
12 de mayo de 2020

Celebrating the Feminine

My mom and I shared a very special connection. While I share some of the complexities of our journey together in my new book, both my mother and father were my biggest fans who instilled a tremendous amount of self-belief to help me become who I was born to be.
Near the end of my mom’s life, all wounds had been healed and all misunderstandings resolved as I helped her leave her body and enter the afterlife, just as I had done for my grandmother and father.
While it’s not uncommon to receive visitations from my parents from the afterlife, the other day my mom made her presence known in quite spectacular fashion. I was emptying the dishwasher and placed a plate on my cutting board. After I moved it, the residue of water left an imprint of my mom’s name — "Jo".
She was born named "Jo Ann" but no one ever dared to call her that... "Jo" was her name. It made me smile, just as I am smiling now, as a wonderful reminder that those who may be 'gone' are never lost. They are always with us, whether we are aware of the signs or not.
May this Mother’s Day be an opportunity to honor the memory of your mother, to celebrate any person who played the surrogate role of a mother, to embrace the divine feminine that is rising in energetic equality with the masculine in many awakening beings, as well as the mini divine feminine goddess warriors you may be currently raising. Even if memories of a mom were more sordid than satisfying, may this day be a moment to thank each person who tried the best they could, given their past conditioning and level of consciousness.
Is there a person from your past who needs forgiveness in order to set your inner feminine free?
Is there a feminine archetypal character from your upbringing who can give you back the power you unknowingly gave to them by accepting their intention was to love, even if not often or ever translated into supportive words or actions?
Perhaps today is a chance to embrace the ever-nurturing radiance of your inner feminine fire—to allow the feminine heart to make peace with its inner masculine counterpart (the mind), as a way of cultivating higher vibrations of Oneness on a collective level.
While there are masculine and feminine aspects within all beings of each gender, today we honor the feminine aspect of divinity that cultivates, supports, births, and grounds the creative expression, depth of worthiness, and willingness to receive that allows the glory of Source energy to not only be sought by the inner masculine, but be wholeheartedly received, integrated, and embodied for the Ascension of all.
Thank you mom for all that you taught me and helped me discover in myself. I love you dearly.
May we celebrate this day of divine femininity by rejoicing in healing the wounds either caused or endured by the feminine in celebration of this most powerful time of awakening.
Glory to the divine feminine awakening in all. Glory to the divine masculine in all helping to heal the wounds of the feminine and assisting in the merging process of both polarities — together as One. Glory to a transcendent truth that equally exists in the divine feminine and masculine and effortlessly abides as the radiant light of consciousness beyond the play of opposites. Glory to you, the Eternal Witness of it all, who incarnated to remember the light you transmit so perfectly nestled in the beauty of your divine heart space, as the sacred place in which of all life is transformed.
No matter who you are called to remember, honor, or forgive, it is you who I honor on this glorious day of divine feminine remembrance. Victory to the light I AM that you are.
Please enjoy this newsletter and all the gifts it offers.
All For Love,

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