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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ascended Master. Mostrar todas las entradas


Somos Testigo: Estamos en una etapa de transición intensamente poderosa, de la Vieja Tierra a la Nueva

 Judit Kusel: Somos Testigos 

Estamos en una etapa de transición intensamente poderosa, de la Vieja Tierra a la Nueva y, por lo tanto, al estado de la quinta a la séptima dimensión. 

Todo está en un estado de formación y, por lo tanto, de disolución del viejo estado (la 3D y la Vieja Tierra) en el Nuevo. 

Por lo tanto, literalmente nos estamos disolviendo en múltiples niveles, físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y en los 12 cuerpos, y con esto se están abriendo más chakras, ya que eventualmente creceremos nuevamente en el uso completo de nuestros 300 chakras, ya que estamos listos y capaz de hacerlo. 

Con esto, los 33 grados de la Columna Vertebral y la Kundalini se activan por completo, ya que las frecuencias más altas, los tonos sagrados y las geometrías sagradas, etc., se vierten en cada vértebra y literalmente sacuden todo para despertarlo, lo cual ha permanecido inactivo desde la Caída de Atlántida. 

Agregue a esto, el Pararrayos y Axis Mundi, donde las energías de la Columna Vertebral se combinan con las Energías del Corazón, para traer una sincronización inmensamente poderosa, entre nuestras energías espinales, nuestros chakras y especialmente nuestros centros del corazón y del alma. 

Nos espera un año de transición inmensamente poderoso, a medida que el hermoso acto de equilibrio de la creación pasa a primer plano. 

La verdad será revelada y con ella se agitará mucho, que ha estado oculto durante tanto tiempo, a medida que la oscuridad emerge para equilibrar la Luz. 

Todo el Omniverso está siempre en total equilibrio. La luz y la oscuridad se equilibran entre sí, para crear armonía y, por lo tanto, la perfección de la Creación, al igual que el Yin y el Yang. 

El Omniverso está siempre en equilibrio, armonía y sincronicidad perfecta. No se puede encontrar una sola nota discordante, porque todo es una sinfonía de un todo de energía expansiva y vasta. 

Descubrirán que a veces será como si estuvieran presenciando un despliegue de la Nueva Tierra y la Nueva Era Dorada, de maneras inmensamente poderosas, dentro de ustedes. 

Con él, el testimonio de la desintegración total del Viejo Orden, la vieja Tierra y todo lo que una vez fue creado sobre ella. 

Necesitamos aprender a ir con la corriente y no tratar de ir en contra de las olas gigantes de los cambios que se vierten. 

Sean como el agua, vuélvanse UNO con su corriente. 

Hay un océano entero dentro de una sola gota de agua, y en este momento ustedes son esa gota dentro de los océanos Cósmicos. 

Más que esto, encontrará que los cambios de la Tierra aumentarán, a medida que surjan patrones climáticos más extremos, más volcanes entren en erupción, terremotos, tsunamis, inundaciones, sequías, olas de calor extremo. 

El amor en verdad es la ausencia de miedo. 

Permanezcan en el estado más elevado de Amor y, de hecho, de Omnipresencia interior, y así no permitan que nada ni nadie perturbe su propio equilibrio interior. 

Estás en la etapa de iniciación suprema en el estado dimensional superior y, de hecho, en los grados de maestría superior del alma. Así que nada los perturbe. Que nada te asuste. 

Manténgase centrado completamente en el centro del corazón y el alma. No te apegues a nada ni a nadie. Este es el contrato de su alma que ahora está cumpliendo porque usted, antes de encarnar, sabía que esto sucedería y se inscribió para estar aquí en este momento trascendental. 

Este es el momento en que los verdaderos maestros y los verdaderos líderes pasarán al frente. 

¡Recuerda esto! 

Judith Kusel


The story of the 4 KUMARA : RETURN HOME


It is said that when the Universe was created, The Creator God, Lord Brahma, materialized four sons of the Infinite Cosmic Consciousness of him.

They were called Kumaras or eternal beings.  They are neither gods nor humans.  They are eternal beings, whose sole purpose is to bring the knowledge of the Enlightenment to the Universe. Their names were Sanat, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanaka.

Of these four Sanat Kumara and Sananda Kumara became the greatest teachers of all time from the beginning of creation to the end of the Universe.

 Sanat Kumara has never incarnated in human form and remained an Eternal Being who never aged and never participated in the world of karma.  Sanat Kumara is the highest living Master and is known as the most enlightened Master of the High Supreme Council of 144,000 Masters who oversee all the spiritual teachings of this Universe.  He is considered the number one of the Masters of all the teachings of the Supreme Knowledge of Enlightenment.

Sananda traveled throughout this universe and from time to time incarnated on various worlds to bring the souls of that star or planet to Enlightenment.

Sananda is considered the highest authority and the embodiment of DIVINE LOVE.  He is the most famous here on Earth during his incarnations as Buddha and later as Master JESUS. Both Sanat Kumara and Sananda have been working with the Earth since the time of Lemuria.

Sanat Kumara and Sananda have once again joined their efforts together to touch our souls and lift our consciousness towards the Light.

While Sanat Kumara brings us Supreme Knowledge, Sananda brings us COSMIC LOVE.

Humanity advances towards the final phase of the encounter with Masters of Masters, Lord of Lords, the Beloved Master SANANDA.

The third wave, which ends the transmission of energy, coincides with the completion of Master Sananda's preparation.  There will be a change of Light in all the bodies of humanity, there will be a tone in the Energy and structure of the DNA of all ... From there, the whole eye will see ... It is time to reflect and call.  Time for doubts and to test the Faith. Times to provide, to deny what cannot be denied.

