
11 de junio de 2019

Atmar and Lady Venus Kumara: Live and Be Happy Part 2

Post picture © Andrea Percht
Greetings, beloved,
Blessings on the world, blessings on your heads and grace of this world!
I am in the middle of you. Let's go ahead and do the work that needs to be done so that everything turns out well and happiness and joy reign in your hearts - so that you can be resurrected and see which light surrounds you and which light you are.
Choose one or more cities from the following 20 cities of the world to which you now feel a clear inner connection: 
• Aachen (Germany)
• Astana (Kazakhstan)
• Bangkok (Thailand)
• Belgrade (Serbia)
• Damascus (Syria)
• Essen (Germany)
• Kathmandu (Nepal)
• Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
• Lahore (Pakistan)
• Ljubljana (Slovenia)
• Leipzig (Germany)
• Montevideo (Uruguay)
• Mumbai (India)
• Nice (France)
• Seville (Spain)
• Shanghai (People's Republic of China)
• Shenzhen (People's Republic of China)
• Sydney (Australia)
• Turin (Italy)
• Ufa (Russia)

Where does it move you - there you sit down! We start now with our work.

Listen to your inner promptings and let your omniscient soul lead you to the city of your heart ...
Visualize that you are now in your chosen city ...
Pause …


Then have the following: 
I, (call your name here), 
by virtue of my divine consciousness, have this cosmic pillar of light anchored in (here the name of the city).
I have this indestructible and omniscient pillar of light above the earth, on earth and under the earth filling all life with light and enlightening all darkness - for the good of all life on earth.
ALL-WHAT-IS becomes visible on earth. 
Through me flows the light of God and I bring it to the people.
I thank the Creation, I thank the Creator.
(Available end)
Feel and visualize now how a pillar of light rising up into the heavens and penetrating the earth is lowered to this city ...
Now feel and visualize how the light from this column of light flows out of the globe in a funnel shape and flows into the globe.
Enjoy this sparkling energy and let the white-golden light of love absorb you completely ...
 Anchoring is now under way in all 20 cities and is completed within the next 3 hours.
(Rest in silence as this happens, dwell in silence, if this has already happened as you follow this message in your time.)


These pillars of light - to give you an insight into the efficacy and the blessings that they mean - fulfill the following essential tasks:
  • The pillars of light supply all people in a radius of 1440 kilometers with spiritual light from the original source of all being and also act as a "transformational amplifier" for all people of this earth, no matter where they are.
However, anyone who is in the vicinity of 1440 kilometers is directly affected. This allows these people new and bright thoughts and causes the rapid healing of wounds suffered in all parts of their being.
  • The pillars of light anchor - "earth" - the people. This releases fears and makes people open to the vibration of awakening.
  • These pillars of light work on both a spiritual and a physical level as their light specifically strengthens and makes your human body healthy.
  • These columns of light are placed at energetic points of contact of the earth, which are of great importance for the liberation of humanity. The dark rulers of this matrix had "turned" the energy in these places, which had a negative impact on humanity.
Now the luminous fundamental vibration is restored, that is, these places are flooded by light and previously unknown truths penetrate to the public.
Those who fear the Light are thereby deprived of power and power, and those who greet the Light are given power and power.
  • These pillars of light act as watchmen! Entities that do not want to surrender to their own transformation or who remain committed to darkness can not pass these pillars of light.
This concerns above all the Archonten (1), which travel from the subtle astral realms to the earth, in order to provide itself here with sufficient energy.
  • By installing these columns of light, further entry gates of the cold race and their entrances to this earth are thin.
  • These pillars of light are omniscient and, if necessary, work far beyond the 1440 kilometer radius, acting above the earth and below the earth. Its ray is unlimited upwards and unlimited downwards and is activated omnisciently at given hour for given events or humans.
 (End of the excerpt from the message of the 1st worldwide anchorage)
Your loved one,
the days of light have come. The truth prevails everywhere and the darkness becomes enlightened.
Familiarize this process, which is unique in the history of humanity, and look forward to everything that is to come.
A happy life is the result for anyone who really wants it.
I stay with you, I do not move from your side. 
I am in your midst and I am with you as soon as you call me.
Please and it is given to you - ALL given!
I love you infinitely.
(End of anchoring and message by LADY VENUS KUMARA, continuation of Part 2 of the Embassy of ATMAR)

The pillars of light start their work and the effects are serious. Visible and invisible, people are brought back to themselves. The inner compass provides orientation and wrong and correct is recognized.
At the end of this transmission from the realms of light, I invite you to change your life until you are surrounded by happiness.
Awareness work means nothing more than to look at what is, you do not need to do more for happiness.
Because if you no longer deceive yourself, you can not be deceived, and if you love yourself, you will not lack love, no matter how you encounter the environment.


Reach the state of absolute innocence.
"To become like a child" means to develop clear thoughts, to express one's own feelings and to set unmistakable actions.
He who corrects his errors, whose addiction to drama is satisfied, and who feels boredom in this world, is close to the truth and his mastery.
For whom the thirst for experience is extinguished and for those who are no longer hungry for earthly adventures, in which inner peace returns and there is silence - this is the harbinger of happiness.
Master, find out what you want to experience, live this completely and unconditionally - and without feeling guilty. This is the best and fastest way to happiness and to unity with God.
I am a man of men and a master of masters. I am pure divine consciousness, light of light and love of love.
I am what you are.

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