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A rigged economy, democrats? What the numbers show about US $ 20.5 trillion GDP

Special for
By  Star Parker  ;
With the first round of debates Democratic Party behind us, Americans have now heard of their candidates why they think should run the country.
A theme permeates all these messages Democrats.
The United States is not fair, and aspire to be president to do the right things.
An analysis by Mark J. Perry, professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan, compares the GDP of the US states. UU. With those of entire countries.
Elizabeth Warren  : "When you have an economy that works very well for those with money and is not doing very well for everyone else, that's corruption, pure and simple. We need to call it We have to attack him head on .
Kamala Harris  : "For a long time, the rules have been written for people who have more and not in favor of people working more. ... the first day, I derogare the tax bill that benefits the top 1% and the largest corporations in America. "
Bernie Sanders  , "Well, President Trump, is not defending working families ... 83 percent of its tax benefits are located in the top 1 percent. That's how we beat Trump: we expose it for the fraud it is. "
There are, of course, more candidates and issues. But this usually sums it up .
For the Democrats, America is rigged by the rich; everyone else is getting a raw deal; and we need the government to fix everything.
The challenge for President Trump and Republicans in the upcoming elections is to make clear to voters that the Democrats message is not true and communicate what is true.
Who are these wealthy Americans, according to Democrats control everything?
The answer is that those who are rich are changing all the time, because contrary to what we hear from the Democrats, United States works.
Each year, Forbes magazine publishes a list of the 400 richest Americans.
In 2018, 43 percent of those on this list were not in it 10 years earlier.
Forbes points out that among these 400 inherited their wealth and those who are self-made.
In 1984, according to Forbes, less than half of those on the list were self-made.
In 2018, 67 percent "created his own fortune".
"In the past more than 30 years , " he says Forbes, "the number of 400 members of Forbes who have forged their own way, using entrepreneurial capitalism as a means to a great fortune, has increased dramatically.  This tells us many things but one should be higher than the rest: the American dream, it seems, he is alive and well ".
What about all fiscal injustice that we speak the Democrats?
According to the Tax Foundation, in 2016, the latest data available, taxpayers who earn in the top 1 percent paid 37.3 percent of all federal taxes. Those earning in the top 5 percent paid 58.2 percent of all federal taxes. Those who win in 50 percent paid less than 3 percent of all federal taxes.
With less than 250 years, the United States is one of the youngest countries in the world. However, with a gross domestic product of 20.5 trillion, its economy is by far the largest in the world. It is 60 percent larger than China, the second largest economy, and more than 400 percent larger than Japan, the third largest.
Those who want to lead the country should discuss what has created enormous wealth and success in the United States, how to keep it running and how to ensure the widest possible participation Americans.
Freedom and entrepreneurial capitalism have been the mother 's milk of great American success story. The poor are not poor because the rich are rich or because the system is rigged. If we want to help, let us examine why do not participate honestly and try to help them to help themselves.
Certainly, many things do not work as well as they could. Health care, education, housing, our entitlement programs. Almost invariably, their dysfunction comes from too much government, not too little.
If Republicans transmit these truths in 2020, they will win.
Star Parker is a columnist for  WorldTribune  .com. She is author and president of CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education


President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again

Replace US Dollar With Gold As Global Currency & Make America Great Again: Trump

President Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Friday, Feb. 24, 2017, in Oxon Hill, Md. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

