
23 de septiembre de 2018


The Grays

There are two types of Grays:

Small gray and large gray.

Resultat d'imatges de razas de extraterrestres

Both types of Grays are assistant-workers who are subordinate under orders, missions and hierarchical projects.

Small grays:

They are those that measure a little over a meter in height, which were created artificially in order to be workers-robots under hierarchical orders draconian, reptiloides or insectorides, they perform the dirty work, manual, and supplier of the system.

Large Grays:

These are responsible for the erasure of memory after abduction, that is to say that they possess the technology that makes it possible to generate images, feelings and certain messages that can transfer cerebrally to the humans who have taken their spacecraft to their underground facilities, or on those who operate in their own homes on a dimensional level in dreams while they sleep.

These beings are more dangerous than the small grays, they have more psychic abilities, and they make their own decisions within the possible margins.

By the reports of abductions, it is known that the Grays, are executors of kidnappings, genetic experimentation, and also placers of devices or physical or astral implants.

The terrestrial powers are the necessary authors in these works full of conspiracies and secrets of the actions that are carried out with extraterrestrial entities on the margins of humanity.

Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a man of Jewish-German origin who worked as a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt, but who is best known as the founder of the Illuminati, a secret order composed of the illuminated of Bavaria through a branch of Freemasonry called Perfectibilists. It is widely documented that they govern our world from the shadows through the different official-governmental institutions, as well as private ones. It is known that many men of notorious representation in the political, religious, and economic power, belong to different lodges such as Masonic, Satanism, spiritualism and Scientology.

That is why the components of these groups are the richest and most powerful on the planet, and this is only possible if the minds of some of them were influenced, manipulated, manipulated, or artificially possessed by means of devices, implants, telepathic messages and others. mental controls. Otherwise it would be impossible to explain the degree of sociopathy and brutal psychopathy shown in each of their actions.

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