Beloved Master Sananda rose to Christ Consciousness, the Spirit of Christ, and like an Eternal Eagle, took flight to the limitless confines of Father / Mother All That Is. And before departing on his Eternal flight to Heaven he said: "  Things like these that I did, you will do and much more "

 The Homecoming is the Awakening of the Christ Consciousness in the Being that activated your Body of Light.  Christ is not a body.  The Christ dresses your body!  Each one of the Father's creatures, manifested as Man, is called to awaken in CHRIST!  But not for them, the beetles that bury themselves in their desire to seek Heaven, and say: “Look, Christ has not returned, Christ does not have a body.  , and a second coming is not possible ”... To these children, since the creation of the Father, I say, He who left two thousand years ago, JESUS, the CHRIST, has now returned, in the Cosmic Energy of Sananda,  in a body and walk among us!

His mission is to take him by the hand and return home, just as he himself did, and as he himself promised and recorded in all the Scriptures, he returned to ensure that his seed, the golden ears, returned home and in a  future Celestial Marriage, to merge with the Creator, just as He told us, and in the same way that He taught us, each one must do it.  He is calling to live in grace, in grace is the state of Supreme DIVINE LOVE, where you are One with the Father's Creation.

The Christ Consciousness is the expression of unlimited LOVE, which when experienced in its real dimension and magnitude, is capable of connecting parallel universes and projecting it to a higher dimension, transforming them into LIGHT.  In these final hours, Beloved Master Sananda came to accompany humanity in this process, but the responsibility and preparation for that are completely individual.  The Master did not come to save you, he returned to remember that You have to recognize your own Divine Essence and you must activate your Body of Light, leaving aside dogmas, doctrines, rituals or beliefs, which instead of liberating you, force you to a condition.

JESUS ​​CHRIST, has reached by merits and personal evolution, a very high and advanced level of growth, and accepting to return to help humanity, to understand their personal eco-collective mission, with which the Brothers and Sisters of this plan, will be able to reach maturity  of the "Christ Consciousness".  But you will know that Beloved Master Sananda comes to guide, to teach, but he cannot take your steps ...

Each one must walk with their own. 

The Christic process has occurred at different historical moments, on different planes, but the moment when Planet Earth is passing, it will be in dramatic and unique conditions in the entire Universe, where it can seal a Cosmic Redemption ... There was no manifestation of the Spirit  Cristico stronger than that of the Master of Galilee, Master Sananda and with the awakening of the Christ Consciousness, and the Ascension of Humanity and Beloved Gaia, there will be an immediate and unprecedented repercussion throughout the Universe.  The whole Universe, AS ONE, will leap to Heaven.

Therefore, in these final times, in this final hour, all Heaven, all the Spiritual Hierarchy, Hosts of Angels and Archangels, are with their watchful gaze on Humanity, in its entirety, without distinction of any kind, even for those  who are going the wrong way, object of the Unlimited LOVE of the Father, are so incomparably considered by the Source, by the Creator, who allowed his Preferred Son, the one you name in all religions as the Messiah, the Savior, the Sower Fisher of Men, Master of the World, NOW RETURNED TO TAKE HIM BY THE HAND BACK HOME.  Two thousand years ago, humanity on this planet witnessed the supreme sacrifice, when Jesus Christ gave his life, risen and ascended in a public and notorious way, to teach us that we could and should do it, to Return Home.  Today, Beloved Master Sananda, in the highest level of Christ consciousness, does his service of total surrender, since he tends the temporary physical limitations overcome, they returned to the 3rd dense plane dimension to connect the material world with the Spiritual Universe, through a vibratory bridge, and thus guide humanity towards an awakening of collective consciousness.  That is why humanity this planet witnesses the Supreme Manifestation of Service of Master Sananda, by voluntarily accepting the great and difficult mission of re-dressing a physical body, to provoke the collective awakening of as many minds and hearts as possible, giving time  to manifest, time necessary to achieve the activation of the Light Bodies, through the Collective Awakening.

 So this is said to be an unprecedented event, a Transmigration and a Transfiguration.  Beloved Master Sananda is not alone, he is accompanied by Masters of Light, who are incarnated among the humanity of this planet.

 The call that was made to the 144,000, Starseeds, all of whom voluntarily and lovingly agreed to be present at the most crucial and decisive moments, for the humanity of Gaia and throughout the Universe, is in full manifestation.  We are all One with the Father, the Universal Source that is All, with multiple manifestations, according to the level of consciousness of the one who perceives ... Origin and end of ALL that is and exists.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing.  Blessed are those who awaken in a Christlike Consciousness and rise in their Body of Light back Home.

 I AM the Prophet Elijah

 Translation: Luiz MBlanco

  SARÄAMMA and Mikael


Wake up Call, St. Germain, May 26, 2020

Welcome to the Golden Light List

Wake up Call, St. Germain, May 26, 2020

There is going to be an upcoming time when all of you will find that you have a purpose in life that has not as yet found it's way into your beingness. When it does make itself known then you will see why there has been the supposed delay and why it is now in purpose for what it is telling you is the time and opportunity for you to step forth in your personage and see the change in the life that you are about to make. It will be a change that will be of the only way that makes sense to you, and that will be the answer to why you have led your life in the way that you have been doing for the past several months, or years.

It will now make it's way forth in your life and give you the opportunity to clear not only the past happenings that kept you docile, but will bring to you the understanding of what it is that is taking place in this new moment of power that you have walked into as soon as you create it. It is a time for you to see what you will be doing for the world of yours and all others who will be involved. It will expand throughout the world in one way or another, in one moment of more.

