MI6 also called Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) created and controls the ISIS program which is really International Secret Intelligence Service with intelligence agencies all around the world involved like the CIA, Mossad, GID of Saudi Arabia and others.
The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Jeddah. All the heads of MI6 are knighted by the British Crown because they serve the British royal family. MI6 is leading this operation and involved with staging terrorist attacks. The Belgian royal family were exposed for their tax schemes on the United States so MI6 staged the Brussels Bombings as an excuse to increase security for the Belgian royal family and their corrupt bankers. The Treaty of London established the Kingdom of Belgium and appointed the House of Windsor’s cousins the Saxe Coburg and Gotha family as the head of Belgium.
The 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act established Washington DC as a municipal corporate state based on debts owed to foreign entities like the Kingdom of Belgium, Irish government, and Hudson Bay Company. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland is in contract with the US federal reserve and most central banks around the world through fraudulent tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt Dues and siphons off wealth.
The money is then transferred and laundered into private Swiss bank accounts. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is married into the Belgian royal family and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris, and London. Prince Lorenz is a managing partner for Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the BIS and he is managing the private accounts for the royal and noble families of Europe who are stealing from the central banks. Once this was all exposed MI6 staged the ISIS bombings in Brussels as reason to increase security for the royal family and their bankers. The House of Windsor are controlling MI6.
Windsor Family of Hell
The House of Windsor are one of the most wicked and satanic bloodlines.
They are involved with human sacrifices, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, cannibalism, drinking blood, bathing in blood, human trafficking, opium trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, and war profiteering. Prince Charles openly claims to descend from Vlad Dracul or Vlad the Impaler and he owns Vlad the Impaler’s old castle in Transylvania.
Vlad Dracul was known for being sadistic and tormenting his victims. Dracul means dragon and the Dracul family were members of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad Dracul was the Prince of Wallachia.
Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales. Wales gets its name from Walha. Wales also uses a red dragon on its flag. The Transylvanian Nobility covertly settled in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II takes her name from the Dracul’s cousins the Bathory family and Elizabeth Bathory who was a serial killer known as the

“Blood Countess” and reports claim that she bathed in the blood of hundreds of young women.
The House of Windsor run the Order of the Bath which really takes its name after the Bathory family. They covertly continue their ancestors blood rituals of bathing in blood and they wear blood red capes during their public ceremonies.
Jimmy Savile was close friends with Prince Charles and he was accused hundreds of times of pedophilia and sexual abuse. Jimmy Savile was a Knight of the British Empire and Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory.
Canada is a Crown Colony and through out the past century there are many official reports of missing Aboriginal children that were taken from their parents and forced into Crown schools and Crown Wards or orphanages. Missing children is acknowledged in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
The House of Windsor have a harp on their coat of arms. The harp was used for bewitching minds in

ancient times. They have authority over the USAF’s HAARP which is radiating the atmosphere with electromagnetic waves and is used for mass mind control and weather manipulation. HAARP is named in reference to the harp and its use in ancient mind control. Wind-sors like wind and tornadoes. The House of Windsor are funding and running satanic cults in the United Kingdom and United States and these cults are involved in mind control, satanic ritual abuse and human sacrifice.
The Windsor family also manage the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. Yale was established under the British Crown’s authority and through a Crown Colony. Skull and Bones is a military council and death cult in the United States with the Bush family as top members.
George Herbert Walker Bush is a British Knight of the Order of the Bath and serves the Windsor family. The Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War occurred under the Bush family. The Windsor and Bush families are controlling the opium production in Afghanistan which produces themajority of the world’s opium since the US invasion. Their opium operation is a continuation of the British Crown’s East India Company which controlled the opium trade.
They currently sell it to pharmaceutical companies and the rest is handed to the Italian Mafia who cut it into heroin and have it distributed it on the streets. Opium is a strong depressant and is being used to weaken society as they attempt power grabs. The British Crown attempted to do this to China which lead to them seizing Hong Kong when the Emperor banned the opium. (GW Bush was named “Poppy” for running the drug opium “poppy’ trade at the CIA)
Prince Charles is covertly controlling the Hells Angels motorcycle crime syndicate. Many members of the Hells Angels are descendants of Irish and Scottish Clans. The Hells Angels established themselves in the United Kingdom after the Beatles invited them. The Hells Angels also set up charters in New Zealand and Canada which are nations ruled by the House of Windsor. Prince Charles is the head of the Cult of Hell and the Hells Angels are his minions. They are known for blowing up their enemies. The Hells Angels have also infiltrated the trucking industry and work with other organized crime groups in trafficking weapons, drugs, and human beings.
