, warms and healthy body, as visualized as fire destroys all cords and revitalizes simultaneously.Envuélvanse in a tube or bubble of light encompassing his entire being. Return your attention to your room and take a few moments to readjust and inspire. Use your technique or anchor your feet visualize that energy out vines deeply into the center of the earth.
Until next week ... Great Blessings, keep balanced between the vertical and horizontal worlds and Happy Court Cords!
Lisa Renee

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source thereof and the copyright notice

29 de diciembre de 2018

Psychic self - No.5

Lisa Renee 
Translation: Anita Manasse
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the exploration of the issue of restitution Karmic. It is Ascension cycle has a lot of energy looking for balance and release, much of which comes from ancestral lineage and experiences of other lives. How does it feel psychically attacked by Karma? We will discuss more about karma and its effect for us, especially now!
Many of the things that happen to people in their lives, they may assume that they are attacks or bad luck, they are in fact cycles of karma returning to be balanced. The basic law of karma states that what you sow is what you reap what one emits is what comes back. This is the universal law of cause and effect. The interesting thing about Karma is that spans many lives. For a long time on Earth and due to lapses shorter life and lack of conscience of mankind, karma has a tendency to continue for many future lives. This is what compounded the problem, as future beings themselves were unconscious regarding this dragged karma, and unwillingly they added more.
Incarnates many see themselves as 'victims' or whatever happened in their lives, thinking they had done nothing to deserve bad luck or problems. In fact many of these events are simply lessons of life to achieve and gain more self-mastery, self-realization and soul growth. Often the energies of karma are administered impersonally, since it is directly related to the ways in which natural laws behave in that dimension, and in the energy field of consciousness of the human being (as embodied), each containing souled game instructions and agreements that life and the karmic influence of other lives. By virtue of the simple mechanical operation of the dimensional laws, the human being is subject to those laws and connected with that energy as soon as the body comes into physical manifestation at that level. That means the soul contracts planned karmic incarnation and aspired to resolve and transcend the karmic group instruction in your life, as to various evolutionary purposes.
Para describir unos pocos de los diferentes niveles y capas de karma, a nivel personal es lo que ustedes mismos han puesto en movimiento con su propia conciencia. A nivel grupas tiene muchas capas dentro de las cuales eligen nacer como un grupo con raza, genética, afiliación religiosa y así sigue. A nivel nacional tiene que ver con lo poblacional y el país en el que nacen y experimentan sus influencias en su vida. A nivel planetario, es la escuela especial llamada Tierra, en la cual se proveen muchas lecciones y experiencias. Ustedes tienen que ver con el karma planetario en la fase de la historia o línea temporal en la que nacen. Se puede decir que todas estas capas de karma son personales para ustedes, dado que el alma elige estos factores antes de iniciar cualquier encarnación.
Ahora que alcanzamos el final de un ciclo de creación, el tiempo de la “Ascensión”, la “impugnación” del karma se ha detenido, dado que la tierra se encuentra en su viaje de regreso elevándose su vibración. Todas las especies que acompañan a la Tierra en la transición a través de la ‘Ascensión’ – incluyendo a toda la humanidad – tienen que limpiar todos los asuntos kármicos prominentes  y sin terminar. Esto significa que cualquier efecto kármico nuevo generado en esta vida tiene que ser limpiado y equilibrado en esta vida – no se lo puede acarrear para adelante, y también tiene que ser limpiado ahora todo karma ancestral que quedó sin terminar.
¿Somos nosotros responsables por los delitos de nuestros ancestros? Sí, todos nosotros lo somos. Nosotros genéticamente somos la suma total de nuestros ancestros. Nosotros llevamos en nuestras células no solamente sus atributos físicos, sino sus memorias celulares, genéticas y el karma que tiene que ser liberado y llevado al equilibrio. La gran noticia es que tenemos muchas dispensaciones para limpiar el karma y sus enredos por medio de la Ley de Gracia, las fuerzas de la gracia divina de Dios. Eligiendo experimentar esta gracia con respecto a la causa y efecto kármica, es poderosamente transformador y liberador para el buscador sincero.
