
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Economy Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Economy Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas

29 de junio de 2018

Unlucky companies that moved de Catalunya (Sold, picked up or broken).

It begins to be suspicious and it seems that in some cases, transfer of venue was a headlong rush .. .

Codorniu: sold to the US vulture fund Carlyle.

eDreams: slumps on the stock exchange.

Naturhouse: earns 24% less in the first quarter of 2018.

Abertis: opada by Florentino and Atlantia.

Pastas Gallo: they sold 40% of the company.

Pronovias: acquired by the fund BC Partners

CATA appliances: bankruptcy saved by refinancing debt.

CaixaBank: sells 80% of its real estate business to Lone Star.

Banco Sabadell: lost 12,000 customers by the corralito English TSB.

GasNatural: changes its name to the boycott Naturgy suffering.

AGBAR: threatened remunicipalization (especially endangered Barcelona)

Planet losses for their participation in Banco Sabadell; sales office; 800 million maturing debt in 2018. Remember also that: Freixenet, although not moved the seat, the unionist company has finished in the hands of the German Henkell.
Cirsa threatened to leave Catalunya and is now owned by the Blackstone yankee.

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, 

13 de abril de 2018

Spain and only represents 26% of trade in Catalan products. The Spanish market is residual for Catalan companies.

that statement saying that "trade of Catalan products is divided into three equal parts (33%) among the community, the rest of Spain and the world" far behind.

C-intereg just released numbers  2017  and shows us that this is no longer true ...

-own Catalunya:  26.2%  (23.2%) 
-España:  26.2 % (28.7%) 
-Mundo:  47.6%  (48.1)

(Parenthetically overall results 2016)

As you can see, the foreign market is practically the same, but not own and that of with Spain. 
Clearly Catalunya sells less in Spanish territory because there is a boycott and because simply the Catalan businessman is eliminating that market. The proof is finding complicity in Catalunya itself (up 3 points). In other words, it becomes evident that the Catalans buy more products from home.

Making History (round numbers): 
In the periodo1995-2001 Spain accounted for 39% of Catalan trade. 
2002-2009 dropped to 36%. 
2010-2013: 32% 
2014: 30% 
2015: 29% 
2016: 28% 
2017: 26%

The Catalans do things, and one of them is trying to convert residual trade with Spain, a favorable market to catalanofobia ... 
and the beginning of the " How to " boycott began with the famous cava 2004. That vile campaign did change the mentality of the Catalan businessman, they realized there was a residue of hatred. Representing 27% of foreign trade in the period 1995-2001 we have moved to almost 48% in 2017 ... 
It can be said that every percentage point that is lost Spain win two abroad.

This morning said, a maddened Victoria Prego in porquera COPE that "Without Catalunya, Spain will disappear. And a Catalunya just back everything." 
I stay at the end of the commentary, they know that if only we consume Catalan products and, once and for all, we get our money from Spanish banks and we drop out of Endesa and Movistar shift, Spain suffer.

Finally, it is demonstrated that the Catalans buy our products more and more.And our businessmen looking more and more Western democratic-minded customers.


10 de marzo de 2018

TEVA PHARMA ERE plant in Zaragoza and Madrid

Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva announced its workforce in Spain its intention to apply a Record Regulatory Employment (ERE) in their state facilities (based in Madrid and plant in Zaragoza), as part of the overall restructuring plan which is implemented with a reduction of 25% of its workforce, affecting about 14,000 workers worldwide. 
The decision would affect groups of workers who make up Pharma companies and Ratiopharm. 

According to the website of Teva, the number of workers in Spain rises to 998 workers , with its own plant in Zaragoza, specializing in oral solid.


4 de diciembre de 2017

The Catalan people decide not to spend or invest aiming at the "RECESSION of 155" ...

I already said in  this post  that if Catalonia is cold, Spain is constipated. 
I will also remember that new mental framework in which Catalan is immersed: work and spend less. 
We have reached the conclusion that our money, to be stolen by Spain, is better not to have it or to hide it. 
As I showed in  this entry , the Andalusians pay three times less taxes than Catalonia and has better roads and health than the Catalans ...Someone will think that it is very beast that of "immolating oneself economically", but the numbers show that, in something so significant as spending on large stores, the Catalan citizen has stopped buying at 11.6%.

The good thing is that the independentistas do it to annoy the numbers of Spain and the unionists residing in the principality to fuck those of Catalonia. Well, the question is that Catalonia has started a recession, the RECESSION OF 155. And while the Rajoy government has its dirty hands in the Catalan institutions, here does not spend a penny or the Tato. And then, we'll see ... Charging the Catalan economy-Spanish bar-was not the change of venues, it was that the Catalan citizen does not spend and does not invest. Therefore, the employment data for November is bad.

Above: 7,391 more unemployed in Catalonia. 
Bottom: 29,243 contracts less.

Affiliates social security: 4,038 less.

12,773 fewer affiliates to Social Security in the Spanish total.

26 de octubre de 2017

The ibex 35 bankrupt

The markets expect that some Ibex35 company will be put to shot before the future fall of the Spanish stock market.

In the memory of all is the brutal fall of Banco Popular ...