Tavistock Institute
British Crown Agents
Yale and Harvard along with several other prestigious universities are owned by the British Crown. They were authorized by the King of England through Crown Colonies. Yale University was authorized by the English Monarch through the Connecticut Colony. The University of Harvard was authorized by the English Monarch through the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
The Crown Colonies were issued from the City of London Corporation which is a sovereign municipal corporate state and one mile square block inside of London where royal and corporate charters are issued from. The Crown Colonies are companies owned by the British Monarchs and other royal families that do business inside of the City of London Corporation.
The British royal family uses these universities to recruit their Crown Agents who then serve their interests by infiltrating corporate and government agencies. Many high level members in US military and intelligence come from Yale, Brown, or Harvard. Many powerful politicians were educated at these Crown Universities. They mostly use secret societies or fraternities for recruiting Crown Agents like Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, Porcellian Club, or Phoenix-S K Club. Porter Goss is a member of Book and Snake and was former Director of the CIA. Mark Zuckerberg has been linked with the Phoenix-SK Club. From CNN Anderson Cooper and David Gergen are members of Yale’s Manuscript Club.
British Templar Sorcerers
The British Crown’s Order of the Garter established in 1348 are the reformed Knights Templar of London who were disbanded in 1312. The Knights Templar were also called the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. The Templars of London were stationed at the inner temple in the City of London. The Templars and Inner Temple take their names from Solomon’s temple. King Solomon was known as a sorcerer who used “Goetia” for conjuring and commanding demons to build his temple in Jerusalem. Many British Peers are members of the Order of the Garter and do business at the City of London Corporation and practice Solomon Witchcraft.
They use witchcraft to oppress society while they dominate over business, banking, and government.

Their witchcraft involves mind control advanced deception and chemical warfare. The motto for the Order of the Garter is “Shame on him who thinks evil of it” They dehumanize and shame their victims.
James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn is a major Irish landowner, British Peer, relative of the British royal family and the Chancellor of the Order of the Garter. David Brewer is a Knight of the Order of the Garter, was Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, Insurance Broker, and the former Mayor of the City of London. Charles Kay-Shuttleworth, 5th Baron Shuttleworth was Director for Abbey National Bank and is a Knight of the Garter. Mervyn King, Baron King of Lothbury is a Knight of the Order of the Garter, former Governor of the Bank of England, and member of the Group of Thirty. John Morris, Baron Morris of Aberavon is a powerful British politician and Knight of the Garter. John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover is worth 1.3 billion and is a British politician, Bilderberg member, Knight of the Garter, and a businessman connected with the Grocers Livery company.
Most of the members of the House of Windsor are members of the Order of the Garter including Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. Prince Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester is a member of the British royal family, Knight of the Order of the Garter, and member of a major architect firm in the UK. Prince Michael of Kent is a Grand Master of the Mark Masons in England and a Knight of St John. Prince Andrew, Duke of York is a Knight of the Garter, and Special Representative for International Trade and Investment for the royal family. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent is a Knight of the Order of the Garter. The House of Windsor run the Order of the Garter with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles as the sovereign heads. They also run several other Freemasonic British knighthoods and thousands of Freemasonic lodges all across the United States.
Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland is a British Peer, former member of the House of Lords, major landowner, and is worth about a half a billion. The Percy family also have deep ties with Arab royalty. Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster runs the international Grosvenor Group with assets estimated at 59 billion with properties in Sweden, Japan, China, and the Mid East. He was worth 13 billion as it was handed down from his father Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster who was a Knight of the Garter. He died in 2016. William Legge, 10th Earl of Dartmouth is a British politician, and is on the Committee on International Trade. Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury is a major British politician, former Leader of the House of Lords, merchant banker, and Knight of the Victorian Order. David Ogilvy, 13th Earl of Airlie is a Royal Victorian knight, member of the Privy Council, and Merchant Banker in London. Charles Wellesley, 9th Duke of Wellington, Spanish Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, and 9th Prince of Waterloo is a Knight of the British Empire and he has been the chairman or director for about a dozen merchant companies.
The Knights Templar City of London Corporation
The Zionist Black Nobility Clans
The Medici and Bonaparte families run Sephardic Zionism.
The Florentine Black Nobility were Sephardic Babylonians. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first political Zionist who proclaimed for all “Jews” to settle in Jerusalem.
