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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Zion. Mostrar todas las entradas

21 de septiembre de 2017

This is the support of the Zionist EU to Rajoy ... A "THINK TANK" linked to NATO will supervise the CATALAN REFERENDUM

Daan Everts, voyeurism without bordersPhoto by: for now


On September 8 a group of "six international observers"  received their accreditation  by the Catalan autonomous government.
The mission of these "international observers"  in Catalonia  has been fully funded by a think tank that serves NATO.
It is called  "The Hague Center for Strategic Studies" . 
This  "think tank"  that like all the "thin tanks" of the dark elite in the power,  is integrated by spies of the secret services that they serve. 
In this case  one of the main "clients" of "The Hague Center for Strategic Studies"  is  NATO.
Look at the following link, you can see in the main page, at the bottom, the section "customers", observe for those who work these "experts".

Well, the head of this mission funded by a think tank in the  orbit of NATO, is  the Dutchman Daan Everts .
Everts  is a guy who was picked up at the University of  Groningen  by the ruling elite. 
From there he was sent to the United States. Specifically to the University of  Brandeis. A  university  used by the CIA for the recruitment of new agents .
Everts'  political career,  like that of so many other vassals of power (also in Spain and Latin America), turned out to be meteoric, working in the highest diplomatic instances in Washington, in Europe and elsewhere. all over the world, in Atlantean institutions such as the OSCE.

These Atlantic agents led by  Daan Everts will take note of the entire voting or non-voting process taking place on October 1 in Catalonia,  and will report a full report to their government masters in the shadowthat manages all the Atlantean institutions and all the sides and political signs of the West.
Shadow government wants firsthand information regarding everything that happens in those hours.
It is curious that this "mission of international observers / NATO vassals" is welcomed with open arms by the promoters of a referendum that is supposed to  be "independent of the oppressive powers".

Everything is controlled from the heights of the power pyramid.
And then they talk about independence.
Independence of the power in the shadow to which they render homage without dissimulation ?.

18 de septiembre de 2017

Donald Trump will beg for Asia in November

President Donald Trump is scheduled to go to Asia in November, officially to attend an APEC meeting, but actually to go to a marathon of entreaty, multiple sources agree. The plea marathon is focused on getting money to maintain US corporate governance. in bankruptcy beyond the December extension that was given by its mostly Asian creditors.
US corporate governance received enough money to continue the operation for 3 months after its September 30 deadline because it "threatened to destroy the planet," confirmed sources at the Asian secret societies during a meeting last week with representatives of the White Dragon Society. In other words, they confirmed that all the recent uproar in North Korea is nothing more than a great campaign of extortion.
The WDS, for its part, recommended that Asians give US corporate governance a choice beyond December: "or accept upcoming payments through Canada in exchange for Canada-led reform of its political and economic system, or we'll call it the bluff of all nuclear war. " What the Americans would do is a pretty safe bet if they were forced to choose between the nuclear holocaust and the Canadians.
In such a scenario, the US military chain of command would remain intact and could even take control of the Canadian military. In return, the Canadians would have control over the politics and the economy during the cleanup of the sewage that Washington DC has become. Such movement is likely to have public support. US support for politicians in DC is less than 10%, even while supporting the US military. is consistently around 70%. In contrast, more than 60% of Canadians support their government, because unlike the bribed, blackmailed rulers of the DC swamp, it really works for people.
In any case, the signs of imminent bankruptcy and collapse of the United States are proliferating day by day, so that the ability of US corporate government to keep on the road is ending anyway and difficult decisions have to be made. In California, for example, Calpers, the largest public pension fund in the United States, and one of the best managed, is forced to reduce pension wages by as much as 90 percent., the state of Pennsylvania joins Illinois, Port Rico, Detroit and others on being unable to pay their bills.
These events reflect the fact that the petrodollar system that has allowed that US corporate governance live beyond its means during the last 40 years is collapsing. As has been widely observed, China has announced that it will buy used oil backed by gold yuan, causing a deadly blow to the petrodollar. Now Venezuela, one of the largest sources of US oil imports, says it will no longer accept the payment of oil in US dollars.

