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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta European Union. Mostrar todas las entradas


-- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War --The European Union in the Pentagon's nuclear strategy

The European Union in the Pentagon's nuclear strategy
by Manlio Dinucci

The NATO Ministers for Defence (Elisabetta Trenta, M5S, for Italy, and Penny Mordauntfor UK) were convened in Brussels on 26 and 27 June to approve the new measures of « dissuasion » against Russia, which has been accused - with no proof whatsoever - of having violated the INF Treaty. Basically, this means they will fall into step behind the United States, which, by withdrawing definitively from the Treaty on 2 August, is preparing to deploy in Europe ground-based intermediate range nuclear missiles (a range of between 500 and 5,500 kilometres), similar to those from the 1980's (the Pershing II and the cruise missiles) which were eliminated (with the Soviet SS-20's) by the Treaty signed in 1987 by Presidents Gorbachev and Reagan.
The major European powers, increasingly divided within the EU, are re-grouped in NATO under US command in order to support their common strategic interests.At the UNO, this same European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of the Alliance (as is the United Kingdom although it is leaving the EU) - rejected the Russian proposition to maintain the INF Treaty. On a matter  of such importance, European public opinion is deliberately left in a state of ignorance by their governments and the major medias. In this way we do not notice the growing danger which is threatening us all – the growing possibility that we may one day suffer the use of nuclear weapons.
This is confirmed by the latest strategic document from the US Armed Forces, Nuclear Operations (11 June), written under the direction of the President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Given that « our nuclear forces offer the USA the capacity to pursue our own national objectives », the document underlines that they must be « diversified, flexible and adaptable » to a « wide range of adversaries, threats and contexts ». Despite Russian warnings that the use of even one low-power nuclear weapon would begin a chain reaction which could lead to large-scale nuclear conflict, the US doctrine is beginning to orient itself on the basis of a dangerous concept - « flexibility ».
The strategic document affirms that « US nuclear forces give us the means to apply force to a wide range of targets at the time and with the means decided by the President ». Those targets (specifies the same document) are in truth chosen by the Intelligence agencies, who evaluate their vulnerability to a nuclear attack, and also calculate the effects of radioactive fallout. The use of nuclear weapons - emphasises the document - « can create the conditions for decisive results. In particular, the use of a nuclear weapon would fundamentally transform the context of a battle by creating the conditions which would enable the commanders to win the confrontation ».
Nuclear weapons would also enable the USA to « reassure their allies and partners » who, trusting in these weapons, « would give up the idea of possessing their own nuclear weapons, thus participating in the objective of the United States, which is non-proliferation ».
However, the document indicates that « The USA and certain selected NATO allies would be able to keep aircraft capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional weapons ». This is an admission that four countries of the EU which are officially non-nuclear - Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland – and also Turkey, in violation of the non-proliferation Treaty, are not only storing US nuclear weapons (B-61 bombs which from 2020 will be replaced by the more destructive B61-12), but are prepared to use them in a nuclear attack under command of the Pentagon.
All of this is kept secret by our governments and parliaments, televisions and newspapers, with the guilty silence of the vast majority of politicians and journalists, who nonetheless repeat day after day how important « security » is for we Italians and other Europeans of the Union. It will apparently be guaranteed for us by the US deployment of other nuclear weapons.
Il manifesto, 25 June 2019
Translation : Pete Kimberley 

Per la creazione di un fronte internazionale NATO EXIT in tutti i paesi europei della NATO