– Ralph Benko: Inside President Trump’s otherwise “standard Trump stump speech” at CPAC was nestled what might be a most intriguing observation:
Global cooperation, dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries is good, it’s very important. But there is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I’m representing.
There’s a keen insight in there that could, just maybe, transform our lives, America, and the world. No “global currency?”  Was this, with the poetic observation that “there is no such thing as a global anthem…or a global flag,” just a trope? Or could it contain a political portent with potential high impact on world financial markets?  Let’s drill down.
As it happens, there is a global currency.
It’s called the “US dollar.”
Most international trade is priced in dollars. The Bretton Woods international monetary system invested the dollar, which then was defined as and (internationally) was legally convertible to gold at $35/oz, with global currency status.  France’s then-finance minister, later its president, Valéry  Giscard d’Estaing, called the “reserve currency” status of the dollar — its status, along with gold, as global currency — an “exorbitant privilege.”
By this d’Estaing was alluding to the fact, as summarized at Wikipedia, that “As American economist Barry Eichengreen summarized: ‘It costs only a few cents for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to produce a $100 bill, but other countries had to pony up $100 of actual goods in order to obtain one.'” That privilege, which made great sense during the period immediately after World War II, became a curse.
In 1971 President Nixon, under the influence of his Svengali-like Treasury Secretary John Connally, “suspend[ed] temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold.” That closure proved durable instead of temporary. The dollar became, and remains, the world’s global currency.
What had been an “exorbitant privilege” devolved into an exorbitant liability. As my former professional colleague John D. Mueller, of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, formerly Rep. Jack Kemp’s chief economist, writing in the Wall Street Journal in Trump’s Real Trade Problem Is Money recently and astutely observed:
a monetary system based on a reserve currency is unsustainable, since foreign official dollar reserves (for example) are acquired and must be repaid in goods. In other words, the increase in official dollar reserves equals the net exports of the rest of the world, which means it must also equal U.S. international payments deficits—an unsustainable situation.
In other words, if President Trump wishes to address America’s merchandise trade deficit (balanced to perfection, of course, by a capital accounts surplus) he will find that allowing the dollar to be used as the global currency is the real snake in the economic woodpile.  The dollar’s burden as the international reserve currency, not currency manipulation by our trading partners or bad treaties, is the true villain in the ongoing melodrama of crummy job creation.
Mueller’s Wall Street Journal column enumerates the three options open to President Trump:
First, muddle along under the current “dollar standard,” a position supported by resigned foreigners and some nostalgic Americans—among them Bryan Riley and William Wilson at the Heritage Foundation, and James Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute.
Second, turn the International Monetary Fund into a world central bank issuing paper (e.g., special drawing rights) reserves—as proposed in 1943 by Keynes, since the 1960s by Robert A. Mundell, and in 2009 by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China. Drawbacks: This kind of standard is highly political and the allocation of special drawing rights essentially arbitrary, since the IMF produces no goods.
Third, adopt a modernized international gold standard, as proposed in the 1960s by Rueff and in 1984 by his protégé Lewis E. Lehrman …and then-Rep. Jack Kemp.
To “muddle along” would, of course, be entirely antithetical to Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again. It would destroy his crucial commitment to get the economy growing at 3%+ — vastly faster than it has for the past 17 years  — which also happens to be the recipe for robust job creation and upward income mobility for workers. It also is the essential ingredient for balancing the federal budget while rebuilding our infrastructure and military.
To turn the IMF into a world central bank would, of course, be anathema to Trump’s economic nationalism. To subordinate the dollar to the IMF’s SDR would be equivalent to lowering Old Glory and replacing the American flag with the flag of the United Nations on every flagpole in America. Unthinkable under a Trump administration.
That leaves the third option, to “adopt a modernized international gold standard, as proposed in the 1960s by Rueff and in 1984 by his protégé Lewis E. Lehrman … and then-Rep. Jack Kemp” (whose eponymous foundation I advise). To this one should add, as contributor Nathan Lewis has shrewdly observed, the removal of tax and regulatory barriers to the use of gold as currency.
As I have repeatedly observed Donald Trump shows a strong affinity for gold. He has also shown a keen intuitive grasp of  how the gold standard was crucial to having made America great:
Donald Trump: “We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard,” he told WMUR television in New Hampshire in March last year. But he said it would be tough to bring it back because “we don’t have the gold. Other places have the gold.”