Another sign of desperation was "The United States is following Indonesia for a huge 40% tax on imports of palm oil ... A bankrupt country that is struggling to make dollars anyway to stay afloat. Just remember who came here at the beginning and convinced the Indonesian government, with huge payments under the table, to reduce the jungles in the first place, "the WDS sources in Indonesia point out. In these desperate circumstances, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin echoed previous Tweets by US President Trump when he threatened to cut off China's "access to the US and international dollar system."

Many experts sounded the alarm at these comments because it is clear that the United States would lose any economic war with China and that trying to cut China from the dollar system would destroy the dollar, not China. This is because the United States is the most indebted country in the history of the planet and a cut in finance would lead to a drastic fall in the standard of living in the United States and the isolation of the United States from the world economy.
The Chinese, who prefer harmony to unpleasant fights, have been giving the plane to US calls. of "punishing North Korea," in order to avoid giving Americans a pretext to take hasty action. However, high-ranking North Korean agents based in Japan say the sanctions are only in name and that the supply of goods from China and oil from Russia continue to enter North Korea. The Mafia Jihad, for its part, is pushing hard for US corporate governance to accept the Paris accords as a precondition for additional funding. This movement is being spearheaded by senior Kashars under the Trump regime, such as economic advisor Gary Cohn and Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

The problem with the Paris agreements, apart from the fact that they are based on the pseudoscience of bribed scientists, is that they keep the mafia in charge of the global financial system. The Paris accords give the Chinese a bigger seat at the table, but they humiliate India and Japan and keep Khazar control intact. At this point we need to closely examine the connection between the Vatican, the P2 Freemasonry lodge and the Mafia jinx to understand what is really happening on this planet.

David Rockefeller and members of the British Royal Family, as well as members of the Rothschild family, point to P2 - which would be the creator of a fascist Roman dictatorship in the world - as well as the actual controllers of the US dollar system as the source of most of the world's terrorism. Major Kashmiri leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu work for them, say these sources.
In Japan this writer has systematically documented how the P2 lodge, then headed by Jesuit superior Peter Hans Kolvenbach, was behind the mass murder and nuclear terrorist attack and tsunami of March 11, 2011 against Japan. Now, Asian secret societies and major Japanese gangster sources confirm that since the Fukushima terrorist incident, charges of 10,000-cent Japanese bills (the equivalent of US $ 100 bills) have been sent to Fukushima. There money is recycled to politicians and gangsters while the public excuse that is put out is that it is being spent to "cleanse the radiation of Fukushima." In other words Fukushima is used as an excuse to wash radioactive money, not radioactivity.
Former Japanese finance minister Heizo Takenaka remains one of the main Kashmir subcontractors to distribute this Fukushima terror money, Japanese gangster sources confirmed. Pentagon sources say "the war against the Cabal in Japan will increase after the removal of Pacific Commander Admiral Harry Harris" due to the end of the year.

Meanwhile, Japanese security police sources say the Prime Minister of Kashmir slaves Shinzo Abe is being informed in advance of the "North Korean missile launches," and is given a script to read in response. This farce is being carried out not only to extort money with the threat of a nuclear war, but also to create a plausible excuse to accelerate support for Abe's widely disparaged opinion poll, sources say. If Pope Francis is really sincere about the reform of the Vatican and the P2 Lodge, he needs to tell the truth about Fukushima and reveal the documented participation of Kolvenbach and his henchman Netanyahu.

Netanyahu's unprecedented trip to Colombia, Argentina and Mexico will do little to stop the war against Mossad and the war on drugs by the Southern Command, which was, and perhaps continues to be, directed by General John Kelly of White House, sources at the Pentagon say. Netanyahu's trip prompted US Defense Secretary James Mathis and General Commander Lori Robinson of the Northern Command to "visit Mexican military chiefs in Mexico City on September 15 after Bibi [Netanyahu] left , to bring down Mexican drug cartels. " The Mexican earthquake of 8.1 may have been an attempt by the government to force Mexico to stop aiding Hurricane Harvey, the sources add.