I leave you now with the knowing that you will go forth into this precedented event and take forth the destiny that you have precedented for your world and beyond. I am St Germain, and I see that there are more than this one who are going to see how this will come forth in your life. It will be the joy of being the one and all who will be in the newness of your life and the expression of the Peace, Joy and Love that has been awaiting your next steps in the process of creating the world that is coming for all of life. Go now in that expression and I will see that you are the example for all who are destined for this creation for all of life in Love.

Thank you dear St. Germain! I Love you so much, and I do share this with all who are destined for their next step in life in Love,

Love to All,
Nancy Tate


Lady Portia: Events in Waves

Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! There are many people across the planet who are intensely experiencing the current world event as it continues to move in waves from one place to another. Everyone is being deeply challenged and affected at inner levels of their spirit as they observe what is occurring. It is a clarion call to each soul to make choice. Do they see ‘the writing on the wall’ that there is great change happening around them? Are they aligned with their soul and Creator in faith, love and hope? Or are they falling into fear and panic? Humanity is witnessing the dual nature of the people of their world play out on the world stage where all beings are witness to it and indeed, also the entirety of Creation.
Many people are responding to this challenge by drawing strength from the inner connection they have with the spiritual realms. They daily pray, align, and ask for guidance from their spiritual guides and angels – for they sense that they are living in extraordinary times and this sustains them in their daily existence. They walk in peace and calm in the storm that gathers around them. Their faith and demeanor help to lift the spirits of the people around them and in this way they daily anchor stability upon their world and their planet. They do not waste their time by pointing fingers at others as being responsible for this event. They are intelligent people and they know that this type of event has played out across their planet many, many times before throughout its history.
They exercise prudence and use caution in whatever they do in their daily life. As they align with their higher God consciousness each day, they follow inner prompting and intuitive and instinctive guidance as it presents itself. In this way, they are always in the right place at the right time to safely navigate through their current situation. Those who have daily practiced illuminating their energetic fields by expressing their faith, love and gratitude feel the guidance that comes from spirit and act upon this directive. They stay in the safety of their Divine Self. When faced with the decision to stay or go, they surrender their egoic need to control and ‘let go and let God’ and decide that they are going to be O.K. where they are.
What is required of the people now is faith in a higher purpose and power, clarity of mind and compassion towards the people in those areas of the world that are in the throes of this event at the current moment. To know that even those who have not been directly affected have been changed forever within their souls. The effects of this event cannot help but to open people’s hearts, minds and souls to the glaring truth that they are all inter-connected and that what happens to one of them happens to all. Let them pour their love, strength, efforts and energy wherever it can do the most good for all. Let cooperation, sincerity and goodwill fill the collective consciousness with the higher virtues and qualities of the Divine.
I AM Lady Portia
» Source » Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff


Wake up Call: St Germain,

Dear Ones, I suddenly felt St. Germain's presence this afternoon, and tuned in to receive his message. Even though it is afternoon, I felt that I shouldn't wait till tomorrow morning to send this to you. So here it is!
Love you all, Nancy

Wake up Call: St Germain, April 03, 2020

If there is a time in your lives when you know that you are in charge, this is that time. It is a time for all of you to realize that you are creating that which you are experiencing, and as you go on in the development of it, it is obvious to you that you can have a say in how it all goes. It is a one to one situation that you can see that can be either for you or against you, and this is the moment for you to make that choice on an inner level and begin to either continue with your life as it is, or change what it is and know that you are creating a life that you intend, and desire for the rest of your time here on earth, and beyond.

It is a time for you all to look at what your life is and what you feel about it. You no longer need to allow what is in your life to be there in order for you to see what it is telling you, unless it is what you want it to be giving you. It is a matter of you knowing what is in the moment of realization and follow through from there to create the life that you know is in perfection of Peace, Joy and Love, for that is what and who you are right now and forever.

I am St. Germain, and I am here with my eyes and my heart open to you all.  I see the beauty of what you have created in the opening of your life on this planet, and beyond. I am part of your family, and I love that part that I have and that you are, as well.

Go now into the paradise that you can create, or continue with it and I will see you there when the time gets there for our reunion. We are all one in our destiny and here we are in our Now way of life.

Thank you so much dear St. Germain!
I love you so much, as I feel we all do!

Nancy Tate


The Magic Of This Time Revisited by Lord Merlin

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

The world that you currently acknowledge as your reality is ablaze with magic. The very air you breathe into your body is filled with the presence of magic and your body is preparing to act out the energy of magic in your daily life.

Magic is a label for the life force energy, the essence, and truth of the Creator. It is an active energy. Magic is the process of intentions and energy that creates miracles, possibilities, and potentials. There is so much magic on the Earth now as the attention of all aspects of the Creator's universe is upon you and the humanity of the Earth. Everyone is watching the miracle which is the Earth at this very moment. Even your soul, the essence energy within your physical body is watching you, observing the Earth and looking for the beauty of magic as it manifests. With so much attention being placed upon the Earth, there are vast quantities of energy, intentions, and light being focused into your reality. This truly is a blessing; you are being supported by the entire universe of all aspects of the Creator. The energy that is being anchored acts as a magnifier to develop your intentions and encourage all your truth to blossom.

It is not only the Earth that is attracting attention, all aspects, stars, and civilisations within the Creator's universe are looking to each other, waiting, wondering and feeling the support that they send each other. They like you are acknowledging the lift in vibration, the increase in light, sensitivity, and awareness as well as respecting the wisdom within them which indicates that positive change is on the horizon. Those who are not aware or sensitive to energy may not be aware of the great magic that is occurring, but there is excitement, anticipation and hope building in the energy of many, creating a tremendous power of magic where anything is possible, where dreams can truly manifest. Many of you have longed to be on the Earth at this time, you have waited patiently for this time to come and it is here, so there is a need to continue to awaken your being as much as possible and allow your soul to guide you forward.

