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✨——✨—— ♥️♥️ ——✨——✨

Al comienzo de la Era de Piscis, los Elohim enviaron a dos Avatares o Maestros Ascendidos para anclar las Energías que llevarían a la Humanidad desde la violencia de la Era de Aries a la Era más espiritual de Piscis.

Piscis está gobernado por Neptuno y está energizado por los altos ideales espirituales, y Yeshua y María Magdalena encarnarían a estos ideales que serían necesarios para el Cambio de Era, cuando la Era de Piscis se convertiría en la Era de Acuario.

Desafortunadamente, el lado oscuro que buscaba controlar la Tierra y su camino, utilizó en varias dimensiones la Energía neptuniana para manipular y mentir, por lo que la verdadera historia de Yeshua y María fue distorsionada.

Yeshua y María vinieron a la Tierra como Avatares y Gemelos Divinos, para sostener la evolución de la Esencia del Divino Masculino y Divino Femenino, tanto dentro de sí mismos como en una Asociación Divina.  

Cuando Yeshua dejó la Tierra, María fue a Francia y continuó con su Misión de fundamentar la Energía Divina ‘Pura’ en preparación de la Era de Acuario que vendría, ya que la humanidad necesitaba estar preparada.

Desafortunadamente, la Energía de la manipulación y el control se apoderó de las primeras Semillas plantadas en Medio Oriente, y la iglesia ‘cristiana’ comenzó a reprimir y a controlar a las personas a través del miedo.

La verdadera línea continuó en Europa a través de las enseñanzas de María Magdalena, la ‘Señora’, quien estableció que la verdadera ‘Consciencia de Cristo’ eran el Amor, la Compasión, la Bondad y la Libertad.

Estas enseñanzas fueron practicadas en las amorosas y solidarias comunidades de los ‘Cátaros’, Seres Maestros ‘Puros’ de altas frecuencias.

Sin embargo, los seguidores de la Dama fueron eliminados por la iglesia romana en la cruzada Albigense del siglo XII, y las verdaderas enseñanzas Avatar se perdieron o suprimieron.  

Amados, pero, ¡NO para Siempre!

En ese momento fue dada una hermosa profecía y que aludía a este mismo ahora, sobre que los ‘PUROS’ regresarían para llevar a la Tierra a la Edad de Oro y se recuperarían las enseñanzas de la Consciencia Crística Femenina.

Arcángel Miguel - A traves de Celia Fenn.

Laura Kelesiel de 





 Kwan Yin.

 Dear Heart, I am Kwan Yin and I come today with important news.  The Divine has decreed that planetary ascension has done extremely well.  We have gathered many energies and brought them to earth to help Gaia and humanity.

 Apparently these incoming pooled energies are working wonders.  Not only for Gaia, the Earth, but also for our Lightworkers and Humanity.

 Planetary Ascension is evident.

 As a result of these intense energies, we are now able to climb rapidly and accelerate the ascension.  So far, we have almost reached the speed that we designed for Gaia and humanity, and that is very exciting news.

 Therefore, the Divine and the Company of Heaven are extremely happy, and we will continue in the effort, bringing more of these group energies.

 In other words, to ensure the ascension of the masses and the planet itself, we have to group different types of rays together, so that when these rays hit the planet, the domino effect occurs, affecting different groups at the same time.

 The effect of these energies will be evident in the ascension of souls

 In this way, all the different soul groups can ascend together.  That is the key.  So far so good.

 I love you dear heart, I am Kwan Yin.  In this ascension process, the Divine has also gone to great lengths, in terms of keeping our Lightworkers on par with our Divine plan so that whatever happens, they are always ahead of the masses.

 And also so that they are always able to point the way and be the ascension leaders.  That said, it is important for you to know that we have individual plans for the different Lightworkers.

 Some are on par with the Divine plan, others may not be.

 Some may feel that they are well ahead of the game.  But in reality, there are quite a few Lightworkers who are still in the 3D mindset, not living in the heart, but with the head.

 Kwan Yin says: think less and feel more.

 They think upward and that is not possible.  You cannot think about your way to the 5th dimension.  You can only feel your way home when you remain in the HEART, loving every shape you choose and loving your way up.

 That is the difference.  Thinking gets you nowhere.  It is just mental activity.  Thinking is necessary when you manage your daily life and do the things you do.  But on the way to enlightenment, mental activities should be reduced and limited to a minimum.