Netanyahu may also have been looking for a place to take political asylum because he knows that the real Jews in Israel are awakening to the fact that he is a pseudo-Jew who worships Satan and is preparing to put him in jail where he belongs. Israelis are being forced to deal with their satanic leadership because their mercenary Daesh army is being completely defeated by a de facto alliance between the US military, Iran, Russia and Turkey. Even the site linked to the Mossad, Debka, recognizes this reality by reporting a joint US-Russian attack on Daesh.

The tectonic shift in the old balance of power in the Middle East was underlined when Turkey, which has the second largest NATO army, announced last week that it was buying Russian S400 anti-aircraft missiles.
Pentagon sources also say that September 11, 911 speeches by Trump, Mattis, Dunford and others "promise action against terrorists (Bush -Israel) while refusing to name terrorists Saudi or Islamic terrorism. "
Taken together with last week's purge of 16 senior Saudi officials, this may mean that the new Saudi King Salman is cutting his nation's secret alliance with Israel to maintain the US military support that his regime needs to survive. This means that Israel must also purge its satanic leadership if it wants to survive. The monumental changes in the power structure of the world that is taking place are so great that humanity could be liberated this fall. -Benjamin Fulford


25 de agosto de 2017

The Cabal's stronghold Israel negotiating surrender with Putin. The image says it all.

What Netanyahu Tried to Negotiate with Putin in Sochi

The Cabal's stronghold Israel negotiating surrender with Putin. The image says it all. ~ Dinar Chronicles

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi

What Benjamin Netanyahu Tried to Negotiate With President Putin in Sochi

17:33 25.08.2017

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to Russia's resort of Sochi for a three-hour conversation with President Putin. Some experts suggested that they talked about Syria and Iran, however renowned geopolitical expert and author William Engdahl explained to Sputnik Radio what was actually on the agenda.

The meeting was Benjamin Netanyahu’s fourth visit to Russia over the past sixteen months.

"In my view, the meeting between the Israeli Prime Minister and Vladimir Putin is a vain attempt by Netanyahu to create a de-facto recognition of the illegal Israeli (and it is illegal by the UN mandates and international law) occupation of the Golan Heights by Israeli Defense Forces," William Engdahl told Sputnik.

There is a deeper issue, he went on. It is that the Israeli daughter company of New Jersey oil company Genie Energy two and a half years ago discovered what they believe is a vast deep reservoir of crude oil in the Golan Heights. If we watch very closely the Israeli activities in the Golan Heights since that time, Netanyahu pleaded with Barack Obama, when he was president, to recognize the Israeli illegal occupation of the Golan Heights as a de-facto reality in the midst of the war, he said.

Now, with Russian backing, the Syrian government is re-defining its sovereign borders with Jordan and Israel and that, under the UN charter is the sovereign right of the Syrian government, he said.

"What Netanyahu is trying to do here, is a rather slimy maneuver and I think that Russia is not at all amused by the manipulations. That is really the agenda," William Engdahl told Sputnik.

He further recalled that Benjamin Netanyahu was turned down cold by Donald Trump in Washington days earlier in an attempt to get US backing to recognize the Israeli rights in the Golan Heights and now he is trying with Russia.

Commenting on the Russia-Israeli dialogue on Syria, the geopolitical expert said that on the part of Russia, it is simply a pragmatic dialogue aimed at preventing any armed clashes and beyond this he sees little deepness in the cooperation between Netanyahu government and Russia.