Muchos humanos están ahora también elevando su vibración dentro de sus campos energéticos personales simultáneamente con la Tierra. Esto no les da solamente un nuevo interés intelectual en asuntos espirituales, sino que también los despertará frente a nuevas comprensiones y nuevas formas de ver al mundo. La era entrante es equilibradora de energías dentro de todas las estructuras, a fin de poner los fundamentos para los nuevos paradigmas de la realidad humana.
A medida que los humanos aumentan la vibración, la habilidad de comenzar a conectarse con nuevos anchos de banda vibratorios, que pueden servir para exponer información y memorias, pensamientos y sentimientos de las que anteriormente no estaban conscientes, se está haciendo disponible. Esto puede comenzar con el recuerdo de vidas anteriores, o sensaciones de dolor, pánico o amor provenientes de estas memorias ancestrales. Si ustedes no están conscientes de dónde vienen estas emociones o sensaciones, ustedes podrán percibir que las mismas son externas a ustedes y si estos sentimientos o pensamientos no les son familiares, ustedes podrán pensar que alguien otro se los está enviando.
Mucho de lo que la gente que actualmente se está despertando espiritualmente siente, no es en realidad un ataque psíquico del exterior, sino liberación kármica e integración desde el interior. Es aquí donde la capacidad de trabajar con el péndulo o el testeo muscular puede ayudarles a precisar de dónde vienen estos impulsos y sentimientos y cuál es la mejor forma de manejarlos.
Así que, ¿cuál es la mejor forma de manejar el karma ancestral? La mayor parte del tiempo la mejor elección es la de ir simplemente con la corriente, rendirse y dejar que se libere a través de ustedes. Es importante de encontrar una percepción desapegada que les permita observar estos eventos tanto como sea posible, sin juicio o involucrarse personalmente demasiado. Muchas de las veces ustedes no tienen que vivir a través de cada detalle o procesarlo conscientemente. Ustedes actúan como el conducto viviente para liberar y equilibrar esas energías contenidas en su linaje ancestral. Muchos de nosotros en esta época de cambio hacia la ascensión nos hemos hecho cargo de esto como un contrato del alma y hemos encarnado con la fuerte intención de servir para este propósito en la evolución de la humanidad.
It may be that some of these energies require more time than others to break free, and you will find again the cyclically as they move towards bandwidths awareness higher vibration. People and circumstances come back to you to be integrated into the octaves higher frequency or for resolution of the conflict and be healed. Cutting techniques cords as described in the previous message, may be especially helpful in these circumstances. The advance through the levels of consciousness means that you are integrating more specific aspects exist in different timelines and dimensional spaces, to become even a larger set of creation. You may feel sensations nontime (gaps) or handling time, retreating further back in time or an acceleration towards the future tense. The experiences of dreams during the hours of rest at this stage of our evolution, can be rather intense since our being or guide uses the subconscious and astral states to free and clean a lot of garbage accumulated over lifetimes.
It seems overwhelming as it seems like a lot of work to do, but we are sharing this task greatly with anyone and anything on the planet. You are physically related and energy with hundreds of thousands of other human sitting in different vibration bandwidths that are currently helping to balance and release this karma too. Only it turns out that many of them are unaware that they are doing, through their existence and life itself. With your conscious awareness, you are also in a position to enlist the help of their ancestors through karmic release. When they have finished releasing their karma,
In addition there is a small group of fellow humans and to be known as "mapmakers" those who have been involved intimately with the planetary evolution and have been working hard in recent years to stay ahead of the vibrating increase in human and to release and heal the really serious karma, so that mankind has a certain route map to follow as they ascend. Sometimes I refer to my family of light workers as the system of "cosmic filtration", which is not dissimilar to its literal interpretation.
There may be other, more direct karma, returning from things they have done consciously or unconsciously in this life or in the immediate past or parallel lives. No matter what you may not remember the event, or does not return in the same form in which it was shipped. The laws of karma are balanced energetically and seek to always be resolved and reconciled.
Karma is not a person or god figure sitting judging them.It is an impersonal energy force flowing and must be balanced before it can move forward. What flows in one direction also will flow in the other direction before equilibration. For example, the unconscious karma can be compensated in the unconscious (can be remembered in a dream) and may not be deployed on the physical plane.Once karma has been released, let it go with love and forgiveness and it need not be repeated. You will also experience a feeling of being more 'light' in the heart and vibration and will be able to move upwards in the width of bands once the old karma and patterns and are not holding.
