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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta corruption America. Mostrar todas las entradas


If you thought THIS was all gone .... it IS ONLY THE BEGINNING

Rafael Palacios

l bombshell that Q takes several days anticipating already has a name: among the messages exchanged by the former directors of the FBI Strozk and Page, among others, reference to a plan is included to assassinate the sitting president of the United States of America! And in it there is a reference to a foreign government! (Not Russia) Can you imagine? 
Q wonders what will happen to the FBI, the Ministry of Justice, with the special prosecutor Mueller ...
But also says that "we have not yet begun leaking information about human trafficking and sacrifices (even worse). Those who know they can not sleep. Those who can not have peace and will not rest until those responsible are brought to justice. If believe in God, pray. these people would have to hang them . " As the Q himself says: "This is just the beginning." 
Ready because now comes the fat.


Trump pushes death penalty for drug dealers – ‘They kill thousands’

President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Jan. 9, 2018. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS)

“We have pushers and drugs dealers, they are killing hundreds and hundreds of people. If you shoot one person, they give you life, they give you the death penalty. These people can kill 2,000; 3,000 people and nothing happens to them,” the President said.
When comparing to other countries that enforce the death penalty on drug dealers, Trump said the U.S. falls short.
“Some countries have a very, very tough penalty — the ultimate penalty — and by the way, they have much less of a drug problem than we do,” he said.
Recent media accounts stated that Trump supports countries that mandate the death penalty for drug traffickers and doesn’t believe that anything less would be a success in the U.S.
Those who oppose Trump’s suggestion believe the government should offer addiction treatment as opposed to prison.
Trump said that over the next few weeks, his administration will divulge new policies to address the opioid crisis, only stating that they would be “very, very strong.”
Trump also publicly supported stricter penalties for pharmaceutical companies and distributors that supply prescription painkillers.
The Justice Department plans to file a statement of interest in litigation, which will include hundreds of lawsuits by states and localities against opioid manufacturers and distributors, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said this week.
The lawsuit seeks damages that are a result of the substantial costs that stem from the opioid epidemic and should be reimbursed for health programs and law enforcement efforts to combat the crisis.
The Justice Department will argue that the federal government has borne substantial costs due to the opioid epidemic and should be reimbursed for health programs and law enforcement efforts to combat the crisis.
Numerous, similar lawsuits have been filed against companies that allegedly used false, deceptive or unfair marketing practices for prescription opioids.
The federal government is investigating the prospect of initiating its own opioid litigation, Sessions said.


GCR: The CIA and our monetary system CORRUPT (since the 1800s)

Monday, February 5, 2018 
Republic restored through a GCR: The CIA and our monetary system CORRUPT (since the 1800s) Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, "Twenty-two faces" 

Since its inception after World War II, the CIA not only financed and carried out covert operations on both sides of wars ... But that was believed to be the ISIS base ..E ... even worse, mind control experiments to develop "Super spies" who demanded the kidnapping. , Rape, torture and murder of innocent children.

The taxpayer of the United States become black budget money for the CIA funneled through the Vatican Bank and the British Crown, which was a great benefit to the agreement. 

One of the most alarming cases under investigation by the Administration Trump was that the BIS could have wired the Fed funds allocated by the Obama administration to fund ISIS, .... also had a long history of international drug financing targeted by the CIA and the mafia. Ring arms / human trafficking and child exploitation centered in the Vatican.

Our corrupt monetary system of the US. UU. Really began in early 1800 when the US taxpayer money was under the exclusive control of private parties such as 
Rothschilds, ... 
Rockefellers ... 
The Vatican ... 
and the British Crown, ... 
and more recently those in power as the Bush and Clinton. 

 All declared, were twelve member banks of the Federal Reserve privately owned property constituting the Federal Reserve System, none of whom had ever been audited. Before using our own taxpayer dollars paid from the Federal Reserve, our funds are administered through the ... Queen's Bank of London, ... the Vatican Bank, .... The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland (which was responsible for 95%). of world GDP, making it the only parent fiat money supply in the world) ... Along with 60 central banks around the world .... all using funds for their benefit ... and then they were sent to a bank in New York so we could "borrow" our own finances to pay federal employees. 

According to victims / survivors, blackmail of those who were in Congress to vote for such heinous acts it was organized by organized pedophile sex groups (Pizzagate & Pedogate) ...

They provided child victims through the ring of child exploitation administered by the Vatican and the mafia, .. Along with money from Saudi Arabia Prince (24 of them were arrested by the Saudi government in November 2017. 

For January 28 2018 and after Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia, its leader, Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal, was finally arrested on bail of $ 6 billion). 

It was believed that World Order and the New Obama had promoted corruption through the US Congress. UU. 