Brexit pulls the the EU to Pieces – The Final Wakeup Call –

Brexit pulls the the EU to Pieces

The Great Awakening has begun

Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances

Euroscepticism is rising across Europe

German government acts like master of the EU universe

Russian interference campaign in European politics

Cabal and Deep State terms adopted by MSM

Proven; Government works for the Cabal and not for the People
Theresa May is resigning, and in the upcoming British national election, the conservative party may become the 5th, while the Brexiteer party with Farage could win. Theresa was working for the EU-cabal and not for the people. She clearly misjudged the underlying state of aggravation of the British people, she didn’t care what the people were saying. She went stubbornly ahead with the EU-plan as was instructed by Brussels. Because the Rothschild ECB central bank wants to hold onto their power.
Despite this, change is coming, as was clearly evident in the EU-elections Farage won in the UK, Marine Le Pen in
France, Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary, right wing is surging in Sweden and Poland. Everything is shifting. Massive success for the right-wing and Eurosceptics has been scored. Now, the entire global system is about to be restructured and it is going the people’s way and even beyond all expectations. In Britain for example, never before has a party, only 6 weeks into the game, won an election. If, Britain does not leave the EU on October 31stnext, these results will be repeated in a general election. History has been made and this is only the beginning. The people wanted to leave and government did not want it and moreover refused to do it.
No doubt anymore, the UK is about to change, Farage’s party won and they are demanding change, they want to leave the EU just like the people voted in the referendum three years ago. Before the UK was deceived by Edward Heath who received in his role as Prime minister, 1.5 million pounds from at that time the EEC, for signing away Britain’s sovereignty in 1972.
The same way Woodrow Wilson sold the US out to the Central Bank in 1913.
With the total results in, the Brexit Party won 29 of the 73 British EU seats up for grabs and almost a third of the votes. – On the pro-EU side, the Liberal Democrats took 20% of the vote and 16 seats. Nigel Farage said that his party – which currently has no members and no policies apart from leaving the EU – would “stun everybody” in the next British general election if the country didn’t leave the EU on time.
While Salvini, emboldened by his party’s gains in European parliamentary elections, said that his party’s first proposal in Brussels will be to propose a new role for the ECB as a guarantor of government debt. He is also pressing his proposal for a flat tax and challenging EU budget rules, saying spending should be loosened to boost growth and allow more government investment in things like schools. Salvini also has become increasingly combative in the face of a prospect of warning letter from the European Commission on Italy’s public debt.
Anyhow, Brexit will set an example for all European countries to return their sovereignty from the globalist EU, effectively pulling the EU to pieces.
The Great Awakening has begun
Finally, the world is waking up. The weapon in the Great Awakening of the world is being used against the Deep
State. The weapon is quite powerful, simply TRUTH with Transparency. This weapon is so powerful that they are panicking because all is about exposing the things these people have been doing for over one hundred years.
They don’t want the people to know about all they have done, as they cannot fight against the truth of it all. This will destroy the whole cabal Establishment. That’s why they always keep the people in the dark. Except now, there is no way out anymore for them.
Once the UK is out of the EU and doing better, other EU-nations will follow by doing the same. This is going to be a major shift, where the Rothschild-controlled EU is going to lose its grip over the people. And the people will gain control. Once enough leaders show up and demonstrate that they are of the intention to follow the will of the people and band together, they will go after the EU establishment and sweep all unelected clowns out.
In the recently held European elections; the Brexit Party showed that the above viewpoint is correct. They owe their triumph in the European elections to voters from both the right and left who wanted to send a message to the ineffective and incompetent political establishment. It is important to take a closer look at this new political phenomenon.
Brexit, the one-issue party, formed six weeks before the elections and won about 30 percent of the votes, placing the outspoken Eurosceptics ahead of the old guard parties like the Conservatives and Labour. They collected more votes than the Conservatives and Labour parties combined. Hard-bitten cynical Britain, desperately trying to get out of the European Union, thought that it was never going to happen and thought this saga was going to last forever. They are convinced that Brexit must happen in order to survive in the long run.
Having been founded by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, Brexit success may be attributed to a new political orientation in the UK and other EU nations; as right versus left became; Leave versus Remain. Support could be drawn from across the political spectrum, which is most likely the reason the Brexit Party emerged so victoriously over its establishment rivals. Brexit makes it possible for the UK to readjust to the GESARA compliant terms.
Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances
Overall the populists, liberals and the greens garnered an enormous block in the new EU parliament, as Marine Le Pen in France and Salvini in Italy made grandiose headway.  At the end of the day, the EU will fail at every level; politically, economically and socially. Take note, the EU cannot survive if the people don’t want it to. Even so, the
EU’s collective productivity has already peaked.
The most pessimistic regarding the staying power of the EU are the Slovaks. No one who has been to Eastern Europe will be surprised to find pessimistic natives. But surprisingly in second place is France, the second biggest power in the EU, where 58% believe the EU will be consigned to the dustbin of history within a generation.
The 751 MEP seats will be up for takes, while various anti-establishment forces on both sides of the political spectrum will gobble up the shares currently held by centrists. Adding to the confusion was Britain, which took part in the election, while simultaneously working hard to leave the EU. If the centrists are driven out to the periphery, the likelihood is considerable that the forged Eurosceptic alliance will be able to unseat the unelected clowns in Brussels. Just wait and see how the new spectrum develops.
Euroscepticism is rising across Europe
The fact is, Euroscepticism is rising across Europe, because it is obvious that the leadership in Brussels, controlled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, together with her Fellow-Rothschild slave Macron, are all devoted to the EU first and the needs of European populace second. Now, people have voted to protect their local communities from
dying through the political parties’ over-promising and under-delivering results, Brussels makes ever more bizarre and complex laws to stifle innovation and growth, the mood is leaning towards change; the earlier the better.
