
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta spirituality. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta spirituality. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de noviembre de 2023




What is the plan for ascension?


Hello my dear living lights.

Well I am sure by now you have realized that you were not given a blueprint for ascension.

(No easy way to out).

In a 3D world you had a manipulated blueprint or model showing you what to do. 

You would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the process with more grace and ease that you do now. 

But as you all realized, you don’t live in a same world, a 3 Dimensional world so you blindly stumble along trying figuring it out as you go.

Much of your energy is spent learning that you have many misconceptions of what the ascension process is and isn’t.

These misconceptions created a lot of the pain that you experience along the way. 

For example, there is a misconception that we can ascend without having to experience our fears or knowing the truth of reality and  who you all are. 

Oh how wonderful it would be if that was really true.

This short multiverse squadron lesson is to help dispel some of these misconceptions that cause you to stumble and also to provide something of a blueprint for the process. 

This blueprint, of course, is based on my own experiences as well as those of the beautiful souls who I am honored to work with, to know and who walk the path alongside me.

So let’s begin with the basics.

What is ascension?

"On an individual level, ascension is the process of changing one’s consciousness from one reality, based on one set of beliefs, to another".

On a group or planetary level, ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness (set of beliefs) to the point where that consciousness creates a new reality, a completely new state of being or dimension.

Example: you are collectively creating now the 5th dimensional consciousness through your individual ascension processes.

Okay, I realize I have thrown a new thought in here, that being that a dimension is a state of consciousness. 

Maybe it's best if we stop and look at this before we go any further, because you really need to understand consciousness, dimensions and everything else we talk about in the Universe classes before you can truly understand the ascension process.

A review of what is a dimension?

A dimension is a state of consciousness.

Now how can that be? 

Well, when you look at what you know about dimensions, what you find is that each is about a unique set of beliefs, knowledge of truth. 

For example: 3D is about the belief that, this is the only life that you have and if you can’t touch it, taste it, see it, feel it or hear it, it doesn’t exist.

Is that pretty close? 

Yes I guess so in the 3D mindset.

Now in 5D, which I will fully we activated for everyone who is ready to ascend is about Unity consciousness where you realize that you are all connected. 

Connected through something Greater like Quantum energy field and you understand and live in oneness (there is a misconception of what unity consciousness looks like and I will address it in the next lesson. 

The 5th Dimension what will it be like?

Your current 3D-4D consciousness was not established until enough people began to believe the same way. 

And the current 5D consciousness was not established until enough of the people have existing there, figured out how to live in unity. 

So when enough people live a set of beliefs they, the collective create a dimension frequency.

Going further, a state of consciousness/dimension vibrates as a certain frequency just as all physical matter has a distinguishing vibration or frequency. 

In our universe, as I mentioned it before, the closer we get to the integration point of Dark and Light onto the same mindset, the faster we vibrate (compassion being the integration point with the fastest vibratory rate).

So, if a whole group of people like 18 of you inhere acquire a particular set of beliefs, in this case, the understanding of how to live at the integration point between Dark and Light, then you all begin to vibrate at that particular rate. 

This vibratory rate is also known as a frequency.

Continuing on, you as a group vibration creates a new consciousness, a new reality, and a new dimension by the individuals in the group expressing themselves emotionally, creatively, etc.

With this frequency we can change things of happening or not happening among other things. I hope this all makes sense to you.

Sometimes I find it difficult trying to explain to you the battle or process we are in and type of frequency vibration required with our Posts attached as public notice to succeed.  Now here we have also a multidimensional concepts, a bit challenging because there are so many levels to them. I can see them in my mind but getting them down on writing is another matter.

Now that we have a basic understanding of consciousness, dimensions and frequency, let’s get back to the ascension.

How do we ascend?

Simply stated, you ascend by clearing our emotional blocks, integrating the fears that are the basis of those blocks, and transmuting the anger, hatred, guilt, blame and shame in those blocks into compassion. 