 Most of the time you are in a state of "being": being in love, being in the HEART, being with the present moment being all the LOVE and the light that you came to be here.

 Eliminating mental activities is helpful, not only for the sake of enlightenment, it is also critical in terms of staying at peace and being a peaceful warrior.

 Get rid of unnecessary thought patterns

 You cannot be at peace unless you have LOVE in your HEART and you are in the present.  And that cannot be achieved by thinking.  It is achieved by being in the moment and being the LOVE and the light that you are.

 So thinking doesn't do much good in terms of promotion.  But it does help when you need to take action in your daily life.

 So be careful, watch your mental activities.  But when you need to be alone, watch your mental activities, your whole mind.  Let Divine Love and Light enter so that we can help you eliminate unnecessary thought patterns.  That is the message.

 I love you dear heart, I am Kwan Yin.  In the coming days and weeks, the Divine will continue the effort to push the divine agenda further and further.

 The Divine and the Company of Heaven have been doing a wonderful job in terms of pushing forward divine revelations.

 And so far, we have all kinds of divine revelations on the list, waiting to be announced.

 Our spokespersons are ready and can hardly wait for their turns.

 That's the scene, and that's very exciting.  We appreciate our Lightworkers and these spokespersons for their effort and dedication.  Good work dears.

 I am Kwan Yin and I love you.  That's how it is.

Channeled: Linda Li.


The Day of Purification.

When the Dimensional shift happens we'll experience the 3rd dimensional state of consciousnes recede away. When this happens we will start to see synthetic materials begin to disappear that are not of the natural world. In my opinion they will not disappear all at once it will depend on what they're made of.

When the grid of 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to break down along with the magnetic field this is when these synthetic materials will disappear. What so many don't know is that axis and grid changes have been happening for millions of years this is why there are no manufactured items from previous civilizations that are of synthetic material. Which is ironic because these past civilizations were much more advanced than ours.

The fact that objects start to disappear especially to those who are and have been completely oblivious to the changes happening on this planet who also don't understand what's happening to themselves begin to go crazy. This is why very advanced civilizations built massive structures out of stone. These structures make it through the dimensional changes and remain there.

When this 3rd dimensional interface occurs you will notice the colors of the objects won't match in ways you've been used to it will boggle your mind. The Galactic's that have been monitoring this shift are hoping for a gradual movement through this interface. You will be able to watch this change happen for only a short time before the magnetic field completely collapses.

Your field of view and vision will disappear and you will find yourself in sort of a black void. The 3rd dimensional consciousness will be gone for you. Some people will fall asleep and start dreaming for 3 to 4 days. The proverbial 3 days of darkness. This is a natural process and we've done it many many times but fear will be an issue for some humans on the 3rd dimensional level.

During this process you might all of a sudden remember you have done this before. As the 4th dimensional world comes into perception Light comes back again. You will be in a world unlike you've never seen before although you have you just haven't been able to remember because of the erasing of our memory.

It will be a brand new place all the color, shapes and textures will be all new to you. There are a lot of similarities when you shift worlds but this one you will shift as you not as an infant. And probably minus your clothes depending on what they're made of. 🙃

One of the similarities is the Holy Trinity the mother, father, child. When upon entering this new world you'll be met by two beings your father and your mother but they will not be anyting like your Earth parents. These beings will be 10 to 15 ft tall they have a bond with you and will guide you through the beginning stages of this new world. These beings know you and your divine nature from the very beginning of your creation. Basically, you will be in this incredible new reality with two beings that you have this intense love and bond with but won't really know why.

As your physical body structure remains the same, on an atomic level you will have transformed dramatically. Meaning, much of the 3rd dimensional denseness will have been converted to energy. Meaning, much of your atomic structure will now be further apart than before. What I mean is your cells won't be so coagulated together which means you're becoming a lighter being not so dense.

You will go through this process alone. Remember the biblical saying "the many are called, so few chosen" Meaning, the wheat will be separated from the chaff. Remember, when you enter this 4th Dimensional world you are creating everything second by second, thought by thought. This is also true in the 3rd dimensional world but we have been so programmed to live in such a restrictive environment within an incredible amount of limitation.