So that in case of a biological pandemic generated by ISIS will affect hundreds of millions of people, EE. UU. It would be responsible for what the CIA in Switzerland was ultimately responsible. attacks / 

from December 13, 2017, there were 122 countries that had filed a lawsuit against the cartel of the Federal Reserve to keep the world 's economies into a false bubble of scarcity. The completion of this lawsuit was imminent. 

In October 2017, Judge Alaska Anna von Reitz said the current workings of the Camarilla: "What we're seeing is an unimaginably large machine fraud institutionalized, automated syndicated designed to work on multiple levels and achieve multiple functions often Tucked:

1) steal the value of the assets of governments and people; 

(2) stealing the value of your time and work of individuals; 

(3) do so by identity theft and forgery of records; 

(4) steal tax exemptions for individuals and their private "boats"; 

(5) defrauding insurance companies and insurance companies use to swindle people alive; 

(6) promoting organized crime using commercial mercenaries paid employees disguised as "government"; Out 

(7) carrying illicit income - generating activities based on contractual agreements and political suspects allegedly deprived; 

(8) automate processing and generation rules guarantees by unauthorized parties;

(9) fraud, coercion and false claims of authority by members of the Bar Association that orchestrate and execute this machine on behalf of the main drivers . " 

Terra 05/02/2018 11:27:00 AM Zetzz the


While the MEDIA are silent as PRESS - they are ... Honduras: The town is in the streets and is being repressed

Honduras: The town is in the streets and is being repressed                                                                                               View original

In several departments, cities and municipalities of Honduras, among them in the capital of Tegucigalpa, protests, marches and road cuts have been made, this January 20, which have been strongly repressed by the police and the military.

According to El Libertador, in Colón, "the military killed bulls alive to a man of the elderly, it is about Telmo Villareal who was the victim of bestial repression when he passed through the area where" security "forces evicted protesters ".

In Tegucigalpa, the military launched tear bombs against former President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya and the protesters.

Let's remember that Zelaya was overthrown by a coup d'état in 2009, which was led by graduates of the Escuela de las Américas and was supported by the USA.

The lawyer of the Red de Abogados Defensores del Sur, Elsa Corea, was the victim of repression in the San Juan Bosco district of Choluteca.

Doctors at the Hospital del Sur confirm dislocation of their left arm. The young lawyer defended himself from a tilt that was provided by an officer of the Military Police.

Until now, it is unknown whether there are people arrested or injured in the mobilizations that are being registered throughout the country.

The mobilizations of this January 20 are part of the call for National Paro "for the defense of the victory of the Alliance with Salvador Naralla, against electoral fraud and murders."

On the other hand, COPINH, denounced, through a statement that, on Friday night, Edwin Espinal was arrested.

The statement states that "Edwin Espinal is a recognized partner in the fight against the dictatorial regime imposed since the coup d'état of 2009 in Honduras, his capture is in accordance with the orders of the dictator JOH to repress, stigmatize and criminalize the dignified protest of the people who are opposes the imposition of violence and delusion ".

Photos: NotiBomba - Giorgio Trucchi


The dark movements of Guindos that led to intervene the People's Bank

The siege is closing on Luis de Guindos (PP). The last missing data for the implication of his Ministry in the withdrawal of deposits from the public entities of Popular, in the days immediately prior to the intervention, has been that one of the bodies dependent on Economy withdrew 1,000 million euros and transferred it to other banks. 

The first thing that should be asked is how the National Competition Market Commission had such an amount in its treasury and also in a single bank when its mission is precisely to protect and generate competition among private companies. 

The amount itself, taking into account that the CNMC charges the fines imposed on large companies or large lobbies, may be justified for this reason. However, what is not justified in any way is the withdrawal of those deposits. 

