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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Curiosities of nature. Mostrar todas las entradas


Celebrating the Feminine

My mom and I shared a very special connection. While I share some of the complexities of our journey together in my new book, both my mother and father were my biggest fans who instilled a tremendous amount of self-belief to help me become who I was born to be.
Near the end of my mom’s life, all wounds had been healed and all misunderstandings resolved as I helped her leave her body and enter the afterlife, just as I had done for my grandmother and father.
While it’s not uncommon to receive visitations from my parents from the afterlife, the other day my mom made her presence known in quite spectacular fashion. I was emptying the dishwasher and placed a plate on my cutting board. After I moved it, the residue of water left an imprint of my mom’s name — "Jo".
She was born named "Jo Ann" but no one ever dared to call her that... "Jo" was her name. It made me smile, just as I am smiling now, as a wonderful reminder that those who may be 'gone' are never lost. They are always with us, whether we are aware of the signs or not.
May this Mother’s Day be an opportunity to honor the memory of your mother, to celebrate any person who played the surrogate role of a mother, to embrace the divine feminine that is rising in energetic equality with the masculine in many awakening beings, as well as the mini divine feminine goddess warriors you may be currently raising. Even if memories of a mom were more sordid than satisfying, may this day be a moment to thank each person who tried the best they could, given their past conditioning and level of consciousness.
Is there a person from your past who needs forgiveness in order to set your inner feminine free?
Is there a feminine archetypal character from your upbringing who can give you back the power you unknowingly gave to them by accepting their intention was to love, even if not often or ever translated into supportive words or actions?
Perhaps today is a chance to embrace the ever-nurturing radiance of your inner feminine fire—to allow the feminine heart to make peace with its inner masculine counterpart (the mind), as a way of cultivating higher vibrations of Oneness on a collective level.
While there are masculine and feminine aspects within all beings of each gender, today we honor the feminine aspect of divinity that cultivates, supports, births, and grounds the creative expression, depth of worthiness, and willingness to receive that allows the glory of Source energy to not only be sought by the inner masculine, but be wholeheartedly received, integrated, and embodied for the Ascension of all.
Thank you mom for all that you taught me and helped me discover in myself. I love you dearly.
May we celebrate this day of divine femininity by rejoicing in healing the wounds either caused or endured by the feminine in celebration of this most powerful time of awakening.
Glory to the divine feminine awakening in all. Glory to the divine masculine in all helping to heal the wounds of the feminine and assisting in the merging process of both polarities — together as One. Glory to a transcendent truth that equally exists in the divine feminine and masculine and effortlessly abides as the radiant light of consciousness beyond the play of opposites. Glory to you, the Eternal Witness of it all, who incarnated to remember the light you transmit so perfectly nestled in the beauty of your divine heart space, as the sacred place in which of all life is transformed.
No matter who you are called to remember, honor, or forgive, it is you who I honor on this glorious day of divine feminine remembrance. Victory to the light I AM that you are.
Please enjoy this newsletter and all the gifts it offers.
All For Love,



Ali Osman 
Yesterday at 13:38 
after the last earthquake in BOLIVIA  

At school they do not teach that the Earth is divided into three layers, which are the crust, mantle and core, which in turn is divided into inner and outer core. A basic and successful scheme, but nevertheless leaves out other more subtle layers that scientists are now beginning to identify the deep interior of our planet. A good example is the study published this week in Science, in which geophysicists Jessica Irving and Wenbo Wu, of Princeton University, in collaboration with Sidao Ni, the Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics of China, they succeeded in using seismic waves a major earthquake in Bolivia to locate, 660 kilometers deep, a new "layer" that has wowed them a mountain range, very similar to the ones on the surface.

