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Trump Says He's Heard 'Interesting' Things About Aliens, Will 'Think About' Declassifying Info


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(TMU) – President Donald Trump has claimed that he’s heard some “interesting” things about aliens as well as the secretive Area 51 base in Roswell, New Mexico, that some theorists claim is a UFO crash site.
The president was been extremely vague about details – and even withheld the information from his eldest child, Don Trump Jr.
The comments were made Thursday during a Father’s Day-themed interview with Don Jr. that was held for the president’s reelection campaign, reports NBC News.
Don Jr., who is apparently just as interested as the rest of us in what transpired at Area 51 during the alleged UFO crash in 1947, wound down the interview by asking his father, “Before you leave office, will you let us know if there are aliens?”
“Because this is the only thing I really want to know. Would you ever open up Roswell and let us know what’s really going on?”
However, Trump responded in a guarded way, protecting the seemingly classified information.
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“So many people ask me that question,” Trump said. “There are millions and millions of people who want to go there [Roswell] and see it.”
“I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” he continued. “Roswell is a very interesting place – there’s a lot of people who would like to know what’s going on.”
Don Jr. then responded by asking if his father would consider eventually declassifying the information, to which the president responded: “Well, I’ll have to think about that one.”
Area 51 was created amid the Cold War rivalry with the Soviet Union as a top-secret research and development site for aircraft such as the U-2 spy plane and other then-cutting-edge platforms.
Conspiracy theorists and ufologists have claimed that an alien spacecraft crash-landed just outside Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, after a rancher found mysterious debris in a pasture used by his sheep. Officials of the U.S. Air Force responded at the time that only a weather balloon had crashed – a claim that hardly convinced UFO enthusiasts, even after the Pentagon admitted that the debris was related to a top-secret atomic warfare project.
Since then, some claim that the base houses everything from alien spacecraft to extraterrestrial pilots’ corpses and other technology – speculation that has been fed by popular culture and the fact that the U.S. government didn’t actually confirm the base’s existence until 2013.
Last June, Trump said that he was briefed on UFOs but revealed that he was quite skeptical about their existence, saying: “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
Last September, however, the U.S. Navy admitted that widely-circulated video footage captured by Navy pilots that purportedly showed UFOs flying through the skies did depict actual “unknown” objects that flew into U.S. airspace.
While officials admitted that they have been baffled by the unknown flying objects, they also admit that past encounters with them have been frequent. They also said that rather than calling them “UFOs,” they prefer the term “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAPs.


Frustrated pilots got Navy to stop dismissing UFO sightings — Secret Space Program Soft Disclosure

Source – Philly
by Deanna Paul, April 24th, 2019
“Since 2014, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis,” Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told the Washington Post on Wednesday. Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month. “We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who’s doing it, where it’s coming from, and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again.”
Citing safety and security concerns, Gradisher vowed to “investigate each and every report.”
Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told the Post that the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it “the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”
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Chris Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and a staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, was less laudatory.
“I don’t believe in safety through ignorance,” he said, scolding the intelligence community for its lack of “curiosity and courage” and “failure to react” to a strong pattern of sightings.
In some cases, pilots — many of whom are engineers and academy graduates — say they observed small spherical objects flying in formation. Others say they’ve seen white, Tic-Tac-shaped vehicles. Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind, and no exhaust.
“It’s very mysterious, and they still seem to exceed our aircraft in speed,” he said, calling it a “truly radical technology.”
According to Mellon, awestruck and baffled pilots, concerned that reporting unidentified flying aircraft would adversely affect their careers, tended not to speak up. And when they did, he said there was little interest in investigating their reports.
“Imagine you see highly advanced vehicles, they appear on radar systems, they look bizarre, no one knows where they’re from. This happens on a recurring basis, and no one does anything,” said Mellon, who now works with UFODATA, a private organization. Because agencies don’t share this type of information, it’s difficult to know the full extent of activity. Still, he estimated that dozens of incidents were witnessed by naval officers in a single year, enough to force the service to address the issue.
“Pilots are upset, and they’re trying to help wake up a slumbering system,” he told the Post.
Lawmakers’ growing curiosity and concern also appeared to coax action out of the Navy.
In 2017, the Pentagon first confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a government operation launched in 2007 to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats.” As the Post’s Joby Warrick reported, the investigation ranged from “advanced aircraft fielded by traditional U.S. adversaries to commercial drones to possible alien encounters.”
According to former Pentagon officials and documents previously seen by the Post, program funding, which totaled at least $22 million, was suspended in 2012.
Gradisher, the Navy spokesman, said that “in response to requests for information from congressional members and staff, officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety.”
Elizondo, who also ran AATIP, said the newly drafted guidelines were a culmination of many things. Most notably: that the Navy had enough credible evidence — including eyewitness accounts and corroborating radar information — to “know this is occurring.”
“If I came to you and said, ‘There are these things that can fly over our country with impunity, defying the laws of physics, and within moments could deploy a nuclear device at will’ — that would be a matter of national security.”
With the number of U.S. military people in the Air Force and Navy who described the same observations, the noise level could not be ignored.
“This type of activity is very alarming,” Elizondo said, “and people are recognizing there are things in our aerospace that lie beyond our understanding.”


