
4 de diciembre de 2017

The Catalan people decide not to spend or invest aiming at the "RECESSION of 155" ...

I already said in  this post  that if Catalonia is cold, Spain is constipated. 
I will also remember that new mental framework in which Catalan is immersed: work and spend less. 
We have reached the conclusion that our money, to be stolen by Spain, is better not to have it or to hide it. 
As I showed in  this entry , the Andalusians pay three times less taxes than Catalonia and has better roads and health than the Catalans ...Someone will think that it is very beast that of "immolating oneself economically", but the numbers show that, in something so significant as spending on large stores, the Catalan citizen has stopped buying at 11.6%.

The good thing is that the independentistas do it to annoy the numbers of Spain and the unionists residing in the principality to fuck those of Catalonia. Well, the question is that Catalonia has started a recession, the RECESSION OF 155. And while the Rajoy government has its dirty hands in the Catalan institutions, here does not spend a penny or the Tato. And then, we'll see ... Charging the Catalan economy-Spanish bar-was not the change of venues, it was that the Catalan citizen does not spend and does not invest. Therefore, the employment data for November is bad.

Above: 7,391 more unemployed in Catalonia. 
Bottom: 29,243 contracts less.

Affiliates social security: 4,038 less.

12,773 fewer affiliates to Social Security in the Spanish total.

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