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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spain corrupt. Mostrar todas las entradas


Australian MOODLE choose Barcelona instead of Madrid to settle.

Follow the screeching of veins in Madrid ... 
If it were not exaggerated ... it would almost say that there is an international boycott against Francoland and its capital ...

Moodle Australian company has opened offices in Barcelona the first company outside of Australia. 
Thus, the Catalan capital becomes the second most important headquarters of the brand internationally, with permission from the headquarters of Perth (Australia), where you will carry out the expansion of the company in Europe and America South. The Moodle investment project has been supported by the Republic of Catalunya through the area attracting foreign investment of Action.

Founder and CEO of Moodle, Martin Dougiamas, said that "the opening of a new office in  Barcelona is a gateway to Europe, linked to many international capitals and is gaining a reputation in the online community and software development  ".

Since 2013 the company operates in Barcelona with a team working remotely.Now, with the  opening of the offices , the company will carry out development tasks and application software for mobile personalization services, the legal department and communication.

It will also be responsible for the organization of Moodlemoot,  international for professionals in the field of education and users of its platform congresses.  In fact, from 2019 Barcelona will host this event global brand.

The company was founded in 2003, it specializes in the field of online education.Specifically, it has developed an open source online platform also customized for companies, universities or entities who can follow courses through internet and create a community between students and teachers.

The platform, which uses 180 million people and which can be accessed from computers, tablets or mobile phones make companies and organizations such as Google, the United Nations and the London School of Economics (LSE).

The damage done to Madrid images of police in military formation busting heads or kicking retired women ...


Exalting Franco provides relief as making donations to an NGO

The bank has contributions from 847 people who have tax benefits for their contribution 
Luis Rendueles Madrid - Monday, 16/04/2018 | Updated 17/04/2018 at 01:06 CES 


plate Francisco Franco Foundation which was located in the previous headquarters. / DAVID CASTRO

Eight hundred forty-seven people will pay less to the Treasury because they gave money to the Francisco Franco Foundation, created to promote the work of the dictator and claiming that he was "the solution to all problems afflicting Spain." The president of the organization, retired Juan Chicharro, generally considered "logical" that whoever gives them money receive tax benefits, as with those who make donations to oenegés providing all kinds of support to society. "We are a legal foundation and we have advantages like the others. The law does not explicitly that foundations have to have this or that ideology," Chicharro says.

Francisco Franco Foundation, which sees "immense" the work of the dictator and thinks he deserves "a place or street in every town" in Spain, announces that a person who gives them 150 euros will pay only 37,50 "real cost" because "Treasury will finance them" the remaining 112.50 euros (75% of the delivered money). From that figure, discounts up to 30% lower.

Bring to Francisco Franco from the list of foundations (and eliminate their tax benefits) it is one of the objectives of the motion that the PSOE has introduced in the Senate. General Chicharro, who was adjutant of King Juan Carlos I, argues that "history can not be banned" and notes that the budget of the foundation reaches some 150,000 euros annually. "There are men and women. A few military and civilian Some give 10 euros, others give us a thousand , " he says. 
Battle through the streets

The last battle of the Franco Foundation waged against the renaming of 52 streets in Madrid, approved by the city of Manuela Carmena in compliance with the law of historical memory. Francisco Franco has managed to paralyze a judge, but requires them 60,000 euros to follow the proceedings. The foundation has asked for help from supporters, who will receive tax benefits 2019. 

In another sense, the president of the Francisco Franco says they have not received a single euro of public money since 2004, when the government of Aznar gave 150,843.32 30,000 euros to digitize documents on Franco.