“Existence of Extraterrestrial Space Vehicles OF Enormous Size & Power Is a Fact” – Ex NASA Scientist

3 days ago

In Brief

  • The Facts:
    Ex NASA and Lockheed scientist (Ames Research Centre) Norman Bergrun writes a number of startling facts in his book titled "Ringmakers of Saturn." One of them is the reality of humongous sized extraterrestrial vehicles near Saturn.
  • Reflect On:
    Hundreds, if not thousands of credible testimony is available suggesting that we are not alone, and that some of these 'UFOs' are indeed piloted by extraterrestrial beings. What are the implications of this?
When it comes to credible sources for the existence of UFOs, there is no shortage. The evidence for the existence of UFOs is overwhelming to say the least, whether it’s credible witness testimonies from thousands of high-ranking military personnel, academicians, scientists, astronauts, and politicians, or the millions of pages of UFO files published by dozens of governments, or platforms like Tom Delong’s To The Stars that has former high-ranking intelligence agency officials on their team. UFO disclosure within the mainstream world is occurring in many different ways.
That being said, it’s always been occurring, and it’s a sad reality that mainstream media and establishment mouthpieces like CNN and the New York Times have to give attention to something in order for it to gain credibility. Mainstream media has always been used as a tool to program the minds of the masses and influence their perception for ulterior motives, typically to best suit their owners’ interests. A great example would be the ‘the war on terror.’ Now, authoritative figures (like the government) are actively censoring information, deeming certain outlets that address controversial issues as ‘fake news’ simply because it threatens corporate, political, and elitist agendas. Even mainstream media journalists themselves have been ‘blowing the whistle’ that these outlets are completely run by intelligence agencies, government agencies and powerful corporations. Are you really that surprised? There are also declassified documents showing the influence intelligence agencies have over not just mainstream media, but academia as well. You can access those documents and read more about it here, as well as here.
Why is the above paragraph relevant to the topic of UFOs? Because this field has a long history of infiltration and disinformation. Given mainstream media’s track record of spreading misinformation and hiding the truth, it’s not easy to trust anything that comes from these sources, including any information that comes out regarding UFOs. That being said, mainstream UFO disclosure so far seems to involve no deception, as they simply continue to push the fact that these objects are real and have steered away, so far, from any type of false interpretation.
UFOs are no longer taboo, but the extraterrestrial hypothesis as a possible explanation for the their existence still seems to be. Prior to all of the official witness testimonies, electrooptical data, video footage, and pictures being released proving the existence of UFOs, claiming the existence of these crafts was also taboo.
When it comes to the idea that some of these crafts are extraterrestrial in origin, there is no shortage of verified credible sources. One of them is Dr. Bergrun, who had a long career with Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, and NASA.
In his book, Ringmakers of Saturnhe states multiple times that extraterrestrial vehicles 100% exist. On page 89, for example, he states:
Existence of extraterrestrial space vehicles of enormous size and power is a fact, the significance of which is difficult to grasp, let alone assess. Departing now from the tedious fact-development process, this chapter stands back and takes a philosophical look at the findings.
In his book, Norman provides pictures taken from Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Saturn to illustrate this.
Luminous sources at Saturn have been observed, notably by Herschel, Knight and Ainslie. In one instance, a fiery source moved suddenly away from the A-ring outer edge. In another unrelated instance a bright, elongated source pursuing a straight-line course entered the A-ring outer edge. After these dramatic events, luminous sources did not become a specific subject of inquiry as might be expected – that is, until this analysis many years later.
Another great quote from the book found on page 49 is:
Evidence is 100 percent positive that propulsive vehicles generate the inner and outer Enke A rings of Saturn. Presence of these units is made fortuitously clear in Plates 5 through 8.
The picture below is from the book. You can see the size of the vehicles, and they are all approximately the same size as planet Earth, although some are larger. Quite mind-altering, isn’t it?