Your soul in itself is a form of magic; it is the only energy that can truly guide you through the transitions occurring now. So much light is being anchored onto the Earth, it is throwing the sunshine into all dark corners, the energy of negativity is being shed by all. The heaviness of the Earth is being altered into a higher vibration, it is impossible to hide from the power that the light currently holds, and this light is naturally igniting as well as magnifying the light within your being. It is appropriate to realise you can no longer hide the light within you, who you truly are, what you believe in and how you wish to exist on the Earth. If you continue to hide your truth even a small amount you will find your experiences thrust you forward to awaken and ignite your light further. You may wonder why you have been waiting for this time on the Earth?

The Earth is being re-coded to manifest a greater source and vibration of the Creator. Many new energy patterns of love are activating flowing gradually into the reality and consciousness of humanity. Some may feel it as an abundant wave of love extending from their being connecting with all. As new energy patterns activate from within your being, you may find a deep desire to first embody the energies before expressing them. You will be guided to delve deep within your being to explore the unique and diverse energies awakening through you to serve your reality and humanity. As the energy activates from your DNA and from your soul it will change your programming, the way in which you think, the way in which you perceive the world and your reality. As many people experience this, they will naturally alter the reality of the Earth into an expression and experience of the Creator. This process to me, Lord Merlin, is like magic. You couldn't ask for a greater magic as the activation and the expression will be totally blissful for many. Some may not even realise the transition that is occurring but will naturally change their mindset to hold and express greater love and an expression of the Creator. Thus, greater unity, respect, honour, and truth between people will manifest, however, it may take time to be perceived and manifested.

A shift in consciousness may be experienced as many are encouraged to align with the Creator's light and source, as well as, the Creator's numerous aspects in order to encourage a greater awareness, understanding, and perception of what is occurring. Greater sensitivity to your soul and your spiritual being is being guided. You may, therefore, experience a shift from physical thinking and perceptions to spiritual soul understandings and expressions. The shift in consciousness is also to incorporate a greater unity between humanity, as every soul unites their energies to create what they truly desire and feel inspired to manifest on the Earth. Each of you is missing parts of your consciousness, your wisdom, and understanding. This is because you haven't recognised these parts yet. With the uniting of humanity's consciousness, aspects and parts of your consciousness and wisdom will be restored as you show to each other the information you need to acknowledge. Not only will this make humanity stronger as a united energy, it will allow for a true blossoming of the understanding humanity holds. This action in itself will pave the way forward for a greater embodiment and manifestation of love.

This time will activate a feeling of power and leadership from the soul. It is almost as if the souls of humanity are presented with a tool or a certificate that offers them permission to become leaders in their own reality. This is not to allow the personality or ego to lead as it has done before, it is to allow your soul to take a greater role of leadership in your reality. This will only occur when the individual is ready and has achieved a level of acknowledgment of the soul. For those who already feel a strong connection with their soul, then this will be magnified as new experiences and understandings of their soul and soul group manifest.

Through my communication today, it is my wish that you grasp the magic and the wonderful experiences that are manifesting into your reality. There is a need to acknowledge and appreciate the time you exist in and how you have placed yourself in the very centre of this experience for a reason, this reason is for you to experience and enjoy the transitions fully. Many of you feel as if you do not know what you must be achieving now, the spiritual practices that you need to integrate into your reality, I would say to you at this special time:

Acknowledge the magic, the beauty within everything and everyone, including yourself.
Focus on embodying love as this will mean that when the new energy patterns of love activate your experience will be greater. And it will be easier for you to recognise the activation taking place within you.
Constantly align your energies to the Creator and ask to accept the consciousness that is most appropriate for you.
Send love to the consciousness of humanity.
Bring your attention to your soul, listen to and radiate the light of your soul in preparation for the greater role it will play in your reality.
Take time to focus within on feeling the power and leadership from the soul waiting to blossom.
Call upon my energies, Lord Merlin, to assist you in recognising the energies activating within you with ease as well as, embodying these same energies with ease. Ask me to assist you in then expressing these activated energies appropriately through your being into your reality.
Meditate with the intention to remember the magic within your being, remember the magic within your reality and remember the magic of this time.
With love always,

I am Lord Merlin


A call for transparancy by Sanat Kumara

No individual being carries the secret, nor the truth.

You are on the threshold to a new world order of transparency where no more secrecy is tolerated by the law itself, which is the pure undistorted light. Secrecy creates division and segregation and are driven by a drive for power "over". 
Transparancy on the other hand creates One-ness and is built on the pillars of love, trust and equality and is coherrent in frequency with the nature and law of creation, that all is connected and intertwined.

No more hierachies can exist in the new earth energies, as it creates separation, no more single leaders, but sovereign co-creators, that will function as instruments of divine will in sacred colloboration and honor of the law of One, which is the highest supreme I Am that I Am Source of ALL.

The new earth governments, will be replaced by interplanetary as well as intergalactic councils of light with no individual leaders. There will spokes persons, that speak the voice of the one in all and the all in the many on behalf of the council. How will this be ensured? Thru the rise in frequency and the final blast of collective awakening the global external internet (which is an unsupervised entity with its own agenda) will become replaced by a global telepathic internet heart-to-heart network, that will ensure full transparency to avoid any mis-use of power or disclosing of information, as it happened during the Atlantean era to thIs day of liberation from the karmic debt and exit of the karmic wheel of suffering for good.

You have learnt and grown from the mistakes of the past and misuse of free will, it has finally elevated your consciousness of the universal laws sufficiently enough to return to the light octave, where you once were and this time begin a new circle in honor of the law of One. You have all individually as well as collectively gathered many insights and the choice is now offered to each of you to make the wrong right, to choose love over power, transparancy over secrecy to create an
I-Am-that-I-Am-powered new world of love, prosperity and joy beyond fear of not belonging, not being worthy, not being good enough.