Eurosceptic parties have obtained the momentum and the passion over the unelected clowns in Brussels. By winning in simultaneously held local elections, they see clearly the opportunity to use these results as a springboard to even greater success at a later stage. This was confirmed by the highest voter turnout ever of over 51%, which could put them in the position of being able to crush the establishment completely.
This clearly demonstrates the hardening of political opposition against the path of the European Union. Even in the Netherlands, the cabal’s Pet-Test-Case-Kingdom, favoured because of its docile, sleepy population, puppet Prime Minister Mark Rutte was forced to beg voters not to abandon him after earlier disastrous local elections. However, he has to share his power with the right-wing FvD party of  Thierry Baudet, a party only established in late 2016. Both the VVD and FvD obtained 12 seats each.
Most people in member states see a realistic chance that within two decades, or perhaps even earlier, the EU will have disintegrated. That may sound like an optimistic prediction to the desperate Brexiteers in Britain, while the French, the Italians, the Hungarians, the Poles, the Austrians, the Swedes and the Finns are all finding it impossible to get out of the EU. If it was not for Nigel Farage, Britain would probably still be trying to cut a deal to leave, long after the EU has gone?
The better focus with regards to the EU is the awareness that a monumental realignment is taking place in Britain. For months now, the traditional right/left political divide is breaking down. It’s no longer about shifting the priorities of governments a little to the social welfare side or back toward the ‘’personal responsibility” side. It’s about sovereignty versus globalism.
Nigel Farage branded his sovereignty movement perfectly to the tune and name of ‘The Brexit Party’. This is the pivotal issue in the U.K., whereas beforehand, the main parties were tasked to keep the people fighting about
insignificant details, so that the political elite could undermine the fundamental issue of sovereignty.
Theresa May should have resigned elegantly, at a much earlier stage in the process but now she has to resign by force, because the British want a BREXIT in their favour, but May stupidly kept presenting EU deals four times in a row. This was not what the people wanted, which gave Nigel Farage the chance of his political life, resulting in an impressive lead in the EU election.
German government acts like master of the EU universe
After East Germany was annexed, Germany was transformed from an emerging influential EU partner, into the most dynamic expansionist power within the EU, especially with the former Warsaw Pact economies.
The US and Germany tried to return Russia into the vassal status of the 1990s. The cabal does not want normal relations with Russia at any cost. From the moment Putin moved to restore the Russian state and economy, the
Western powers have engaged in a series of political and military interventions, eliminating Russian allies, trading partners and independent states.
Angela Merkel has openly criticised Vladimir Putin’s apparent strategy to spread Russia’s sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the EU. The Chancellor doesn’t admit that Germany’s domination of Europe has been disastrous for some states.
Germany keeps dictating the EU path and asserts itself as the dominant power within the Union, says Ernst Wolff, journalist and author. The EU problems originated from the time of its conception and were exposed in 2008 with the Euro crisis, problems which were never solved, but rather relabelled and swept under the rug. They tried to solve these problems by printing more money, by incurring more debt. The general economic situation today is a lot worse than it was before 2008. When an economy deteriorates, cracks between the individual countries become more evident and this can potentially lead to clashes.
The result of all of this is that Angela Merkel’s Germany stands exposed and extremely vulnerable, not only due to Brexit and a global trade slowdown, resulting from Trump’s changes in modernising trade. At the same time, Germany is facing a potential political earthquake that will undermine Germany’s control over EU politics and bring greater policy uncertainty in the near future.
The truth is that Germany’s economy is heading off a cliff; a reflection of the slowdown both nationally and globally – retail sales are drying up, overall factory orders are diminishing, while exports remain relatively high, which keeps the euro overvalued.
However, the global economy is being purposely readjusted via the US-China Trade War, which is an orchestrated Alliance plan with the goal of dethroning the Petrodollar and dismantling the Cabal’s fiat financial system to make way for the QFS, with the gold standard for all currencies. To facilitate this, the Gold Treaty Revision was recently signed and implemented.
In the meantime, the anti-establishment, Eurosceptic parties have given an impressive display in the European Parliament election, while the establishment-puppets, desperately cling to the ridiculous premise that the rise of these populist movements serve as evidence of successful Russian interference.
Russian interference campaign in European politics
For some European and international officials, the problem would seem to be Russia, secretly supporting Eurosceptics – they fail to acknowledge the disconnect between political elites and the people they are meant to represent. They desperately assign the blame of all electoral failure on Kremlin trolls – without, of course offering a
shred of evidence. The claim is that Russian trolls are actively luring EU-voters, as it was accused of in 2016 in America.
For years, the European establishment has been sounding the alarm about a seemingly ever-imminent Russian interference campaign in European politics. Accusations against the Russian media often take centre stage. Now, hundreds of conferences, articles and speeches later; shock and horror prevails, as there is absolutely no evidence of interference. It can be attributed to full-blown propaganda. Even in the final efforts to pre-emptively find a scapegoat for unsatisfactory results, they have not been able to come up with anything.
However, it hasn’t stopped attempts to incessantly push that narrative. The most earnest attempt has come from France’s MEDIAPART, which published an extensive investigation entitled: “The Elysée is worried about Russian interference in the European elections.” The article admits that the President of France is “obsessed with a possible Russian interference.” This should not come as a surprise. Mr. Macron, in his 2017 campaign at times appeared to be running, not against his political opponents, but against RT, which he repeatedly accused of spreading “fake news” about the then-presidential candidate, despite having failed to produce a single example to date.
Today, the Elysée takes issue with RT’s coverage of the Yellow Vest protests, which have been going on for more than half a year throughout France. It seems protests are only newsworthy when they take place in Russia – then they are covered obsessively by the MSM.
Cabal and Deep State terms currently adopted by MSM
Nonetheless, the MSM mainstream media is using the term “Cabal’ in addition to “Deep State.” Both terms used to be considered “a conspiracy theory”, just another addition to the list of so-called “conspiracy theories” which has silently been proven true. Is the MSM waking up too?
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FINALLY: Trump declares war on Big Tech to stop monopolistic practices, censorship and de-platforming discrimination