The word "karma" has been associated with an event that is considered negative or bad, the idea is that you have to suffer because a soul lesson has not been learned.Transcending suffering by invoking the law of grace and surrender to his spiritual connection and receiving support is a huge step forward to connect with divine state of peace and serenity. Entails the acceptance of the divine will and wisdom come into your life, making life experience that much more enjoyable. I really want to offer another perspective which facilitates the tendency of the ego to customize and overwhelm the emotional body, to understand more about the purpose of the challenges in life and their relationship with the karmic energy.
Until next week, stay balanced between horizontal and vertical worlds.
Lisa Renee

Psychic self - # 2 -

Lisa Renee 
Translation: Anita Manasse
Dear family,
Of course there are many issues to be discussed and had in mind a brief idea ... anyway that was my intention. I share this comment following the personal experience and hopefully pave the way for provoking thoughts to stimulate awareness in all areas of our lives. Originally written in early 2004, there is still much more to discuss about current events!
Physical assaults predominate immunity because our society is not influenced as a whole to generate well-being or to be particularly informed about preventive health measures. By the way my perception has expanded since using the QXCI (Quantico) in my practice and to scan the energy field of my clients, I find only an alarming increase in a pattern of destructive effects of toxic exposures due to the environment and other. It was clear to me that I was witnessing pathogenic microbes and garbage that increased his grip on the body and severe imbalances in the bio-field were producing cases of indisposition.
What is the relationship between our level of physical health, the vitality of our life force and our ability to increase expression of a higher consciousness? Besides, what can we do to take care of ourselves to create a quality of life and vitality we need to experience our full potential? Average people do not eat well or get enough exercise, which is a part to maintain good physical health so that the life force is strong enough to continue to maintain systems emotionally, mentally and spiritually balanced immunity. The apparent inability of humanity to live in harmony with nature, the kingdom of nature, creating imbalance has resulted in lower nutrition in foods produced,
In my body scanning sessions, it is markedly clear that those taking nutritional supplements are severely deficient in their levels of nutrition and cellular vitality compared to those who implement a supplementary program. The quality of our food available is severely diminished in nutrients. The foods eaten raw or organic is extremely expensive, hard to find and not available for the population of a lower level of income. The consumer fast food market, with great emphasis on processed foods, packed with colorants, preservatives and chemicals besides sugar addiction food is slow poisoning for the physical body.
¿Capitaliza our system with regard to the fact that immunity is reduced, promoting ignorance, ensuring that hard-earned dollars are diverted by the masses through pharmacies, insurance and hospital industry? Also, what it is the purpose of this consciousness lowering, maintaining oppression and discrimination in certain circles of the "undesirable" social and demographic? Are you aware of the power elite of changes in the planet and the potential of the rapidly growing awareness and are implementing aggressive strategies suppression?
It is more interesting to note that pharmaceutical companies and related industries have become the biggest giants making money that drives the economy and health care system in the USThe prescription drugs have been saturated through our media, to become part of the social behavior accepted that promotes the consumption of synthetic chemicals and given that the best choice is required to have good "health," Synthetics are an insult and oppressing immunity of human organic biology. It is financed or supported little public knowledge in these areas, since drugs and disease are big business to make money. Has been rather an ingenious structure to keep the public uninformed cycles system health care, a life in the whirligig of vaccines, drugs, insurance, hospitalization and drugs, to feed the huge dollars to be sick, rather than being healthy. In this structure, the quality of health is poor, though not alarming, so that the revelations mostly remain undetected for a long time.
A medida que acumulamos lentamente toxinas dentro de nuestro cuerpo a lo largo del tiempo, los factores del envejecimiento y nuestra inmunidad comienzan a quebrantarse incapaces para parar la acometida de la toxicidad para cuando lleguemos a la edad en que nuestros códigos genéticos se debilitan o se activan patrones heredados. Al reforzar su inmunidad desde la perspectiva de una percepción informada sobre estas interacciones, es extremadamente importante, para mantener la calidad de su vida personal, como así también niveles de conciencia incrementados.