This new reality is a world of everything happening instantly. What I believe the saying "the wheat will be separated from the chaff" means. As we go through this movement into this higher 4th dimension you will need to stay away from any fear based emotion because that will pull you back into that lower vibration. The ones that are thinking love and who remain calm will be pulled through to that higher reality and you have just won the game.

You become stable in this new reality depending on what you're thinking.
"If you live by the sword you shall die by
the sword and the meek shall inherit the Earth." Meaning, the separation of those who still remain thinking in a 3rd dimensional way will be left behind. The wheat and the chaff will be separated.

One of the first things you'll start to realize is that whatever you think happens instantaneously. Many of you will look at your appearance and want to change it to an ideal image that you want. Self modification is a childlike exercise but if you look at many non-terrestrial beings they're all tall, beautiful and healthy. Self modification of body structure is a natural occurrence and will continue from the 4th dimension on. It's a creative expression. Again, it's very important to remain at peace within the first few hours of this dimensional interface. Your inner technology is very important.

Remember, these two beings are unlike your Earth parents and they will guide you the first two years of this new reality. They don't look at you as your Earth parents do as possessions to be controlled. Let's say these two beings are telling you something you would instantly experience it. If they are explaining a certain location or a room you will instantly be there. It's kind of like a higher state of dreamtime.
The 4th dimensional realm is somewhat like the 3rd dimensional realm with some physical aspects to it but with the injection of Christ consciousness which will bring in Unity consciousness. A Whole New World...


New Earth, O Earth alternative

As they move toward the full moon and the March equinox and beyond those of you who have chosen New Earth as a destination are experiencing the revival of his divine human template within your DNA
It is a powerful process that involves receiving powerful incoming Diamond Light Codes that activate not only the original template, but also eliminate each and every one of the distortions and alterations in patterns of genetic DNA.
You should know, Beloved, there was a race of beings who simply call "Draco-Sumerians" who craved the planet and decided to make it his own and divert it from its original purpose.
They did this by altering the patterns of flows male energy, so where male and female had been in perfect balance before, now masculine was designed to seek domination and control through money, sex and power .
Now, after thousands of years of this imbalance and distortion is perpetuated through DNA and records, Codes Diamond Light starters are becoming so powerful that they are simply washing distortions and manipulations of the original DNA and allowing the template human Divine to emerge again.
At that point where the DNA is purified and purifying, and are reconnecting with their Divine Power.
This will be a powerful and magical time. There will be an acceleration of the process of awakening and an acceleration of the cleaning process inside their bodies.
So at this time, the Earth is ascending to its new purpose as a Sacred Planet and pristine spiritual energies that are anchored in the fifth dimension but ascend to the ninth dimension. And those of you who have chosen to ascend with it also are opening to the higher dimensions and allowing anchor these higher dimensions in the networks of the New Earth.
They reconnect with the Earth itself and the Devas and Nature Spirits to manifest the energy of Paradise in those places on Earth where the frequency of the New Earth is grounded.
There will also be those who are called to revive the Garden of Paradise through the Paradise Codes.
New Earth is a clear and pristine energy that elevates the Sacred and exists as a harmonious, loving and creative frequency. This is what we call the frequency of "sanctuary" or "temple".
Those who change the frequency of the New Earth will feel a heightened desire to align themselves with the sacred mission of Earth and activate their missions Alma as Guardians of the energies of the Holy Land. Will the Guardians of new temples and shrines, which can be as simple as a room in a suburban house or as large as a new building dedicated to divine service in the New Earth.
Not everyone is ready to ascend to the New Earth and cross the bridge to Higher Consciousness. This may not move beyond the fifth dimension will continue in the current Earth we call "Earth AC", a place where humans low frequency can live their lives through their choices, with the possibility that the awakening is always present.
Many are being called at this time to intensify and be more available for those who seek the light and move towards the process of awakening and they need support, love and guidance.
Many of you will choose to spend more time on Earth alternative processes involved in assisting those who are still there to awaken. You'll Masters, Guides and Healers, and you will find that your work is expanding and growing rapidly as more people guide you.
So you can see there are many options available to the Warriors of Light and workers as you progress through this exciting new phase.
Alternate Earth is a chaotic place where energies rotate while many people who have not mastered their energies trying to create and coexist together. Release much fear and anger because they have no idea of ​​the damage that can cause emotions and mental patterns off balance. They have not promoted to love, but are still obsolete patterns of greed and domination to try to create what they need.
The alternative Earth and the New Earth exist in the same space, but in different dimensions. Therefore it is possible that you move between them once you've focused on the new quantum continuum of energies.
If you are aligned with this flow, you will receive support in everything you do. The purpose of the Earth is also sustain life, so you never have to be anxious and fearful if service continues its momentum and expresses its purpose on Earth.
This full, with its emphasis on 1 degree of Aries and Libra Equinoccio / Moon focuses on the new male (Aries) and Holy Marriage (Libra) within their cells and their DNA.
So, dear, we ask you to keep your consciousness at the Equinox and be prepared to listen to your guide and your soul.
Choose where you would like to be and what feel you want to do to express your soul purpose on Earth / New Earth.
Above all, keep the energy of the sacred and the Sanctuary in his heart.
Perhaps even you begin to build your own shrine to the Divine Light!
Or maybe you start making the Garden in your heart and in your life!
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds by Joan Ashtar
Misteri © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice




The Pleiadians: The Flow of Fifth Dimensional Light

The Pleiades
Dear Earth Friends and Fellow Shipmates now holding an earthen vessel,
We, your Pleiadian friends and family on your Starship are very pleased when you, the Earthlings, as we call you on the Ship, wish to communicate with us. We are also pleased when you tell others what you have learned from your nightly visits to our Ships.
Of course, some of your visits occur in YOUR daytime, but only when you have expanded your consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth-dimensional frequency of brainwaves. Yes, the brainwaves of many humans are limited to the third and fourth dimensions, as those frequencies of reality still have the element of time.
Therefore, most of you cannot remember what is occurring within your fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, as that state of consciousness is not bound by the time and space of your third-dimensional perceptual field.
Allow us to explain what the term “perceptual field” means to us, your Galactic Family, which includes your own Galactic SELF. We know that most of you are not, yet, familiar with your Galactic SELF on the Ship, as that information would make it quite uncomfortable to live via all the limitations of the third dimension.
However, we must commend the many members of our Pleiadian Starships that have volunteered to take an “Away Mission” to Gaia’s third/ fourth-dimensional planet. Gaia, the consciousness and Soul of planet Earth, is very pleased to feel the higher energy fields of our fifth-dimensional galactic, essence on Her planetary body.
Once humanities consciousness expands into the fifth-dimensional frequency of resonance, you will begin to remember your experiences on the Star Ships, as well as the many friends on your Ship and on your Homeworld.
Of course, these memories are “stored” in the higher frequencies of your brain and within your multidimensional consciousness. In fact, these memories are stored within the fifth dimensional NOW in which you had these experiences.
It is for this reason that you have forgotten many of your inter-dimensional visits to the fifth dimension and beyond. The memories are stored in your human brain, but you will not be able to consciously perceive these memories until your brainwaves are resonating to the fifth dimension and beyond.
In fact, you will remember your experiences while you are in deep meditation, having an Interdimensional dream, and/or having a “peak experience” in your daily life.
It is important that only those who have access to these higher states of consciousness, as it is important that those who still resonate to the lower third/ fourth-dimensional need to have “power over others.”
The need to have power over others is specific to the lower frequencies of the third dimension. These people are much like children who “break their toys” or “have fights with their friends” because they have not yet learned and/or remembered their true fifth-dimensional expression of consciousness.
It is only through mastering one’s state of “Heart/Mind fifth-dimensional consciousness,” can one begin to remember their higher dimensional expressions of SELF, and the higher dimensional experiences of their own Higher SELF.
Yes, EVERY one of you on Earth DOES have a higher dimensional expression of self. However, far too many of our volunteers to take an Earth Body on Gaia, become lost in the lies, emotions, fear, and anger of life on third dimensional Earth.
Third dimensional Earth is exceptionally challenged within this NOW as old karma from other ages is needing to be cleansed from Gaia. Therefore, some of the humans, and all the humans who are “Galactics in Disguise” have volunteered to take an incarnation on one of Gaia’s very darkest, “DARK NIGHT of Her Planetary SOUL”
Yes, just as humans have a Soul, the planet Gaia has a Soul! Also, just as the “ascending ones” have to face many challenges because of the “dark ones” who come like vultures to have “power over others,” so does Gaia have to face these challenges.
You have seen the many weather problems, fires, and other “natural disasters” that seem to be occurring more frequently and creating more damage to Gaia than before.
Of course, this is not the only time that Gaia has been greatly wounded. There were two world wars and the horrors of Chernobyl in which great parts of Gaia planet was poisoned and made uninhabitable for humans.
So many humans have forgotten that great disaster. They have pushed it away from their minds, their hearts and from their responsibility. If humanity is to ascend into the higher dimensions with Gaia, they will need to take full responsibility for the harm they have caused in so many different ways.
Fortunately, there are also many humans who deeply LOVE Gaia and do everything they can to assist Her. These humans realize that if Gaia dies, they will not have a place to live.
Therefore, many of these “destroyers” believe that they can leave the places they have destroyed, and go to other places, that has not YET been destroyed. In fact, that is what humanity is doing NOW to Earth and to Mars. It is for this reason that Venus has decided to keep Her Planet uninhabitable to humanity.
We are aware that some of you cannot believe that Planets are living beings. Mostly they believe that Gaia is a “thing” so that they can damage Her all they want as She is “just a thing.” If humanity cannot find a way to change the selfish mind and heartless hart of the lost, Gaia will have a VERY difficult time healing Her Planetary SELF.
Long ago, when humans were “primitive,” humanity believed that Earth was a living being, and all the plants, animals, water, sky, and components of the world they perceived was ALIVE!