The Medici family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Europe for centuries. The Medici family produced 3 Popes and 2 Queens of France. The Medici and Bonaparte families are closely related and are still working together. Both of these families still exist. Emilio Garrastazu Medici was a Brazilian military dictator that established the military government in Brazil.
The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery.

Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The extremely wealthy Dreyfus family serve the Medici and Bonaparte families as their court factors. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was the first President of France. French presidents are the heads of the Bonaparte’s Legion of Honour which has many members that are billionaires and heads of major corporations and banks like Alfred Dreyfus, Pierre Louis-Dreyfus, Benoit Potier, Pierre-Andre de Chalendar, Patrick Pouyanne, Rene Obermann and the eighth richest person in the world Bernard Arnault who is worth over 50 billion. Members of these crime families include Prince Ottaviano de Medici, Prince Julian de Medici, Prince Charles Napoleon Bonaparte, and Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley and Advent International which is a major buy out firm with assets estimated at over 30 billion.
The Medici family are tax collectors and they are overseeing the IRS through Rome’s network of power. The Medici family use the IRS to financially persecute people that Rome has declared as heretics. Not only is income tax immoral but the IRS make up debts out of thin air and persecute people based on these made up debts,
Fox Family and Friends
The Fox family are an Anglo-Scot-Irish Illuminati bloodline involved with the British Peerage, British government, and the founding of the Quakers. They were also merchants and bankers that helped to create Barclays Bank. They are the Earls of Ilchester in the UK and own large amounts of land. Another branch from Cornwall helped to establish the Quakers and were involved with the merchant trades and banking. George Fox who is not identified as a relative of the Fox family of Cornwall established the Quakers or Religious Society of Friends. Catholic is defined as universal and claims to control all Christian denominations including the Quakers.
The Fox family are intermarried with the Barclay family who are also Quakers and they established Barclays Bank which has assets estimated at over 1.2 trillion today. The David Barclay and Frederick Barclay are relatives of this family and worth 6.5 billion. The Barclays brothers own Press Holdings and Telegraph Media Group.
The Fox family established Fox, Fowler and Company which was bought by another Quaker bank called Lloyds Bank and Lloyds Banking Group with assets estimated today at over 817 billion. Liam Fox is an influential British politician with an Irish Roman Catholic background from Scotland. Liam Fox is Secretary of State for International Trade, President of the Board of Trade and was previously the Secretary of State for Defence where he supported using military force against Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
The name Fawkes as in Guy Fawkes is pronounced as Fox however some claim the name is a variant of Falco. Guy Fawkes was a leader in the Gunpowder Plot carried out by Vatican agents and Jesuits to overthrow the British government. The fox is considered a clever and cunning animal. Today the Cointelpro group called Anonymous wear the Guy Fawkes mask while they censor and cyber stalk people who speak out against Rome as they pretend to be opposed to corruption.
They are tricksters. Reynard is a character in fables who is a red fox and trickster. Anonymous members refer to themselves as Legion. Roman regiments were called Legions. The Massimo family own the Holy See and are intermarried with the Foxwell family of London. Prince Stefano Massimo married Atalanta Foxwell who descends from British Peers and their son is Prince Valerio Massimo who recently founded an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with the House of Windsor’s cousin Edward Spencer Churchill.

Prince Valerio and Duke Edward are extremely evil and appear to be plotting a take over of the Virgin Aerospace companies. Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) specializes in cunningness and trickery like a fox. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory, is the owner of Fox News and is worth over 13 billion. Fox News promoted the wars in the Mid East by using Christian Crusader ideologies. The Vatican controls Fox News and uses it for promoting wars and ideologies that serve its interests.
Reynard the fox has the same hat with a feather which Guy Fawkes is depicted wearing in portraits.
Craig Oxley is a top tactician for the Illuminati and false opposition. He runs a site where he exposes some higher levels of control like the Italian Nobility however he does it deceitfully and makes up lies like the “Orsini family are the Maximus clan” and never speaks about the Massimo family who actually were the Maximi family. He also made up an imaginary person named “Pepe Orsini”.
On his site called Unhived Mind he has this as a title; “SUPPORT THE PROMETHEANS & THE BRICS BANK IT’S OUR ONLY HOPE FOR HUMANITY. THE ZEUSIAN ARISTOTELIANS MUST BE STOPPED” and he is referring to me although I am only one person and not an “Aristotelian” either. He says to support the Prometheans. There is a statue of Prometheus at the Rockefeller Plaza.