Secrecy and sectarism leads to fear, fear leads to war, inner war of mind and heart, inner battles between the masculine and feminine aspect and outer wars of me against them distortions. The goddess loves her children equally, she does not select nor divide... no lower no higher, no withholding of love or information... but full transparancy as all else would be seclusion of any one of her children. The much anticipated full disclosure will not happen until you are willing to see these patterns iwithin self. Use these last days of this last era of the piscian rage of separation to examine your inner commitment to being fully transparant, is there any need to not place all your cards openly on the table and if so, why not. What are you fearing to loose.... what is your secret (unconscious) agenda...

No indidividual being is carrying the secret, nor the truth, only the One in All and the All in the One, which can only exist and vibrate in full transparency undistorted light, where all secrets evaporize.

Be naked, be authentic, be transparent that is what makes you  a genuine undistorted expression and embodiment of truth´s 1st light.

Revered Sanat Kumara with Grace Solaris



Photography © Andrea Percht

Tears of joy will flow from those who have stayed at the Path of Light until the very end.

What you are currently experiencing is a glimpse of emotions. While the light reality flashes again and again, the entanglements seem to become more and more massive. Some draw there, others pull there - and no end in sight.
Where is the journey going these days? That's what this message is about.
This world is heading for the final events with great speed. The planet earth as well as all life on earth and within the earth are transformed.
Fundamental shifts at all levels are underway and a new humanity is emerging.
Until the golden age, which is mentioned in many places, can begin in all its beauty and dignity, it is necessary to remove everything that stands in the way - and this process is now under way and will accelerate in the coming months.
Today, new fault lines of the old system are revealed to you almost daily. The more threatening the controllers feel about this matrix, the more radical the measures are to save themselves and their power. All manipulations, which are becoming more and more open and applied, serve only to win a lost game.
In the Universal Spirit, it has been decreed that this planet ascends, that this humanity returns in part to the next higher dimension of being. Thus, the precautions are taken in all places.
People who are equipped with such assignments are working on it, and while it sometimes seems they face insuperable tasks or overpower, this is just a snapshot and a fallacy.
Because in the end the luminous people get back a luminous earth and those who chose the darkness and put self-interests above everything are thrown back on themselves.
For the individual human being today there is only one solitary task and this must be pursued with complete devotion: to end the dictatorship of the ego!
Those who are controlled by the ego can not enter the kingdom of heaven. Who wants to ascend, must be free of earthly bonds. It is the ego that strives with all its might to never lose your arrests.

That's why it's important now to let go of what you believe you must, let everything go, so that everything can come to you.
You can not lose anything, but win everything. If you realize this, then you have taken the step into the light and the sky opens.
Love the people, love life, love yourself - in freedom and in the awareness that this love is boundless and not limited to this your life.
We know each other from eternity. Remember.



Re-establishing Your Soul Mind Connection by Lord Melchizedek

Like a cosmic flower, I open the petals of my soul to you, allowing the vivid, sacred and intensely loving light of the core of my being to pour into your reality, aura, body, and soul. We exist within an extraordinary and vast universe; it is akin to the garden that has been created and tended to by the Creator. I am the flower head that you can rest upon, protected by my strong powerful petals, which encapsulate you in the purest vibration of light. I am the vast pale golden sun shining upon your face, heart, and soul; accept my warmth and cosmic love as it beams down onto you. I am the air that flows naturally into your body, encircling your being and constantly brushes against your skin. I am the carer, nurturer and affectionate devotee to the Creator’s garden; I am the Creator’s universe. I am a unified aspect of the Creator; I oversee every aspect of the universe, small or large. My energy exists within all because I am an expression of the Creator’s love and consciousness, an overseer and guiding light for all on the Earth. Please understand that I am here to support you, helping you to overcome the challenges of Earth school and comprehend the truth of the Creator. I am your mother, father, brother, sister; I am the soil that you stand upon, the sky above you. I am your soul, you are my soul; we are the Creator in manifestation on the Earth and inner planes.
I am Lord Melchizedek, Universal Logos and loving heart of the Creator. I am a cosmic, galactic master and Christ, holding the Universal Christ Consciousness within my being. I embody the many levels of the Creator’s universe and understand how to progress through the dimensions of learning and integration to gain greater unity. I oversee the Earth from the universal level, I protect, nurture and guide souls existing on the Earth, at a planetary level, solar level, galactic level, and universal level. I integrate all rays of light and enlightenment from each vast and expansive level into my energy and the universal level. I accept the high vibrational energies of the cosmic and multi-universal levels of the Creator’s universe channeling them into every level and soul at the most appropriate energy vibration for acceptance. I realise the will, profound ideas and energy of the Creator as they are passed down to me through evolved masters and beacons of light. It is my purpose to unravel the will of the Creator, to anchor and distribute it through the universal level and into the minds of the galactic, solar and planetary Logoi. You may describe me as a universal anchor for the Creator’s energy and Christ Consciousness, a source through which the light of the Creator shines and is distributed. I hold the many skills, abilities, wisdom, and vibrations of the Creator; I am united with the heart, mind, and soul of the Creator and assist all in gaining an aspect of unity that is most appropriate for their own spiritual growth process.
To connect with me personally, you simply need to repeat my name as a mantra, ‘Lord Melchizedek,’ or call me to your side in your own way. Repeating my name will assist in the anchoring of my vibration, light, love, and consciousness into your being.
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Lord Melchizedek