General Chicharro, a veteran of the wars of the Sahara, Bosnia and Kosovo, jumped into the media arena in 2013 when, at a conference, he said the possibility of changing the law and punish the rebellion even if not violent ( "if a regional parliament proclaimed secession unilaterally commit no crime , "he said). He expressed certainty that "the country predates the Constitution" and suggested the intervention of the army in Catalunya in case of "power vacuum" in Spain. Defense opened a file that ended without penalty. 
Born in 1976 with 226 partners

This foundation was born in 1976 with 226 members and sponsored by the family of the dictator (his daughter was honorary president until his death on December 29). He included in its statutes "exalt" the life of Franco as a "model of virtues in the service of the fatherland" and "contribute to the projection of his ideas on the future of Spanish life." 

150,000 euros per year budget, the association now struggling to avoid changing names of 52 streets in Madrid

Now the heart of the legal debate is two ideas: general interest and Francisco Franco. The law requires that foundations do not have profit and in the general interest. Francisco Franco argues: "We pursue aims of general interest is to defend the story as it happened, the defense of human rights before its constitution, as Franco credited to the defense of the Jews and recognized the UN ..."

General Chicharro admits they are "against" the law of historical memory and rejects the comparison made its Citizens Foundation Omnium Cultural and ANC. "Our foundation has an eminently historical component and does not participate in mass mobilizations. It makes me very difficult for us to be outlawed. The Constitution protects freedom of ideology". Does not support the example of Germany, where an organization dedicated to a dictator would be illegal: "There communist party members must have a visa or approved Secret Service to work in some positions in the administration." Foundation rejects equating Hitler to Franco: "It's like comparing Atila with Felipe II". 

President of the association avoids equating Franco with Hitler "

There are many precedents of ilegalizadas or rejected in Spain, where more than 13,000 entities such foundations, according to the Spanish Association of Foundations. A case occurred after the attempted Fernando Garcia, the father of one of the murdered young Alcàsser in 1992. The mother of another victim requested that the name not be used, so that the Ministry of Justice refused to register the Girls Foundation Alcàsser, which would be dedicated to look for clues in cases of missing girls. 

More information papers Franco: Real Madrid PSUC unsuccessful attempts to outlaw Francisco Franco Foundation Pazo de Meiras, the last icon of the power of Franco




The Spanish Constitution in its preamble,  article 1 point 1 says:
Spain becomes a social and democratic state of law, which enacts as higher values of its legal system release. Justice, equality and pluralism polític or.

Various rulings by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional same court have gone against the law, publishing and sentencing against equal judgments and laws passed in the autonomous communities and cutting or removing the same in other regions, such as in the case of Catalonia.

In his article 1 point 2 details:
National sovereignty resides in the Spanish people, from whom emanate the powers of the state.

The Spanish people can change the law so often when necessary without the approval of their parliamentary representatives .

article 2

The Constitution is based on   the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation , common and indivisible homeland and all Spanish   and recognizes and guarantees the right of the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that integrate and solidarity among them.

The Spanish government ignoring this plunders article communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia, which contributing between the three 48% of all income received by the Eng state, only receive between three to 16% of investments, that if it reaches this percentage.
At no time mentions human los.derechos DD.HH United Nations which allows the right to self-determination.


In his article3  point 2 tells us:
The other Spanish languages ​​are also official in the respective autonomous communities in accordance with their statutes.

The judges for Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic or require prosecutors, lawyers, defendants, etc. To use the Castilian language (Spanish for foreigners) against this law.


article 6
Political parties express political pluralism , contribute to the formation and expression of popular will and are a fundamental instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free while respecting the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and operation must be democratic.

Have been limited, suppressed freedoms and sentenced to prison or forced to flee the Spanish justice to political  or individuals and political parties to exercise democracy that both preaches this article, Jon Idigoras example, Arnaldo Otegi both of Henrri Batasuna. Oriol Junqueras Republicanda Esquerra de Catalunya, Jordi Sanchez of the National Assembly of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont democratically elected president by the Catalans in an election driven and forced by the Spanish government to not leave the outcome of its president.


article 14
Spaniards are equal before the law without qsue can prevail discrimination on grounds of birth, race, sex, opinion, religion or any other personal or social circumstance.