You don't need to associate or make contact with anyone to make this possible. 

All this can be done consciously in within yourselfs.

In each of your emotional blocks there is judgment of the dark emotions (those I already stated above). 

As you learn to accept, value and use those emotions in a balanced manner, you balance the Dark side of yourselves.

On the outside, as you learn to value and appreciate those who express those dark emotions in their roles as your teachers (i.e., those who play dark roles because they have spiritual contracts with us to do so), we balance the Light and Dark in your reality. 

Once again, another multidimensional concept condensed into a sentence or two. 

This is why you need to balance yourself first.

As you clear your blocks you shift your consciousness.

You  become less judgmental, thus more compassionate. 

So your consciousness shifts first and your physical body follows suit. 

Thirdly, your external reality begins to reflect back the new consciousness that you are expressing. 

Thus, the physical reality slowly shifts also.

So every day, as you allow your guides to bring your lessons forward so that you can clear them, you are ascending. 

Each time you clear a block and experience the joy of gratitude and appreciation and compassion, you are ascending.

Let’s recap this one.... in  Q & A

Q. Ascension occurs when you?

A. Are willing to clear your blocks.

"Clear a block, integrate a fear by experiencing it and achieve compassion, thus creating a shift in your consciousness".

What are the mechanics of ascension?

Ascension is a process that has spiritual, emotional, mental and physical components. 

This process is multi-layered and interconnected, meaning that an action taken on one level affects the other levels (think of it as a domino effect).

The mechanics of the ascension process go something like this:

- You ask for your fears to be made known to you.

- A fear manifests in your life packaged as a lesson that has come forward.

- You move through the fear, being willing to experience it as completely as necessary in order to integrate it.

- You integrate the fear, thus learning the lesson. 

In this part you feel the fear feelings associated with this fear/lesson. They can be feelings such as guilt, shame, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. (Yes, you do fear feeling these emotions because you have been taught that they are bad and if you experience them, you are bad.)

- You experience release as the fear is integrated and the lesson is learned. In this release you experience emotions such as joy, bliss, gratitude (for the person who played the Dark role) and compassion (for the pain the Dark role person had to experience in order to play their part). As you feel the compassion, there is a tingling sensation in your body and in many cases an orgasmic explosion of energy in your high heart chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., being transmuted into compassion) as you release the people involved in your lesson from blame.

The compassion you feel transmutes a bit more of your DNA from carbon-based to Crystal/Diamond or like a silica-based, thus allowing more light into your body. 

At the same time, any implants (also known as behavior patterns) associated with that fear/lesson are changed (balanced out).

If you have been working on this fear in all its various aspects for a while, those newly changed implants then release their bit of your dormant 10 strands of your DNA so that they can be realigned.

The more you move through these steps, the more you recode and triggers your DNA activation, this shifting your consciousness closer and closer to the integration point between Light and Dark.

Compassion is the unconditional and equal acceptance of all things (Light and Dark) regardless of who or what they are.

Now let’s look at some of the misconceptions about ascension. Shall we?

There are also many misconceptions about ascension going around these days.

Most of this seems to come from a lack of basic information and trying to formulate your concept of ascension on what you have been taught in the past. 

Once you are given the higher perspective regarding some of these concepts you can see where just having another level of knowledge makes it all make sense.

Let’s look a few of the more prevalent ones.

We can ascend without experiencing pain or fear?

As I said earlier, I wish this was true but as you have seen from the information and my experience above, you must have something that you can use to achieve compassion.

You must have some form of fuel of energy. 

We don’t transmute love or joy into compassion, do we? 

Both love and joy are higher frequency emotions, like compassion, aren’t they? 

It is our understanding that we use the energy of the lower frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to transmute into compassion.

So, if this is true, then you must be able to access these emotions to be able to transmute them, right? 

And in order to access them you must feel them in some way because that is what is meant by accessing, is that not true? 

And isn’t experiencing them the same as feeling them?