Con los actuales encabezados de las noticias trayendo el tema del bio-terrorismo/armas biológicas de gérmenes y vacunaciones,  nuestra percepción se ha incrementado con respecto a este tema, incitando mayormente el miedo en el público debido a que las advertencias de “escasez” son difundidas para las masas. Eventualmente uno puede desafiar esto y preguntar ¿porqué en este momento los medios están incitando ampliamente al miedo para conseguir que el público se vacune rápidamente? ¿Se acuerda alguien de la tragedia del 11/9 cuando el director médico de un prominente Hospital Infantil en la costa este se negó a suministrar a sus pacientes o empleados las vacunas contra la viruela cuando el gobierno estaba promoviendo que todas las vacunas disponibles eran pocas.... y tenían que ser dadas a aquellos niños y al equipo médico en primer lugar? Yo noté que la historia figuraba en la página trasera de un fragmento que desapareció totalmente, y no pude encontrar referencia alguna por medio de mi investigación por Internet, sin embargo nunca lo olvidé.
Me resultó curioso que, a medida que me hacía más consciente de los Niños Índigo, los Estelares o Niños Cristal cuyo promedio de nacimientos en el planeta aumentó rápidamente, En forma simultánea se aceleraron los programas agresivos de inmunización. Subsiguiente a ese artículo, he experimentado algunos clientes con niños jóvenes diagnosticados con autismo o deterioros neurológicos relacionados, que sienten que seguramente el daño es un diagnóstico equivocado y en realidad un daño de vacunación. También he tenido clientes con síntomas de la enfermedad de Parkinson (temblores) que se manifestó ya que comenzaron con temblores en las manos al poco tiempo después de recibir un tratamiento agresivo de drogas o inmunización.  Es claro que la educación se tiene que hacer a nivel individual para tomar una decisión mejor fundamentada con respecto a su salud personal, en lugar de dejarse llevar ciegamente por el sistema médico.
El punto básico es que la mayoría de las vacunas son totalmente venenosas para el sistema nervioso central y suprimen la inmunidad del cuerpo humano y sin embargo nuestro gobierno ha hecho que sea obligatorio en muchos casos el tener la inyección y no ha informado claramente al público con respecto a los riesgos involucrados. He incluido algunos links más abajo que son de interés si ustedes quieren investigar este área.
Otro factor con el que la mayoría de nosotros nos la tenemos que ver es el campo de las ondas electromagnéticas, radiónicas que son empleadas para propósitos negativos o de defensa por parte de nuestro gobierno. El Programa HAARP es manejado conjuntamente por la Fuerza Aérea y la Naval de EE.UU. cuya base se halla en Gakona, Alaska. Está diseñado para “comprender, simular y controlar procesos ionosféricos que podrían alterar el funcionamiento de sistemas de comunicación y vigilancia.
Segmentos de nuestra población se ven bombardeados por ondas electromagnéticas invisibles y ciertas zonas demográficas y gente son apuntadas. Generalmente esto se utiliza para controlar y suprimir las poblaciones hacia la complacencia por medio de la manipulación a través del miedo, enfermedad y control mental. Hay mucha controversia e investigación frente a la posibilidad de un control de los patrones climáticos por medio del uso de tecnología del campo de las ondas scalar.
Aparte de ello, como la mayoría de los seres humanos no están conscientes de la mente subconsciente y de cuán fácil es programarla subliminalmente, muchos de nuestros medios, programas, comerciales y películas han “plantado” mercadeo o transmisión de mensajes para crear estímulos para el consumo, adicción y consumismo para desequilibrar. En su forma más malevolente, capitalizando con el dolor y sufrimiento humano, mientras exaltan visiones puramente superficiales del sexo, belleza, status, dinero y poder, ello representa grandes asaltos para suprimir el espíritu y sin embargo alimentar deseos implacables del ego para una aceptación social. Ciertamente la Reality TV (TV de la Realidad) ha logrado un fenómeno reciente en evaluación, ya que muestran gente real retratada con dolores reales, sufrimiento o dilemas. ¿Por qué está nuestra población tan fascinada para ver el dolor o la adversidad de otra gente? ¿Están contribuyendo manipulaciones energéticas externas (p.e. los pulsos de las ondas Scalar emitiendo frecuencias de “miedo”) para alimentar impulsos emocionales más bajos y las reacciones de nuestra sociedad?
