
15 de octubre de 2019

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING OCTOBER 2019


October 2019


From your Hostess of Light 

We are destined to make a difference, Damn the consequence
Time Bubbles

Bantering with the future does not place one in the cockpit of destiny

From Your Hostess of Light:

I know this is only October but it’s time for you all to gear up and get ready for the ride of your life. Our planetary teacher Mercury goes retrograde on Halloween. The ghosts of Christmas Past will be here sooner than expected. During this time I usually call in the goddess of completion because when you can’t go to sea you stay home and mend Nets. We all have a closet full of nets that need mending reconnecting resetting and recalibrating. We will have plenty of time for that between October 31st and the first day of Sagittarius at the end of November. When you actively enter a state of completion the universe issues a decree and declaration in your favor. The universe is all about order within the chaos.

The human mind is hungry for order, hungry for completion, hungry for checking off everything on the to do list. The brain needs to know that everything that has been nipping at its heels to do, to complete, to read, to be, has now come to a place of rest. Just like a waking in the morning a rest allows one to renew their senses, to renew their rhythm to renew life. We are so serious as humans worrying about every little thing this timeline opens up an opportunity to learn to play with the universe, like two children playing ball in joy with no expectations, totally in the moment. Play involves a give and take. Give yourself the gift of play. Interact with the magic of life pure like a child’s heart and and watch the blessings flow. Need Nothing, Attract Everything!

We are destined to make a difference, damn the consequence

When two or more gather in purpose and heart the universe encircles and lifts them to a place of miracles made manifest. When a person of wisdom comes together in pure heart and intention to give others his truths a new network of light is created and the light quotient is then increased. This is a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life will touch you deeper into your soul core.

You can verbally discount the sadness of another by saying it will not affect you but we as a planet and a collective light are actively ‘our brother’s keeper’. As a species we are energetically and biologically connected to each other. As the light energy steadily increases in pressure and position we will find many who cannot adjust to this change. Emotions will float to the surface like a buoyant treasure. Playing into another’s personal dark dialogue and finger pointing will only clip your wings of light. Wishing a disagreeable person a poignant light will serve to unplug you from their grid of self-sabotage.

With time speeding up and life not slowing down we find that we are not able to keep all of our promises to ourselves and those we love. Our intentions are grandiose but full of hot air as we can barely rise to the occasion of making it thru the day. The feeling of walking in wet sand as we sink deeper and deeper into a place of lethargy. We can blame it on the month or the stars or solar minimum but we all know we have lost our sparkle. Like a champagne glass filled with soda, we are not reaching our full potential. The shore seems farther and farther away as we swim for our lives. We want to blame someone or something but ultimately it lands on our back porch. Guilt trips are packed for weekend stopovers as we all gallantly sidestep all that needs addressed.

Within the human being is a seed of hope. A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather or life may be. So many people have worked so hard only to see their dreams laid to rest in a barren thirsty soil. They have followed their divine blueprint into a desert that grows little. They have extended themselves financially, emotionally and physically, plowing a land that is unfriendly and does not support them. We become robotic like, as we struggle not to feel the sadness and disappointment in our heart. We don’t want to give up on what lives in our heart, the seed of hope we all hold for humanity.

We try hard to escape this harsh reality but life swims toward us with an open mouth. Any illusion of control is held tightly in the body as pain. Our bodies kick and scream and our soul pirouettes out of control. All personal considerations go on hold as these vast energies enter our field of inquiry. Fight or flight gallops thru our thoughts as adrenaline pumps hard. We feel helpless and hopeless as our dreams seem to whither on the vine. Our ability to nurture has turned into the need to survive. We begin to panic looking for the escape hatch, anything has to be better that all of this planetary upheaval. W sit in this empty space asking to be rescued by anything or anyone. In this place of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, the scent of danger lingers around the campfire.

It is time to get off our weary haunches and stand up for what we believe in. We are not little in light nor purpose. We are destined to make a difference, damn the consequence. We are held responsible by our actions or inactions by the cosmos. We have the quantified tools to shift the particles of all that seems to take away our freedom of choice. We seem to be adrift on a sea of circumstances. We are paddling with our spiritual hopes and dreams. When it seems you are drowning in life, don’t pray and swim to shore, but get out of the boat and walk on water. We are the Saviors of a world that has come undone. We are not blind victims, we have come into this world with eyes wide open. We have a Great Promise in our hearts to keep. This Great Promise casts a Light greater than any shadow. The heavens look to us to become the transformation we seek.

