
12 de octubre de 2019

How to Cure Anxiety - Continued anxiety attraction Archangel Metatron

How to cure anxiety by Archangel Metatron 

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - Original source: Sacred School of Omna
Continued attraction of anxiety by Archangel Metatron.
I,  Archangel Metatron  , return to continue our discussions focused on anxiety. I do, because anxiety is a growing energy within people on  Earth. So much so that anxiety is strengthened beyond its natural or necessary nature. Because many souls on Earth think, they feel and act from a place of anxiety, the energy of anxiety exists within the consciousness of humanity. Humanity is based on a well of energy and wisdom to which all are connected, anxiety is present here for everyone to accept and embody, if they wish. Of course, within the consciousness of humanity there are many other energies, skills and creations available for download. As humanity reaches changes ascension accepting higher vibrations of truth and recognizing the essence that exists within them, so the conscience of humanity or removed from all switches to higher vibrations. If a large majority of people choose to recognize and heal their wounds related to anxiety or anxiety,  then the anxiety would be healed and released from the consciousness of humanity. Therefore, future generations would not know or could access experience or an incarnation of anxiety.
We can recognize that energy of anxiety within the consciousness of humanity is like a magnet, acting as an impetus for humanity of anxiety. Often anxiety can be addictive, it is because the mind gets used to the drama and the presence of anxiety. It is also due to the pull of the energy of anxiety in the conscience of humanity, which is similar to a well of energy that everyone uses. When you stop in anxiety, severe or not, it becomes a sticky glue that hinders the expression and creativity of truth and the essence of your being. Anxiety is like a force that takes you away from the amazing divine being who you are. As the energy of anxiety is strengthened, people are confused, they create fear and limit the expression of the Creator flowing through them.
If you can recognize that energizas anxiety within you, whether small or big, you are opening to heal and release the power of growing and suffocating anxiety. Acknowledge, recognize and accept is the first step in any healing process. Rule out an energy such as anxiety within you, is living in illusion and limit the ascension process available to develop within you. You're everything and everyone, you are all that is  the Creator  and all that it seems that it is not. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to heal and transform you to help yourself and others. There is always something to cure within you, because every instigation and healing recognition allows the unit to emerge from the Creator, which is your natural existence.

Archangel Metatron tools to cure anxiety

Recognition is the key

Its ability to recognize, acknowledge and accept the presence of anxiety, in whatever form it manifests within your being is priceless. It is the beginning of your healing tool. Judge any anxiety arising within you only increase your energy. It is also essential to realize that you can live a life free from anxiety, this is their divine right. Accepting that you are choosing energize and focus on anxiety within you, creates an opening for healing to take place.
Then come the questions: 'What is the core of the anxiety you feel, big or small it? Where does anxiety within you? How anxiety originally formed? You may want to ask these questions and take time to contemplate. It is seeking to discover the starting point of anxiety within you or hurt that expressed anxiety.
A wound of energy within your being can be formed easily and simply from a negative or traumatic experience, a misunderstanding, a belief formed of a situation, a fault or a process of transformation / healing unfinished. A wound energy is stagnant, is retained within your being for a reason vibration. The reason is the key that unlocks and releases the wound, thus creating an experience healing, release and internal transformation.
Therefore, the essential steps to focus are:
  • Describes the anxiety and feel now.
  • Where anxiety originally formed? Ask yourself be guided in and, you can be reminded of an experience in your current or different life. You accept any ideas you get. If you get an idea, then know that you have connected and continue with the process, you may not need to be aware and still can follow the pattern of energy to experience a release.
  • What hurt was created and why or message remains in the wound? If desired, you can use visualization to get the understanding you need. Imagine how the wound, perhaps a box, a cave or something else. Enters into the wound. Just be present within the wound will help you understand the message. Often the message is repeated continuously, so patience is accessible.
An example of information or ideas you may receive: anxiety is flying in an airplane. Anxiety caused by falling from a tree as a child. The message inside the wound is not to lose control, otherwise, you will experience pain.
Remember wounds or messages that are stuck in their being constantly projected into your reality, that's why people find that some areas of your life just do not work as they wish.

Where do you put your focus then?

Recognizing the message that has stagnated within your being and projected into your reality, you can automatically experience a release or internal transformation. It is important to recognize the change completely, doing so will allow you to experience the transformation completely. You can accomplish this in saying: " I recognize the divine opening, liberation and transformation that awaken in me now." In doing so, he aligns his conscience and his whole being with the awakening and healing that takes place within your being, so that his whole being benefits from the transformation. Therefore, this transformation will be shown in their reality, manifesting beautiful divine opportunities in their daily lives.

The result

As you make the journey of discovery, it recognizes that anxiety is simply a more interesting and transformative product of something that takes place within your being, so will free the presence of anxiety in your life. Also you delete the presence of anxiety enhanced in the conscience of humanity, thus reducing the magnetic pull that anxiety can have on humanity. The conscience of mankind no longer energize and enhance anxiety within humanity. Thus, a powerful process of awakening, healing and transformation will take place for humanity.
It is essential, I, Archangel Metatron, I agree that everything has a purpose. This means that I am becoming aware of the attraction of anxiety within the consciousness of humanity and how is promoting anxiety within you and vice versa. It is an ascension activation occurs for all now. The Creator is inviting everyone to purge the anxiety that has no service or need in your life, to create new awakenings, realizations and divine experiences for everyone. The fact that anxiety has been enhanced in many on Earth and in the consciousness of humanity itself is an ascension process. You need to see, feel and recognize how powerful and consuming anxiety can be. In doing so, you allow yourself to reach new vibrations of truth and liberation.
In constant love

archangel Metatron

  * Published by Thenansehed by Joan Ashtar

© misteri1963

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