The pictures NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980 were apparently so mind-altering that they locked them up–at least that’s what retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean said in this lecture. He also showed numerous photographs from the Apollo missions that were never released to the public. You can view some of those photographs here.
Dean was a good friend of Bergrun, and mentioned that Norman had to go through some trouble to get his book published. Below you will see another picture of a ‘luminous source’ provided in Bergrun’s book from the Voyager missions, hovering just outside one of Saturns rings. I circled it in red. This one is also approximately the size of our planet. According to Bergrun, there are several large crafts “proliferating” out around Saturn and its moons.

Extraterrestrial Beings

Norman published this book in 1986, and more than two decades later he gave a rare interview  with Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy. In that interview he spoke of stories and pictures he’d seen about UFOs, and how these pictures are highly classified. Not only in his book does he show ‘luminous’ sources within our atmosphere, but he speaks of flying saucers being photographed within Earth’s atmosphere as well.
When Kerry asked him directly about extraterrestrial beings, he stated:
“If you want to know about people, kind of thing, there is the ship that picked up the Voyager Capsule at Alameda Naval Shipyard. And they have a picture there of, I think it’s the Apollo flight that Buz and Niel were on, but anyway, there’s one image there that shows Black People getting off.”
He described them as very tall, stating that “7 feet would be a conservative estimate.”
You can listen to and watch that full interview HERE.
I’d like to leave you with this clip from the THRIVE documentary, it’s one of my favourites and I’ve shared it in several of my articles for many years, so I apologize if you’ve already come across it.

The Takeaway

The implications of this information are huge, and perhaps that’s why they’ve been hidden from humanity. But are they really hidden? The truth is indeed out there for those who look. That being said, the implications of this type of disclosure also threaten various industries. What if governments get their hands on UFO technology? What discoveries and developments could come from that? What about the energy industry? This topic relates to every aspect of the human experience, and I believe it’s simply one stage in the progression of humanity that we have to and will eventually go through, inevitably becoming a spacefaring race ourselves. We are still in our infancy as a race, and throughout history there have always been paradigm-shifting realizations and events.
At the same time, I believe humanity is living in a very special time, a prophesied time and a very spiritual time, and I believe the extraterrestrial presence has something to do with that, in some way, shape or form. That’s not to say this is an entirely benevolent phenomenon, but that’s another discussion. 