To observe what happens so deep, the researchers used the most powerful waves that exist on our planet, seismic waves generated by massive earthquakes.Earthquake in Bolivia For this particular study, key data were obtained from captured waves after an earthquake of magnitude 8.2, the second most powerful ever recorded, which shook Bolivia in 1994. "The so large earthquakes do not appear very Irving says often, and now we are fortunate to have many more seismographs than 20 years ago. These tools and computational resources, seismology is now a completely different country as it was two decades ago. "

With a magnitude on the Richter scale of 8.2 Mw earthquake in La Paz in Bolivia (1994) it is framed as one of the most devastating in history. A tremor that lasted several cities in South America and caused millions of dollars in damage. It is also one of the deepest earthquakes ever recorded with a length of 641 kilometers. In this case, the researchers used the supercomputers Tiger group of Princeton University to simulate the complex behavior of seismic waves scattered in the depths of the Earth.

The technology used for this analysis depends almost entirely on a unique property of waves: their ability to bend and bounce. Thus, just how light waves can bounce (reflected) in a mirror or bending (refracting) when passed through a prism, seismic waves travel directly through homogeneous rock, but is reflected or refracted when They find a limit or roughness. 
Giant Mountains 
Geologists were surprised by the "roughness" of this new layer, which was even more pronounced than we see in the surface layer (crust) on which we all live. "In other words Wu explains the limit of 660 kilometers stronger than the Rockies or the Appalachians topography is present."

The statistical model developed by scientists could not establish accurately the heights of these mountains, but in his article said that could be larger and higher than any other on the surface of the Earth.


Top 10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen!

Top 10 natural antibiotics hidden in your kitchen!

Hippocrates said,  "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food". Never is this more true than provide what your body needs to fight infection.
In recent decades, the overuse of antibiotics has reached a record high. The result has been drug -resistant bacteria and "superbugs" that evolve faster than scientists can discover how to combat them A future where bacteria are on top of the food chain is not unknown.
Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped to prevent infection and disease daily. Many of these natural defenders are still in use today with holistic healers worldwide.
These natural antibiotics are available for you right now!
Instead of waiting until you get sick or discover that drugs do not work in any strain of virus or illness you have, you can start developing your immune system in advance.
These foods and herbs have not lost their ability to fight bacteria. Insects do not become immune or resistant to them. For hundreds of years until modern times, what worked then still it works today.
They are known as "astringents" food: their blood cleaned naturally without harmful side effects or alter the delicate balance of good bacteria in your body.

The ten best natural antibiotics

1. Garlic: the
raw garlic when crushed or chewed contains a compound called allicin, which has similar properties to penicillin.
This member of the onion family is super antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal and antioxidant (eliminates free radicals been shown to cause cancer).
For more than seven millennia, it has been used internally and externally to treat minor ailments to serious illnesses.
Everything from colds and inflammation to serious infections is minimized and / or eliminated with the addition of garlic, and for those who do not enjoy the taste, there are also supplements. See supplements "aged" garlic for best results.
Garlic is not only powerful, but it contains a lot of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that are beneficial to the overall well being of the body. Not to mention that the cost is pennies compared to doctor visits and prescriptions!
2. Honey: the
ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.
Civilizations around the world continue to view honey as one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.
It has been found that manuka honey from New Zealand has the highest levels of antioxidants and healing powers.
An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide. This process helps your body fight infections and prevents the growth of bacteria. Relieves digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps the liver to function more efficiently.
A great boost to the immune system, consider combining honey with cinnamon to strengthen your white blood cells! Raw and organic honey is the best choice since most of pasteurization methods eliminate antioxidant effects.
3. Cabbage:
no sulfur compounds found in cabbage, a member of the cruciferous family including broccoli and kale, that have proved effective as cancer fighters.
What many people do not realize is how much vitamin C is found in cabbage. One cup provides 75% of what you need every day.
Naturally antibacterial, eating cabbage grated raw in your salad as garnish on a salad, or fresh cabbage juice drink (with added honey to sweeten) is an excellent way to improve digestion, prevent disease and even control their weight.
4. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE):
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study found that the grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is effective against more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria, over one hundred strains fungi and many parasites.
High in many antioxidants, it boosts immunity GSE, alkalized body naturally and aids in digestion by improving their beneficial intestinal flora.
5. apple cider vinegar raw (ACV): the
far reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) include  antibiotic and antiseptic properties  naturally alkalized system and can help in everything from control their weight to lower cholesterol and your risk of cancer.
An astringent chemical-free stroke can be used topically for disinfecting and sterilizing.
10 natural antibiotics alternative medical