In the education system it is discriminated against on grounds of sex in religious centers and also receive public subsidies.  Grants, aid to promote employment or health investments   do not receive equal treatment by the Spanish state, receiving grants a  60% the community of Madrid. Discriminating against the rest of the Spanish regions, in justice the same accusation has criminal convictions or acquittals different depending on who sits on the dock, preferential treatment for economic reasons to embezzlements   bank. They not taught in schools  throughout the country  co - official languages so that all Spaniards can speak 3 languages prevailing in the country (Basque, Catalan and Galician)


In Article 16 point 2 tells us:
No one may be compelled to testify about his ideology, religion or belief.

In Article 16 point 3:
No religion shall state character (...) public authorities shall maintain cooperative relations with the Catholic Church and other confessions.

For their belief to be free from an oppressive state and express their opinion against the state, many anonymous some of them are detained for expressing their ideology.

The only religious denomination that receives funding from the state is Catholic, thus discriminating against the other religions.


Article 17 paragraph 1
Everyone has the right to liberty and security. No one can be deprived of his liberty ...

In Spain there are political prisoners by simply expressing their views, also has escaped political justice for violation of their safety and freedom of movement for its ideology.

Article 17 paragraph 4
The law will regulate a process of habeas corpus << >>   for the immediate handing over to judicial authorities of any person illegally arrested. Also, by law the maximum period of detention shall be determined.

They are demonstrated illegal detentions by political ideologies by the Spanish state


article 19
Spaniards have the right to freely choose their residence   and to travel on the Spanish territory.
Also they have the right to freely enter and leave Spain in the terms established by law. This right may not be restricted for political and ideological reasons.

Many Spaniards have had to leave Spain for political, ideological reasons and for economic reasons.

Right of assembly and association
Article 21 paragraph 1
The right to assemble peacefully and unarmed. The exercise of this right shall not require prior authorization.

Article 21 paragraph 2
Will advance notice in cases of meeting in public places and events where there are substantial grounds for altering public order with danger for persons or property .

The only aggression that exists in Spain is that groups outside the meeting-demonstration  are paid for by political parties or private companies to provoke violent disturbances

Article 22 paragraph 5
Secret associations are prohibited and paramilitary character.

In 2014 at the headquarters blanquerna population of Madrid paramilitary groups they attacked and assaulted with impunity the people who were in the local attending a conference that was given at that time.


Article 23 paragraph 1
It recognizes the right to private property and inheritance

Article 23 paragraph 3
No one shall be deprived of property and rights, except for cause of public utility or social interest by proper compensation in accordance with the provisions of the law.

When they evicted from home stay with furniture, with all personal belongings such as photos, pictures, tables, chairs etc. Only when the bank is owned by the walls. For all of them the bank should pay the compensation and evicted deduct the debt. In reality it is not, you owe the entire amount of the value of the home and stay up with all the content.


Article 39 paragraph 1
The public authorities ensure social, legal and economic protection of the family

Article 39 paragraph 4
Children shall enjoy protection under international agreements which safeguard their rights.

Precisely on these two points have been violated these principles.


All Spaniards are entitled to enjoy decent and adequate housing. The public authorities shall promote the necessary conditions and establish appropriate standards for realizing this right, regulating land use in accordance with the general interest to prevent speculation.

In the community of Madrid is scheduled a hearing against Ana Botella, the previous mayor, sharpened the PP and wife of former President José María Aznar,  to sell public ownership of social protection floors with people of very limited to real estate companies vulture funds resources without safeguard and protect those who live in them.

Article 71 paragraph 4
Members and senators receive a salary to be fixed by the respective chambers

If sovereignty resides with the people of Spain should be these through consultation as and when they can get on the assignment, can never be cameras parliamentary representatives to   do so.


Article 75   paragraph 1
The cameras operate in full and commissions.