At the prompting of President Donald Trump, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is finally on the verge of launching a much-needed, full-scale investigation into the censorship, de-platforming, and discrimination tactics of the Tech Cabal, which has long been engaged in illicit, monopolistic practices that hurt consumers and inhibit freedom of speech.

The DOJ has indicated that it will be digging deep into the anti-First Amendment culture at Google and its parent company, Alphabet Inc., which was the subject of an earlier 2013 investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that ended up going nowhere, presumably because Barack Hussein Obama was occupying the White House at the time. But there’s a new sheriff in town.
According to reports, the imposition of billions of dollars in fines against companies like Google by European Union watchdogs in recent years is now being followed by similar probes in America, where Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it their official policy to rape the First Amendment by classifying it as “hate speech.”

“I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” stated U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr during a recent confirmation hearing before U.S. Senators.
For more news about Big Tech censorship and the pressing need for these anti-American corporations to be held accountable for their assault on free speech, be sure to check out
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Watch out Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube: You’re all next…

Though the probe specifically names Google as its primary, the rest of the Tech Cabal, including Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, also faces much-deserved scrutiny in the coming days.

Amazon, for instance, is also said to be under investigation very soon, thanks to a new regulatory agreement between the FTC and the DOJ that effectively will put Amazon under the appropriate jurisdiction to be held accountable for its corporate crimes.

“… the kind of arrangement brokered between the Justice Department and the FTC typically presages more serious antitrust scrutiny, the likes of which many Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have sought out of fear that tech companies have become too big and powerful,” writes Tony Romm for The Washington Post, as republished by

With this Amazon probe will almost certainly come many more probes into other tech offenders like Facebook and Twitter, both of which have made it abundantly clear that they in no way respect, honor, or even recognize the free speech rights of Americans whose speech Leftists find “offensive” or “hateful.”

The European Union has really been the main entity taking the lead on trying to break up this Big Tech monopoly, as investigations into both Amazon and Google’s business practices are currently underway there. But the same is now happening in the United States under the Trump administration – and like we’ve been reporting, it’s long overdue.
“What you’re actually watching may be the Trump administration firing a warning shot over the bow of Silicon Valley and its evil tech giants,” contends Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. “The message is clear: If you continue to censor the human rights and free speech of conservatives and Christians, you will be taken down and denied access to the internet infrastructure.”

And in Adams’ view, this is only the beginning. In time, the CEOs and other top dogs in charge at these illicit companies could eventually face prison time for their crimes against humanity, as they continue to engage in what Adams describes as a “massive, coordinated criminal fraud, election rigging and treason against the United States of America.”

Sources for this article include:



🔴🔴SEE BELOW ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

The EU is a major example of what is called the post-industrial, post-democratic society in which unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, and ‘experts’ dictate to an oppressed human society. This can be witnessed and is prevalent every day.

The giant deception of the century is the establishment of a totalitarian bureaucratic Super State called the European Union, which was planned and concocted in today’s form over 60 years ago. It started with a ‘free trade area’ and morphed into todays’ centrally dictated Super State, where the line has been crossed in the direction of fascism and communism.

The plan from its very inception, has always been to make the European Union what it is today and keep it there until it reaches the point where there is no going back. That moment has almost arrived, with proposals for yet further centralisation of power that will obliterate what is left of our freedoms, which is not much anymore with regard to all national sovereignties within in the EU. This is right in line with the Archontic bloodline goal to persistently centralise power, and incessantly expand control over the masses, globally.

The original plan for a centrally-controlled fascist/communist United States of Europe goes back centuries, and was already on the wish list of the Knights Templar in 1129, long before the public had ever heard of it. The leading players behind the imposition of the European Union are the Illuminati, with the House of Rothschild and their secret society of Rothschild Zionists. The constantly expanding Archon bloodline influence over humanity requires the ultimate, absolute centralisation of power and the plan is to accomplish this goal at all costs.

The inner circle of Archon Bloodline Elites comes together at a single ‘Bilderberg’ table to dictate what steps must be taken all over the world. This is the reason for the incessant centralisation of power in all areas of our lives, as can be witnessed in their European Union Project – with similar ones planned around the globe – the food chain, biotechnology, energy supplies, medicine, media, military (NATO) and so on. Power is concentrated into the hands of a few people and big corporations under the meme of ‘globalisation’.

All human life as we know it today, has fallen prey to a gigantic, mind-controlled program which directs the global population step-by-step into the proverbial Orwellian nightmare. They will stop at nothing until their goal is reached and we find ourselves as a global society, at the point of no-return, where the elites plan to take us. This is all laid out in detail in the book Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. This book lays out the covert plan to lead us into The New World Order. Mind-control and emotional manipulation techniques are widely employed to take us there. Everyone should use their logic and discernment to see through the lies and deceit.


The Pan-European Union is in line with the Archon Rothschilds and the Archon Habsburgs who ruled the Holy Roman Empire in Europe for centuries – more accurately described as the Archon Empire. Otto van Habsburg later became President of the Pan European Union. The name European Union, right from the start was the term that was used for more than 60 years in reference to today’s EU-super-state. Among the major funders for the European Union was Rothschild Zionist and Rothschild subordinate, Max Warburg.

The European Union was a vital goal in the Archon agenda for global control. Max Warburg became the banker for Hitler and was director of IG Farben – the Rothschild creation that brought Hitler to power and ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

His brother Paul Warburg was the driving force in the creation of – for the people catastrophic – the Federal Reserve in 1913, which has hijacked the economy for the Rothschilds and is presently guzzling up the entrails. Max Warburg was also an acknowledged funder of Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky, and the Russian Revolution on behalf of the Rothschilds.


The plan has always been to erode all sovereignty piece by piece. Don’t think there was no conspiracy – it was planned far in advance.

The fishing industry has been all but destroyed by agreements and EU fishing quotas were specifically designed and implemented to make full-time fishing financially impossible. Sir Crispin Tickle, a negotiator for the UK, has admitted that the Government covered up the full implications of membership and he said that the unspoken rule was ‘Don’t talk about this publicly’. They were all lying from the start, but then that is what Archons do – they lie and deceive. Archon deceivers and inverters can be noted, such as Blair, Cameron, Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Merkel, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, Rajoy, Rutte, Draghi, Junker ad infinitum.

Former UK Prime Minister Heath was asked in a BBC interview a decade later if he had known all along that Britain was signing up to a federal European state. He replied: ‘Yes, Of course.’

Similarly, their plan was to destroy the coal industry as per the European blueprint along with the trade union movement, which for all its faults, brought together large numbers of people in common cause and blocked a full-blown divide and rule strategy.