Source: Sputnik News

9 de agosto de 2017

Zionism is the only beneficiary of the war in Syria

The d Al-Miqdad:  Zionism is the only beneficiary of war in Syria

The victories achieved by the Syrian and Iraqi Army in the city of Mosul represent a turning point in the history of the war against terrorism, said Faisal al-Miqdad, Syrian vice chancellor.
Zionism is the sole beneficiary of the plot created against the region to weaken Syria and divide Iraq, said Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad. He also reiterated the importance of the two countries coordinating to achieve victory over this conflict.
During a meeting with ambassador Saad Mohamad Rida, head of the Arab Department at the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, he said that the so-called US-led coalition anti-Daesh (self-denominated Islamic State) is aimed at hampering the advance of forces Syrians in their fight against terrorism, even though they claim to fight terrorism and deceive the world with their actions while attacking the forces fighting the armed groups.
Al-Miqdad denounced the Turkish government's role in opening its borders to foreign terrorists and supporting them in an attempt to resuscitate its ambitions for expansion, reiterating Syria's repudiation of any Turkish presence on Syrian or Iraqi territory under any pretext.
For his part, Ambassador Rida stressed the importance of developing bilateral relations in all areas, especially in the fight against terrorism, expressing his desire to restore peace and security for Syria.
In recent months, both countries have made progress in combating terrorist groups, backed by Western countries. In their commitment to help Syria in the fight against terrorism, Iranian advisers and Russian Aviation also ended up with terrorist groups in several areas, particularly in the cities of Aleppo and Palmira.
Syrian forces are advancing rapidly to the province of Deir al-Zur (east), after Iraqi forces regain control of the city of Mosul (north) with the help of the Popular Mobilization Units (Al-Hashad Al-Shabi in Arabic).

Diario Sirio  - Documentary HD 1080p - Spanish

UNESCO REFLECTS ISRAEL AS "OCCUPANT POWER" Illegal annexation of East Jerusalem is not recognized by the international community. Palestine achieves another recognition through this resolution.

AGENT OF ISIS ... OR OF MOSSAD? The masks of those who claimed to fight against terror continue to fall.

ISRAEL INSISTS TO ATTACK SYRIA ... WHO DOES FAVOR THESE AGGRESSIONS? In recent weeks, Al-Quneitra (on the Golan Heights) became the center of Israeli aggression, while the Syrian army fights terrorists.

18 de mayo de 2017

A heel strike or through laws promoted by lobbies, national sovereignty is lost in Europe, in favor of the Hidden Agenda of Zion and Corporations

Truth is not comminuted: O count all or is not true - So PP and PSOE falsified the number of battered women

A heel strike or through laws promoted by lobbies, national sovereignty is lost in Europe, in favor of the Hidden Agenda of Zion and Corporations

So they falsified statistics "domestic violence" to cause paranoia gender:  from 50,000 to 2,000,000

This article demolishing become the "stake through his heart will scream vampire" who have destroyed the relations between men and women in Spain. 
Riddled with irrefutable data, which went unnoticed for most amid the brutal paranoia suffered, reading is almost obligatory for our brothers in the Americas because the mold used to generate this madness that has led to the homosexualization of a large part of youth is exactly the same. Read it by clicking here .
The Equality Minister Bibiana Aído, the Prime Minister, Zapatero and Vice President Fernandez de la Vega, when the law was passed against Gender Violence / Actuall

Gender Violence Act  So PP and PSOE falsified the number of battered women

The Law on Gender Violence was based on a false axiom that the woman was a victim for the sake of being a woman and the man guilty by the mere fact of being male.  
The problem is that the data were those who were  and there was no statistical basis to justify a law on gender violence. 
So the statistics are distorted:  do not let reality spoil you a good law.
And as the real number of victims was not for this scheme (there were almost dead heat of male and female deaths in the domestic sphere) figures are falsified and statistics are rigged, eliminating the deaths of children, elderly and men, so that appeared only women.
It was necessary to justify that would make a Domestic Violence Act and, above all,  it was necessary to justify the manna of the European Union  which were to benefit ministries, experts, social psychologists, law firms and feminist associations.