Members are deliberately absent from hearing the speech of one of his deputies or do not go to Congress or Senate as this brand. in this case, they should be withdrawn from their lack of attendance allowance, should also be dismissed if they are missed 180 days.

CHAPTER THREE of international treaties

Article 93 (...) corresponds to the general courts and government, as appropriate guarantee compliance with these treaties and resolutions issued by international or supranational holders of the assignment organizations.

King Juan Carlos I signed in April 1977 BOE 10337 sheet accession of Human Rights Unesco treaty is not in the Spanish constitution and violates this article of international treaties.


Article 117 paragraph 1
Justice emanates from the people and is administered on behalf of the King by judges and members of the judiciary, independent, irremovable, responsible and subject only to the rule of law judges.

So far, judges are elected by their affinities for political parties that are in government, violating its independence and overreaching in their funcionesjudiciales p instead of applying the law accordingly.


© Published by misteri1963 authorizes the disclosure of these articles provided that copyright is respected


The rebellion of pensioners

Juan Francisco Martín Seco 
Republic of ideas 

Public pensions have been always threatened, but not by economic constraints, but by the interests of the financial system and economic forces. The offensive has been constant. Already in the eighties and nineties the public system underwent several reforms, all aimed at worsening conditions for beneficiaries, but has been in this century, with the advent of the euro and mainly with the economic crisis, when the attack has been ironclad and has affected the very foundations of the system.