Trump’s comment to GQ: “Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money.”
Trump has been misled to believe that “we don’t have the gold. Other places have the gold.” In fact, the United States, Germany, and the IMF together have about as much gold as the rest of the world combined and America has well more than Germany and the IMF combined. [Note: This column has been updated to clarify that the United States has well more gold than Germany and the IMF combined but not, as originally stated, more than twice as much.]
We have the gold. Bringing back the gold standard would not be very hard to do.
Trump’s politically unique intuition that “We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard” is no trivial matter. It is true. And as I have written elsewhere:
Marc Levinson writing recently in The Wall Street Journal provides a very pessimistic view for the American Dream, “Why the Economy Doesn’t Roar Anymore: The long boom after World War II left Americans with unrealistic expectations, but there’s no going back to that unusual Golden Age” [He wrote:]
“People who had thought themselves condemned to be sharecroppers in the Alabama Cotton Belt or day laborers in the boot heel of Italy found opportunities they could never have imagined. The French called this period les trente glorieuses, the 30 glorious years. Germans spoke of the Wirtschaftswunder, the economic miracle, while the Japanese, more modestly, referred to “the era of high economic growth.” In the English-speaking countries, it has more commonly been called the Golden Age.
“The Golden Age was the first sustained period of economic growth in most countries since the 1920s. But it was built on far more than just pent-up demand and the stimulus of the postwar baby boom. Unprecedented productivity growth around the world made the Golden Age possible. In the 25 years that ended in 1973, the amount produced in an hour of work roughly doubled in the U.S. and Canada, tripled in Europe and quintupled in Japan.
“Ever since the Golden Age vanished amid the gasoline lines of 1973, political leaders in every wealthy country have insisted that the right policies will bring back those heady days. Voters who have been trained to expect that their leaders can deliver something more than ordinary are likely to find reality disappointing.”
Levinson, whose column uses “Golden Age” as its leitmotif, strangely fails to make the connection between, or even explore, the fact that the era he calls the Golden Age correlated precisely with America (and the world) being on a form of gold standard, particularly the modified gold standard known as the Bretton Woods System. (Bretton Woods had the inherent flaw of using the dollar as an international reserve asset but, until that flaw undermined it, it served equitable prosperity.)
What would be the outcome of Trump’s following his instincts and going for the gold?
Prosperity, that’s what.
Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan just provided a barely noticed Big Reveal. In an interview with the World Gold Council’s Gold Investor Chairman Greenspan, stating “I view gold as the primary global currency,” went on to explicitly reveal, for the first time to my knowledge, that “When I was Chair of the Federal Reserve I used to testify before US Congressman Ron Paul, who was a very strong advocate of gold. We had some interesting discussions. I told him that US monetary policy tried to follow signals that a gold standard would have created. [Emphasis supplied.]
The period of “following signals that a gold standard would have created,” called the Great Moderation under President Clinton, was one of the most equitably prosperous in modern American history. That era saw the creation of over 20 million jobs. Robust growth converted the federal deficit into a surplus. It was, if only virtually rather than institutionally, a golden age.
After the Fed abandoned its Great Moderation America experienced almost no net job creation under President George W. Bush and very mediocre job creation under President Obama. Sad!
I want the American Dream back. We all do, very much including President Trump.
How might President Trump go about turning this around? He has a unique opening to forcefully pivot America toward epic prosperity.
As Paul-Martin Foss of the Menger Center astutely points out the Federal Reserve Board currently has three vacancies. If Trump were to fill those vacancies with three sophisticated gold standard advocates from the short list of Lewis E. Lehrman (whose eponymous Institute I formerly served), Dr. Judy Shelton (who served as an advisor on his presidential economic transition team), former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, and John Allison, former CEO of BB&T (preferably as vice chairman for regulation) the president would create a super “beachhead team” at the Fed to seriously restore equitable prosperity.
These appointments would be the safe and sure first steps out of economic stagnation for America. Couple these with a White House “Team B” to plan the enactment of the Jack Kemp Gold Standard Act and removal of the regulatory and tax barriers to using gold as currency. Then watch an American economic miracle take place.
Mr. President: “No such thing as a global currency?” The dollar is the global currency.Want prosperity? Heed Chairman Greenspan and do not just view but restore “gold as the primary global currency.” President Trump: replace the dollar with gold as the global currency to make America great again. We have the gold.