Going further, don’t lower frequency emotions create emotional and, sometimes, physical pain. 

For example: Doesn’t anger create emotional pain, or guilt or shame?

So to wrap this up, if you need transmutable emotions for fuel energy to ascend, then you must access them.

This means feeling the pain of those emotions, and if you feel the pain of your emotions, then that means that you don’t ascend without experiencing pain.

Does this make sense?

And let's keep in mind that pain is a catalyst for change. 

You don’t change until you realize that you need to,  pain is the indicator that it is time for change.

From the higher perspective, to understand it, pain is one valuable tool because without it you have no catalyst to move you to do the work that is necessary in order to grow spiritually.

You can recode your DNA just through intent or by having someone else do it for you intensionally.

Well, think about this. 

If you are doing emotional clearing and that changes your DNA, isn’t that the same as DNA Recoding and awakening?

And, if you need more fuel  to transmute into compassion to recode, awake your DNA  and to experience that whole process of transmutation for it to work then how can you do it merely by intent?

Also, how can someone else do that for you? 

How can they experience your fears, integrate them and learn your lessons for you?

I don’t see how they can. 

It would be the same as having someone else live your life for you while you sit on the sidelines and observe. 

You do you!

But if they could, I would have been certainly the first in line!

Repeat this every morning and evening? 

Please make it a habit of yours.

"I don’t want to experience any more pain and discomfort than I have to".

Through this ascension process you will gain the ability to bi-locate, levitate and move objects with your minds. 😁

It was a real let-down for me when I found out that these abilities were not for everyone and not part of Earth’s planetary ascension process and plan.

I so wanted to learn how to do them and found that in the beginning they were one of my DNA coding and that was just one of the reasons I kept going. 

But on the other hand, you are not required to attain them in order to ascend and that is a big relief for everyone!

Think of how much time and energy it would take to be able to acquire these abilities. 

These knowledge are things from a mysterious school that take years to learn to master. But you heard that you are also privileged by all this.

(So, no, these abilities are not part of the ascension process but nice to have it, lots of fun).

But the abilities that are required are:

1. The ability to achieve compassion by transmuting emotional blocks.

2. The ability to value the Dark in all ways without haitful thoughts. ( Not necessarily means you need to associate with them an

Or allowing them to influence you , lowering your frequency energy vibration. Oh no. Heart crack opening of love by goodness intention and positive consciousness.

3. The ability to live in harmony with all other species in the universe regardless of differences.

Something that you learned not long ago in the Galactic classes and that you may be interested in remembering, is that there are two different ascension processes.

There is the Reptilian process and the Natural Human Process:

A. The Reptilian process, taught through their ancient mystery schools enables you to ascend through mental mastery and requires their student live apart from the world in order to concentrate on his/her skills.

B. The Human process enables you to ascend through the heart and requires the student to live in the world to acquire the skills.

Okay, so I may just have opened a can of worms on this one, did I?

I guess I’d better explain this one too.

When you ascend you will be on a different planet.

Actually in one sense it will be like being on a different planet, but in reality you will be on a different plane of this one.

Just as radio stations exist on different frequencies but you can still access them from the same radio, 3D, 4D and 5D will be different dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be accessed on the same planet, Earth. 

When you ascend you will live to total unity and oneness, there will be no Dark or negativity it will be all love and light.


Won’t people be surprised when they see that there is still Light and Dark in 5D?

Once again, you will have a more united society but not at the expense of individuality. 

Having only Light/Unity means, in its extreme, a hive mentality like bees or ants.

(Big groups of family). 

Do we really want that? 

As I understand it, you want to live in the knowing that we are all connected so that we can stop all the warring and fighting that is caused by “we are separate” thinking. 

But you don’t want to give up your individuality and free will to become part of a unity consciousness where everyone thinks the same, do you?

Well if that is the case, count me out. 

I like having free will and free thinking.

As we ascend we should leave our 3D lives behind and move into the Light.