Prime Minister Margret Thatcher appointed her friend Lord Victor Rothschild in 1975 as her ‘security advisor’ and she selected her members of cabinet carefully, on the grounds of personality, ease of manipulation, and almost certainly a bloodline connection to the Archons. She went to great lengths to cause the collapse of the British manufacturing, coal, and steel industries.

Interestingly, Thatcher’s reputation was that she was vehemently opposed to the increasing power of the Rothschild European Community, while her policies brought about the very changes that had already been agreed on at the time of Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister, when he negotiated the blueprint to dismantle Britain’s industry base in favour of the finance and service industries.

Thatcher did exactly that which was required by the Rothschilds, with her financial free for all, her so called ‘Big Bang’ deregulation of the City of London financial centre, which opened the door to parasites like the Rothschild-controlled Goldman Sachs and the global economic system. The Big Bang was a significant reform that cemented the City of London’s status as Europe’s biggest financial centre.


The single European Act, which brought down the trade barriers across Europe, and the Maastricht Treaty for the European Union, fundamentally eroded national sovereignty, so the word ‘Economic’ could be dropped and the term morphed into the ‘European Community’, before it was later further transformed into ‘The European Union’. This was followed by the creation of a European Central bank and a single currency.

The concept of Europe with centralised control, administered by a European Central Bank, a single currency, a regional administration, common labour laws, transport, and industrial policies, is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis had planned for Europe.

The engineered economic implosion of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Spain has created a massive problem in desperate need of a solution and what is now being proposed is to obliterate what is left of an already dwindling national sovereignty to ‘fix’ the problem that these very people created from the start. It is the well-known Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy,leading to another giant accomplishment on the road to the Totalitarian State of Europe.

The euro was never meant to be an end in itself. The ultimate plan is for a single global currency, the SDR. The euro was the Trojan horse, to eliminate all the individual currencies that existed before and symbolised National Sovereignty. The plan is to eventually trash the euro – and the US Dollar and to move to the global SDR-currency with all the inherent implications of total global control.

The euro crisis was manufactured as an excuse – as Monet said in 1960s – to draft new proposals for further EU-centralisation and integration, in collaboration with two other Rothschild placemen, Mario Draghi, and Jean Claude Junker.

The Europhile single currency mania was sold to us as a promise to a prosperous future. Brussels’ hype has instead delivered a festering economic disaster. Mediterranean citizens are frustrated with their economic bulimia: crazed austerity measures complemented by spendthrift governments. With remarkable timing, as EU-nations are obliged to belt-tighten, the EU in Brussels decides to expand its contentious spending budget by billions more every year. Absolutely ridiculous!

It shows the EU’s incompetence of a self-indulged, arrogant caste that believes they know better how to spend other people’s money than the overtaxed citizens themselves. Their fiscal mismanagement has resulted in the EU racking up unpaid bills of tens of billions of euros. Even, the EU’s own auditors remain spectacularly unimpressed by the lack of sound financial controls. They have failed to sign off any EU-accounts for the past 23 years. This underpins the sheer irresponsibility of their dysfunctional apparatus, and the rampant incompetence that clearly are the seeds for the haughty EU’s demise.

The blatant fact is not the incompetence that has brought the EU to its economic knees and the imposed economic policies that force countries facing catastrophes to be bailed out by contributions from other countries. If the problem were only incompetence, the task would be far more straightforward and would focus on replacing the incompetent with the competent. It is not as simple as that. They are very competent at following an agenda of calculated incompetence with the aim of creating an enormous problem in search of a covert, pre-designed solution. It is a conspiracy to turn Europe into a Totalitarian State. The EU has become a MONSTER.

‘Boosting the economy’ is more about the further centralisation of power, while ‘free-trade’ is used to justify the global standardisation of laws, regulations, economics, law enforcement and the military in precisely the same way as is evident now in the EU.

These are all major steps towards the creation of a one world government, army, and all the rest. All these people are liars and deceivers, which, as is widely known, is all that Archons know how to do.

The public sentiment is generally quite negative with the introduction of a vast array of puzzling buzzwords like “spread”, “fiscal compact” and “master parameters”. And these parameters have formed a metaphoric cage in which our taxation system is trapped. As it turns out, our political processes, as well as our financial system are inside this trap, and if we fail to break free of it, there can be no hope for the better. This type of economy is completely misplaced, and not only in Italy – it isn’t good for Europe, nor for the rest of the world.


First remove the treacherous toxic corporate dictatorial relationship of cosseted big government politicians and large multinationals that spend fortunes lobbying the Brussels machine. The EU-system has failed to deliver the requirement for dynamic growth: it should be a simple, lightly regulated free-trade zone, nothing more, and nothing less. However, it turns out that free trade is stifled from the top down by large multinationals, that eventually will drive Europe backwards to a new dark age while Asia leaps forward.

Thereafter, the solution is as simple as it is radical; a change from the existing, privately managed debt-based monetary system into debt-free, gold-backed money, issued by the people through their own elected government.

Let the TBTF banks – Too Big to Fail – go bust, no rescue whatsoever. People’s Governments must control the quantity of money and NOT private bankers, that with their control over money, initiate booms and busts for personal gain.

Banks should only be allowed to lend the money they have in the bank, and for extra money they should have to compete on the open market. Banks should be required to maintain 100% reserves, the present ‘fractional reserve’ policies should be abolished.

The example of Iceland should be followed that has the oldest Parliament in the world, over 1000-years old. They have battled out their problems of the past with the support of 93% of the population and in a follow-up referendum, 70% opposed joining the EU. They really have achieved what we in the EU should follow.