6. Extra virgin coconut oil:
can not say enough about the benefits of coconut oil. It has antifungal and antimicrobial properties of natural origin and is full of antioxidants that are not found anywhere else in nature.
Use it to boost your immune system, balance sugar levels in the thyroid, cholesterol and blood, and even improve brain function. Safe to use internally and externally, coconut oil is one of the most versatile and unique Mother Nature 's gifts.
Add a spoonful to morning coffee to get extra power and a clearer head all day.
7. Echinacea:
with similar effects garlic, Echinacea is well tolerated and able to stimulate the immune system by stimulating naturally fighters of infections in the bloodstream. Native to North America, Echinacea has been used for centuries in tribal medicine to treat pain and disease.
Unlike garlic is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral solution is generally used at the first signs of illness and should not be taken for more than ten days. It is available in liquid form and capsules.
8. Fermented foods: the
probiotics are one of the most amazing discoveries of the last decade. They work to stimulate and preserve the natural intestinal flora (good bacteria) found in their digestive system.
Research has shown that a balanced gut is one of the keys to overall wellness and prevention of cancer.
These good bacteria are so important to your health that doctors now recommend a probiotic while patients taking prescription antibiotics.
Fermented foods are full of antioxidants and microorganisms that your body processes much better than supplements.
Sauerkraut unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, raw pickles, yogurt and probiotic kim chi (Korean cabbage dish) are excellent ways to improve balance in your intestines.
9. Colloidal Silver:  
a natural antibiotic  , colloidal silver is a mixture of silver particles suspended in a liquid that has been used for centuries.
This treatment is temporary because too much money (a heavy metal) can be toxic. However, the enzyme deactivates unicellular bacteria require to multiply. Deprived of its oxygen supply, bacteria and viruses are destroyed without harm.
10. Oregano oil and other herbs:
continuing medical research has shown that many tried and true herbal remedies work as well today as they did hundreds of years ago.
Essential oils created from herbs that have long been identified as beneficial to human health are rapidly becoming the consultation element of holistic medicine. Mediterranean countries are home to many of the most powerful, including oregano.
Oregano oil is considered antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal and antiviral.
It can be used internally and externally to treat wounds, respiratory problems, digestive disorders and even the common cold.
Packed antioxidants known as phenols and flavonoids, cure, but also strengthens the immune system.
Natural antibiotic properties of many herbs are only now being analyzed and confirmed by scientists around the world.
They represent natural alternatives to increase your immunity and add an excellent variety to your food preparation.
Allspice, thyme, cinnamon, basil, rosemary, turmeric, cayenne pepper, chili, cloves, ginger, anise, mustard seed and fennel are just some of the herbs natural to consider adding to your daily diet. Some are available in essential oils that increase their healing power.
Prescription antibiotics kill all bacteria, both the good and the bad, leaving his body stripped of its natural ability to fight infection and prevent disease.
You are designed to heal yourself in most cases. By adding these natural medicines to your life, you can actively work to keep your body healthy and in balance.
It is important to research and find the right foods that work for your life. Read your labels and if you are allergic, do not include that food! That's counterproductive!
For more information about healthy natural antibiotics, read the whole story in my book  "How to survive in a world without antibiotics" right now