Spain would receive tens of millions of European funds for Gender Policy
Spain would receive tens of millions of European funds for gender policies and it had to prove that she was the victim and the executioner man. 
Otherwise, there was no money . No less than 24,000 million euros until 2012.
It all began in 2000 when the Spanish government (with Aznar in power), spurred by the PSOE and feminist associations  decided to apply the policies of gender feminism emanating from the Beijing Conference (1995).
But hardly they could implement these policies (and corresponding financial allowance from Brussels) if the number of female victims was only slightly higher than male.
Gender? What kind, if the data of domestic violence that drove the General Council of the Judiciary was 40% of male deaths and 60% of female deaths ( which with a population of 43 million means touching the dead heat in terms statistics)?
Simply analyze the historical series 1995-2004 of the Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of Interior (Police, Civil Guard)  to conclude the same as the data of the Observatory against Domestic Violence Council of the Judiciary, ie the number of deaths in domestic violence or domestic stably distributed 40% male / 60% female.
Solution? the variable man eliminated in domestic violence statistics Council as well as organizations began working with public funds to the dictates of gender feminism.
And the prestigious Reina Sofía Center on Adolescence and Youth worked on women only variable express indication of the Council of the Judiciary man eliminating the variable in their statistics.
It was thus jump "domestic violence" -that which covers all household members, regardless of her sex to "gender violence" which only contemplates a reality: women as victims.
And if men murdered? No problem, the data and concluded eludes matter.
Actuall you have had access to a document that proves so final. The answer to the Reina Sofía Center gave an estranged father, Isidro Fresneda , when it requested information on deaths of men in the family.
"We inform you that our efforts with the judiciary, so far, are going to continue to focus on killings of women."
I have read that right, appointment to the judiciary, that is  to say the instructions of the governing body of judges, the Reina Sofía is not reporting dead men . Statistically not exist ....
But the thing does not end here. What happens when a female which kills another? -in this case- not want to appear as an author, and therefore the woman variable is eliminated. According to the tenets of gender, women can never appear as a murderer, only and exclusively as a victim.
But that was not enough. It was necessary to show that women in Spain was battered by the mere fact of being . And in the absence of objective data, it was used to such a procedure as manipulable a survey. Because depending on the sample is chosen and the questions asked survey may be biased or another.

a survey to answer that the man does not value his work "sometimes" was developed and was considered technical abuse
The aim was to present to Congress a figure:  two million battered women . And to reconcile reality with that figure, nothing better than:
  • Make a phone survey. Easier to handle than a face survey, with room for nuance.
  • Ask exclusively for women (eliminating the male variable in cases of domestic violence).
  • Collect perceptions, not objective facts or objectified.
And most importantly, consider "technical abuse" to vague, ambiguous and inaccurate responses.
For example, when asked if their partner (male) "does not value the work done" ... Or "does not take into account the needs of you" ... .or "It tells you where going to go without it." Only answer "sometimes" or "often" and technical abuse was considered. Which lacks rigor.
First because "no value work" or "not take into account the needs" is too vague. What needs referred specifically? How can you deduce from that, automatically, there is abuse? It depends.
And secondly because it is abuse, exercise  "physical or mental violence continued mode" (Pan - Hispanic Dictionary of doubts).  Can we call mental violence "does not value the work"? And it can be considered "ongoing violence as" the vague answer of "sometimes".
Thus, so little scientific and so manipulative, the Women's Institute in 2000 developed one macrosurvey and carried to term. The macrosurvey became the instrument of a self-fulfilling prophecy: prediction once made, is itself the cause of reality.
But the botched not stand the slightest filter and  so expressed the Iceberg Report (prepared by an independent working group),  which analyzes methodologically and presents its findings in the Senate in June 2001 (Joint Committee on the Rights of Women) .
It concludes that the Macrosurvey not meet the minimum methodological rigor for comparative studies by countries like US France and Germany such as Dunedin, Fiebert reports, the Report 111 on bidirectional violence or longitudinal Report Murray Straus.
However, the macro-CGPJ used as a tool to change the concept of domestic violence and eliminate gender violence statistics variable "man".
Instead of going to the Statistical Yearbook of the Civil Guard or the police (who spoke of some 50,000 override it complaints of mistreatment),  the Judiciary accepted as scientific fact the figure of 2 million battered women, and to justify the development of a Gender Violence Act.
On such unscientific budgets was established in 2002, the Observatory for Domestic Violence (through an agreement between the Council of the Judiciary and the Ministries of Justice and Social Affairs).
The document explaining the objectives assumes the thesis of gender ideology, saying, mostly proportion, "violence in the family (...)  constitutes violence, that is against women, which is based on the profound inequality of human beings. "
The goal was simply to cause alarm; and based on that channel through clientelistic structures,  the huge amount of public resources associations linked to PP and PSOE  channeled to lardo of years.
And it was lent, the governing body of judges and the Institute for Women. We talk about right-wing governments, chaired by Aznar (2000-2004) who laid the foundations for the famous law subsequently approved Zapatero's socialist government (2004).