The Relationship of Your Soul and Your Mind

Your soul is pure, it is a high vibrational energy of love and wisdom, it is an extremely positive influence in your life and yet it can become isolated, depleting in vibration due to physical influences and the illusions of the ego. While every aspect of your being is a manifestation of the Creator and is in truth pure and sacred, the ego at a physical Earth level has the tendency to take control in a negative way and this is simply because the mind and the soul are disconnected to some extent and are not working as one. The mind draws on past experiences even past lifetime experiences to get through each experience in your life. The mind wants you to feel safe and secure, this can manifest as a need to feel in control especially if the soul is not being engaged. The mind can become enrolled in being the main source of wisdom and overpower your soul and divine intuition that naturally flows through your being. Your mind is so powerful it supports you in projecting and manifesting the reality you experience before you. Your mind sieves through past memories constantly as if searching for something, maybe it is guidance or enlightenment. Its main aim is to recreate your connection with the Creator on the Earth such as feelings of joy, peace, unity, and oneness. However, it tries to achieve this through material knowledge and experiences.
Your soul is ever present within your being, constantly sharing wisdom, love, and divine support to serve you. It is the mind through habits and conditioning that can cause you to not even be aware or conscious of the presence of your soul and its constant emanation through you. This can cause the illusion that your soul is blocked from integrating into your being or that you are unable to connect with or communicate with your soul.
The soul holds onto many lessons and experiences from other lifetimes as well as experiences that will manifest greater learning and expansion. It can appear as if the soul requires cleansing, however, your soul is inviting full body and being realisation of your soul through gifting certain experiences to your life on the Earth.
When the soul is ignored and the mind takes control and an engagement with illusion can manifest, in this case, there is a simply a need to bring greater unity to your being, connecting your mind with your soul, thus empowering and relaxing your mind with the energy of your soul. This creates beautiful experiences of trust, harmony, serenity and of being loved within the mind which influences your entire being and reality. The mind is able to let go of fear, judgment, suffering, and pain to be divinely inspired by the truth of the Creator. This creates such a beautiful feeling of being fully supported, loved, safe and healed.

Embracing the Mind with Your Soul

Focusing on the love of your soul pulsating throughout your being is a powerful pacify of a chattering and unfocused mind. Embracing the mind with love can assist in deepening meditation as the mind adopts a greater stillness which allows a new connection with your soul. When others speak of soul development, ascension, enlightenment, and integration, they are speaking of the unity between the soul and the mind, it is a great achievement that is obtainable and can lead to greater mastery and awakening.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully, relax and try to focus on the word ‘Stillness,’ within your mind, you can imagine the word or repeat it. Focus on this word and allow yourself to be aware of how long it takes for your mind to distract you with an additional thought. Once you realise you have been distracted then bring your focus back to the word ‘Stillness.’ Do not judge yourself, instead, every time you experience a distraction, detach from the distraction and bring yourself back into the moment. This will help you to understand how influential and distracting your mind can be in your everyday life. Complete the practice by inviting your soul to embrace your mind in the purest powerful love energy and vibration. Feel, sense or acknowledge your soul’s love anchoring into every aspect of your mind, as if it is a soothing balm.
Then state: ‘I now invoke the beloved and sacred energy of my soul to expand and swell, melting into my body, aura, and surroundings. I ask my soul to create a deeper bond and connection with my mind, help me to exist as a beacon of my soul light, expressing the light and love of the Creator from every pore of my being. I ask Lord Melchizedek to oversee this process of integration. Thank you.’
Imagine how the light will manifest within your mind, it may create a beam of light through the centre of your mind that emanates into every aspect of your mind. You may imagine the light flowing over your head like a cap or hat and melting into your mind or a golden heart may manifest within your mind, pulsating love and positive consciousness into your thoughts. Allow yourself and soul to be creative generating a symbol you can meditate on and experience the connection between your soul and mind. Allow your mind to be flooded with the light of your soul, knowing that the light holds the divine will of the Creator, a high vibrational consciousness of enlightenment, the wishes of your soul, and precious thoughts of love.
Imagine your soul extending to fill your entire body, it melts through your skin and enters into your aura, dissolving all negative energy and anchoring love into your entire being. Sit and experience your divine energy. If your mind tries to take control embrace it in profound love and forgiveness. This is your special time of connection and integration between your soul and mind, which in itself can be life changing. The more you engage in this practice the more your mind will open to realise and recognise the sacred presence of your soul, allowing you to feel soul filled and soul realised.
‘My soul connects deeply with my mind, I experience focus, clarity and the expression of love through my thoughts. I am consciously in the presence of my soul.’
This is a powerful affirmation that can be used as a mantra to centralise your thoughts and invoke assistance to help you gain a deeper connection between your soul and mind.
With loving supportive pure integration,
Lord Melchizedek


Wake up Call, St. Germain, Planet Restored

 May 31, 2019         

Wake up Call: St Germain, May 31, 2019

There’s going to be a time in these coming months when all of the issues that are now in the residence of being finished will be not only finished but will be recreated in widespread use for the restoration of this land. It is a matter of being able to repair all of the hurdles that have been in place for so long, and now are being removed and given over to the consciousness of the ones off planet who know how to assist the ones who have been outside of the energy of Love.

It is a matter of them being able to go through the process of restoration and then being able to return to this planet and go into the mode of Loving action for the restoration of the planet and of their own souls. It is a matter of being able to step into the places that they were able to see could be the way to live on this planet, and then to be harbored away from that inner knowing and listening too much to those on the planet who came to destroy not only what the people were to be doing, but the planet as well.

The destruction is not going to happen. This planet earth is in the process of being restored, and not only that but to be able to welcome back those who have returned in the original state of beingness that they originally came to the planet to be in, and the destination of that which can be the essence of Love in every move that is made.

I am here to let you know that the last few steps have been seen to be in the process of being restored to that of the energy of Love, Joy and Peace. There will be many steps and occurrences that will be broadcast around the world as the ones that are being created to bless this planet with the energy of the way to live with all of life and to understand the harmony that is being recreated as I speak.