David Wilcock On Ending The Divide In The ET/UFO Community

on November 10, 2018
By Joe Martino

The Facts:
The Facts: The ET and UFO community has been met with a great deal of drama and divide over the years. I have seen it deeply in it only 10 years in the space. So I asked David Wilcock to share his thoughts on how we can come together.
Reflect On: Do you find yourself all out disliking people in this space due to one or two things they said you didn’t like? Do you create any ‘us vs them’ feelings with certain people and certain aspects of this space? If so, do you feel this helps or divides?
The more time you spend on the forums, pages, commenting sections and events that touch the ET and UFO community, the more you realize it is like anything else: there are deep differences and deep divides.
You’ve heard it, the lashing out on stage or online from various figureheads, calling out others in the space as not having their facts straight or being infiltrated by intelligence communities etc. This then goes online in an even bigger way, spreading through comments, forums and everything else, creating more confusion amongst people. In essence, it’s a giant distraction.
I found out how intense this really was when first became a lot more involved within the community 5 years ago. So I decided to make it a personal mission to begin mending relationships in the space. Further to that, we committed to producing our content the way we do at CE, in our view, has encouraged both ‘leaders’ and the ‘viewers’ in the space to begin thinking differently about how we create hate, divides and focus on differences. To us, this is truly ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to the unity message of the movement.
This space, like any other thing in our world, requires us to look within ourselves individually to find out why we are creating the experiences we are. Stop blaming others and pointing fingers, and instead make this about truly doing the conscious work to create unity.
Thus far, I have seen shifts and changes happen amongst our audience, people uniting more, being more empathetic towards all presenting a message. And when they disagree with something they simply move on. I feel it’s more important that we come together as a community and support bringing this message out in a big way than it is to become divided and distracted like we often can be.

My Two Rules

For me, I have carried two rules into this ET and UFO space as I have met and worked with many of the prominent figures within it. They are:
1. If I hear something that is hearsay from someone else, usually trash talking or something of that nature, I go directly to the person it’s about and talk to them about the info. I don’t care to name names, more so just talk about the facts. Most of the time, you find out the trash talking was BS or misconstrued. You also often find that people have never actually taken the time to speak to their colleagues about the issue at hand.
2. I remember that like me, and everyone else on the planet, we are all souls on a journey. We each have our everyday challenges we are working through. With this level of empathy towards others, we are much more open to discerning information.
These rules have helped to bridge gaps between people, repair relationships and ultimately work towards creating a more solid and united disclosure movement grounded in the practice of living through the heart. An important and sometimes missing aspect of this space.
In a recent interview, I decided to ask David Wilcock about this very subject to see what he had to say with his many years in the space.
A new film called Above Majestic has come out and it features David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather.
Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through taking a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover-ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic

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The Grays

There are two types of Grays:

Small gray and large gray.

Resultat d'imatges de razas de extraterrestres

Both types of Grays are assistant-workers who are subordinate under orders, missions and hierarchical projects.

Small grays:

They are those that measure a little over a meter in height, which were created artificially in order to be workers-robots under hierarchical orders draconian, reptiloides or insectorides, they perform the dirty work, manual, and supplier of the system.

Large Grays:

These are responsible for the erasure of memory after abduction, that is to say that they possess the technology that makes it possible to generate images, feelings and certain messages that can transfer cerebrally to the humans who have taken their spacecraft to their underground facilities, or on those who operate in their own homes on a dimensional level in dreams while they sleep.

These beings are more dangerous than the small grays, they have more psychic abilities, and they make their own decisions within the possible margins.

By the reports of abductions, it is known that the Grays, are executors of kidnappings, genetic experimentation, and also placers of devices or physical or astral implants.

The terrestrial powers are the necessary authors in these works full of conspiracies and secrets of the actions that are carried out with extraterrestrial entities on the margins of humanity.

Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a man of Jewish-German origin who worked as a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt, but who is best known as the founder of the Illuminati, a secret order composed of the illuminated of Bavaria through a branch of Freemasonry called Perfectibilists. It is widely documented that they govern our world from the shadows through the different official-governmental institutions, as well as private ones. It is known that many men of notorious representation in the political, religious, and economic power, belong to different lodges such as Masonic, Satanism, spiritualism and Scientology.

That is why the components of these groups are the richest and most powerful on the planet, and this is only possible if the minds of some of them were influenced, manipulated, manipulated, or artificially possessed by means of devices, implants, telepathic messages and others. mental controls. Otherwise it would be impossible to explain the degree of sociopathy and brutal psychopathy shown in each of their actions.