Public pensions have been at the center of all austerity policies and the various adjustments imposed on member states by Brussels. In Spain the assault began that fateful night in May 2010 in which, perversely, Zapatero and Economy Minister surrendered without resistance to pressure from Germany. Along the block given to the remuneration of civil servants, pensions are frozen. The offensive continued with the reforms carried out later, in 2011, the same Zapatero, which already was emerging sustainability factor; but it was consummated and perfected with that undertaken by Rajoy in 2013, with lethal effects thus eliminating the annual update of the pension for the CPI increase, for the realization of the sustainability factor,
All of these modifications in the system have the same origin, the coercion of one or another form of Brussels. You can hardly speak thus having overcome the crisis, if they are not restitute to pensioners earlier rights. can not surprising, therefore, the degree of virulence are showing the multiple manifestations of boarders. It was evident that when inflation retornase at normal rates, this would be one of the most negative effects of the reform, the gradual depreciation of the amount in real terms of benefits.
During this time, the various political forces have been reinventing the wheel without seriously dealing with this problem. Only when pensioners have taken to the street is when they intervened, but with a single purpose: to fish in troubled waters votes. With the many errors, the Toledo Pact had two positive aspects. The first, the commitment of all parties not to use pensions as an electoral weapon; the second, to guarantee retirees their benefits would maintain purchasing power. Both factors seem to be lost in the moment.
On the issue of pensions, which affects both current retirees and the future- they are given two points which, although connected, should be separated. One is the annual update of pensions referred to in the Constitution; the other is the solvency of the system in the future.
Update or pensions CPI is a false problem that only appears as such when surrounded by fallacies. At the time that was in effect updating benefits CPI, if inflation had risen more than expected and had to pay the corresponding difference to retirees, almost all the media assumed the lie that represented a additional cost to the exchequer, which is not true since inflation also public sector revenues equal or greater amount increases.
Formerly many families of modest economy when they would have a son claimed, with some irony, that sort of maxim that children brought bread under his arm, which in most cases was not true. But something similar, and on this occasion that rightly can preach the impact of inflation on the state budget. Inflation comes with funding under the arm, because while it may increase state expenditures also automatically increases all income.
Treasury says that this year's tax revenue is booming. The reason must certainly seek the economy in real terms is growing by 3%, but the price increase, which automatically increases state revenues. There is, therefore, no reason to refuse the update. Reject is just take advantage inflation to a transfer of resources from the group of pensioners to other applications or budget deficit reduction.
The excuse used by the government, and somehow also citizens, lack of budgetary resources is not acceptable. It is a matter of choice, of political decision. Why it has to be cut in pensions and not on other items of expenditure? Why not in defense, on the financing of the Autonomous Communities in the expenses of the municipalities or public investment? Why not dispense with the commitments made to citizens tax cuts, wage supplements to establish that basically represent a subsidy to employers or reducing social security contributions? Why deprive pensioners than their share to devote to other perhaps more questionable and inappropriate items?
The update can not be considered a robbery, a real spoliation. Unjustifiably it constitutes a specific tax on pensioners. Tax is cumulative, resulting in the medium term devastating effects on pensions. Imagine an average annual inflation of 2%. The first year the update is not equivalent to a tax of 2%, the second year would be 4% (2.02 x 2.02), 6% the third year. And so on. Ten year, the cumulative tax would be equivalent to 22%. The twentieth year, the tax would be 48%. That is, for a person to carry 20 years of retirement, the pension no annual update would be half of what it would be if it had updated every year.
The protest of pensioners is forcing all parties to rule. The government is being forced to give an alternative, an alternative that is not easy to understand. This is some pensioners grant tax relief. All governments are tempted, against the most elementary logic of Public Finance, to grant social benefits as a reduction of income, rather than through the relevant chapter of expenditure. In addition to the many flaws that preaches tax theory of tax expenditures, it should be noted that the purpose of the tax administration is to collect taxes and prosecute fraud, not to manage pensions. For this purpose, it is now the Ministry of Labor.
Even if it is not well known in what will consist the precise scope of the measure, we can say that there is only one explanation to flee the annual update of pensions by the IPC and set in place a social benefit to pensioners. The reason is to be found that the cost of this help will be much lower than the upgrade, probably because the number of beneficiaries will be greatly reduced, but also and mainly because the benefit will not be cumulative and in the case of the update, yes.
The Government's argument is using figures can be misleading. He states that the average pension has grown in the last year 14%. The data may be true, but the reason is not, as he says, because that has been the increase in individual pensions, but because the benefits of retirees leaving the system is substantially lower than that of retirees who join , which is rather revealing how the amount of pensions deteriorates over time, and that so far have been updated by the IPC.
The Ministry of Labor, Department have emerged the toughest and reactionary reforms (do not know why pensioners were to manifest to the Ministry of Finance instead of going to Labor, which is prepared by the law), it has leaked a picture that has picked up a newspaper in Madrid. Aims to show how it will evolve in the future the percentage of pension expenditure on GDP, CPI benefits would update. Distinguishes various scenarios according to the actual increase in the economy, but curiously the hypothesis that chooses for inflation is always the same, 1.8%. The reason is obvious, the data are identical whatever inflation; even if it were zero and therefore there should be no updating of benefits. I do not know if the data is good or bad. Only the ministry has the guts and know the assumptions on which were drawn up, but pictures like this one are concocting since the eighties without ever successful in such long-term forecasts. In any case, what is certain is that the evolution of the percentage of spending on GDP does not depend on inflation and that pensions are updated. Another thing is that you want to take advantage inflation to reduce benefits to retirees and get so total expenditure is reduced. In this case it is undeniable that the higher the CPI, the higher the cut to be given in real terms and lower pensions, the total expenditure, which does not make much sense. but pictures like this one are concocting since the eighties without ever successful in such long-term forecasts. In any case, what is certain is that the evolution of the percentage of spending on GDP does not depend on inflation and that pensions are updated. Another thing is that you want to take advantage inflation to reduce benefits to retirees and get so total expenditure is reduced. In this case it is undeniable that the higher the CPI, the higher the cut to be given in real terms and lower pensions, the total expenditure, which does not make much sense. but pictures like this one are concocting since the eighties without ever successful in such long-term forecasts. In any case, what is certain is that the evolution of the percentage of spending on GDP does not depend on inflation and that pensions are updated. Another thing is that you want to take advantage inflation to reduce benefits to retirees and get so total expenditure is reduced. In this case it is undeniable that the higher the CPI, the higher the cut to be given in real terms and lower pensions, the total expenditure, which does not make much sense. Another thing is that you want to take advantage inflation to reduce benefits to retirees and get so total expenditure is reduced. In this case it is undeniable that the higher the CPI, the higher the cut to be given in real terms and lower pensions, the total expenditure, which does not make much sense. Another thing is that you want to take advantage inflation to reduce benefits to retirees and get so total expenditure is reduced. In this case it is undeniable that the higher the CPI, the higher the cut to be given in real terms and lower pensions, the total expenditure, which does not make much sense.
Before the issue of revaluation, the leader of Citizens gets transcendent and says that's not the problem, but must go to the issue of long-term sustainability, and talks to create employment, raise wages, to fix the problem of birth, conciliation. That's all very well, but as they get, allow yourself to current retirees do not lose at least purchasing power. It is the false parable of the rod and the fish, which both employ those opposed to social benefits. Teach him to fish can be very good, but as you learn again, let the fish that need it, because while you learn or not it has been starve. Something similar happens with pensions. While employment is created, the birth rate is corrected or wages go up, keep the purchasing power of pensioners.
The viability of the public pension system can not be encrypted on the mere fact gradually reduce benefits, which is what has been making reform after reform. That's not it viable, but destroy it step by step. Moreover, just solve the problem either. The remedy can not come neither birth nor reconciliation, even employment and wages themselves. To show and ensure the viability of the system must be drawn narrowly pensions of Social Security and contributions and to place all the obligations of the state and a social state which is established by our Constitution. But this aspect deserves an entire article, so we left it for next week. 
Source: #