Time Bubbles…

The Time-Gates were created to occupy a space which holds all possibility. As the Time Gates open this 11;11 and time flows equally in all directions, everything that you have held on to emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a declaration of release. The opening of these Time-Gates herald a deep healing for all of humanity. The walls in your heart, in your life, in your thinking – have served you well. They have sequestered you kept you looking at the same thoughts over and over again, never refreshing what you once dreamt. always bringing the heavy arduous dark past into the very new now. Time was birthed to keep worlds dimensionally safe, until they were ready to expand in consciousness. As the constructs of holographic universes and self-imposed invisible walls are freed one is able to move forward without time restraints.It is time to heal. It is time to release the pain in your heart. It is time to let go. It is time to forgive. It is time to love, deeper, and fuller, than you ever thought possible. By moving your awareness into a malleable future, you will find that time will take you into a probable future. This is done by lifting up your thoughts and energies.

Time entrances and exits are inching their way towards all of the ancient and modern artifacts of Power. When a time door is opened, it affects the molecular spin of the entire also affects the memory. Even though you are moving as fast as you can in your mind and body, your actions will appear to be cartoon like. The molecular spin of life has slowed down to look at itself, Revealing where there are rips and tears in the time- flow. Time as you know it is under construction. As the sands of time slide through the portals of all that is sacred, seen, and unseen, humanity’s hope is revealed as it is seen in a full spectrum of possibility. As Time begins her journey back towards herself, her place of preference, she asks you to not give up on what lives in your heart. The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot die, that cannot be sown into another’s pocket. The Universe has placed in you a time mark that asks to be viewed under the microscopic eye of your true heart.

The unknowable becomes seen in the Halls of Time. That which has been emptied, now becomes full. There is nothing to let go of, you are simply free to explore all that you are. A realm shift awakens from a long slumber to escort you into the next cornerstone where time and space meet, embrace and finally become one again. The prophecy you seek to know bends the rules of physics. It is living and pliable awaiting your instructs. In your awakened state all livingness will respond to you, thus the need for future knowledge is short and to the point. In the hologram of earth when you see the future you change it! When you have a need see it fulfilled, know that the universe shifts in accordance with your personal beliefs.

Bantering with the future does not place one in the cockpit of destiny

So many are still hanging on for dear life to what was and what should have been what could have been. Let’s face it dear ones the tide lines have loosened and you can no longer sunbath upon the shores of the past. You are the wizards and handmaidens of light. You alone hold the magic of ever changing possibility. The outcome of all action is innumerable and cannot be counted upon. In these times of change many have lost sight of the shore and thrash about drowning in a tidal pool. When the winds of change blow you can ride them soaring to new heights in delight or allow them to keep your tired and exhausted always fighting the force.

A natural rhythm needs to be established as you walk the sacred path of life as a sacred-partner. See the magical qualities of life as natural. Nature is a great healer, look at life from a different perspective. When you see beneath the surface you see with the eyes of God. See with a great hope and a deep knowing. Become a seer of what is invisible to the human eye but not the human heart. ‘You’ll see it when you believe it’ is shouted from the biological rooftops of humanity. Cellular intelligence declares its independence from circumstance, leaving no time to sit and ponder the outcome. Bantering with the future does not place one in the cockpit of destiny

Right comes from the left as internal circuitry reacts to the radiant downloading. Photonic particles are created as life moves closer and closer to a dialogue with space without time. ‘Make it so’ is echoed in the halls of time as everyone is asked to participate in this next creational dance. The Achilles heals of many will ache with prayers as they are brought to their emotional knees in order to receive communion with first light. Humbleness allows an opening in the canyon of self that once dead ended. The impassable mountain responds to true emotion from the deep clear well of caring.

You are asked to become more than you ever thought possible! You are asked to become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become all that you dodge. You are asked to make personal decisions that even the angels would fret over. You are being pulled away from your personal line in the sand and taken to a new beach without footsteps. You are asked to increase your belief factor in yourself and all of your abilities. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is needed to be done, let it fuel your life force. Instead of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy allow it to give to you increased energy. Stop whining about what has be-fallen you and see it as a piece of the soul puzzle you seek.

Bantering with the future does not place one in the cockpit of destiny. What is yet ‘to’ be is still unformed and embryo. Riding the reactions of a world that is still at a point of choice will only serve to lower the immune system of many. Adrenaline spikes off the charts as the pulse of the world watches and worries. True faith needs to plant itself in the soul of humanity. Look deep with the eyes of your soul and ‘see’ what lies before you and behind you hidden in the ripples and illusions of time.

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