One of the directors of the Institute of Women, Miriam Tey, admitted that after leaving office statistics were manipulated to continue the social alarm
We do not tell us. I recognized one of the directors of the Institute of Women, Miriam Tey, at a conference on the amendment of the Divorce Act and Joint Custody held in 2004 by the College of Psychologists of Madrid, when she had already left office.
In videotaped statements he said the figures on domestic violence were handled exactly when she ceased to be director of the institute, modifying the statistical variables. Thus, groups that were not considered as romantic relationship quickly incorporated into the electoral period  as aggressors in domestic violence to continue the social alarm and increase in number of deaths.
The rest is history. The 87'7% of complaints by domestic violence does not end in a conviction , but by the mere fact of filing the complaint, the man can be arrested, expelled from his home and disqualified joint custody, while the woman has right to comprehensive social assistance, employment benefits and receive financial aid.
And those who benefit from the network of false allegations are various feminist associations.
Specifically, according to published  Actuall ,  four feminist federations money from European funds hoard.  This is the Women 's Foundation, the Federation of Separated and Divorced Women; the Federation of Progressive Women and the Association of Jurists Themis.
Four feminist federations strongly linked to the PSOE hogging through thousands of associations all lines of work of the Strategic Plan against violence against women and, consequently, European funds to eradicate this scourge.
Zapatero sold the law as an instrument to "defeat the criminal machismo , " has proved ineffective  (because it decreases the number of murdered women) and also unfair (because it criminalizes the man for the sake of it).

Joaquín Leguina, former president of the Community of Madrid / EFE

Such absurdity and injustice saw the early  socialist Joaquín Leguina, who denounced him on a platform of  El País  in 2004 , when the Gender Violence Act was passed.
In the article,  Equality, parity and violence  indicated that handled as "revealed truth" that "violence is unidirectional, men against women and never backwards."
And he warned that "revealed truth" does not stand the results of the most creditworthy analysis. He gave the example of surveys on domestic violence conducted in the US. "In cases basically severe physical violence, 35% are attributed to man, 30% women and the remaining 35% both. When all the analyzed cases of violence, including emotional, double participation (men and women) is about 50% of cases. "
Not only Leguizamon. 
One hundred and eighty criminal progressive bias (judges, prosecutors, professors and specialists in criminal law), integrated into the so - called  Criminal Policy Group  issued a manifesto that year (2004), which harshly criticized the bill, warning it would be ineffective and "disappoint the victims." 

Eighty percent criminologists warned that the law would fail and that protection against women is due to the increased vulnerability of those people and not the mere fact of belonging to a certain genre
They were based on the grounds that it was necessary to solve "social scourge" of domestic violence. 
But they criticized the "positive discrimination" in favor of women , by the mere fact of being, "there is easily accommodated within the aims of criminal law".
Expressed fears that the Law on Gender Violence in crime could transform current lack of coercion and minor threats when they are committed by men and the victim is a woman.
And they added that "the criminal law should make clear that the enhanced protection [women] is due to the increased vulnerability of those people and not the mere fact of belonging to a particular genre."
In short, criminologists warned that failure was bound by law, to make gravitate on gender theory . 
Zapatero's government had evidence as well that discouraged approve it. But nevertheless he went ahead, dismissing the opinions of experts.
In Spain imported falsify data and statistics fat because, as we have seen, there was a lot of money at stake

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...