I am St Germain, and I wish to repeat one thing today that I have announced before. It is matter of all of you knowing what is the best you can do for yourself, and the others in the same way. Harmony is the answer to all of the movements that are bringing this planet back to the origins that carried forth the idea that it can be done, even after the deadly movements have been stopped and restructured as movements in Peace, Joy and Love in all instances.

Go now into your inner knowing and listen to what is coming forth for you to realize what is taking place around the world these days. It is a matter of feeling the wonder of the changes that are still in progress and bringing about the new energy that was in the process when this planet was created. In the essence of all who came here and are now here is the example of what it means to spread forth that which has been deemed impossible, and is now in the process of being created in every moment. Love is all there is and it is being recovered in many of those who had lost their way.

Keep the positive energy rolling in the dance of forgiveness and the knowledge that there is a wide-open new way of sharing this planet with all of those who are here, and in the movements of the Love that is all there is. I am with you in every step you take and every movement you make. Love is the answer.

Thank you dear St. Germain,
Much love,
Nancy Tate


Saint Germain: 5G and 5D

It seems that this is a capstone of the New World Order. Because then we are all “smart” and “glasses”. However, what I am particularly concerned with are microwaves that will destroy humans, animals and plants. In Australia there is a whole nature park with mountain that served as a 5G test zone and is now a desert. Also 100 cattle, on which you tested 5G, have died. (WHY WE HAVE TO DO NOW FOR 5G NOW OFFICER PACKS OFF.)
What does that do to our insects or the birds? Mini drones are already being developed to take over the pollination of flowers. In China, people have been doing that for years!
What happens to the trees and forests? How sick we humans become.
With the statement “5G or 5D” it brought my brother Karl the day before yesterday to the point. Now begins the last part of the revelation of John (“no one will be able to buy or sell anymore, unless he has the refill – RFID chip”)?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: This is a path that is allowed to a certain point. The last waypoint is that every human being can opt for the mark or against it.
JJK: But until then most people will be manipulated by 5G and will not be able to make a clear and firm decision. It is already the case today that more and more people are walking through the streets like remote-controlled.
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Everyone gets opportunities to wake up. The soul plan determines where the journey goes. Anyone who deliberately deals with this issue will take specific measures to stay safe from this energy field.
The order of the protective measures is as follows:
11 Protective measures before 5G
1) awareness
The knowledge of what it is – the knowledge that by increasing the natural vibration, the low-vibrating 5G energy field can not exert any influence.
2) Constant high natural vibration
This is achieved through daily meditation and transformation work.
3) Ask God
Please be the Prime Source alone or Archangel Metatron to destroy all harmful frequencies emanating from 5G.
4) nutrition
Little to no industrially produced food or liquids to eat. Grab fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs. Cook yourself!
5) Regular physical detoxification
Just as you “detoxify” your mind in meditation, so by regular “cures” you detoxify your physical body. Get, as Jahn did, one of the books of the Spiritual Channels of Spiritual Lightworlds, Anthony William. You’ll find everything in it that makes you 5G resistant. Attack on other options that feel good for you and that you would like to try out. Experiment until you find the optimal one for you.
6) Wear protective symbols, protective amulets and protective stones.
Again, there is help for every person. But be aware: Effective protection always goes hand in hand with consciousness.
For example, if you do not want to change your dietary habits and continue to eat meat from animals, the baseline vibration will be low and you will not be able to build effective protection. The protection symbols correspond with the consciousness of the wearer.
7) Go to the forest.
Looking for the closeness of nature, meadows, flowers and trees. If you live in the city, consider a move.
Move your focus to the country, because the cities are the first focus.
Even if you do not know how to finance it, it will open a path for you if you are really ready for it. There is no such thing as impossible.
8) Do yoga
or other physical exercises that harmonize your energy flow.
9) Make petitions to the politicians and to those responsible.
Write letters to the newspapers, participate in demonstrations on this topic. Show your face. Talk about it to your friends. With all these measures, you create an energy field of awareness. As a result, knowing what 5G really means can spread more easily.
10.) Do not be afraid of death!
You are eternal immortal consciousness. Spirit of the Spirit, Light of the Light of God. Your body is your “vehicle” for the time on earth. Make sure you fulfill your orders, because that’s the only reason you’re here.
11) Stay in peace and in love
Whatever happens, stay free from hatred, practice forgiveness, and maintain inner peace.
Love has the highest vibration. Get as close as you can, especially when fears are around you. This is a matter of consciousness. This closes the circle and we have returned to point 1.
JJK: How long will it take for the whole world to be full of 5G broadcast antennas?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: There is significant resistance. It will not be as easy to implement as planned. Resistance stirs and will still rain. How this process finally ends is up to humanity. You have it in your hands and you have more in your hand than you believe.
Therefore, you are advised to do your own homework first and then use it for the good of all.
JJK: Should I write a petition against 5G or even consider a referendum?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Wait, how things develop. Basically, it is your task to bring people light messages, so that they can perceive the events in this world from the spiritual perspective.
Whether and when to engage in “political” engagement will unambiguously manifest your spiritual guidance – in a way that can be understood and welcomed by your family and by all of the Lightworld team.
JJK: Why do not our politicians recognize this great danger inherent in 5G? Austria’s federal government even plays the pioneer!
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Since they have no way to calmly test this, and because they are part of this system, that means they are no longer able to think independently and clearly.
Alertness, an inner sense or prudence based on observation and common sense were eliminated. Everyone is marching in step towards the abyss.
JJK: Who will stop her, who will stop it?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: It’s how it’s got to be – people in large numbers will unexpectedly rise and those who are certain of victory will fall.
5G or 5D?
All people who want to keep their old life have decided that as well – as those who adapt to the daily rising vibration on earth and indulge wholeheartedly.
In infinite love



Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, May 10, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, May 10, 2019

What appears to be a failure might very well be a catalyst for changeas you stay conscious and aware.

