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New Earth, O Earth alternative

As they move toward the full moon and the March equinox and beyond those of you who have chosen New Earth as a destination are experiencing the revival of his divine human template within your DNA
It is a powerful process that involves receiving powerful incoming Diamond Light Codes that activate not only the original template, but also eliminate each and every one of the distortions and alterations in patterns of genetic DNA.
You should know, Beloved, there was a race of beings who simply call "Draco-Sumerians" who craved the planet and decided to make it his own and divert it from its original purpose.
They did this by altering the patterns of flows male energy, so where male and female had been in perfect balance before, now masculine was designed to seek domination and control through money, sex and power .
Now, after thousands of years of this imbalance and distortion is perpetuated through DNA and records, Codes Diamond Light starters are becoming so powerful that they are simply washing distortions and manipulations of the original DNA and allowing the template human Divine to emerge again.
At that point where the DNA is purified and purifying, and are reconnecting with their Divine Power.
This will be a powerful and magical time. There will be an acceleration of the process of awakening and an acceleration of the cleaning process inside their bodies.
So at this time, the Earth is ascending to its new purpose as a Sacred Planet and pristine spiritual energies that are anchored in the fifth dimension but ascend to the ninth dimension. And those of you who have chosen to ascend with it also are opening to the higher dimensions and allowing anchor these higher dimensions in the networks of the New Earth.
They reconnect with the Earth itself and the Devas and Nature Spirits to manifest the energy of Paradise in those places on Earth where the frequency of the New Earth is grounded.
There will also be those who are called to revive the Garden of Paradise through the Paradise Codes.
New Earth is a clear and pristine energy that elevates the Sacred and exists as a harmonious, loving and creative frequency. This is what we call the frequency of "sanctuary" or "temple".
Those who change the frequency of the New Earth will feel a heightened desire to align themselves with the sacred mission of Earth and activate their missions Alma as Guardians of the energies of the Holy Land. Will the Guardians of new temples and shrines, which can be as simple as a room in a suburban house or as large as a new building dedicated to divine service in the New Earth.
Not everyone is ready to ascend to the New Earth and cross the bridge to Higher Consciousness. This may not move beyond the fifth dimension will continue in the current Earth we call "Earth AC", a place where humans low frequency can live their lives through their choices, with the possibility that the awakening is always present.
Many are being called at this time to intensify and be more available for those who seek the light and move towards the process of awakening and they need support, love and guidance.
Many of you will choose to spend more time on Earth alternative processes involved in assisting those who are still there to awaken. You'll Masters, Guides and Healers, and you will find that your work is expanding and growing rapidly as more people guide you.
So you can see there are many options available to the Warriors of Light and workers as you progress through this exciting new phase.
Alternate Earth is a chaotic place where energies rotate while many people who have not mastered their energies trying to create and coexist together. Release much fear and anger because they have no idea of ​​the damage that can cause emotions and mental patterns off balance. They have not promoted to love, but are still obsolete patterns of greed and domination to try to create what they need.
The alternative Earth and the New Earth exist in the same space, but in different dimensions. Therefore it is possible that you move between them once you've focused on the new quantum continuum of energies.
If you are aligned with this flow, you will receive support in everything you do. The purpose of the Earth is also sustain life, so you never have to be anxious and fearful if service continues its momentum and expresses its purpose on Earth.
This full, with its emphasis on 1 degree of Aries and Libra Equinoccio / Moon focuses on the new male (Aries) and Holy Marriage (Libra) within their cells and their DNA.
So, dear, we ask you to keep your consciousness at the Equinox and be prepared to listen to your guide and your soul.
Choose where you would like to be and what feel you want to do to express your soul purpose on Earth / New Earth.
Above all, keep the energy of the sacred and the Sanctuary in his heart.
Perhaps even you begin to build your own shrine to the Divine Light!
Or maybe you start making the Garden in your heart and in your life!
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds by Joan Ashtar
Misteri © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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