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

RACES extraterrestrials (1) Draconian


The Dacronians occupy a stronger position than other beings. Reptilians are another group of powerful beings reptile , snake or crocodile, which may have a tail, long or short, may be more or less humanoid, or more or less saury, with claws, reptilian eyes and skin cold and scaly like dinosaurs. These Draconian they could be described as beings with aspect of  " the devil or satan "  that is, have leathery wings sometimes small and sometimes large horns on his head, red reptilian eyes, claws instead of hands, strong legs as animal legs are huge in size and technology, and with a sinister - looking scatter its powerful psychic power, belong to other dimensions where They run the worlds under their power,  using advanced technology,   they connect to suppliers free energy of the physical plane or 3D gathering of the worlds-planets of suffering and pain like Earth,  where humans are mentally scourged so as to generate emotions low vibration, which is definitely one of the free energy. Moran in underground bases on different planets of our solar system, but also in underground facilities  " secret "  of the Earth with the complicity of some terrestrial powers. 

Resultat d'imatges of alien races

Since these beings have a very advanced technology as to prolong their lives for thousands of years, they are capable of long - term projects. Devices or implants placed in our astral dimension, the "invisible world", are the remote and locators human physical bodies which have placed the souls that control for your product from thousands or tens of thousands of years ago . The captured souls are governed by life in physical bodies of human beings incarnated in this world and in other controlled worlds, where they are given pain and spiritual suffering from life to life, for thousands of years, thus generating your product , its benefits and its "harvest"  Which is free energy of human bodies. But to make this arduous purpose are necessary  " helpers "  or workers - slaves who serve Insectoids hierarchically, Reptilian and Draconian, providingnecessary human energies to their interests.These helpers - workers are the Grays.

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice


Aliens attack India, kill 7 people – “Muhnochwa” UFO caught on film

We have all seen movies where aliens arrive in UFOs and attack human beings with laser beams. But how would you react if such an incident happened in real life?
Believe it or not, what I just said happened 12 years ago in a small town near Lucknow, India. Here is the newspaper article published in Victoria Advocate on August 13th 2002. It reads “UFOs are attacking and causing unrest in India”. Above this caption you can see a picture of a man who has multiple injuries to his face. First of all, did such an incredible event really happen or was it fabricated by a newspaper to get more circulation?
In video you’ll see also an authentic piece of news, because it was published in hundreds of newspapers around the world and was even broadcasted on the local radio station.
So here is the story.
Around the end of July 2002, villagers started to see strange flying objects swarming the sky. Two kinds of UFOs were reported: One was a disc shaped or a ball like object with flashing lights which moved rapidly. The other was an insect shaped craft that was much larger and moved extremely slowly. While the smaller UFO was seen only around Lucknow area, the bug shaped craft was so large that people who lived 50 miles from Lucknow could see it directly above them.
UFO experts say that the large cricket shaped craft was possibly the mothership, while the smaller disc shaped UFOs were deployed from it.
After a few days of inactivity, things escalated and the UFOs started attacking people. 7 people died, and many of them suffered burn injuries, so the UFOs earned the nickname Muhnochwa which means face burner. Doctors confirmed that these injuries were electrical burns caused by electricity passing through the body. For example, Ramji Pal, a middle-aged man was attacked with a laser like beam and his stomach was ripped open. He died 2 days later. A similar attack on a 53 year old woman resulted in blackened forearms. Another alarming fact is that within a period of one week, more than 20 people went missing within a radius of 10 miles, never to be seen again.
Remember, this was not just a simple rumor that went around quietly among the villagers. It was so serious that 10,000 people gathered in front of the police station demanding action against these attacking aliens. Predictably, the police completely brushed off the possibility of extraterrestrials and dispersed the crowd.
Is this solid proof that alien UFOs attacked these villagers?
So far, we have seen multiple eyewitness accounts and people with bodily injuries. But authorities refused to accept these as concrete evidences of extraterrestrial attack until actual video footage emerged showing these UFOs. And these UFOs were captured on film not just once, but on 6 different cameras.
Were these footages, created by pranksters?
No, the first person to catch an alien craft on camera was in fact a district judge. He is the only person who captured the large insect shaped UFO hovering over a field.
4 days later the smaller disc shaped UFOs were captured on 5 different cameras confirming that these were in fact flying objects that moved over villages during night time.
While the affected villagers created their own protection squad that roamed around the village after dark to prevent future alien attacks, these quote on quote “educated Government officials” were trying to come up with alternate theories.
To be honest on this one, the UFOs in those footage looks C.G.I, but the case is as real as possible.

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