Well, that’s also not part of the plan this time.🤔

As I understand it, we are to live in the world and be part of it but live in it with a multidimensional consciousness. 

This was a difficult one for me to figure out. 

At the beginning of my path, I wanted to separate from the world, go live in a closed community of like-minded people, give up my credit cards and bank accounts and live on love.

I soon found out, just by doing part of that, that it didn’t  quite work until you get yo the ending of 5D ready to go forward to 6 Dimension.

You are to stay grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where your lessons will come. 

It is the place where you can access your fears and integrate them, access your lower frequency emotions and transmute them within your 3D physical bodies.

If you separate from the world and spend your time hanging out in other dimensions or the astral plane, you will lose out on the experiences that cause you to grow. 

Remember, without the lessons and knowledge going forward, you cannot spiritually grow. 

You grow out of imbalance into balance.

If we try to live in a perfect world, we become spiritually stagnant, don’t we? Think about it. 

Okay, let’s move on.

How can I tell if I am ascending?

You have mentally made the decision to go through the ascension process. 

This is different than being on the spiritual path. 

Ascension is a choice to move to the 5th dimension. 

Not a choice of I Want, a choice of emotional intent. Felling!

The spiritual path is a choice (I Want) to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access the spiritual side.

Your fears are manifesting in your life as lessons.

Your physical body begins to react to the ascension process through new aches and pains.

This is your inner child being triggered by the fears coming up to be integrated. 

These fears are stored in your physical body in different locations.

Example: A fear of money is stored in your lower back and you experience that fear as lower back pain.

You begin to be consciously aware of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your life versus being unaware of them. 

(Synchronicities are your guides and your work bringing forth the events on your Life Blueprint that you had chosen during your time in the Interlife, the life between lives.)

What do we mean by that when we say that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions are merging?

This is an interesting tidbit that I couldn’t resist sharing with you.

As many of you know, there is a lot of talk about the dimensions merging, and the physical/mental/emotional effects we are experiencing because of it. 

"I’d like to share what this really means since perfect 18 of you  have have made it this far."

As more and more of you move along the Spiritual and Ascension paths, you achieve levels of understanding.

For example: As you learned already that you are spiritual beings having a physical/human experience. 

When enough people figure that one out, they create a new consciousness on this planet.

This particular belief being one of the more basic ones on the Spiritual path is a 4D concept. So, this group has anchored a 4D octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they have merged 3D and 4D.

The same thing occurs now,  when enough people anchor a 5D concept in 3D. 

This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging. 

Groups of people are creating new dimensions of consciousness while living on a different dimension and changing everything else with it. 

Hopefully this makes sense, and you understand the meaning of ascension.

We love you all so much!


Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍



16 de enero de 2020

COSMIC MARRIAGE: Your true partner has already been decided.

There is already a compromise, without even knowing it , is an event that will happen for you.The cosmos knows. Your soul knows. Your instinct knows. You have been dating many lives before you. There is nothing "new" feels like you've been married a hundred times before.The other person knows what tosay or not say to evolve the process. Always return to you, or will stick in some way because of the huge magnetic attraction to each other. As they say in the movie Avatar 'I see'. Those words are more than "I love you". Words have many more dimensions behind her. I see your soul. I love your soul, with all the aspects that go with it. Everything. The whole package. - This is the 'I see'.

Many people do not find attractive, marrying traditional forms. Say votes do not feel in my heart, sign a "contract" for a school and spend a lot of money in a sacred ceremony that transcends the need for material.

Relationships last

There is a time and a place for everything. You can not change someone's feelings, and can not "make it work" when already broken and the other person is not fighting for love. It takes two to tango, is a dance of love ... Someone who does not want to be in power (the commitment itself) will never be able to engage with you. On the way of their relationship and past issues,learned who you are, you need to shine, flourish, and stay strong in a world that has so many challenges.

