
2 de octubre de 2019

October 2019 Energy Update: Saying NO to Overload

Source: Lee Harris
We have a few different themes coming through this month: There is a CLEARING PHASE on the horizon, so major time for clearing out, clearing up, SAYING NO TO OVERLOAD in order to access more magical and higher frequencies, EXPLOSIVE ENERGY AND SURPRISES and last but not least, COMPASSION BEYOND DIVISION.
The energy of clearing is going to be very supportive, surprisingly graceful and is going to be VERY quickly replaced by the energy that you want to bring in.
You’re going to start to notice that saying “No” to being overloaded, overstimulated is just becoming a natural rhythm for you. When we do this, we actually do start to live at higher frequencies - I call them Magical Frequencies. It’s when you start to notice that everything is flowing more in life and that you are able to see the thread of spiritual connection that’s running through your life.
It’s also a really important time for us to come together as a community and to learn to mend our hearts as humanity. Because the wounds that we see playing out in all of us as a collective, they have the potential to be transformed and let all of us move forward to a more compassionate world.
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