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Ron Paul: Here’s 21 Trillion Reasons To Question The Role Of Government In America

by EraOfLight
eol independent news
The U.S. military budget dwarfs every other country on the planet combined.
Do you know how much the Pentagon spent between 1998 and 2015 that is “unaccounted for”?
TWENTY-ONE TRILLION DOLLARS; $21,000,000,000,000
Where did it go?
No one knows…it’s “unaccounted for”.
The role of government must SERIOUSLY be reconsidered in America.
Without being technically at war with anyone in particular, the U.S. is dropping a bomb somewhere in the world every 12 minutes, around the clock.
The U.S. has 1,000 military bases scattered across the planet.
Congress, not only doesn’t declare war, as they’re required to by the U.S. Constitution, but they’re surprised to find out that American troops are peppered throughout Africa too.
The role of government must SERIOUSLY be reconsidered in America.
Peace … Non-intervention in the affairs of foreign nations … Free Trade … Travel.
These principles have long been gone.
It’s time to revive them.
*  *  *
Just in case you were unclear on the details of the missing $21 trillion… here is Lee Camp, via…
Twenty-one trillion dollars.
The Pentagon’s own numbers show that it can’t account for $21 trillion. Yes, I mean trillion with a “T.” And this could change everything.
But I’ll get back to that in a moment.
There are certain things the human mind is not meant to do. Our complex brains cannot view the world in infrared, cannot spell words backward during orgasm and cannot really grasp numbers over a few thousand. A few thousand, we can feel and conceptualize. We’ve all been in stadiums with several thousand people. We have an idea of what that looks like (and how sticky the floor gets).
But when we get into the millions, we lose it. It becomes a fog of nonsense. Visualizing it feels like trying to hug a memory. We may know what $1 million can buy (and we may want that thing), but you probably don’t know how tall a stack of a million $1 bills is. You probably don’t know how long it takes a minimum-wage employee to make $1 million.
That’s why trying to understand—truly understand—that the Pentagon spent 21 trillion unaccounted-for dollars between 1998 and 2015 washes over us like your mother telling you that your third cousin you met twice is getting divorced. It seems vaguely upsetting, but you forget about it 15 seconds later because … what else is there to do?
Twenty-one trillion.
But let’s get back to the beginning. A couple of years ago, Mark Skidmore, an economics professor, heard Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, say that the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General had found $6.5 trillion worth of unaccounted-for spending in 2015. Skidmore, being an economics professor, thought something like, “She means $6.5 billion. Not trillion. Because trillion would mean the Pentagon couldn’t account for more money than the gross domestic product of the whole United Kingdom. But still, $6.5 billion of unaccounted-for money is a crazy amount.”
So he went and looked at the inspector general’s report, and he found something interesting: It was trillion! It was f****** $6.5 trillion in 2015 of unaccounted-for spending! And I’m sorry for the cursing, but the word “trillion” is legally obligated to be prefaced with “f******.” It is indeed way more than the U.K.’s GDP.
Skidmore did a little more digging. As Forbes reported in December 2017, “[He] and Catherine Austin Fitts … conducted a search of government websites and found similar reports dating back to 1998. While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.”
Let’s stop and take a second to conceive how much $21 trillion is (which you can’t because our brains short-circuit, but we’ll try anyway).

1. The amount of money supposedly in the stock market is $30 trillion.
2. The GDP of the United States is $18.6 trillion.
3. Picture a stack of money. Now imagine that that stack of dollars is all $1,000 bills. Each bill says “$1,000” on it. How high do you imagine that stack of dollars would be if it were $1 trillion. It would be 63 miles high.
4. Imagine you make $40,000 a year. How long would it take you to make $1 trillion? Well, don’t sign up for this task, because it would take you 25 million years (which sounds like a long time, but I hear that the last 10 million really fly by because you already know your way around the office, where the coffee machine is, etc.).
The human brain is not meant to think about a trillion dollars.
And it’s definitely not meant to think about the $21 trillion our Department of Defense can’t account for. These numbers sound bananas. They sound like something Alex Jones found tattooed on his backside by extraterrestrials.
But the 21 trillion number comes from the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General—the OIG. Although, as Forbes pointed out, “after Mark Skidmore began inquiring about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, the OIG’s webpage, which documented, albeit in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported “accounting adjustments,” was mysteriously taken down.”
Luckily, people had already grabbed copies of the report, which—for now—you can view here.
Here’s something else important from that Forbes article—which is one of the only mainstream media articles you can find on the largest theft in American history:

Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress.
That’s right. The expenses with no explanation were 54 times the actual budget allotted by Congress. Well, it’s good to see Congress is doing 1/54th of its job of overseeing military spending (that’s actually more than I thought Congress was doing). This would seem to mean that 98 percent of every dollar spent by the Army in 2015 was unconstitutional.
So, pray tell, what did the OIG say caused all this unaccounted-for spending that makes Jeff Bezos’ net worth look like that of a guy jingling a tin can on the street corner?