Public institutions withdrew in the days prior to the seizure of the Popular a total of 14,000 million euros. Among these institutions was the Government of the Canary Islands and the Social Security Treasury itself. 
But there were more: Autonomous Communities, Town halls and entities directly or indirectly dependent on the Government of Rajoy PP. 
However, being an agency directly under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness gives us an idea that the leak to other public institutions had to start from the ministry of Luis de Guindos. 
The fundamental consequence of these movements was an important loss of deposits and, therefore, of liquidity that was one of the causes that was argued to intervene to Popular.
However, there are many other dark movements, some of which have already been appearing in these pages, especially as regards the documentation and data used for intervention and the subsequent sale by one euro of Popular to Santander.
According to sources consulted by Diario16, there is no signed legal document of Popular addressed to the FROB requesting that the entity be intervened by the JUR. 
According to those who are involved in the rescue operation at Santander, it was Emilio Saracho who reported that the bank did not have the liquidity to even open the offices the next day. 
This was not so. Saracho did not sign that document and if someone did it he did not have the necessary power to do it. On the other hand, this document, if its existence is true, is not legal because it was not passed by the Board of Directors, which, according to the Statutes, has to approve that communication.
On the other hand, the members of the Saracho Board of Directors charged 7 million euros, of which 4 corresponded to the president himself who led Popular to be intervened. That Council was able to collect that amount for the communication that they did not sign. 
The question is: how could they charge that amount when the entity was not viable and did not have liquidity?
Another important aspect to take into account is the already famous report of Deloitte and the constant refusal of the JUR to make it public or to be consulted. 
He has denied it to the lawyers of those affected, he has denied it to Spanish MEPs, he has denied it even to the Congress of Deputies. 
How far will the insolence of European economic authorities deny access to documentation that should be public to the legitimate representatives of a sovereign State and a member of both the European Union and the Eurozone? 
What does this document hide so that access is denied? 
It is so obscurantism that even doubt that the report of Deloitte exists and, if so, the scandal would already be of biblical proportions. 
The same as with the minutes of the auction that led to the Popular was delivered for a "price" of 1 euro.
The president of the FROB, Jaime Ponce, acknowledged in the Committee on Economy of the Congress of Deputies contemplated a positive scenario for the Popular but that was not taken into account because it could not be applied with the current regulations. 
This we already affirm in Diario16 two months ago and now it is the own FROB that recognizes it. What
What is it that you could not apply? 
At stake was the economic patrimony of more than 300,000 families who have fallen to ruin, families of workers, self-employed, pensioners, retirees, etc., not large investors or speculators, there are also, but fewer.
It is surprising that the National Audiencia, specifically Judge Fernando Andreu, does not act ex officio knowing all these factsand information about the events that occurred in the whole process that led to the intervention of the Popular, knowing that Europe refuses to facilitate the Spanish people the Deloitte report on which is based the outrage, the alleged fraud, the collusion with the beneficiary; knowing the manipulation of the CNMV or the Bank of Spain; with the evidence of all the spurious behaviors allowed by the Government of Spain and, more specifically, by Luis de Guindos, presumed accomplice in the plunder and ruin of more than 300,000 Spanish families. 
It is surprising that the Justice does not accept to stop this sangria of pains, ruins, mistreatment, violation of the human rights or provocation of deaths and diseases to thousands of Spaniards without feeling anything in its conscience. 
Do the minutes, gifts, gratuities, concessions, donations more or less spurious or unjustified matter?
All that surrounds the operation of the Popular is dark, as was the Middle Ages, but everything leads to the same fate: 
to protect Santander, no matter what the fault of 300,000 citizens, of which more than 240,000 are pensioners, more than 70% of the total.
The executive, legislative and judicial powers and the head of state - Rajoy and his PP court - have to prove that they are not prevaricating in the Santander-Popular case. 
They have to demonstrate how their behaviors of responsibility, whether fair or not, differ from the Catalan challenge of neglect and presumed connivance with the 300,000 ruined by Popular's intervention in favor of Santander and others. 
Mariano Rajoy himself and his government do not stop saying that the law must be fulfilled when referring to the Catalan referendum. 
However, the law has been violated in the seizure of the Popular and has not heard the Minister of Justice, the Treasury, the President, Felipe de Borbón or, of course, Luis de Guindos defend the law in this case. 
The law is to be fulfilled by all, both by the Catalans as by Santander or by the Government itself, reports Diario16.
The opacity of all institutions in Europe is the demonstration that they, together with the Spanish Government, ruined the 300,000 shareholders of the Popular to give away the entity to Santander. 
Again, the European institutions - in the hands of the neoliberal and corrupt right - are proving that they were one of the fundamental accomplices to be able to execute the seizure operation of the Banco Popular and so that the ruin of another 300,000 Spanish citizens would serve to rescue the Santander, bank of the Nazi Franco.
Economy Minister Luis de Guindos will attend the congressional commission at five in the afternoon to explain why his department appointed former minister José Manuel Soria to a high position of the World Bank, although he had to resign in April for appearing in the 'papers of Panama'.
The government in office of the PP insisted on Monday to disregard the appointment of José Manuel Soria as an aspiring executive director of the World Bank, despite increasing criticism of the appointment even in its ranks. 
This is not the first time that the promotion of leaders linked to the PP causes discomfort.
Angel Ron (54 years old) will earn 1.1 million euros per year annually, according to sources at the bank. 
The Popular Bank's vice president, Roberto Higuera, told shareholders that the pension would be "until his retirement." 
To cover this pension, the bank has provided a fund amounting to 24.21 million. Angel Ron was relieved yesterday of his post after something more than 12 years at the head of the entity.