You learn about your personality and aspects of the ego. You learn to be a strong person and how to make a future partner is a powerful and strong person by vibration you can send a connection based on truth.This is how love in a way that makes the other, not weaker stronger person.

Your reflection - Meeting

hen find someone who is faithful to his own soul, he has taken all the time, to discover their own pain, it heals itself, and create force ... They are able to engage with you. They need to be true to their essence. And that takes the wisdom, the search for the soul, falling and standing up When you committed yourself, because you have seen both the darkest places like the clearest, are able to 'see' your reflection in someone else.

When you feel that your partner lives in the heart and loves itself will not have a relationship based on fear.

For example, your partner may be in a beautiful room with twenty other people or can travel the world without you. Can let you have thousands of friends and just "peace and confidence" because you know that the commitment is heart. It is a divine connection. Both have rest / quiet and calm, not a relationship based on fear. They can have their own journey, their own way, and yet ... you know the way to your loved one, it's right side yours. You can sit and breathe. When you have peace and rest with a partner , it is because you feel you can trust this person. And you know you can trust yourself.

Marriage without a connection to the real heart 
So many traditional "break" marriages because it is not a relationship based on a heart connection. It is not based on a real journey of the soul. It is based on external factors such as social standards. Things like money, security, and a longing for someone to make you feel whole are some are the main reasons why we rushed to get married.

Is an act of showing you love someone, you're really committed, when it is not enough to just love them?Why do we need to show our love is real? It should be obvious to everyone watching. Most people struggle with the idea of self - esteem and how security is to feel within themselves. When you're able to give care, feed you food for the soul, love and fulfillment: no need tofind the love externally. Always it exists within you.

Darkness dissolves in the light of love

The energy of the heart is so strong, much stronger than the power of the mind. We do not give credit it truly deserves. In a cosmic marriage, all the "invisible" dark hidden places in the heart appear in the light of love.Darkness always reach its peak in the heights of "being in love". Love is the highest vibration. Darkness is a much lower vibration.
If someone loves you truly, all the invisible aspect is presented because they are showing you what you can change. Only encourages, walk, sing, dance, cry, and let this "there". Do not judge your fears and insecurities.When we really say 'Thank you ' and 'I see', we create a real transformation within us. Do not think that your lover is the cause of this pain. Velo differently. Your lover is just reflecting, and wants to heal showing youevery aspect of yourself. Sometimes you do not want tolook, but that's the only way to grow. F: paradigm.Superior Mind. Om Ra Ra Anhk sharing wisdom Shankar Nehru Sethi

9 de octubre de 2019

You, from your future, are a beacon of Light and Love


The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear One, we are pleased to offer some of the progress humanity has made since our last message.

The number of people who are desiring to experience a world of peace, love, abundance and wellbeing for all is daily increasing. 

With every day, more and more people are deciding to hold a higher vision for the world. 

With this decision, thoughts, words and actions are affected. 

These thoughts, words and actions create a powerful energy that reverberates into your world and with it, into the entire Universe. 

Dear One, you are a beacon of Light and Love and you are learning more and more to hold that Light for longer and longer periods of time. 

Combined with the Light of all the others, this creates a powerful momentum. 

The fearful ego mind wants to go to information that does not show any of this momentum, but, we are here to tell you that when you make a deliberate intent to look for indicators showing the improvement in your world, it will be shown to you. 

In order to hold and increase this Light, we, together with the Angels, Ascended Masters and Telosians, are here to assist you to raise your vibrational frequencies and to expand your Light into your world. 

Simply ask for our assistance, (of course also the assistance of your Higher Self), on a daily basis and we will be here to increase your Light and Love energy.

You are a Being of Light. 

You are a Being of Love.

Continue your ascension journey with this knowing. 
We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!

22 de septiembre de 2019

How to appreciate a woman alfa

Therefore, if you, it is because you truly want and does not need more to feel complete absolutely no one, not even you. Only he chose you for the fact that it's you who wants to share his life, so feel graceful.