In fact, they even believed that it was their responsibility to take care of Planet Earth. Unfortunately, this “primitive thinking” has been replaced with the “modern thinking” that Gaia/Earth is just a THING.
In fact, they even believe that humans have more power than the being of Earth. They have not thought to wonder where they would live if they (or even when) they destroyed Earth.
(Please see just ONE of the many sites that discuss this issue)
What have humans done to the Earth?
In our “few seconds” of recorded history, we have managed to destroy the environment both directly and indirectly.
Directly, we are responsible for environmental disasters including causing ecological trauma in the Gulf of Mexico dead zone, the Tennessee Coal Ash Spill in 2008, the Al-Mishraq Fire in 2003 and the ecocide in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.
The list could continue how our mistakes and intentional decisions have hurt the environment. Indirectly (using the word ‘indirectly’ is generous in this context), we have been responsible for far worse.
According to a study, led by climate scientist Jonny Day at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading, the loss of Arctic sea ice is at the very least, 70 percent man-made.
And that’s just the low ball estimate — the study shares that:
climate change could be up to 95 percent due to human-induced climate change!
This research, published online in the journal Environmental Research Letters, stands apart from previous research which only attributes half the loss to man-made climate change and the other half to nature taking its course.
What’s more, another study, which appeared in the journal Ploss ONE, found that Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, which once was known for its biodiversity, is currently the poster child of extinction.
The biologists found that numbers to be shocking — for instance, only 767 populations of mammals of 3,528 still existed.
How can we confine the massive damage humanity has done in one half of a page. Please click the links and learn more. Humanity is destroying Earth and ONLY humanity can stop it!
However, we Pleiadians, will not allow Gaia to be completely destroyed by humanity. Therefore, If humanity cannot heal the damage they have done, they will be moved to the Lower Astral Planes, in which all the energy fields that they have sent out, will return to them.
Fortunately, there are still MANY humans who love and serve Gaia, who will continue to fight for Gaia’s planetary rights!! Fortunately, there are still many humans who deeply love and fight for Gaia.
Because these humans are able to perceive Earth as a living being and fight for Gaia’s PLANETARY RIGHTS, these humans are being taken to the Ships in their night bodies where they can meet, and intermingle with the fifth-dimensional expression of their Multidimensional SELF. In fact, we are sending down more and more “fifth dimensional” beings to assist Earth.
Some of these fifth dimensional take the form of Angels, Ascended Beings, Elohim. However, these ones are only recognizable to those humans who have expanded their personal consciousness into the fifth dimensional and beyond resonance.
These beings are only perceivable to those who can expand their consciousness into the resonance of the fifth dimension. And, they can only perceive them while their consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension. These are the humans who will serve to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.
Just like all the ascensions of all the Ascended Masters, humans can only perceive, and/or communicate with these beings when their consciousness resonates to the frequency of the fifth dimension.
However, there is a manner in which more and more awakened humans are learning/remembering how to calibrate, and re-calibrate, their consciousness as many times as it takes to be able to receive the “inter-dimensional messages,” which are actually their “orders from their fifth dimensional Homeworld and/or fifth dimensional Starship.
Fortunately, more and more of our “volunteers to take a human form to assist Gaia” are beginning to AWAKEN to the CORE of their true SELF. As more and more of these “awakened ones” are able to remember the manner in which they promised to assist Gaia in the NOW of great transition, Gaia ascension into Her innate fifth-dimensional SELF will begin.
Of course, those who live for selfish, dark needs, will try to stop those who are based on LOVE  and LIGHT. However, the darkness cannot see the Light, whereas those of the Light can identify those who resonate to the darkness.
The last thing that, we the Galactic, wish is to start is a war, as that would harm Gaia much more than heal Her. However, as our “fifth-dimensional warriors in third-dimensional bodies” remember that they are MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEINGS who resonate to and are guided the Flow of Fifth Dimensional Light, you
Will begin to awaken to your true Multidimensional SELF who resonates higher frequencies of Light within your physical core. As you begin to remember this higher frequency of the earth vessel you are wearing, you will begin to remember life on your Star Ships and in your higher dimensional realities.
Remember dear ones, you do not need to change or heal.
You only need to
Once you have awakened to your Fifth Dimensional Essence, the healing and the transmuting into your fifth-dimensional SELF will follow the format that YOU chose before you took this embodiment. However, it is important to remember that ALL that you do comes THROUGH YOU NOT FROM YOU!
It is in the manner that you will be able to release the burden of your third-dimensional ego into the Heart and Mind of your Multidimensional SELF!
We are the members of your Pleiadian Family. Call on us and we WILL Answer!
» Source » Channel: Suzanne Lie


