
8 de diciembre de 2018

⭐👮♂⚖ * Things you need to know about the Mossos. Who rules CATALUNYA ARE THE JUDGES Bastards

Channel Telegram of "Catalan CNI" 06/12/2018. *  

Things you need to know about Mossos:  

* 1. * There are 72 agents of the body charged by the process. 

* 2. * The Mossos are judicial police. This means that Interior gives orders but especially the TSJC gives orders, and many. Even he coerces. Send more because it threatens to charges. 

* 3. * Specifically, whenever Vox manifests, judges pressure and threaten the Mossos. Literally. Buch blame the counselor is to ensure that judges continue sending. Be aware. 

* 4. * Vox is the party that drives the popular accusation against political prisoners. Direct line _ with the judges to "save Spain '._ roped us a thousand times. 

* 5. * Whenever Interior recommended not to use force judges commissioners call with threats of charges for the crime of dereliction of duties. They want loads and violence. 

* 6. * As we are a conquered country, direct confrontation with fascism always end badly. It divided our opinions. It's like trying to kill the Nazis based factions. 

* 7 * 100% of the time that a small group wants tobreak a police cordon charges even though the counselor will try to not exist. The judges know very well what they do. 

* 8. Mossos is the best police force in the state, not in vain and yet always the same judges elected by research. They have areas for improvement? yes. 

* 9. * In constant balancing act that the body has to carry out we must choose if we learn to make the Mossos an ally for us or we just throw fences and pretend that piten. 

* 10. * The 21D Our goal is not to cause Mossos loads. Make no mistake in the debate. 72 charges, remember. We live in fear in the body. 

* 11. * corrupt and unworthy judges have proposed _ "save Spain '._ are not useless politicians, these and we won. They are unscrupulous fascist, with immunity and with the support of Philip VI. They are the real opponent. And rule over Mossos. There is intelligence. 

* 12. * To make matters worse, some youth groups have decided to use violence against Mossos is legitimate. Here we 'll lose internal and external support, and worse lose the reason. 

* 13. * Groups that use violence are trained and directed. They infiltrate demonstrations. Throwing stones, they push the line into the cord to cause loads. They receive the innocent. 

* 14. * If we are in a rally and start pushing, launches bottles, stones, cans or eggs appreciate not stop until the police charge. 

* 15. * Use in agglomerations violence against police line makes us small for all exposed. Fascism will not overcome it well, do not underestimate. 

* 16. * Catalonia is better with Mossos without. But having a critical structure such as this requires sense of state. Knowing how each game is played. We not behave like teenagers. 

Telegram _Channel of the "Catalan CNI '._  

_Important thanks for sharing this informació._ ⭐👮♂⚖

Note mister1963 organization

Judges in Spain never think dispense justice, sentencing ONLY WHAT IS ORDERED IN THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES IN THE CAPITAL OF SPANISH CORRUPT

Seen and repudiated by the Soldiers of the Creator through misteri1963

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