
17 de septiembre de 2020

Saint Germain: Through The Power Within You 09/16/2020

I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be able to be here with you in this way and share, to open up or continue to open up experiences within you to help to guide you along the way, as many of us are doing.

Not only through this source, through this channel, but through many other channels, how we can bring this communication to you to help you remember who you are.  And that is what this is all about.  That is what you are all here for.  The mission that you came here for:  to remember who you are, to again feel that power with you, as you spoke in your discussion earlier.  Bring the power back within you.  It has always been there.  It is only your mind, your brain, that has shut off to it, shut off to the higher consciousness within you and to the God consciousness within you.

But it is all coming back, now, for many of you.   We are noticing that you are coming back within yourself.  You are coming back to who you are.  Some of you are remembering bits and pieces along the way.  Some of you are getting those glimpses of those experiences outside of this third-dimensional illusion.  You are seeing beyond the illusion.  You are seeing beyond the veil.  And if not seeing, you are feeling them.  So allow it.  Allow it to continue to flow through you.

Do not become mired in the muck that is all around you now, in the experience that is that 3-D experience.  Yes, we know it is difficult to find yourself out of it, when you are so ensconced within it.

But you can be in it, and not of it, at the same time.  You can live your lives, but still find those times, those moments in your every-day expression, when you can raise your vibration, knowingly raise your vibration.  You have control over that.  Nobody controls that for you.  Nobody can bring your vibration down unless you allow them to.

If you allow the dark forces, if you allow the cabal to continue to control you, then what is left for the rest of mankind?  If they are able to control those of you, the Light Warriors, then how can mankind achieve what is needed in this great plan?  You must show the way, my friends.  You must show the way.

Just as I, again, when those were so frightened to sign the Declaration of Independence for this country, for this United States of America, and I stepped forward and was the catalyst to have them drop their fear.  Then one by one signed that declaration.

Which continues to hold sway this day, the constitution of this country!  It is not only the constitution of this country, it is to be the constitution of the entire planet of the world, and of all the people of the world.  We, the people!  It is not just for this country, not just for the United States.  ‘We, the people’—is for all of the people, no matter what race, no matter what color, no matter what religion across the entire planet.  The collective consciousness of man must become one.

And you, each and every one of you on these calls, each and every one of you that read these messages or listens to them after, each and every one of you are necessary.  And it is part of your mission right now to show the way to be that ideal.  But you cannot be the ideal if you go along with what they are attempting to hold you to, to hold mankind to.

And make no mistake, my friends:  the cabal, the dark forces, the elite, whatever you want to call them, are doing everything that they can to continue to hold onto control on this planet.  But they know that they are losing control, so they are putting out all of the stops now, everything that they can to think of, putting all of the parts of their plan together.

Only they are having to bring it together much more quickly than they had originally planned.  And because of that, they have what you would call loopholes in their plan.  And the Alliance, those Forces of Light, are working to close all of those loopholes so that they can be utilized within the Forces of Light.  That is what you are working on now, each and every one of you.

Hold the Light and share the Light.  When you are part of reconnecting this consciousness grid, this Christ Consciousness Grid, you are powerful beyond measure because you are connected to this grid.  You may not be fully aware of that yet.  You will be.  But you may not be yet.  Your power comes through that grid.  And that is why, as this grid continues to build and continues to be reconnected, your power is growing within you.  The Light is growing within you.

But do not sit back.  Do not sit back and allow those forces to continue to hold sway with you.  Because again, if they hold sway with you, then they hold sway with all of mankind.  You, of course, being the collective you, those of the Lightworkers and Warriors throughout the planet.  You that have awakened first and are preparing even now for your Ascension.  Be in that First Wave of Ascension.  Allow yourselves to move through this transition and through this Ascension process.  But move through it with all of your power intact within you, and the Light spreading out from you.

All of my peace and love be with all of you, my dear friends, my dear brothers and sisters.  And oh, how the reunion awaits us all!

» Channel: James McConnell

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