“[The July 2016 inspector general] report indicates that unsupported adjustments are the result of the Defense Department’s ‘failure to correct system deficiencies.’ ”
They blame trillions of dollars of mysterious spending on a “failure to correct system deficiencies”? That’s like me saying I had sex with 100,000 wild hairless aardvarks because I wasn’t looking where I was walking.
Twenty-one trillion.
Say it slowly to yourself.
At the end of the day, there are no justifiable explanations for this amount of unaccounted-for, unconstitutional spending. Right now, the Pentagon is being audited for the first time ever, and it’s taking 2,400 auditors to do it. I’m not holding my breath that they’ll actually be allowed to get to the bottom of this.
But if the American people truly understood this number, it would change both the country and the world. It means that the dollar is sprinting down a path toward worthless. If the Pentagon is hiding spending that dwarfs the amount of tax dollars coming in to the federal government, then it’s clear the government is printing however much it wants and thinking there are no consequences. Once these trillions are considered, our fiat currency has even less meaning than it already does, and it’s only a matter of time before inflation runs wild.
It also means that any time our government says it “doesn’t have money” for a project, it’s laughable. It can clearly “create” as much as it wants for bombing and death. This would explain how Donald Trump’s military can drop well over 100 bombs a day that cost well north of $1 million each.
So why can’t our government also “create” endless money for health care, education, the homeless, veterans benefits and the elderly, to make all parking free and to pay the Rolling Stones to play stoop-front shows in my neighborhood? (I’m sure the Rolling Stones are expensive, but surely a trillion dollars could cover a couple of songs.)
Obviously, our government could do those things, but it chooses not to. Earlier this month, Louisiana sent eviction notices to 30,000 elderly people on Medicaid to kick them out of their nursing homes. Yes, a country that can vomit trillions of dollars down a black hole marked “Military” can’t find the money to take care of our poor elderly. It’s a repulsive joke.
Twenty-one trillion.
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates spoke about how no one knows where the money is flying in the Pentagon. In a barely reported speech in 2011, he said, “My staff and I learned that it was nearly impossible to get accurate information and answers to questions such as, ‘How much money did you spend?’ and ‘How many people do you have?’ ”
They can’t even find out how many people work for a specific department?
Note for anyone looking for a job: Just show up at the Pentagon and tell them you work there. It doesn’t seem like they’d have much luck proving you don’t.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved


Trump Authorizes $4.5 Trillion Payment to Leo Wanta

Patriot Trillionaire Leo Wanta Tells All!

Posted by Glenn Canady on March 6, 2018 at 8:30pm

Huge intel update from Leo Wanta, Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb! 

Update: Tom Heneghan just reported to me that Donald Trump has now authorized payment of $4.5 trillion to Leo Wanta! This news came just in the last few hours so was not known when the show was done.

Tom believes Gary Cohn left the White House today because he was NOT happy with it! Leo talks about what he plans to do with this money in the broadcast! Please share it with everybody! Thank you patriots! Apparently Stew and Tom's programs get taped by the NSA and rebroadcast to government leaders because Tom told me today that before the show was even loaded, somebody with ties to the top levels of government told him, "I heard you smashed up the furniture in your show today!" The show wasn't even loaded anywhere yet so apparently some high up people must get the NSA rebroadcast!

Intel Report - Leo Wanta, Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (3-6-18) from Truth Warriorson Vimeo.

Here's the true story about Leo Wanta. It's up to all patriots to spread the word about Leo Wanta and what he just said on this program. For some reason, Alex Jones told everybody Leo Wanta was as "real as the Easter Bunny" but hopefully Alex will now do the right thing and tell the truth about this new patriot Trillionaire! We got a good guy for once with trillions of dollars!

Leo Wanta Patriot Trillionaire! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

If you wonder why the US has bad relations now with England and Germany and now Trump's first state visit will be by France, THIS is the reason! France has always been our greatest ally back to the days of George Washington. They helped us win our Independence. France and the United States have a very special treaty and this treaty came into play in the recovery of these Wanta funds! France once again came to our aid! England isn't doing anything for us except they always seem to be running the security (Las Vegas, Orlando) when a false flag goes down! It seems England never got over losing to us in 1776 and still wants to be our master!

