
21 de septiembre de 2017

This is the support of the Zionist EU to Rajoy ... A "THINK TANK" linked to NATO will supervise the CATALAN REFERENDUM

Daan Everts, voyeurism without bordersPhoto by: for now


On September 8 a group of "six international observers"  received their accreditation  by the Catalan autonomous government.
The mission of these "international observers"  in Catalonia  has been fully funded by a think tank that serves NATO.
It is called  "The Hague Center for Strategic Studies" . 
This  "think tank"  that like all the "thin tanks" of the dark elite in the power,  is integrated by spies of the secret services that they serve. 
In this case  one of the main "clients" of "The Hague Center for Strategic Studies"  is  NATO.
Look at the following link, you can see in the main page, at the bottom, the section "customers", observe for those who work these "experts".

Well, the head of this mission funded by a think tank in the  orbit of NATO, is  the Dutchman Daan Everts .
Everts  is a guy who was picked up at the University of  Groningen  by the ruling elite. 
From there he was sent to the United States. Specifically to the University of  Brandeis. A  university  used by the CIA for the recruitment of new agents .
Everts'  political career,  like that of so many other vassals of power (also in Spain and Latin America), turned out to be meteoric, working in the highest diplomatic instances in Washington, in Europe and elsewhere. all over the world, in Atlantean institutions such as the OSCE.

These Atlantic agents led by  Daan Everts will take note of the entire voting or non-voting process taking place on October 1 in Catalonia,  and will report a full report to their government masters in the shadowthat manages all the Atlantean institutions and all the sides and political signs of the West.
Shadow government wants firsthand information regarding everything that happens in those hours.
It is curious that this "mission of international observers / NATO vassals" is welcomed with open arms by the promoters of a referendum that is supposed to  be "independent of the oppressive powers".

Everything is controlled from the heights of the power pyramid.
And then they talk about independence.
Independence of the power in the shadow to which they render homage without dissimulation ?.

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