The Many Benefits of Acupressure for Dogs and Other Pets

pets loveWhen most people think about acupressure they tend to think only about the benefits it can have for people. However, acupressure can also provide great benefits for dogs and other pets too. Dogs, for example, love to be touched, petted and massaged, and respond very well to this type of therapy. Used alone or in conjunction with alternative remedies, acupressure may result in significant improvement in your pet’s health.
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing art that has been practiced for 5,000 years. Based on the same principles of acupuncture, acupressure is the application of pressure on certain points of the body which in a gentle and non-invasive way, balances and releases the flow of blocked energy, enhancing health and mental stability.
Acupressure helps to improve the quality of life in elderly dogs suffering from hip dysplasia, arthritis, as well as every day aches and pains. At the same time, it can calm a new puppy and help ease the transition period when the puppy is brought into a new home.
Although acupressure is commonly used to relieve pain and discomfort, this ancient art has many more benefits which include:
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Strengthening, muscles, tendons, joints, and bones
  • Releasing natural cortisone, which alleviates inflammation and swelling
  • Releasing endorphins instrumental in calming and relieving pain
  • Sharpening mental focus
  • Increasing circulation
  • Removing toxins
  • Alleviating anxiety
  • Helping with behavioral issues
  • Improving digestion
Applying acupressure to your pet is actually a very simple technique. The most important thing to remember is that there must be a loving, calming, and trusting atmosphere. Acupressure is not a difficult process. It can be applied in the position that your dog likes best, standing, sitting, or lying down.
When starting the session, begin slowly by petting and massaging your dog in his favorite spots. When you are ready and the dog is in a relaxed state, you can maneuver to the pressure points that you need to focus on.
The next step is to determine what pressure points relate to your pet’s condition you wish to address. The chart found at the following link provides an illustration of the various acupressure points on dogs as well as an explanation of what the points relate to:
Once you have located the point, apply steady gentle pressure with your thumb or index finger. As you do this, visualize an even flow of energy going through that point into the body. The purpose of this visualization technique is to help you focus and not make any sudden movements that may distract the dog. With a steady and gentle hand, increase the pressure and release it after five to fifteen seconds, always paying close attention to your dog’s body language. If your dog feels uncomfortable, release the pressure. However, please note that the maximum amount of time to hold the pressure is fifteen seconds. If you come across a tender spot, simply massage the tender area and as the dog relaxes, then slowly apply pressure to that point.
The key is to make these sessions an enjoyable activity for your dog. Many pets look forward to this activity while experiencing improvement in health. You may find that acupressure will not only positively impact your dog’s life, but it will enhance the bond and loving relationship that you already have with your cherished companion.