The Arcturians: Inter-Dimensional Communication

Arcturian Council Era of Light Dot Com

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to experience the effects of our transmissions on all of you, and we are very satisfied with what we can perceive from here in the ninth dimension. We are happy to see that most of you who are receiving these transmissions are able to integrate not only the words, but also the energies that are infused into them. This shows us that you are ready for more, and we are always interested in giving you more.
Now, we are not the only beings who are doing this. There is an entire network of beings here in the non-physical, and we are connected to other beings in the physical as well. Our network then synchs up with the Earth and the sun to create such a magnificent web for all of you to rest in, much like one of your hammocks. Resting and receiving are key components to your evolution. It’s not about the doing at this point. You have done enough.
Now, as you continue to receive from all of us in this network, you are going to notice that it becomes easier to transmit to the other humans, the ones who are still asleep, because you will be acting on our behalf, and we know how to reach them. But of course, we need your help. We cannot do it alone. You are the ones who are living side by side with those who have yet to awaken, and so, you know better how to deliver what we are transmitting.
You know how to make what we are giving you accessible to them, and you know how to do this whether you realize it or not. You see, this channel who is speaking for us right now is not the only of you who is acting as a conduit. Whether you speak words or not, you are all transmitting energy, and the rest of the collective is benefitting greatly from what you have been able to receive, integrate, and now transmit. We are very proud of all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
» Source » Channel: Daniel Scranton

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice


8 Ascension Symptoms For 2018

Ascension is a lifting of personal vibration to a higher, more refined level, so what are all these symptoms we are going through in order to get there?
Ascension is planet-wide and is happening to all of us. We are all literally moving out of the old world and into the new. We are becoming lighter, kinder and more spiritual as we move into a new and higher dimension. Our DNA is also altering to accommodate this shift into the new world, changing so that we may carry more light.
We do not need to fear ascension symptoms as they pass through us. It is a process to be sure, and can be unpredictable or annoying. You may find amounts of resistance as you traverse this, or blocks that manifest physically in the body, or in the emotions and mind. There is no fast way to ascend, we go slowly just like our planet which too is ascending.

Ascension Symptoms

Below are some of the symptoms we may experience as we ascend. We may not be able to avoid most of these but overall it won't be too bad.