Surrender to the momentand allow.

What is this moment teaching me?

Why did I use my powerto call this moment forth for my advancement?


Awakening Your Channels to Receive Ascension Downloads by Mary Magdalene

Beloved ones upon the Earth, I, Mary Magdalene, honour and love you deeply. I am present with you today in service to your ascension and supported by the entire Goddess Community of the Cosmic Level. The presence of the divine feminine and the Divine Mother is intense and in attendance to gift and inspire new awakenings of ascension within your being. My purpose of connecting with you in not only to share my deepest of love, I wish to inspire and guide you in a process of awakening the channels of life force energy within your being, rejuvenating your physical body with light, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. In doing so you open yourself to be receive to the divine and sacred ascension downloads taking grounding with strength and vigour into the Earth’s reality.

Ascension Energies Downloading Now

▪ The Peace of the Star Beings to promote harmony between Star Being Divine Intelligence and the consciousness of humanity. Thus, creating an awakening of divine intelligence within humanity that allows for many illusions that hinder humanity’s ascension to be detached and released.
▪ Star Alignments for the physical body to promote an upgrade in the health and wellbeing of every physical body upon the Earth, not only humans. This means that the physical body will become more resilient to illness, negativity and harmful toxins on the Earth. In response to this, each person will become more aware of how to support the health and spiritual sensitivity of the physical body. Mother Earth is also receiving this upgrade.
▪ The Ascended Master Elixir of liberation through mastery. The Ascended Masters have accessed the vibrations and frequencies they experienced during their evolution and ascension from the Earth, the moment of being liberated from the cycle of reincarnation and accessing the enlightenment of the Creator. They are downloading these frequencies into many being upon the Earth now, it is known as the Elixir of Liberation and supports souls in recognising the presence of liberation within their beings, distributing this into their realities to accelerate ascension.
▪ Rainbow ArchAngelic Consciousness and Rewriting of the Power of Love within the minds of humanity. This download is an intensity of consciousness, light and love direct from the Archangels expressed as a rainbow light, it is akin to sharing the mind of the Archangels with humanity and will promote a great shift in awareness especially the power of love.
▪ The rewriting of the ascension process as anchored into the minds of humanity, in order to awaken new possibilities, opportunities, and pathways for the ascension of humanity on the Earth. Have you ever considered that your view of ascension and your own ascension is dated compared the light vibrations your entire being current embodies?

Receiving the Ascension Downloads

Your blood carries messages of divine energy and consciousness into the genetic codes of each cell of your being. Your blood nourishes your physical body while also anchoring the blueprint of the Creator, divine intelligence, love, and peace. Therefore, when you open yourself to receive the light of the Creator, whether you invoke a certain light or not, you are replenishing, rejuvenating and regenerating your body and entire being. Thus, through the acceptance of the Creator’s light and the awareness of the ascension energies downloading you are able to automatically awaken the channels of life force energy within your being, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. With a focused intention of that which you wish to experience and embody, the entire process will be magnified and empowered, allowing you to access greater states of self and Creator understandings and expressions.
You are a beacon of light capable of transmitting powerful vibrations of energy and awareness, especially when you allow yourself to be supported by the Creator, the ascension downloads and your understanding of how powerful it is for you to receive the Creator through your being.

Awakening the Channels of Life Force Energy

My purpose, Mary Magdalene, with you in the meditation I wish to share with you now is to awaken the channels of life force energy within your being, rejuvenating your physical body with light, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. This will create the most appropriate openness within your being for you to naturally, automatically and easily receive and benefit from the many ascension downloads anchoring now.
Please cup your hands. Allow me, Mary Magdalene, to pour light into your hands, a liquid light abundant in life force energy of the Creator and codes of perfect health.
Moving your cupped hands to your heart chakra, imagine you tip the liquid light into your heart chakra. The liquid light flow into and through your heart chakra, filling this chakra completely. The liquid light flows through from your heart chakra into your blood. Imagine your bloodstream is filling with the liquid light and life force energy.
Imagine, sense and acknowledge the light flowing through your bloodstream into every cell and genetic code of your cells.
Again, cup your hands and imagine divine blueprint of the Creator as a blue light flowing into your cupped hands. Move your cupped hands to your heart chakra and let the blue light fill your heart chakra. The blue light flows into your bloodstream and into your cells. Feel every part of your being becoming energised.
As a representative of creating a clear circulation or channel of life force energy, I, Mary Magdalene, invite you to first inhale, then exhale imagining and following your breath in a spiralling motion down to your feet. Inhale breath in a spiralling motion from your feet to your head. Then as you exhale flow your breath as a tighter spiral flowing down the centre of your being and into your heart chakra. Then inhale without any focus to begin the process again.
I, Mary Magdalene, on your behalf call upon an activation of your ascension template from your soul and from the Creator. May the ascension template of your soul and the Creator marry in your heart, synthesising as one and radiating in all directions. I invite you to breathe into the soles of your feet to request the energy to enter into motion within your being and reality. Once anchored, let I the synthesised light of your soul and Creator ascension template rise throughout the entire body and aura to become a complete aspect of your being.
I, Mary Magdalene, bless you with further volumes of light, feel my light flowing throughout your entire being and into your reality. Remain present with the shifts and transformations taking place within your being now. When you feel ready allow yourself to surrender and receive the ascension energies now downloading into your being, humanity and the Earth. Feel the flow and notice how receptive you are to the ascension energies. Enjoy the anchoring and activating of the ascension energies within your being now.
With sacred love and support,
Mary Magdalene

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