Today, in our crazy monetary system, the government has to borrow our money into existence and then pay interest on it. This is what they term the National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. Politicians who focus on reducing the National Debt, as the answer to our present crisis predicament, probably don’t know what the National Debt really is. Reducing the National Debt would mean reducing our money – and there’s already too little of that.

Furthermore, the future is not with big multinational organisations – the future lies with small- and medium sized- businesses, and co-operatives. If Europe is to recover its lost economic prestige, it must acknowledge the failure of corporate socialism and move forward. Growth and innovation must be encouraged from the bottom up. That probably means dismantling the EU to return to a simple, free-trade zone, empowering individual creative enterprises.

Given how adamantly the EU forces others to install ‘democracy’ and ‘European standards’ of human rights, it is a spectacle of breath-taking hubris hypocrisy to see how poorly Brussels is treating its own citizens in this ongoing economic disaster. Europe’s tragic lost decade remains on track to deliver its citizenry poverty, rather than prosperity.

The EU is contributing to yet another nightmare facet of its economic history, which is the Neo-Colonial-Financialization Mode into which Europe has been thrust. This involves the single currency mania with the promise of a prosperous future. As could have been expected; this Brussels’ hype has instead delivered a festering economic disaster. Mediterranean citizens are frustrated with their economic bulimia: crazed austerity measures, complemented by spendthrift governments. With remarkable timing, as EU-nations are forced to belt-tighten, the EU in Brussels has decided to expand its contentious budget by billions more every year.


The following facts should wake up every European:

    No representation of European values
    Resistance is not accepted
    Alternative viewpoints are not approved of
    An immensely large budget is employed for the creation of fake propaganda news
    The EU is ruled by a gang of unelected, dangerous, socio-communist radicals

The EU is not a legitimate organisation and, the European parliament is not a real parliament, that represents the people. It is simply an advisory body with little to no influence on executive powers. Only the European Commission (EC) has the power of execution. The EU-parliamentarians cannot create legislation, only the EC can do that.

The EC is a selected, unelected group of individuals that don’t need the support of parliamentarians, nor of the people in their home countries. It is true that the European Council consists of elected members, one from each country within the EU, but there are two problems. The first is that council members are bound by the oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU State as whole, rather than those of their home country. The second is that the EU is a separate entity that doesn’t need the support of the people.

The EU rules over people, without the people’s consent, ignoring the will of the people, which is not democracy. Subsequently, each council-member has to swear loyalty to an organisation that undermines democracy. So, by design, the EU cannot represent the will of the European people as it proceeds to oppose the will of the people. Consequently, the EU doesn’t represent European values, and it does not accept resistance either.

Just like the Soviet Union, the EU wants to weaken the influence of the people, and are forcibly making every member state multi-cultural to achieve this goal. This is the true reason of the orchestrated influx of Muslim immigrants. Poland and Hungary don’t agree with this sinister plan; while the EU proceeds to force these countries to become multi-cultural. This stands in stark contrast to the right to self-determination. It is sinister and abhorrent.

The EU-parliamentarians have been brainwashed with the concept: ‘The EU is good and people who don’t agree with this are all hopeless populists driven by xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, fascism, fake news, intolerance and Putin.” This video sums it all upand shows how stupid these parliamentarians think and talk. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so dreadful.


An angry British electorate is frustrated, annoyed and ashamed at how the Theresa May government and parliament have surrendered to the EU on Brexit and are now further coping with their government’s handling of the detainment of Assange at the behest of the U.S.

There is a myriad of angles on Assange’s expulsion and arrest, significant herein is to not overlook the timing of this event. The optics are important. Look at May’s Brexit betrayal. On March 29th Brexit was a legal actuality. By implication “the City of London is no longer the financial capital of the cabal,” which was confirmed by British Intelligence.

The City of London Banks have also been purged, due to Brexit per British Law on 29th of March last. This was also the date when Russia and China came online with their Quantum Financial System (QFS), alongside their CIPS system as an alternative to the cabal’s SWIFT system. This implies that the Cabal, Rothschild-owned system became defunct, the moment the QFS took over.

Now, Banks that are declared Basil 3 or Basil 4-compliant across the globe, are able to participate in the Global Currency Reset (GCR). The banks of these countries are now owned by the sovereign countries they serve.

The Rothschild-owned and controlled Central Bank system, stemming from the 1800’s, The City of London and the Vatican Bank, are all no longer under cabal control. These are now under the control of the different sovereign countries and have all made the transition into the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System.

Nigel Farage’s new Brexit party has become something very interesting as it relates to the upcoming European Parliament elections. In 2014, UKIP won the EU elections in the U.K. That victory set them on the path of the initiation of change. Then there’s the army of up to 50 Brexiteers attacking the EU at work, which the EU can no longer afford to put up with, while this EU opposition is steadfastly growing and the Brexiteers have formed an alliance with Matteo Salvini’s growing “League of Leagues”.

If Farage’s party repeats its historic victory, which is very likely, then the number of people in the Eurosceptic bloc in the next European Parliament could have obtained a majority by the time they convene in July. The numbers for traditional parties are usually low in EU-Parliament elections, as local populations use them as informal referenda on their national government’s performance.

So, parties like Lega in Italy, National Rally in France, AfD in Germany and the Brexit party in the U.K. could outperform their allocated poll numbers substantially. And this could push the Eurosceptic alliance to numbers large enough to prevent a coalition made up of the old guard, at which point everything about the EU will most certainly change. However, the EU’s problems are much bigger than merely political. They are economic too, as the largest contributor, the German economy, is falling off a cliff.