Achy Pains & Physical Discomfort

We all know what its like to get small, or sometimes larger pains that seem to come on for no reason. We visit a doctor but there seems to be nothing wrong with us. It could be back pain, the neck, the arms or where ever we tend to hold stress within us. It may come and go but we certainly don't know really what these pains are.
The best thing to do if the doctor can offer you no comfort, is to relax and try a little natural healing to fix these. You may try meditation, yoga, reiki or anything else to get rid of it. Just relax and don't tense up too much over this, because it is temporary and shouldn't bother you too much in the long run.

Energy Flowing Up Your Spine

Many people are experiencing strange energy flows to do with opening our body to new levels of energy flowing from Divine levels. As our bodies open and acclimate to higher levels, we should feel from time to time energy flowing up our spine, or entering in through the top of the head, or even energy flowing out of our hands or other chakras.
You might be feeling spaced out or ungrounded as well during this. Sometimes your limbs can move as well, especially the feet can jerk in strange ways as electricity channels in through them and up into your body. The best thing to do during this is to relax and just let it happen. It is all part of a process and something that we need to endure to get where we need to go.


Headaches can occur especially if you are unwittingly a Transmuter for others. Many people are releasing a lot of negative energy and many of us are transmuting or cleansing this back into the light. If you are prone to these types of headaches, I find that coffee is a great way to cope, as in the caffeine content. Also garlic capsules are very good rather than using asprin. You may like to try meditation or using amethyst as well.

Unusual Emotions

During Ascension we can be prone to experiencing all kinds of odd emotions that aren't seemingly tied to anything in our lives. Other emotions can be tied to things from our past (meaning a past life that we are still working to get over).
The best way to deal with all of this is to breath through it, sit down for a while or have a rest, if you can. Simply feel what is going through you and try to release it. It could be sadness, depression or even a lot of anger. These feelings will pass. We are all processing old stuff but it can come and go. Let it move through you and then let it go. Don't hold on to it.
angels  what are angels  where are angels

Strange Sleeping Patterns

There will be times when you can't sleep, and then other times when you are sleeping quite normally. It will probably go in blocks that last quite a while.
The reason for not sleeping is probably due to integrating any healing work you have been doing during sleep. There may be a few hours when you can't get back to sleep, or even until morning at times. I find the best way is to get out of bed and watch television - it is usually so boring that half an hour will settle me back to sleep.

Becoming More Psychic

You will surely become more psychic or sensitive during this time, and this is natural and to be expected.
Do you talk to angels and do they talk back? Maybe you will start picking up energy from others, either in an empathic way or psychically during the day. You may begin to have some visions of what could happen in the future. All of this is quite normal. Some people will find it natural and others may be a little careful of it, wondering what it all means.
If you are reading this page then you will probably be okay with becoming more sensitive to energy and reading it. Many will grab the opportunity by trying to increase it and become more able to read for themself or even others. There are many things one can do to increase psychic awareness. Play around with it and see where it could take you.

Relationships Will Alter & Change

Our relationships with others usually change when we begin on an Ascension path. We are all ascending at different rates and levels, and some of us are fully aware of ascension whilst others try to hide from it. This is okay but it can have an affect on relationships, making them change or alter in some way.
Many of the old relationships we have with people were based on manipulation in some way and you will be moving out of this old energy and into the light. When people try to manipulate you, it will simply bounce off. You may find that you are avoiding people or letting them go from your life, and this is okay. There are plenty of other people you can find eventually who will be on your own level of ascension.
It takes time, so relax and breath. Focus on what you have now and where you are going; it will okay in the end.

A Whole New Awareness Arrives

This part is fun and may encompass a whole new learning experience as you start to read more, using the internet and talking to new people about all kinds of things. Ascension is a big deal, but it needn't be lonely at all. There are so many people online who are going through their own stuff. Buying books, visiting great sites and talking on message boards may be some of the new activities you are now doing.
Your whole feeling about life including your diet may change radically as you begin to ascend. You will probably try out all kinds of diets or natural therapies as you go. You could get involved with crystals, meditation or yoga to name a few. Perhaps you wish to spend more time outside in the garden, or less hours working. Whatever it is, it will be about enjoying life, taking your time and being less aware of what the media is saying or other sources are telling you.
You will begin to listen to yourself and not others, especially the media. Everything changes slowly as we all begin to ascend and soon there will be disclosures to the public about many issues that have before been covered up. We have a lot to look forward to and enjoy with each other. Happy Ascension.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...