Bearing in mind that, love him back with the same intensity and not be afraid to be passionate. Alphas women know that sensitivity is not fought with manliness, and sometimes men should also sue affection, a hug, a kiss and an "I love you". If it considers it just and necessary, I give you and you will see that you will not be, therefore dissatisfied alpha does not give affection to anyone and when it does, it does so in the best way and from the heart.
You would never turn your back, since, despite being strong in you can get support and teach your puny part. By the fact that even the strongest have their bad days and defeats, for that you'll be there to provide your support. Is this how you want to an alpha woman. Respecting, understanding, helping, motivating them if necessary and above all, valuing
© misteri 1963 All rights reserved.This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of it and that this URL be included

9 de septiembre de 2019

What to Expect from the Opening of the 999 Portal on September 9th, 2019 - Spiritualify

What to Expect from the Opening of the 999 Portal on September 9th, 2019
  • September 4, 2019
On Monday, September 9th a great energy of Crystal Light will be activated with the opening of the Multidimensional 999 Portal.
The Crystal Energy that will flow through the portal on 09/09/19, will activate  four of the nine Atlantean Crystals present within our Planet: the Emerald Crystal of Healing which is located in Arkansas, the “Om” Crystal of Multidimensionality which is located at Mount Shasta in California, the Golden Crystal of Healing and Regeneration located in Brazil and the Sun-Moon Crystal of Light at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia.
It is an important day as it will be flooded with energy that helps to close cycles.
Nine is the last step in numerical evolution. For this reason today, our collective mind will be activated to guarantee memories throughout the universe. We will seek peace and silence. The energy of this portal is ready for our anxieties. It is an introspective and self-healing portal.
The children who are born today are indigo, rainbow, crystal. They will be the soldiers of the awakening of the conscience, with a super awake mind that commands the change to a new era. It is a day of solitude necessary to realize all that we have and in the end to say thank you.
Table of Contents

The Spiritual Meaning of the 999 Portal.

The Spiritual Meaning of the 999 Portal
As sovereign beings of free will, every single moment in time is an opportunity for further spiritual enlightenment. However, at certain points in space and time, the energies are in alignment offering accelerated growth, depending on intent and the level of individual consciousness.
One such moment is pending with the 9-9-9 portal. The energy of this portal is generated by human consciousness and will peak on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year 2019.
Numerologically, the number 9 is about releasing the old to make way for the new. It is about endings and the natural culmination of a cycle. It is also about the Universe forcing change through endings.
Be willing to accept that nothing lasts; that there is a time for all things to end, and it is the natural way of things.
Be confident that it is only through releasing the old that something better may manifest.
Be joyous that every old belief system that you should let go brings you one step closer to the truth.
Be understanding that every tightly held material possession that is surrendered is one less anchor to the energies of the old dimension, and a step closer to Ascension.

So how to maximize and use the energy of the 999 Portal?

So how to maximize and use the energy of the 999 Portal


Have you been hovering around a decision for so long you can’t remember a time when it hasn’t been eating at you? For example, I know people who have been thinking about getting a divorce for years and just continue to hover in the relationship.

A friend of mine said it so well: If you’re constantly thinking about whether or not you should be in your marriage, you shouldn’t be in your marriage! If you’re meant to be there, thinking about whether or not you should stay or go is simply not on the radar.


About your actions and participation, while forgiving yourself fully and completely. Do you keep beating yourself up about something you did or didn’t do in the past? Do you replay it over and over again?
I think it’s Byron Katie who observes that often we have one traumatic experience and yet our mind relives it so often, it is if we experience the trauma every time we replay it. This is the time to find a way to truly forgive yourself and move on. It’s up to you to find your way to do it—Therapy? Energy work? Hypnosis? A “Release” ritual? Whatever speaks to you, try it.