And as Brexit no longer dominates the news cycle for the next couple of months, the focus can shift back to the basics, like the fact that two of the biggest banks in Germany are in dire need of a bailout, because a merger will not solve anything. It only gets economically worse from here, while the markets remain incredibly fragile.

With Italy moving to take control of its gold reserves and moving away from the clutches of the ECB, the next big fight for the EU will be in the midst of the clowns in Brussels. Since opposition to the disastrous EU-Project keep multiplying, this could become a great spectacle, involving the dismantling of the unelected Rothschild paedophiles gang in Brussels!

The Notre Dame Cathedral fire was a “Kristallnacht” type of false flag event, similar to when the Nazis ignited the 1930’s Reichstag fire in Berlin and blamed the communists to win the election. This time, activated to benefiting Macron by getting rid of the yellow vest protests. And to stay ahead of the WikiLeaks dump resulting from the arrest of Assange, which has triggered the “dead hand” data dump and will lead to further deeply scandalous revelations about the Catholic Church in relation to Satanism, paedophilia, and financial crime.

The Notre Dame Cathedral Fire is a False Flag, initiated with the complicity of Pope Francis, and supported by Macron, Merkel, and May, who are Satanists, with the objective of saving the EU and the Central Banks.

In the meantime, the Earth Alliance have successfully brought the Rothschild’s fiat debt-based financial system into an unstable condition. When the implosion occurs, the quantum financial system (QFS) will be made operational.

Initiating the transition to a GESARA-compliant world could begin soon. Including, among other things, the provision of a universal income for the population in all countries. The required funds for this come from various world trusts set up by the Earth Alliance. Our dark age is almost over when humanity is about to enter a truly golden age.

Other sources claim, the declassification will be the event that will cause the implosion, and initiate the take down of the Deep State in the US and the EU.

The EU is expected to collapse in the wake of the financial system implosion. Requiring all EU nations to return to their own gold-backed currencies.

SOURCE: The author of the following books:

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DINAR recapitula "Café con Markz y sus amigos"

Miércoles AM 22/05/19

MZ: Aún no tengo una NDA esta mañana ……. Sí, estoy un poco sorprendido. Tenemos algunos avances y altibajos que cubrir hoy ... Todavía estamos en un gran lugar hoy.

Miembro: Tengo una NDA: ¡No hay dólares en ninguna parte!

MZ: Considere este rumor por ahora ... pero hay una buena probabilidad de que solo los intercambios de Zim puedan estar cubiertos por un NDA ... y no Dinar dong o las otras monedas ... por favor considere esto como un rumor por ahora ... esto es del lado bancario de las cosas

No siento que necesite el chaleco amarillo esta semana.

Hablé con el Sr. C esta mañana, lo que significa que no hemos terminado al 100% ... pero ...

Oímos que los cambios finales se hicieron al Tratado de Oro anoche y se firmaron ... así que esperamos ver un gran movimiento hoy

Hay todo tipo de noticias en los mercados financieros mundiales ...


MZ: Fuera de las noticias de Bagdad ... el artículo salió el lunes ... Lea el artículo para aumentar el valor del dinar el lunes Bagdad ... (publicado a continuación) por Don961 en KTFA ...

MZ: Lee ese artículo ... ... esto no es un secreto ... para todos los detractores que hay ahí fuera ... lee las malditas noticias ... hace un poco de investigación ... ... está sucediendo


P: Marque a muchos de los gurús que piensan que todo esto está envuelto en Irak y que no pasará hasta que se vayan. ¿Qué piensas?

MZ: Creo que están interrelacionados .......... El reinicio no pudo funcionar hasta que Irak estuvo listo para irse ... y el reinicio no pudo funcionar hasta que el sistema bancario estuvo listo para irse ... todo estaba relacionado entre sí ... Parece que Irak estaba listo y se atascó esperando el resto del reinicio para estar listo

Q: marcar cualquier confirmación de paquete cmkx?

MZ: ayer no salió ningún paquete de CMKX que pudiera ver o verificar ... No voy a dejar que eso me asuste, porque escuché que no fue hasta la noche pasada que los chinos terminaron las revisiones de última hora del Tratado del Oro ... así que todavía no estoy en pánico ...

Si no vemos las entregas de paquetes hoy ... es posible que comience a despotricar y aullar ...

Q; ¿Qué hace esta semana tan diferente?

MZ: Es muy diferente en este momento ... Hace dos días que tengo noticias que no tengo la libertad de compartir ... Es por eso que no estoy preocupado y que no creo que necesite mi amarilla. chaleco

Miembro: Escuché que WF fue SÓLO el atraco CHINA está apretando el gatillo HOY

P: Mark, cuéntanos sobre el TRATADO DE ORO, por favor.

MZ: Obtendré algunos enlaces para que los lea ... hay tanta información que si me sumergiera en ella, todavía estaríamos aquí en 6 horas.

Miembro: Kent Dunn dijo en Quantum Shift que KCOR YT mostró que se necesitaron 4 firmas anoche para hacer que el RV se vaya (¿Tratado?) ¡Debe ser cierto! ¡Increíble!

P: ¿Vamos a pasar otro fin de semana sin 800 números?

MZ: Mis contactos bancarios piensan y creemos que obtendremos los 800 # s esta tarde ... Se sorprenderán mucho si no los recibimos ....... Personalmente creo que más tarde en el día de hoy podríamos verlos ... contacte a Los centros de redención aún esperan comenzar a ver gente esta semana.