There are many Spanish companies, especially those of the Ibex35 that live on the BOE, which will see their prices fall if Catalonia declares itself independent. Some will have to leave quickly to give press conferences reminding that they will continue working in Catalan territory ... In other words, they will recognize the new State.Movistar, for example, will have to reassure its shareholders by saying exactly the same to them, that they will have good relations with the new Catalan republic and do not think about losing that business ... Gas Natural will apologize and will be the first to request the Catalan NIF .. .

Some will have worse to calm their shareholders, is the case of AENA whose dividends depend on El Prat. Its board of directors will have to announce a meeting with the new Catalan government and will be forced to transfer 10% of its shares to the town of Catalunya. 
Remember that only El Prat earns 700 million euros a year, money that the Catalans do not see a cent. And companies that do not adapt at full speed to the new legality will see their actions plummet ...

In those moments of bursts of panic, many Spanish quoted (and not only the Ibex35) will be below their value and that is when the world's investors will buy and take over many companies at the price of ... 
As shown, "the button "of American silence at the end of the process ... 
Trump, as a good businessman, knows the opportunities that open in Catalonia and Spain ... Logically a quick negotiation between the Catalan and Spanish states would reduce the loss of Business.

I do not invent anything in this post, in the world of high finance there are countries and investors waiting for companies are devalued to buy them at a balance price. The volatility of Spanish companies can be very harmful to Spain and the only way this stability will be to start a negotiation as soon as possible.Curiously, those vultures that will come to the Spanish companies are the same that will finance independent Catalonia in its first months ... Sadly there are no studies on these scenarios since Spain has only lost energy and time to explain how bad it would be for Catalonia . They may not have prepared a contingent not to lose their companies. As Albiol said: WE ARE GOING TO KNOW

19 de octubre de 2017

Why can not take Xavier Gabriel La Bruixa d'Or de Catalunya

Jordi Palmer 

Photo: ACN 
Barcelona. Tuesday, October 17, 2017 

The entrepreneur Xavier Gabriel, owner among other businesses of the lottery Bruixa d'Or de Sort has announced that prepares the relocation of their companies outside Catalonia because of the political situation. Specifically, according to several agencies have disseminated information, it announced its intention to relocate the headquarters of the lottery business, catering and property tax Navarra and Madrid headquarters. 

The decision is related to its positioning against independence, the same Gabriel has made clear in recent days on social networks.

In fact, Gabriel has announced that it has been four complaints for libel to the Mossos d'Esquadra, ensuring that the last days have been the victim of "persecution and threats" for its political stance. Specifically, according to information published in various media, Gabriel was the victim of a smear campaign in which he is accused of being pro-independence and even the father of the deputy of the CUP Anna Gabriel, with the aim, according to this lottery agency, of "damaging the million-dollar lottery sales."

However, the announcement of the transfer of the headquarters of companies can not include the primeval business, the lottery of Sort, because to do so requires a specific permission from the State Society Lotteries and Gambling (SELAE) the entity that manages gaming and betting and the National Lottery, the football pools and lottery Primitiva, among others, and who has the last word on transfers. Administrations lotteries, which were historically state concessions are subject since 2011 to commercial contracts that allow the transfer to third parties and not only among relatives. In addition, changes of address must be subject to prior authorization. 

No request transfer

So far, sources consulted by ElNacional.cataseguran SELAE that the administration "has not requested any transfer , " and therefore the administration Bruixa d'Or "continue to exercise its work within the locality where it is located". In any case, the public body reminds lottery administrations "have the right to request the transfer in specific cases, but it is always the SELAE who must authorize". 

For this, moreover, it should take into account the location of the new administration and appeals against transfer that could possibly present other lottery administrations in the area, which could be adversely affected by the implementation of a new administration.

Therefore, although Xavier Gabriel announced the transfer of its business, the headquarters of the lottery will, for all purposes, located in Sort.

18 de octubre de 2017

The trade show warns that state repression in Catalonia will cost 13,000 million for Spain.

Citizens already pay the lack of Spanish dialogue: Spain will lose 3,300 million and 75,000 fewer jobs will be created. 

Independent Authority Fiscal Responsibility (trade show) has quantified the cost of the crisis in Catalonia can have: a negative impact on gross domestic product (GDP) to 1.2% in 2018, which would mean a loss of wealth of just over 13,000 million euros.

"The impact of the common component of uncertainty shock in 2018 is estimated at between 0.4 and 1.2 percentage points of GDP, depending on the degree of permanence of the stressed scenario" explain sources of the trade show, adding that "turn this effect would result in a deterioration in the budget balance "between 2 and 5 tenths. 

This would mean that in the worst scenario, Spain's GDP will grow only 1.5% in 2018, because without the Catalan effect the trade show estimated the economy would grow by 2.7%, and the deficit could reach even 2.7%, well above the targets that Government has agreed with Brussels. 

The complicated context also have an economic impact in 2018, but according to point from the Tax Authority would have to be very large so that growth is less than 3%. Therefore, the technical body maintain that the economy will grow by 3.1% this year. 

You imagine if independence is declared ... 

Here the full report: -aef6-afe160fd023d

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