Oh, sure. Sounds so cliché. Yet the energy of the 9 is optimized when we can truly live the Buddhist tenant of being Present. When we can live in the moment, let go of the past without resentment, and be open and curious about the future.
If there’s ever a time to clear our slate of negativity, this is it. And this is made more challenging by the current conditions we’re experiencing in the world. There is so much tumultuous change, it can be disconcerting. Yet if we can be the eye in the center of the hurricane, even in the most intense times, the rest of it will become so simple.
All you need to do is put your chin up, set your game face on, and work. Go for it. There is nothing more you would want to be doing at this point of time, for the energies would develop you anyway.
You will be growing, even when it isn’t visible to you. You are strong, you will get through.

21 de abril de 2019

Have you ever wondered what your pet is trying to tell you?

Have you ever wondered what your pet is trying to tell you?

Your animal companion is longing to communicate with you...

... to tell you how much he/she loves you

... when he/she is not feeling well

... when something is uncomfortable in their surroundings

Wouldn't it be great to know crystal clear, how you can help your pet?

But, that's not all:

Your animal companion is also a highly evolved spiritual being, who is with you for a reason. 

Many times, Angels or Ascended Masters find their way into your life through the eyes of your dog or cat (and others of course, as well).

There were so many instances, when my beloved Golden Retriever dog Mello shared such uplifting wisdom with me, just at the perfect time...

Wouldn't it be wonderful to receive the upliftment and guidiance from your pet?

So, how can you communicate with your pets in your home and outdoors in nature?

A while back, I held an animal workshop that shows you step by step how to: 
  • Learn the 3 Different Ways of Animal Communication
  • Create a Better Understanding With Your Pet = Deep Trust = Better Behavior
  • Know when your pet isn't feeling well 
  • Meet and Communicate With Your Animal Spirit Guides
  • Learn How to Communicate With Passed On Pets
  • Assist Your Clients by Communicating With Their Pets
  • Experience a Deeper Relationship With Your Pets

  • Receive the Wisdom and Assistance From The Animal Kingdom

  • Heal Any Loss of Your Beloved Pets

  • Receive the Wisdom and Love From Your Pets
If you are just starting out on your spiritual journey or if you are at an experienced level, this course is for you.
Connect With All Animal Life And
Find Out How You Can Learn
How To Communicate With Animals
With This Workshop Recording:


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~Asara~ Adams
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10 de abril de 2019