 © Eraoflight
» Source


The Miracle of Tea Tree Oil: 80 Amazing Uses for Survival

by EraOfLight
essential oils
Essential oils have been used for healing and medicinal purposes for centuries and most certainly long before we had pills, capsules and big pharma to take care of our medical woes.  And while there is a place for manufactured pharmaceuticals in our survival medicine kit, there exists the possibility that none will be available or that they will be in such scarce supply that they should be reserved for only the most dire of circumstances.
For that reason, many preppers and individuals seeking self-reliance are learning to use essential oils to manage the both routine and not-so-routine maladies that occur in daily life.  There are about a dozen or so essential oils that belong in every survival kit including tea tree, peppermint, lavender, clove, rosemary and lemon among others. All of these essential oils have healing properties but today I would like to focus on just one, tea tree oil.
It is believed that the Aborigines of Australia have been using the leaves of the indigenous Malaleuca Tree (whose leaves are used to make tea tree oil) in their medications for centuries. They inhaled the oils from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds, sprinkled crushed leaves on their wounds and used an infusion of soaked leaves to treat sore throats or skin ailments.
Use of the oil itself, as opposed to the un-extracted plant material, did not become common practice until researcher Arthur Penfold published the first reports of its antimicrobial activity in a series of papers in the 1920s and 1930s. In evaluating the antimicrobial activity, he found that tea tree oil was 11 times more active than phenol.
The commercial tea tree oil industry was born shortly thereafter although interest in tea tree oil ebbed  after World War II, presumably due to the development of effective antibiotics and the waning image of natural products. Interest was rekindled in the 1970s as part of the general renaissance of interest in natural products.
For thousands of years, the derivatives of the Malaleuca Tree have been effective in treating a wide variety of ailments.  Here are 80 reasons why you should use it, too!
In order to effectively use essential oils – not just tea tree oil – it is often necessary to dilute the essential oil in another oil so that it can be easily spread or massaged on the affected area.  These oils are called “carrier” oils.  Common carrier oils include coconut oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil and others.
Fractionated coconut oil and grapeseed oil are favorites because they are odorless and in the case of fractionated coconut oil, immune to rancidity.  In practical use, any oil can be used if you do not have one of these more therapeutic oils on hand.
The properties of the various carrier oils is beyond the scope of this article but my favorite?  Easy. Fractionated coconut oil.  Is is relatively inexpensive, odorless and has a long shelf life making it perfect for the survival kit.
My first experience with tea tree oil occurred in the 80s when I was faced with a nail fungus that would not go away.  The pharmaceutical solutions at the time (and for all I know, even now) were harsh and required frequent monitoring of liver enzymes.  For a simple, non-life threatening nail fungus, I chose to pass.  After using a topical application of tea tree oil for three months, the fungus was all but gone.
I then became interested in aromatherapy (which uses essential oils).  I read every book I could get my hands on and dabbled at creating synergy’s (a combination of two or more oils that create a chemical compound that is greater than the sum of its individual components).   My bible then, and even now, is The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood.
Since then I have used essential oils off and on for a variety of woes and have never been disappointed. My recommendation is that you pick up a few essential oils – and especially some tea tree oil – and start to use them now to supplement any other remedies that you are using to keep your family and your home in tip top shape.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


25 Compelling Reasons To Eat Bananas

by EraOfLight
fruits eraoflight
You’ll never look at a banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet. Bananas are high in fiber and three natural sugars — glucose, sucrose and fructose — giving them almost magical powers to provide a huge energy boost. Bananas combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness. They can cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes. If you think bananas are just for monkeys, think again.
~ Bananas help overcome depression due high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin — the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter
 ~ Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar
 ~ Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg cramps by eating a banana
 ~ Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana
 ~ Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation
 ~ Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6
 ~ Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas
 ~ High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure, and protect against heart attack and stroke
Eating bananas aids digestion
~ Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body
 ~ Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.
 ~ Constipated? High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility.
 ~ Got the runs? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhea.
 ~ Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD
 ~ Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids
Natural cures from a simple banana
~ Eating bananas helps prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption
 ~ Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.
 ~ Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease
 ~ Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness
 ~ Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation
 ~ Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana
 ~ Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day
 ~ The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan, helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
 ~ Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal
 ~ Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place
 ~ Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine
Oh, and remember — bananas make great snacks and delicious smoothies. Now you know why monkeys are so happy. Eat a banana!

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


Lucky signs with animals and how to interpet

There is no doubt that animals generate vibrations just as humans do and, of course, they also transmit them to us. Not surprisingly, since they are part of the universal energy and the cosmos in which we live, in addition, some animals seem to have even a special sensitivity.
We will now focus on how we should interpret the different symbols or signs that are observed of animals and how they influence the surer who is near.

Spiders: Work Sign
Resultat d'imatges de arañas

The symbology around the spiders is quite rich in nuances, although, in general, it is a creature that is linked to the world of work. It is said that they are the symbol of hidden schemes, secrets, deceptions and also persistence and willpower. If we often see spiders, we will understand that fate is telling us that work will hardly fail us.
◾ If we discover spider nests in our house, it is a call to the arrival of new job offers and positions of responsibility.
◾When we step on (unintentionally) spiders that pass our way, the signal will indicate that, if we are not careful, we can lose important job opportunities.
◾If we find a spider near the head of the bed, it will manifest that we should, clarify the relationships and misunderstandings with co-workers.