Tax havens ........ When the rich do not pay, the rest is expensive

How tax havens affect me

The words 'tax haven' do not sound unfamiliar, but distant. We believe that it is not something that has to do with us or usordinary citizens, but the truth is that the money invested in tax havens  is money that corresponds to us as a society . 
It is money that the state stops receiving and that could be invested in social policies, so battered and cut.
We explain to you what is a tax haven, what are the most common and how we affect the bad practices of large companies.

A paradise without beaches or palm trees

One of the first problems we encounter when it comes to talking about tax havens is that it is difficult to define them. 
One of its main characteristics is that they are territories in which the companies  hardly pay taxes  or pay  a much lower taxes  than those that would pay in other countries where they market their products. 
In addition, they  are very opaque  and have laws that allow neither registered entities nor their owners to identify themselves. 
That is why it is an  informational bomb every time they reveal the names of investors in tax havens , as has happened recently with the  Falciani list.
For example, following the publication of this list Banco Santander had to pay more than 200 million euros to the Treasury.
How does that money end there?  Although it seems to lie in most cases in a legal way. There are gaps and legal gaps of which governments are accomplices. 
This is what we know as  tax avoidance . If it were not legal, then we would talk about  tax evasion . 
The fact that many are legal practices  does not mean that they are responsible or ethical . There is a big difference between contributing fairly to the payment of taxes or trying by all means to pay the minimum taxes.
It would be very difficult to explain in a simple way how big companies manage not to pay the taxes that correspond to them without leaving the legality. 
In short, what they do is play with the legal gaps of different countries and create  business networks without real activity behind, without workers, without productive facilities. They are companies screen, whose only purpose is to get paid few taxes.

The paradises that most sound to us

Some of the best known tax havens are Delawarein the United States, Ireland, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland or the famous Cayman Islands , among many others. 
Some of its characteristics among many are, for example:
  • Delaware : You have a total tax exemption for companies that do not carry out any activity in the United States.
  • Holland : allows the existence of mailbox or post office companies, which often have no employees. They simply register and have a seat. They do not need anything else.
  • Luxembourg : does not meet the minimum standards of financial transparency, such as a register of real owners of rents, accounts and companies, or the existence of a mechanism for the exchange of tax information with other countries.
  • Cayman Islands : it has mercantile regulations with great flexibility and with tax advantages.
A small note,  our country can also be considered a tax haven  thanks to the ETVE or Holdings of Foreign Securities. 
Designed to attract foreign capital , they allow foreign companies not to pay taxes for the benefits they obtain in our country, to which is added the possibility of receiving aid and tax rebates in Spain for the declared losses. 
In short, our country not only does not receive money for the profits of the companies, but  ends up paying these when they report supposed losses. 
Spain thus loses enormous amounts of resources which, however, do not generate real value, neither in Spain nor in third countries.

And we arrived in our country

Tax fraud  costs Spain 59 billion euros each year . This amount exceeds the public budget that was dedicated in 2014 in health.
The Spanish companies of the IBEX 35 , the companies that we consider the largest and most relevant of our country,  had 810 companies registered  in territories considered tax havens in 2013. 
And since the crisis does not affect everyone alike, according  to Oxfam Intermon's report  "The Fiscal Illusion" , IBEX35 companies have exponentially increased their presence in tax havens during the crisis, especially in Delaware , the Netherlands and Luxembourg .
As we indicated at the outset, tax collection is the state's way of securing money to secure social policies. 
However, in Spain, most of what it collects (90%) goes out of the pockets of ordinary citizens, while large companies find a way to not pay what corresponds to them, as we have explained. 
And this generates the increase of poverty and inequality. 
In fact, we are now  the second most unequal country in Europe , behind Latvia.
At this point, we must say that not only are companies responsible for tax evasion and avoidance,  governments  are also responsible because they have not worried about laws that force large companies to pay their fair share and close loopholes in the international tax system that large corporations exploit.

And what can I do

Several things. You can read the electoral proposals of the political parties now that municipal and regional elections are approaching. All parties without exception make proposals on this subject. Some do so in a very generic way, calling for the fight against corruption, money laundering, evasion / tax evasion / fraud and / or tax haven. 
It is important to analyze very well what concrete measures they ask for and how they want to comply with them, so that they are only theories that remain on paper and then are impossible to execute. 
This year is key because we have a   very tight election calendar .

You can demand political parties and world leaders to hold a World Fiscal Summit this July to begin building a system of fair rules for all countries. Sign the petition .
In addition you can keep informing you about what happens with all that money that escapes from Spain and that in a certain way corresponds to us all as a society. 
It is also our money, which should be invested in social policies. We recommend the report ' The fiscal illusion'  and  consult data on our website.
If you do not feel like reading a report, we invite you to see ' El fiasco del fisco' , an audiovisual form much more enjoyable to understand everything we have explained. 
  • Below you can see the trailer. And remember: when they do not pay, the rest is expensive.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...