Feel: Healing the Spiritual Wound of Sexual Trauma

I am lying on my floor with my knees bent, hands on my belly. I am trying to breathe into my belly. This is my homework. A yoga teacher/bodyworker/massage therapist/witch I’ve been seeing told me that all my feelings were stuck in my pelvis and that if I wanted to feel anything again, I should do this every day.
My mind spins—I think about work, what I’m doing later, the pile of dishes in the sink. I’m supposed to be focusing on my breath. Nothing is happening. I try to focus. I try to let my breath move down lower, into my guts, my genitals, my pelvic floor. I can tell there is tension there but it is not letting go. I can barely feel that part of my body. It’s frustrating. It’s all I can do not to jump up and do the dishes before the timer goes off.
Finally, I hear that sweet welcome “ding!” letting me know that my ten minutes is finally up. So I roll over and head to the kitchen to wash those damn dishes. And that’s when the tears start. Every day it’s like this. I lie on my back and try to feel my belly, nothing happens, but then as soon as I get up to make some coffee or take a shower and get on with my life, I start to cry. I don’t even know what I’m crying about, the tears just spring up all of a sudden and spill out. It’s a very strange experience, but it’s also the small seed of a big change. As I’m incrementally relaxing the tension I am holding in my gut, grief, fear, and anger are unlocking, coming up to the surface and melting all over my face in a mess of unbidden tears. I was at the beginning of my recovery from sexual assault, and I needed to re-learn how to feel.
I’ve come to understand that one of the hallmarks of trauma is that it threatens the survivor’s worldview, the core beliefs one holds about the way the world is supposed to work. That’s one of the reasons we don’t want to talk about it, sometimes for years. It would require facing a challenge to our faith. Trauma is, in many ways, a spiritual wound.
I didn’t grow up super religious, but I was always drawn to various spiritual worldviews. I started getting into yoga and meditation when I was twelve, and by the time I hit sixteen I was your classic teenage witch casting spells in her bedroom with scented candles from WalMart. By the time I was sexually assaulted by a close friend, I didn’t exactly believe in a god, but I had a vague idea that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people because the world is fundamentally just. In my recovery process, I had to come to terms with the fact that most events in our lives are generated by random chance. I don’t believe anyone “out there” is watching out for me, because if that were the case, I was abandoned on that day. I do believe there are ways we are connected to each other and the world around us that can’t always be quantified, but I don’t think that’s because of any design. I think we can do good things with what we learn from bad experiences, but there’s never some cosmic reason for our tragedies. Things just happen.
My sexual assault threatened so many of my beliefs: that I knew how to read people, that men could be trustworthy, that I was mostly safe in my day-to-day life, that my “no” mattered. When our traumas mess with our core beliefs about the world, they can sometimes bring out the core beliefs we hold about ourselves. Deeply, unconsciously, many of us believe we are fundamentally unlovable and worthless. Trauma can bring up these core beliefs about ourselves: If the world is just, then bad things only happen to bad people, and a bad thing happened to me, therefore I am a bad person: just as I always suspected! In order to acknowledge the threat to our core beliefs, handle the shame, and be able to imagine new ways of understanding the world after trauma, we need to be able to face what we are feeling. I wasn’t ready for that, at first, so I clenched up. I held my resistance in my muscles. Then I started getting stress hives. Then I got pneumonia. Twice.
When the mind won’t acknowledge the pain, the body often speaks instead. My body brought me aches and pains and forced me to sit down and learn how to feel what I was going through so that I could move on. My desire for a more connected life had somehow survived my years of suppression and repression, rising up in itchy skin and screaming through swollen tonsils and infected lungs. It might be strange to think of desire as manifesting in physical pain and dysfunction, but sometimes these symptoms represent the body’s rebellion, a refusal to go on as we have been. Pain is a fantastic teacher because it forces us to change something.
The practice of feeling means paying attention to what the body is saying and resisting the urge to make it stop. Negative emotions are uncomfortable, of course, but even positive emotions can make us feel vulnerable and trigger a shame response. When we can befriend our bodies in all their ugly glory, we are cultivating a lifelong relationship with the flow of sensation inside ourselves, healing ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Accessing desire, passion, joy, and presence necessarily comes with accessing everything else. When we get good at being in the dirt and muck of our bodies on a day to day level and learn that we are okay and worthy of love as whole beings after assault, our desire can start to flicker back. With time, that little spark can transform into the life hunger that wants to feel things fully. Feeling often hurts, but when we can do it with kindness, compassion, and courage, feeling heals, too.
Adapted excerpt from WANT: 8 Steps to Recovering Desire, Passion, and Pleasure After Sexual Assault by Julie Peters. Mango Publishing 2019. Reprinted with Permission.
Julie Peters

14 de enero de 2019

Anna Von Reitz -- Replies to World Leaders | Emergency Powers? | Judas Iscariot

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Replies to World Leaders

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

1. I hear you talking among yourselves and the chief argument against doing what I have told you to do is --- "But we won't be in power anymore!"

Please submit a brief 2-3 page letter telling me exactly what you have done that is beneficial to humanity and why you should be in control of anything --- even a cat box?

2. The "FBI" is owned and operated (along with the "BLM") by a foreign corporation merely calling itself "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES".

Do I really have to say more?

Locate the Board Members of "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES" and you will have the parties responsible for the murder and ambush of LaVoy Finicum and also the witch hunt "investigation" into Candidate and now -President Donald Trump.

They are obviously and unarguably criminals who need to be hunted down, arrested, and punished.
No big mysteries here.

Go get 'em.

Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...