The Signs of the Owl

Resultat d'imatges de buhos

These nice, deep-looking birds are closely related to intuition and clairvoyance. That is why it is a good omen to see them or to pass close to our path.
If we have a chance encounter with an owl, it is a sign that tells us that we are able to go beyond our ideas in the labor field.
◾If an owl looks directly into our eyes, it is transcending us a little of its power, it is as much as saying that we have a great intuitive capacity.
◾If we find a dead owl, it will indicate that a person in whom we have placed trust will displease us.

The snails or the sign of slowness

Resultat d'imatges de caracoles

The snail is considered to be one of the slowest creatures on the planet. Despite this, it seems to have a great resistance bottom. To see a snail appear, accidentally step on it or find it frequently wherever we go, has a clear meaning: slowing down.
◾ When snails appear to us everywhere (television, advertisements, shops or drawings) will indicate the arrival of times characterized by slowness, parsimony and even lack of will.
◾If walking down the street we see a snail we must think, what works slowly in my life? It is a sign that we are wasting time without being aware of it and we may have an expensive price to pay.
◾ According to tradition, finding a snail entering our house shows that moments of great happiness, protection and taking things with great patience arrive.
◾If we accidentally step on a snail, it means that destiny forces us to break, destroy or discard what seems very safe and protected does not adjust to the speed of our vital rhythm.

What it means to find a bird's nest

Resultat d'imatges de cria de pájaro

Birds represent the world of ideas and are associated with the air element. They are linked to the signs of creativity and illusions. So finding a bird is always a good omen. But when we also encounter a bird, we must pay attention, because a transcendental message may be close.
◾If a bird chick falls in our yard or garden and its plumage is dark, it will indicate that the creativity we need is yet to come.
◾If the bird has a long beak, the sign tells us to make a creative effort because a good idea will make us succeed.
If the chick is dead, it will announce times for reflection and new starting points in those things or situations that seemed unalterable and perfectly defined.
◾In case the bird found present clear feathers, will mean that a project is about to see the light.

What it means to find a nest

Resultat d'imatges de nidos
If walking in the field we find a nest is a sign of the next arrival of news. Depending on how the nest is, so will the information that comes to us.
◾If the nest is abandoned it will indicate that the news that we hope will not arrive. Therefore, the signal tells us that we must immediately move to new initiatives.
◾If the nest is being built the news we can receive will be economic or even labor-related.
In case the nest found has eggs, fate tells us that we must be very receptive because someone can call us quickly "to give us a joy. If there are already chicks, it will be a clear allusion that we will communicate a success.

"If we accidentally step on a nest, abandoned or not, it means that we are not being able to take advantage of the information that comes to us. The sign tells us that our steps in life are clumsy and that we continue to make the same mistakes as always.

The lucky signs of the horns

Resultat d'imatges de cuernos
Animal antlers, in addition to serving as protection, have a special symbolism, as they have all the signs of their bearer. Finding a horn or seeing them repeatedly can have meanings. On the one hand, the signal speaks to us of our capacity for immunity from adversity, and on the other hand, in genus horns always represent the capacity for expansion of energy.
◾If we find a bull or cow horn, the signal tells us that monetary luck will come hand in hand with a promotion or job change.
"If the horn is a ram, chance tells us that we must take advantage of the circumstance to try our luck in everything related to games and betting.

In the case of finding a horn with decorative effects will represent that in a short time we will collect debts or inheritances.

The signs of luck of the beetles

Resultat d'imatges de escarabajos
The beetles, from an occult and esoteric point of view, are sacred, protective, lucky and even maleficent. The beetles have been subjected to all sorts of magical and unusual interpretations but in general it is always said of them that they are emissaries of destiny:
• Finding a beetle on the door of the house or entering our home through the front door is a warning of the next arrival of money.
• If the beetle is found on a window, it will indicate that the news about a person whom we have not seen for a long time will not be long in coming. The sign tells us that the people who come to our lives will generate harmonic influences and positivity.

◾In the case that without wanting to step on a beetle is a sign of bad omen since it will represent that we will fail in an initiative or project of an affective or social nature.

