
12 de noviembre de 2018

David Wilcock On Ending The Divide In The ET/UFO Community

on November 10, 2018
By Joe Martino

The Facts:
The Facts: The ET and UFO community has been met with a great deal of drama and divide over the years. I have seen it deeply in it only 10 years in the space. So I asked David Wilcock to share his thoughts on how we can come together.
Reflect On: Do you find yourself all out disliking people in this space due to one or two things they said you didn’t like? Do you create any ‘us vs them’ feelings with certain people and certain aspects of this space? If so, do you feel this helps or divides?
The more time you spend on the forums, pages, commenting sections and events that touch the ET and UFO community, the more you realize it is like anything else: there are deep differences and deep divides.
You’ve heard it, the lashing out on stage or online from various figureheads, calling out others in the space as not having their facts straight or being infiltrated by intelligence communities etc. This then goes online in an even bigger way, spreading through comments, forums and everything else, creating more confusion amongst people. In essence, it’s a giant distraction.
I found out how intense this really was when first became a lot more involved within the community 5 years ago. So I decided to make it a personal mission to begin mending relationships in the space. Further to that, we committed to producing our content the way we do at CE, in our view, has encouraged both ‘leaders’ and the ‘viewers’ in the space to begin thinking differently about how we create hate, divides and focus on differences. To us, this is truly ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to the unity message of the movement.
This space, like any other thing in our world, requires us to look within ourselves individually to find out why we are creating the experiences we are. Stop blaming others and pointing fingers, and instead make this about truly doing the conscious work to create unity.
Thus far, I have seen shifts and changes happen amongst our audience, people uniting more, being more empathetic towards all presenting a message. And when they disagree with something they simply move on. I feel it’s more important that we come together as a community and support bringing this message out in a big way than it is to become divided and distracted like we often can be.

My Two Rules

For me, I have carried two rules into this ET and UFO space as I have met and worked with many of the prominent figures within it. They are:
1. If I hear something that is hearsay from someone else, usually trash talking or something of that nature, I go directly to the person it’s about and talk to them about the info. I don’t care to name names, more so just talk about the facts. Most of the time, you find out the trash talking was BS or misconstrued. You also often find that people have never actually taken the time to speak to their colleagues about the issue at hand.
2. I remember that like me, and everyone else on the planet, we are all souls on a journey. We each have our everyday challenges we are working through. With this level of empathy towards others, we are much more open to discerning information.
These rules have helped to bridge gaps between people, repair relationships and ultimately work towards creating a more solid and united disclosure movement grounded in the practice of living through the heart. An important and sometimes missing aspect of this space.
In a recent interview, I decided to ask David Wilcock about this very subject to see what he had to say with his many years in the space.
A new film called Above Majestic has come out and it features David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather.
Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through taking a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover-ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic

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