Tom Heneghan wanted this song dedicated to his friends in France! A great revolutionary song hated by tyrants! Vive La France!

Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise (with lyrics)

Spread the word about France helping secure the Wanta funds for President Trump. The deep state tried their very best to stop this from happening. Nobody will report on Leo Wanta in the fake news or the fake alternative news so it's up to you patriots. Get the story out there NOW! Thank you for your efforts Truth Warriors!

Source: Project Nsearch


GCR: The CIA and our monetary system CORRUPT (since the 1800s)

Monday, February 5, 2018 
Republic restored through a GCR: The CIA and our monetary system CORRUPT (since the 1800s) Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, "Twenty-two faces" 

Since its inception after World War II, the CIA not only financed and carried out covert operations on both sides of wars ... But that was believed to be the ISIS base ..E ... even worse, mind control experiments to develop "Super spies" who demanded the kidnapping. , Rape, torture and murder of innocent children.

The taxpayer of the United States become black budget money for the CIA funneled through the Vatican Bank and the British Crown, which was a great benefit to the agreement. 

One of the most alarming cases under investigation by the Administration Trump was that the BIS could have wired the Fed funds allocated by the Obama administration to fund ISIS, .... also had a long history of international drug financing targeted by the CIA and the mafia. Ring arms / human trafficking and child exploitation centered in the Vatican.

Our corrupt monetary system of the US. UU. Really began in early 1800 when the US taxpayer money was under the exclusive control of private parties such as 
Rothschilds, ... 
Rockefellers ... 
The Vatican ... 
and the British Crown, ... 
and more recently those in power as the Bush and Clinton. 

 All declared, were twelve member banks of the Federal Reserve privately owned property constituting the Federal Reserve System, none of whom had ever been audited. Before using our own taxpayer dollars paid from the Federal Reserve, our funds are administered through the ... Queen's Bank of London, ... the Vatican Bank, .... The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland (which was responsible for 95%). of world GDP, making it the only parent fiat money supply in the world) ... Along with 60 central banks around the world .... all using funds for their benefit ... and then they were sent to a bank in New York so we could "borrow" our own finances to pay federal employees. 

According to victims / survivors, blackmail of those who were in Congress to vote for such heinous acts it was organized by organized pedophile sex groups (Pizzagate & Pedogate) ...

They provided child victims through the ring of child exploitation administered by the Vatican and the mafia, .. Along with money from Saudi Arabia Prince (24 of them were arrested by the Saudi government in November 2017. 

For January 28 2018 and after Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia, its leader, Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal, was finally arrested on bail of $ 6 billion). 

It was believed that World Order and the New Obama had promoted corruption through the US Congress. UU. 

So that in case of a biological pandemic generated by ISIS will affect hundreds of millions of people, EE. UU. It would be responsible for what the CIA in Switzerland was ultimately responsible. attacks / 

from December 13, 2017, there were 122 countries that had filed a lawsuit against the cartel of the Federal Reserve to keep the world 's economies into a false bubble of scarcity. The completion of this lawsuit was imminent. 

In October 2017, Judge Alaska Anna von Reitz said the current workings of the Camarilla: "What we're seeing is an unimaginably large machine fraud institutionalized, automated syndicated designed to work on multiple levels and achieve multiple functions often Tucked:

1) steal the value of the assets of governments and people; 

(2) stealing the value of your time and work of individuals; 

(3) do so by identity theft and forgery of records; 

(4) steal tax exemptions for individuals and their private "boats"; 

(5) defrauding insurance companies and insurance companies use to swindle people alive; 

(6) promoting organized crime using commercial mercenaries paid employees disguised as "government"; Out 

(7) carrying illicit income - generating activities based on contractual agreements and political suspects allegedly deprived; 

(8) automate processing and generation rules guarantees by unauthorized parties;

(9) fraud, coercion and false claims of authority by members of the Bar Association that orchestrate and execute this machine on behalf of the main drivers . " 

Terra 05/02/2018 11:27:00 AM Zetzz the

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