Estos son algunos factores básicos de los cuales obviamente hay millones más. Sin embargo es un ejercicio cotidiano de percepción enfocada el evaluar cómo estos factores interactúan con ustedes, los afectan en su vida cotidiana y si eligen el permitir estas energías dentro de su esfera de influencia. El estar conscientes e informados permite el discernimiento y la claridad para experimentar su vida sin interferencias subconscientes u otras. Conectándose con energías más elevadas en el interior a fin de cultivar una expresión emocional más elevada y el discernimiento intuitivo, es su poder personal para navegar a través de estos obstáculos. Nosotros tenemos todo lo que necesitamos en nuestro interior. Tenemos ayuda externa y podemos pedir ayuda por parte de los reinos espirituales pidiendo orientación, sanación y liberación. Cualquiera que necesite sugerencias o apoyo en cuanto a por dónde comenzar a contactarse con su ser superior, siéntase libre para contactarme por medio de email. Dentro de ello reside su serenidad por derecho de nacimiento divino y por herencia divina. Ha llegado el momento para reclamarlo.
Hasta la próxima en la que nuestra investigación continuará.... 
Con amor, Lisa
Lisa Renee
Traducción: Anita Manasse
En los niveles psicológicos y espirituales uno tiene que vérselas con pensamientos, sentimientos, emociones y energías negativas de otras personas. El mundo de la 3D básicamente ha institucionalizado comportamientos del ego negativo y una propia conciencia más baja a medida que penetra en todos los aspectos de nuestra sociedad.
Si ustedes no están fuertes en su campo energético, en su percepción y poder personal para evitar estas energías, las mismas pueden ser absorbidas en su subconsciente, drenar su energía y dejarlo sintiéndose pesado.
Los elementales negativos, formas de pensamiento o formas de pensamiento dis-asociadas se apegan a su aura, produciendo puntos oscuros de energía que causan drenaje y desequilibrio psicológico. Tal como una enfermedad es contagiosa para el cuerpo humano, los pensamientos negativos son contagiosos para el cuerpo mental. El cuerpo mental es una parte de su campo energético que genera en un plano propio, toda la sustancia que son sus “pensamientos”. Nosotros tenemos un plano mental separado básicamente en dos áreas principales, con áreas inferiores para el funcionamiento básico y a medida que logramos la maestría sobre nuestras creaciones, un área de un plano mental más elevado para acceder a expresiones de pensamientos más elevados. La mente es la constructora de la forma, y así es un plano en donde toda la sustancia de pensamientos es creada e interactúa para comenzar a que la forma de pensamiento se manifieste en la forma física.
Cuando se pronuncian palabras o se piensan pensamientos, se proyecta hacia fuera una ‘forma de pensamiento’. Puede permanecer simplemente en su campo, flotar por ahí al azar, o puede ser dirigido hacia o acerca de otra persona. Cada vez que miran la televisión, una película o leen un libro ustedes generan formas de pensamientos. No hay pensamientos neutrales, los mismos son cargados ya sea positiva o negativamente. Muchas formas de pensamientos son tan sin discernimiento como el asunto correspondiente, algunos son amorosos y otros pueden ser repugnantes o violentos. Cuando ustedes viven o trabajan en la proximidad con otra gente, ustedes están sujetos no solamente a las formas de pensamientos que ustedes generan sino las de aquellos con los que entran en contacto.
Tal como hay parásitos en el cuerpo físico, el cuerpo etérico estará cargando también basura o adherentes. Tal como ustedes se duchan cada día para limpiar su cuerpo físico, ustedes también deberían desarrollar la auto-percepción y hacer un esfuerzo para limpiar y liberar su cuerpo etérico también. De otra forma todo este fango de baja vibración, tales como estas formas de pensamiento negativos y otra basura energética, pueden crear bloqueos en áreas del cuerpo etérico, el trabajo de las rejillas energéticas, los chakras y meridianos, evitando que los mismos reciban la fuerza vital y eventualmente afectarán al cuerpo físico para que no funcione saludablemente.