If you are not testing, they are manufactured

In a country where Interior Minister practiced the dirty war against separatism and disseminates false news against their adversaries. In the official Web site of "intelligence" and espionage does not make clear what their relationship with a police informer who is accused of having planned an attack against defenseless civilians. 

In which various government party officials are accused of falsifying documents and illegally financed . 

In which the prime minister, suspected of collecting bonuses in B, sends messages of encouragement to criminals and allegedly lying in court to testify . 

In which judges do not need evidence to imprison people. 

In which the authorities steal, lie and abuse at close range. That tax offenses are invented. 

In which the government imposes veto parliamentary debates. 

In which false documents are filtered to incriminate opposition parties how we can again and again. 

In which the rulers directly threaten citizens to throw them up judges who obey what the power. 

In which some incriminating evidence against the rulers disappear mysteriously from government departments and the others are destroyed with a hammer 

In which all statistical data are distorted 

.In which it arbitrarily imprisons tweeters, titireteros or singers for expressing 


In which plainclothes policemen assault peaceful citizens. In which the rulers accuse the victims of police violence used against having police. In which the security forces hide their identification and falsify records of stop and search.

In that country, what assurance have citizens that when the Civil Guard enters the headquarters of the Generalitat and Omnium, looking for

 The dictatorship of the  B155 and the band of thieves SESTA and to cries for intervention by the international community to protect civilians from abuse and dispossession practiced by association with criminal intent or calling party PP government.

The band of thieves and the police violence

false invoices, elections financed illegally, bonuses Gürtel, payments black, whitened money, theft at close range of public money, overruns of millions in the works, embezzlement pouring, waste, lies, lies, outlets, public works granted as price corruption, robbery pensioners, undercapitalized hospitals that fall to pieces, black money management. The task of governance of the organization of malefactors called PP is the ruin of Spain ransacked by a gang of thieves blessed by the Catholic Church, a good pinch of looting takes.

To hide all this widespread thievery band of scoundrels who calls himself "government" the most corrupt rulers in Spain since the death of genocide, following his example, send the police to terrorize citizens and, if possible, stop without evidence or false evidence.

They started with the Catalans; They followed by Murcia; continue with Madrid Lavapies.

When Podemos and the PSOE want to take notice also they go for them.

And we have deserved for accomplices and cowards.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...