Ten Days Of Darkness – Exposed Evil Shocks The World

Many have been asking about the Ten Days of Darkness so let’s see what we have on it at the moment.
Importantly, although I will mention some dates, they are NOT set in stone. Dates can change like the wind!
Why is that? I’m not completely sure, but it could be that it’s designed to confuse the enemy. If we let it, it can also confuse us too, but we’re not going to let that happen, are we?
Also, a date could be set but something unforeseen happens. There are many reasons.
Always remember, we are in the War of Wars. We have to expect things of this nature.
So what happens before the Ten Days of Darkness?
Tesla Free Energy
There is some preparation that needs to be taken care of before it can happen. For example, The Tesla Free Energy needs to be hooked up to the power grid. I believe this has already been accomplished.
This new energy would be set to begin and come through our present power lines. They are saying that it should happen on 23rd October, 2021 US time / 24th October, 2021 Australian time. (Remember how I said not to get hooked up on dates?)
If it happens on that date we should be seeing it almost immediately. We will see.
It’s said that the cost of this new energy will be around 75% less than what you are currently paying.
Hey, but you said it’s free!
Does ‘free’ mean… it doesn’t cost the user anything, or does it mean it’s received freely from the source? I believe Nikola Tesla wanted it to be ‘free’ for all, but we would need to have ‘something’ to capture that energy, wouldn’t we.
As we are transitioning over, let’s just say that the new energy is very cheap alongside whatever power source you are currently using.
Tesla’s long-held dream was to create a source of inexhaustible, clean energy that was free for everyone. He strongly opposed centralised coal-fired power stations that spewed carbon dioxide into the air that humans breathed.
One of Tesla’s most extraordinary experiments was to transmit electrical power over long distances without wires or cables — a feat that has baffled scientists ever since.
His grand vision was to free humankind from the burdens of extracting, pumping, transporting, and burning fossil fuels — which he viewed as “sinful waste”.
Nikola Tesla
Apparently the Military are already using Tesla Free Energy, but we are talking about setting the whole world up.
Will we know when they switch us over?
By all means. They have been telling us that the switch-over will take anything from between three hours to three days. This would mean no electricity of any sort for that period.
Many have prepared with back-up generators. I believe all hospitals already have that. Most essential services would have a back-up plan. But most people have no idea of what is about to happen!
I trust it will be closer to three hours for the sake of people worldwide. Fridges. Freezers. Fish Tanks, etc. All could suffer if it goes on for three days. Of-course they will plan for the shortest time but they need to allow extra if any unforeseen comes up.
Prepare now!
If you haven’t already prepared for this event… run! Do it now!
Think about what you will need for up to three days of no power.
This potential three day period of time happens just before the Ten Days of Darkness.
Is the Ten Days of Darkness literal?
Well, the sun will still rise! Day and night will continue! So a straight Ten Days of Darkness is not quite that literal.
It is expected that the militaries all around the world, via the US Military, are going to shut down all:
- media
- Internet
- phones
- TV programming
This will be a ‘dark time’ for most! How will people manage?
The Military will be able to run a channel on either your TV or phone. This will be the ONLY channel working. You will not have connection of any other kind.
World-Wide Marshall Law
While many are fearful of the thought of Marshall Law, this will not be one of those times. It will be the White Hats carrying this out, not the Black Hats.
We have been told that the military, in the end, would need to be the ones to sort out this mess. We need to be anticipating Marshall Law as the next step.
Talk about a lockdown! This will be the lockdown above all lockdowns!
Using their own broadcasting channel, they will be asking everyone, and I mean everyone, to remain indoors until it’s safe to go outside again.
Safe? What do you mean safe?
During this time, they aim to make many Mass Arrests including removing governments all around the world!
There are 500 thousand indictments that have been filed in Federal courts all over the globe. All those who have not already been arrested, will be arrested then.
This ‘dark time’ will virtually keep everyone at home making the arrests an easier task.
But, these people will not necessarily just come easy. There could be gun fire! Yes, it’s definitely better that you keep indoors as much as possible, as we have no idea where these arrests will be taking place. It could be right next door!
Military Tribunals, Video Confessions and Evidence of Scandals
Tribunals, Confessions, Evidence
During this time of ‘darkness’ they will be broadcasting 3×8 hour sessions showing the world exactly what has been going on over the past number of years. This means that one session will be broadcasts 3 times per day. It’s to allow everyone worldwide to view during their daytime.
This will be a shocking time for all as we learn what the countless members of the Dee/p St/ate Ca/bal have been doing. Only those who have been game enough to dive deep into the rabbit holes have any idea of what is to come.
Many of our family, friends and acquaintances will suffer as they finally begin to learn that what we have been trying to tell them is really true. We will need to be empathetic. It’s not the time for saying ‘I told you so!’
Just a word of warning for those who do believe they know everything. I have the feeling we are all going to learn things that will also shock us to the core.
It’s a time to draw closer to God than ever. Prepare now for the Great Reveal… Revelations like we never could have believed!
Mass Arrests and Government Removals Worldwide
While this was happening the Military would be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests on 500 thousand indictments filed in federal courts across the nation and globe.
They have it all. Our world is being cleaned up like never before.
God is moving, and when God moves, trust me, He moves! He has declared that enough is enough!
We may ask why did God wait until now?
Apart from being God’s Timing, as He knows best, enough of us too had to be ready to join in the fight. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. Videos, posts, memes. Share, share, share! Whatever you see of worth, keep it moving and share.
‘My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us’
It is expected that meanwhile, President Trump would be safe on board Air Force One. This is to keep him safe and away from any action. The Global Currency Reset (the good one – not the Great Reset threatened us by the D/eep S/tate) took place as all 209 countries change over to gold backed currencies. (This includes, silver, precious metals etc.)
President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.
So the Ten Days of Darkness is not a time to be feared. It is more a time we should all look forward to so we can get on with the great transition from dark to light that is taking place in our world at this time… with King Jesus at the helm!
Partly Sourced: Dinar Detectives