Cats: Animals full of lucky signs

Resultat d'imatges de gatos

Domestic felines have always had a bit of a bad name, at least as far as their relationship with the magical or occult arts is concerned.
The truth is that apart from the tradition of the black cat that crosses and that supposedly will bring us all sorts of misfortune unless we meet again and it is we who cross in front of him when he is still, there are other very Interesting about this feline.
If a black cat crosses our path, destiny tells us that soon we will receive an interesting signal that will not necessarily be bad luck.
In the case that when we are walking a white cat crosses us, the signal tells us that there are times of success and gains in games of chance.
◾If we suddenly perceive that quite often and anomalously we are seeing tabby cats, the message that gives us the destiny is that we do our best to meet old lovers.
If we meet a gray cat, it will indicate that we must take great care in trusting each other and even less if there is any kind of economic link with them.
Other relevant signals
- »If a cat appears at the front door of our house, it will be a sign of promptness that tells us that what is still pending will resolve almost immediately.

- »If we find a dead cat the signal tells us that we must be very careful with physical exertion.

Ants and their lucky signs

Resultat d'imatges de hormigas

If suddenly in our life, without order or concert begin to appear ants, we are before a call of fate that warns us about work, that if normally in our home there are no ants or there were but they are now extinct. If we usually see ants, life tells us not to lose sight of the issues arising from work, so we must be very attentive to the signs that give us these little insects:
◾If we see a procession of ants in the house and this route is not carried out in an area where there is food, the signal will show changes in the jobs we occupy. The signal tells us that we may even have a change of job.
◾If we have the opportunity to see a change of the whole nest, presided over by the appearance of the queen, we will interpret that we will be offered a new occupation with an interesting position.
◾If there are several anthills in our house will indicate that the job offers will be numerous.

In the event that we see dead ants and we have not exterminated them, it means that we run the risk of losing value in our job and even that we may suffer a labor crisis.

Insects in the garden: A world signs of luck

 Resultat d'imatges de insectos en el jardín
Normally in the spring all kinds of animals come to our homes. They will be creatures both crawling and flying, many of them will eventually settle comfortably on our balcony or garden. It may also happen that after the winter dream, ants, aphids, spiders, slugs and shingles wake up and begin to walk at their leisure. Each of these creatures has a concrete meaning:

◾If we see a majority presence of ants, it will be a warning of the arrival of work. The signal augurs moments of great industriousness.
  • If flies predominate, it will be a sign of the coming arrival of ideas and new projects, which will be conflicting if the flying insect is a mosquito.
◾If the insect (whatever it is) comes riding a snail or slug, it will mean that next season we will spend moments of a certain sadness in which we will have to keep a little pleasant dispute.

In the case that the creature is a shingles or worm, the sign of destiny tells us moments of great isolation, interiorization, fear and even betrayal.

The lizards

Resultat d'imatges de lajartijas
Also called dragons, the lizards, which for many people are of a dangerous hue and even a bad omen, represent the opposite: luck, goods and protection. When a lizard sneaks into the house we must understand that a creature has come that is associated with protection and that many cultures consider it to be the best element against the evil eye.
According to tradition, there is nothing better than having a lizard or small dragon in the house or in the garden, since it will harmonize the relations of the inhabitants of that place. Of course, we must never have the reptile locked in a terrarium.
◾If we step on a lizard or a dragon, fate tells us that although life offers elements of good luck and help, we are not in a position to take advantage of them.
If a lizard eats from our hand, it will mean that luck will accompany us both in the affective and in the social.
In case a lizard appears at the head of the bed, fate is inviting us to develop new projects and ideas.

