
4 de diciembre de 2018


Dear Ones,

This month of December 2018 will be massive. You can already feel the energies of these first 3 days!!! This is building to a crescendo of LIGHT, from SOURCE.

As the LIGHT increases hourly, daily on the Planet each of you are “triggered” in various ways. For you see Dear Ones, these Light Codes activate your dormant and current DNA - shaking ALL YOUR CELLS into life. It is exhausting, we hear you say often. Yes Dear Ones, it is exhausting and your Human Vehicles are working overtime to be prepared for when the exact moment, the Quotient of Light moves to Flash Point. Great change will move quickly and permanently through your bodies and Mother Earth.

You are witnessing many of the last remnants of these changes unfolding rapidly, within and around you. For some it is all you can do to just “hold on” riding the waves the best way possible.

Do not push against these waves, and by that I mean, try to be easy on yourselves, go with the flow, rest, relax, meditate. Forcing yourselves to run a marathon at this time is pointless - you need to conserve your energies for all that is unfolding.

Be easy on yourselves and each other.

As the quotient of Light increases so does the LOVE vibration, they are intrinsically linked.

As you witness others struggling one of the best healings you can offer is LOVE AND LIGHT. It covers so much when sent out from your Heart, for the highest good of another. Send it also to YOURSELF. Always start any healing process with YOU, and then you are sending from a more whole, loving perspective.

Dear Ones, this month will see the change of the guard on the surface of the Planet. The old guard (darkness) has only remnants of its hold left. Many of you Light-workers, Way-showers and Star-seeds (or whatever labels you wish to be known by) are the ones who have worked tirelessly to bring the New Earth to fruition. You will see so much unravel - so many truths revealed which have been hidden from you for eons. There will be reveals that are so shocking that even if you think you are prepared for what is to come forward - you are not. As all the dark, ugly secrets are unveiled this is when all your LIGHT AND LOVE will be needed the most.

As advised when travelling by air-craft = USE YOUR OXYGEN MASK FIRST - find the stillness in your heart, call in the LOVE THAT YOU ARE and the LIGHT THAT YOU ARE and then you will be best placed to assist those for whom this information will unravel their world instantly.

YOU chose to be prepared for times such as these and I tell you no matter how prepared you are, you too will find some information - unbelievable.

Dear Ones, these are the times of the GREAT AWAKENING.

None of this information is given to you to make you fearful - how can you have fear when you are PURE LOVE?

This is why you are needed to move ahead, to be ready at this time to step forward and hold the hands of those still happily slumbering.

And as you hold hands with your fellow beings, we hold hands with you - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.


You know what the future is, for you are creating it every day. When you repeat the MANTRA of -


Because you know this and have prayed this Mantra, you are the ones who will be sort out, to reassure those for whom this information is new.

Because you have spent the time consciously raising your vibration, these words resonate and are your TRUTH, it will be easier for you to hold on to those who are floundering.

YOU Dear Hearts are the LOVE WARRIORS who have fought the fight for LOVE to win, and for this MANTRA to come into reality.

Soon Dear Hearts you will be called upon to Stand Tall and take your place as the Leaders of the LOVE AND LIGHT BRIGADE - no better than another - it was your choice to be the Way-showers, the 1st Wave of Beings - prepared to do this work.

As always you are honoured and revered in the Realms of Illuminated TRUTH for having the courage and conviction to step forward so that ALL HUMANITY and MOTHER EARTH can finally come HOME TO THE GOLDEN AGE.

And so it is



Channeled through Leslie-Anne Menzies  <3 <3 <3

~ <3 ~

Photo: Geomagnetic Storm... Angelic Frequencies of Light Codes... captured over Kiruna, Sweden by Babak A. Tafreshi

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