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Trump sanctions to China catalyzing the impending reset process and purge International Deep State

Current policy - May 11, 2019 at 7:06 a.m.

- Rafapal

Reset sources provide a detailed agenda of what will happen: Trump sanctions to China catalyzing the impending reset process and purge International Deep State

Once Vox has "dropped his pants', we can only that" the cousin Zumosol "come to our aid to get rid of the ritual sadomaso Sanchez and churches has us prepared. 
Thank Heaven, news and rumors reaching us from the United States seem stronger than ever. That is why I am going to translate fully the most important of them: Alert intelligence reset on May 11.(Remember that you have to take How to take). 
Plan Alliance for the collapse of debt-money system is nearing completion. 
These plans began after 11-S and launched with the crisis of 2008. 
The [impostada] trade war between China and the Brexit and are the final stages of that plan.
The Brexit be used to collapse the government of the European Union and remove the London City Khazar control the mafia. 
The current [impostada] trade war will generate repercussions that will catalyze a total collapse of the financial system. 
During the collapse, a transition process that will last for two weeks until the new quantum is perfectly stable monetary system is live. 
During that two - week period, the purification of all elements of the Cabala / State Deep start in each country through the military or the  
Once the quantum monetary system is implemented, all the coins to be reset gold standard.
The Zimbabwe dollar will become the world 'sreserve currency, given the large amount of gold you have in your basement. 
The quantum monetary system will monitor all transactions to prevent manipulations and secret agreements that Kabbalah has done throughout history. 
The system of central banks (private) will be eliminated. 
The income tax will be eliminated. 
All governments will be reformed to comply with GESARA. 

Attention to this. 
Our military sources report that many countries have been informed and are preparing for the overthrow of the Cabala / Deep State.
[According to this latest information, if we move now to demand repeat elections and denouncing the rigging, the military will have the perfect excuse to act]. 
The world will experience a "hard reset." 

[It Involves there were two options: the reset "for good", provided they have gotten all great nations had governments for the good, but since the countries of the European Union is stealing the elections and does not allow rule patriots parties, it will make "the hard way "]. 
We are at the end of the game. 
I also recommend, for the detail of what he says,  the first of the reports belonging to another briefing: The Republic Restaurada via Restarting the global currency. Says interesting things, but also fails lot.Take a look "just in case" ... 
PS: Just so you realize how they are preparing things, the website of Russian-Yankee intelligence Whatdoesitmean published a report yesterday that feeds the imminence of a military war between China and the United States on account of the trade war; a smokescreen to hide the reset monetary system.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

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