P: ¿Alguna noticia sobre USN que se comercialice en Asia?

MZ: Un par de mis contactos bancarios me dijeron que la USN ha estado operando a nivel de plataforma desde anteayer ...

Miembro: Hannity dijo que esta semana será un adiós al estado profundo.

Q; ¿Qué relación hay entre los Ancianos de China que no se están moviendo y los problemas comerciales de China Gov con Trump

MZ: Cuando hablamos de China y el tratado del oro ... no nos referimos a China el país ... nos referimos a los ancianos chinos que están poniendo oro para el reinicio. China necesita que el reinicio suceda tan mal como lo hacen los EE. UU. ...... los ancianos chinos están observando el mundo y cosas como Brexit, e Irán y Francia ... lo quieren tan perfecto como puede ser cuando esto suceda ... sabemos que nunca será perfecto y en algún momento tienen que apretar el gatillo ... ojalá antes de que se caiga. Este sistema fiduciario está en su agonía.

MZ: Creo que muchos de estos problemas mundiales desaparecerán cuando ocurra el reinicio y todos tengan dinero. El mundo entero cambiará imo.

Miembro: hombre, siento que la perfección absoluta en todos los frentes es imposible, es como en una campaña militar y en una estrategia de negocios. Se deben tomar RIESGOS ... ¡así que deberían dejar pasar esto y ver qué sucede! =)

Eagleone2025: Mis felicitaciones y mis hermanos, el ejército, los marines y la fuerza aérea con todos los veteranos. TENER UN GRAN FIN DE SEMANA INCLUSO EN EL CLIMA LOCA

P: ¿Quién es el paymaster de cmkx?

MZ: No se me permite dar esa información ... hay mucho que no puedo decir en este momento.




P: PREGUNTA: @ eagleone2025 @theoriginalmarkz fue una fecha límite para las compras de zim nunca establecidas ??


MZ: No sé nada nuevo sobre el tema ... parece que las cosas están cambiando constantemente ...



P: Muchos creen que se necesita un bloqueo del sistema antes de reiniciar ... ¿sus pensamientos?

MZ: Podríamos obtener esto de una de las dos maneras ... la primera es un choque suave donde cambiamos los valores y mantenemos los 401k donde no pierden tanto valor ... o lo hacemos de la manera más difícil donde patean la lata tanto tiempo que todo implota ... de cualquier manera obtendremos nuestro reinicio. Somos afortunados en poseer moneda extranjera ... estamos preparados ... sabemos lo que viene ... ... el promedio de personas que están por ahí puede realmente estar sufriendo si ocurre la fuerte crisis. .

Miembro: CHINA DUMPARÁ LOS TESOROS ... por el camino difícil

Miembro: firma el camino duro que viene. Las acciones de Deutsche Bank cayeron a $ 7.60 hace 12 días y cayeron a $ 6.80 antes de ayer. Esto tiene un gran potencial para activar la bomba derivada. El arma de destrucción masiva financiera. Christine Legarde dice que el Deutsche Bank es el banco más peligroso del mundo y que podría hacer que el sistema de monitoreo funcione en toda su extensión.

MZ: Estoy realmente contento de que haya mencionado esto ... Hay una buena entrevista con Charles Nenner que todos deberían ver ... Si Deutchbank implosiona ... Europa implica ... Entonces los Estados Unidos implosionan ... Todos deben ver

Charles Nenner - Deutsche Bank es muy peligroso para el sistema bancario global

Adminbill: La palabra es muy buena con muchas personas excelentes y honestas que brindan información sólida que indica que el PROCESO se está acercando a un punto muy importante.

P: Mark, ¿espera que los 800 números estén en los sitios web o nos van a llamar o es una combinación de ambos?

MZ: Los 800 # 's serán enyesados ​​en todas partes .. No van a ser un secreto y no serán difíciles de encontrar ... imo

P: ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre nosotros haciendo nuestro intercambio en el banco frente a alguien intercambiando en un Travelex, la tasa?

Miembro: Los bancos y los centros de canje manejarán las tasas de contrato y las NDA y las tasas de pantalla trasera. Travelex son las tarifas de la calle (la más baja). Se adhieren a los bancos para tasas de contrato mucho más altas

MZ: Creo que 800 # 's te dará una tasa más alta en comparación con solo entrar a un cajero en la calle

P: Mark ... ¿Están los bancos todavía en alerta alta?

MZ: A menos que hagan algunos cambios serios, creo que tendrá un intercambio apto. Para el viernes o al menos los números a llamar.


Miembro: lo MEJOR que hay que hacer antes de RV ... RELAJARSE




Miembro: Bush 41: Tenemos una crisis fronteriza Clinton: Tenemos una crisis fronteriza Bush 43: Tenemos una crisis fronteriza Obama: Tenemos una crisis fronteriza HRC: Tenemos una crisis fronteriza Trump: Vamos a construir un muro y terminar la crisis fronteriza Medios: ¡Dios mío, Trump fabricó la crisis fronteriza!

En el minuto 50:00, Mark hace una breve historia de los vehículos recreativos anteriores, incluidos Alemania y Kuwait.

Q: Stream esta noche a las 8?

MZ: sí a las 8pm est.

Mod: Whisky and Wisdom Tonight 8:00 pm est con MarkZ

Nota: por favor escucha la repetición. Cientos de personas en el chat hacen preguntas y Mark habla muy rápido.



MASTERS TRUST REPLAY CALL Conference Call # 712-770-4019, Access Code: 575203 # Cuando se le solicite, vuelva a golpear #.




Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...