The lucky signs of butterflies

Resultat d'imatges de mariposas

These insects are often news carriers. They are creatures whose presence we must interpret as an indication of destiny or chance so that we make a reflection in our life or to bring a change of attitudes.
◾If we see a dead butterfly in our house, you will notice that misfortune or bad luck can result. The sign tells us that we are entering a dangerous spiral of negativity that can affect not only us but also our environment.
◾If we have the opportunity to see a butterfly born of a gullet gestated in our garden or terrace, will mean that our house is protected from evil, but anyway fate tells us that we should not lower our guard.
◾If we continually find butterflies, it will indicate that we are continually awaiting news or information on issues that concern us. The sign tells us that instead of worrying about others, their lives and what they do, we take more care of our own.
Other relevant signals
-> If we observe that a butterfly of light tones in the shoulder or in the head the signal indicates to us that will arrive pleasant and beneficial news.
-> In case we see that the butterfly has dark tonalities will manifest the arrival of problems.
- »If a butterfly tries to dare on our body but at the end falls to the dead ground, the signal tells us that we must put aside the gossip and the rumors.

The lucky signs of bats

Resultat d'imatges de murcielagos
Seizures and fears on the sidelines, bats are nice creatures whose vision, moreover, will bring us luck. The presence of a bat should always be taken as a gift of life that, sending us to the animal, tells us that happiness will come of all kinds and that success can manifest at any time.
If a bat appears before us flapping its wings, we will interpret that good times will come with the couple.

  • If we witness it eating, the signal will indicate that there will be family harmony and even moments of great happiness with the little ones.

Finally, if a bat enters our house, the tradition affirms that we must never hurt it, helping it to leave and asking for a wish that, surely, will be fulfilled to us.

What It Means to Find a Dog

Resultat d'imatges de perros
In the cities it is not too frequent to find a dog loose and without a master on the street, so this symbol should not be interpreted as a fortuitous fact, but it is part of those strange coincidences that remind us of a sign.

  • When the dog is large, it announces that an important phone call is about to happen and also the early arrival of news that can be very relevant.
  • If the dog we find is of small or small size, the signal predicts that we should fear the emergence of relationship problems at work. The sign tells us that it is possible that we should face discussions with co-workers or partners.

In case the dog is light-colored, it augurs good news. If on the contrary it is of dark coat, it refers to possible problems with some component of age of the family.

What it means to find toads in the city
Resultat d'imatges de Sapos en la ciudad

Toads are creatures that have their own legend. Remember that many princes have been hidden or imprisoned in the body of this creature after having suffered the spell or enchantment of a witch. Legend has it that kissing the mouth of a toad can make it become a prince. Of course the moral goes a little further. The ancient tradition of kissing the toad reminds us that what appears to be horrible has a treasure within it and that we should not be guided by appearances. Another theory affirms that the kiss of the toad represents the daring. In this way, whoever is confronted with what is disgusting or disagreeable gets the prize of discovering a great treasure.
Finding a toad tells us to take it as a call from fate. It is a sign that tells us that we must put aside the first impression of what we see, if we really intend to reach the true treasure or find something that we find interesting. The sign also tells us that we should not rely on appearances and that we should see the authentic background of things before judging them.

Which means they give us pets

Resultat d'imatges de regalar mascotas
Receiving a pet at home is always, by the margin, an enjoyable fact. Some animals like us better than others, but they all have a special meaning.

  • If they give us a cat it is that they consider that we are an independent person, vivacious and endowed with much energy. The signal tells us that we must act independently in decision-making.
  • If the gift is a singing bird, we must understand that others see us as someone who stands out from the rest, who is noticed. The sign of destiny tells us that we must make an effort to open ourselves to new relationships and to participate more in social communication.
  • If the bird that has given us is a parakeet, parrot or parrot, will indicate that we transmit to others sympathy, grace and social sense and precisely in that line is the signal that indicates that we must enhance these qualities in human relationships.
  • If the pet is a reptile, it means that we possess an air of mystery, a hypnotic charm and even some attractive extravagance. The sign tells us that we must try to pass over everything that seems to us full of secrets and strange mysteries.
  • In case we are given a dog, although there are many varieties, will indicate that others see us as responsible, social, friend of their friends and lover of solidarity. The sign tells us that we must be able to help others by giving up selfishness.

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