Así que, ¿qué es lo que se puede hacer para prevenir esto? Es importante estar conscientes de las formas de pensamientos que ustedes están generando, acerca de sí mismos, de otra gente, el tipo de entretenimiento que observan y leen. Tratan de limpiar de su campo todas las formas de pensamiento que no son las suyas propias y visualicen una barrera para que las formas de pensamientos negativas no puedan penetrar a su campo.
The Shield 12 D and technique Platina Red is a good daily practice to clean and protect your field. Working with their teams personal developmental support for balancing energy and release their field is also excellent. I have come to be aware of a dispensing work light truss, called the removal program matrix, called the "Fear Core", which works to release and remove implanted and patterns of trauma emotional response. This has definitely improved the emotional charge and a neutral association remodeled many key emotional issues in my life and that of my clients.
The advantage of cleaning your field of dark thoughts is that no longer attracts more and make this problem, which brings us to the next issue of entities. When you come near to weaken physically, psychologically or spiritually, this leaves them open to psychic attacks the lower astral plane (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional sources. In cases where power is severely reduced, it can form the possession of entities and spiritual adhesions. Moreover, obsessive thoughts, addictions, deep inner turmoil and imbalances of personality disorders can result in attracting lower energies and entities.
The earthbound spirits (disembodied) are attracted to those who resonate with lower, such as addiction, anger, emotional states, etc. what they have failed through their own incarnations in which they lived on the planet. Interestingly karmic residues and waste can not be released outside of a physical form, therefore the tendency of lost souls is to find the energy field of a human body to which to adhere. Often these are people who are fighting addictions or addictive tendencies, only to have these urges, cravings and subconscious messages to be handled through the adhesion of an entity or other negative energetic influences.These symptoms are reduced sharply when the adhesion of the entity is removed. However, if the person continues letting himself be tempted by unhealthy habits, life imbalance or does not assume responsibility for clarifying conflicts, entities will be re-adhere to the point "damaged" in the energy field, until it has been cleaned emotionally and resolved completely.
I like attracts like, and if the field you are full of forms of dark thoughts, it may attract small dark entities who come to enjoy the space you provide. They also adhere at a time when resistance is low, such as during illness, stress or distress.
Most entities that adhere to us are not bad, they are just lost souls or small parts of a fractured soul. Sometimes we will be accompanied by people who have transcended, but are not sure where they are - especially if carried very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still having cords attached to them. Spirits who died with addictions are also hovering near living addicts trying to satisfy their desires. The variety of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.
The first thing to decide is whether these entities want to be with you or not. Even though they are draining their energy and produce them physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may be familiar and feel comfortable at a certain level against the sense of ego structure and fear arise against the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay if you allow it, and they all have their proper time and space to come back to and already should have gone. If you want them to go, they have to be firm. Keep in mind some health-related problems,
With practice you can see these energy forms such as entities, as you can regularly scan your field with his inner vision. If you have trouble viewing them, it is very effective and powerful learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help.Cultivating their own higher sensory perception is something unique and individual to you. Some people are more Clari-audientes, clair-sentient and clairvoyants end. With practice and intention to bring up their intuitive gifts, they appear quickly.The challenge is to learn to trust your intuition and guidance, when it is revealed to you. This is what takes longer, the build confidence and trust in the messages and discern whether the orientation is given by the ego or the higher self. Its intention to remove any of these items while displaying the irradiating light through the field grid between work and out of their chakras inward Earth, will help immensely. When they finished, they created a protective bubble around sealed around and through your aura, before venturing out into the world.
By allowing more light to his field and run a spiritual house cleaning, it will help them in their spiritual growth, inner peace and connection. However, after you become more competent when your field is clean, you will feel the constant pressure of the forms of negative thoughts that come to them from other people around them. Ways of thinking can create waste spaces, environments and places that can make energy a sensitive person feels very uncomfortable. This can also give the impression of psychic attack, because they feel pressurized by the density of its substance.
However, learning dialing limits to maintain his personal power and understanding the energy dynamics that you share with people and things, make it incredibly easy as they progress.
The next thing we will discuss are the cords that attach between you and others, the etheric energy cordoned between our relationships with people, places and things.
Until then, have a week with a gentle flow aligning itself with the divine will and with the light of your unique path.
Blessings and love my family!
Lisa Renee

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...