
26 de junio de 2019

Everything is energy. Materialism is dying

The matter has faded, like mirages in the desert, in the eyes of science. Everything is energy, and chaos seems not to exist.
For quite some time, David Bohm, prominent physicist said:
"Light can produce particles and various structures of matter. Matter is a condensation of light. Light is everything that surrounds the universe. Light is energy and information.It is the potential of all. Light is that background that everything is one, but its information content has the ability to cover the immense diversity. Light can carry information in the universe. The self-organizing universe, nature is alive at all levels, and is intelligent. "
"The order unit involved is the total energy that manifests in multiple ways as heat, electricity, protons, neutrons, different elements of matter, sound, etc. What is perceived as a series of events and material particles are nothing but manifestations of an energy unit involved behind them all. "
"There is a universal order and harmony that exceed everything that has been imagined until today; the subject is constantly in the process of organization; nothing exists in vain, nothing is sterile or indifferent. "

With the death of materialism have been very disoriented and confused. Materialism was fashionable when its leaders sentenced "God is dead". Many embraced this philosophy and its dogmas.
Materialism was a necessary phase where humanity explored the depths of matter to its borders and to his surprise, he has spotted the bright lights of the beaches of the spirit. It has been materialism who discovered his own immateriality.
Death of materialism does not mean the rebirth of spirituality as we were taught religions, whose gods have also died on their altars. The rebirth of spirituality involves awakening of a new consciousness, a new vision of God, a new thought  spiritual does not need the tenets of faith and belief systems. Now science is an ally.
Great beings were responsible for preserving many of the old treaties that guide us today amidst turmoil. We have "The Secret Doctrine of HP Blavatsky" and the works dictated by the "Tibetan Alice A Bailey." Companies such as Theosophical Society, the Arcane School, the Rosicrucian School, Freemasons and many others whose teachings are guiding the transition.
Knowledge today allow us to delve into ancient texts as the "18 Puranas ',' The Rig Veda", "Mahabharata", "The Bhagavad Gita", "Sufism and Islamic tradition", the book "The Arcana Tarot "," the Emerald Tablet ", the" Book of Enoch "teachings" Buddhism "and many other teachings returning to deliver its essence.
Hermes Trismegistus, gave us the knowledge of the Seven Universal Laws, we know through Kybalión, an ancient treatise on alchemy, esotericism and metaphysics.
The Seven Laws Kybalión and have revolutionized the contemporary metaphysical thought. Many writers take these teachings today to the great human, knowledge-hungry masses. These seven principles teach:
  1. The principle of mentalism
"THE ALL is MIND; the universe is mental. "
This principle embodies the truth that "everything is mind."Explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "the material universe," "the phenomenon of life '' matter ',' energy ', and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is unknowable and indefinable, but can be considered and conceived as a universal mind, INFINITE aND LIVING. It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the laws of created things and the universe as a whole and in its parts or units, it has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in whose mind "we live and move and have our being."
  1. The correspondence principle
"As above, so below; as below, so above. "
This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of existence and life. The old Hermetic axiom put it in these words: "As above, so below; . As below, so above "This principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental and spiritual universe; It is a universal law. We observed in an atom, a solar system and a galaxy this law is fulfilled.
  1. The principle of vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. "
This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion", "everything vibrates", "nothing is at rest"; facts which modern science endorses and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago by the masters of ancient Egypt. This principle explains the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the densest form of matter, everything is in vibration -How much higher vibration, the higher the position on the scale.
  1. The principle of polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree ends meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. "
This principle embodies the truth-that "everything is dual"; "everything has two poles"; "everything has its pair of opposites," thesis and antithesis are identical in nature but different in degree "; "Opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; the pairs of opposites may be reconciled "; "Ends meet.
  1. The principle of rhythm
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the extent of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. "
This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a motion measure to either side; a flow and reflux; one swing back and forth; a decline and grown as a tide; one high and one low; between the two poles which exist in accordance with the principle of polarity. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; elevation and subsidence. This is in the affairs of the universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things.
  1. The principle of cause and effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause;everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. "
This Principle embodies the fact that there is a cause for every effect; an effect from any cause. He explains that: "Everything happens according to the law"; that nothing ever "merely happens"; there is no such thing as chance; that while there are various planes of Cause and Effect, the higher dominating the lower planes, despite that nothing ever escapes the law.
  1. The principle of gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles: Gender manifests on all planes. "
This principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything-the male and female principles, active, passive, transmitter, receiver, yin and yang are ever at work. This is true not only physical, but mental and even spiritual planes. On the physical plane, the principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes take other forms of manifestation, but the principle is always the same. No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this principle.
Check amazement as these principles, the ancient world, explain what modern physicists posit today.
Our world is changing rapidly transforming GOD IS BACK, it has revealed himself to man in the form of Light and Infinite Intelligence. Today we can understand at a higher level the meaning of Godliness. Without dogmas of faith, we can recognize that we are part of divinity, all children of light.
Worship time is over and this leads us to the end of our smallness to meet the principle of our greatness.
Today we discovered that creation is not over, that we are beings in transition, we evolve led by the Universal Mind, a new way to call God and acknowledge Him as omnipresent, omniscient, eternal Father, and omnipotent.
We also discovered that the next Noah's Ark, which will save humanity, is being built within each of us, in being that is awakening, being born, where God continues to create and refine his work.
The rituals are changing and instead of worshiping, we exercise to accelerate our own evolution. As seeds of divinity, full of potential, we abandon prostration to germinate, awakening, realizándonos from the soul.
Ensigns since the past have returned bringing their light amid the prevailing darkness, they also die for synthesized in the new, nothing is lost, the plan of Light and Love is perfect.
Today we do not need gurus or priests, we have grown. We require not be grazed as sheep. Today we know that the bridge that unites us with divinity is within us. The ancient gurus and teachers today are leaders and facilitators simple, belong to all strata of society are professionals, technicians, clerks, laborers, people familiar only to awake and aware of planetary emergency.
One day, not too distant, spirituality return to school, where he will be taught to meditate and connect with the potentialities of the soul. Spirituality transform human social life, political, economic, how to deliver justice and our relationship with Mother Earth, changing the culture. It will be born a new civilization.
Our world will not be destroyed, not end despite the criers of disaster. Our world is undergoing a process of transformation, decomposition we observe is the result of the death of the old and decrepit. Our world seems to be plunged into the dark, but this darkness is like transiting a cocoon before becoming a butterfly.
All spiritual groups committed to the awakening of the New Consciousness, we are part of the change we seek our own transformation to transform the world. Materialism is dying and a new thought is born.
Leonardo Diaz
astrologer Metaphysical

Submitted by Everth Thenanshed, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets. 

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