Grimaldi Crime Family
The House of Grimaldi rule over Monaco today and once ruled in Genoa as powerful bankers and politicians. Monaco was a principality of Genoa and ruled by the Grimaldi family during the 13th century. Francois Grimaldi was the first ruler of Monaco and was nicknamed the “Malicious One”. Today Monaco is a sovereign city state with an economy involved with casinos and operates as a haven for those trying to evade taxation.
There is no income tax in Monaco so many foreign businessmen including members of royal and noble lines operate from there and then conceal their wealth in private Swiss bank accounts. Casinos are a popular industry in Monaco and have always gone hand in hand with organized crime which use casinos for laundering profits. Casinos are the most effective tool for laundering large amounts of cash. This is even revealed in the movie Casino. This is why the Chicago Outfit set up in Las Vegas and the Five Families set up in Atlantic City.
The House of Grimaldi were the ones who established the first casinos. Prince Albert II is the blood appointed head of state in Monaco and his net worth is estimated at over 1 billion however it is likely more like most members of high level royalty. Prince Albert II is also a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and runs his principality as a branch of Rome. The House of Grimaldi is intermarried with various French and Genoese noble families as well as German Nobility like the House of Hanover and House of Lorraine.
Like most Genovese Nobility the House of Grimaldi is involved with banking. They were one of the families that established the Bank of Saint George in 1407. The Republic of Genoa expanded its territories into the Black Sea region and used its bank to manage these regions. The royal owned bank was known for using Jewish bankers to manage their assets and finances especially in the Black Sea region. The Ghisolfi clan intermarried with nobility around the Black Sea and this region was known as Gazaria taking its name from the more ancient Khazaria. The Ghisolfi clan managed these banks and used Gazarian agents as middle men that worked with Russia.
What people refer to as the “Khazarian Mafia” are the continuation of Genoese-Gazarian bankers today.
There is a large amount of organized crime and criminal banking in Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Crimea and these same groups are doing business in Israel and Europe. The Russian gangster Felix Sater who has ties with Donald Trump is part of this Black Sea Mafia. The House of Savoy which runs the Genovese crime family works closely with the House of Grimaldi with Prince Albert II a knight of the Savoy’s Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Prince Victor Emanuele’s wife is from the Genevose Doria banking family. The Russian Mafia work with the Italian Mafia.
Vladimir Putin is a Knight of the House of Grimaldi’s Order of Saint-Charles and is part of this criminal group. Banco di San Giorgio is a more recent bank that used the same name because it is covertly owned by the same families that owned the Bank of Saint George. Through a series of mergers Banca di San Giorgio merged with Banca Regionale Europea.
The Nazi Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements is connected to most of the world’s central banks and is siphoning off tax and laundering the money in private Swiss bank accounts. The BIS was established by London Bankers and Nazi businessmen. The BIS is involved in making international bank transfers and it is through discreet tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt dues with the United States how they steal from nations.
The Italian nobility and the European monarchs claim to have shares in the corporate governments and are the ones siphoning off tax from the nations. They use this money to pay their foreign agents and their secret societies. Even Hollywood is involved in this like the actor Don Johnson who was caught with 8 billion in transactions at the Swiss-German border.
Banking in Switzerland is private and they are concealing billions in private accounts. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. The House of Savoy ruled over Geneva for centuries for the Vatican and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy has a residence in Geneva today. The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations on the planet that use a square shaped flag. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV, Prince Lorenz of Belgium, and Archduke Sigismund have all lived in Switzerland, worked bankers, and have Italian Nobility in their bloodlines. Lorenz and Sigismund also have Austrian noble lineages and Austrian Nobility helped to put the Nazis in power.
The Italian Fascists worked with the German Nazis. These three princes manage Switzerland for the Vatican and the Italian Nobility. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is of the House of Austria-Este, House of Savoy, and married into the Belgian royalty and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris and London. Prince Lorenz is currently a managing partner at Gutzwiller Bank in Basel Switzerland right near the Bank for International Settlements in Basel which has three members of the board of directors from Italy. Archduke Sigismund is the head of the Austrian House of Habsburg-Lorraine which have Medici blood through the Lorraine lineage of Christina of Lorraine and this is why he holds the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany and he resides in Switzerland today.
The recent Bank Medici in Austria was shut down for corruption involved in the Bernie Madoff scandal. I am claiming that Grand Duke Sigismund was covertly running the Bank Medici.
Venetian Banking Clans