
9 de octubre de 2019

said digital trade was just agreed upon in an agreement by the U.S. and Japan

Resultat d'imatges per a "informe fulford 9 de septiembre de 2019"

Okay. Irvanka said digital trade was just agreed upon in an agreement by the U.S. and Japan. It's also gold backed. Does that have anything to do with crypto currency? No. President Trump specifically stated: He does not support crypto currency.
What is digital trade? digital product means a computer program, text, video, image, sound recording, or other product
that is digitally encoded, produced for commercial sale or distribution, and that can be transmitted
electronically. For greater certainty, digital product does not include a digitized representation of
a financial instrument, including money.


electronic authentication means the process or act of verifying the identity of a party to an
electronic communication or transaction and ensuring the integrity of an electronic
electronic signature means data in electronic form that is in, affixed to, or logically associated
with, an electronic document or message, and that may be used to identify the signatory in relation
to the electronic document or message and indicate the signatory’s approval of the information
contained in the electronic document or message;
government information means non-proprietary information, including data, held by the central
information content provider means a person or entity that creates or develops, in whole or in part, information provided through the Internet or another interactive computer service;
interactive computer service means a system or service that provides or enables electronic access
by multiple users to a computer server;
personal information means information, including data, about an identified or identifiable
natural person;
trade administration document means a form issued or controlled by a Party that must be
completed by or for an importer or exporter in connection with the import or export of goods; and
unsolicited commercial electronic communication means an electronic message, which is sent
to an electronic address of a person for commercial or marketing purposes without the consent of
the recipient or despite the explicit rejection of the recipient.

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