3 de agosto de 2017
Es hora de tomar medidas de nuevo! ¡Es hora de tomar el destino de nuestro mundo en nuestras propias manos! Todos estamos de acuerdo en que el proceso de liberación planetaria está tomando demasiado tiempo. Aquí está nuestra oportunidad de acelerar colectivamente el proceso. Por lo tanto, estamos utilizando la oportunidad del eclipse solar el 21 de agosto st para crear un portal a través del cual vamos a unificar nuestra conciencia e iluminar el campo de energía alrededor del planeta.
Hacer esto viral! ¡Compártala en todo el mundo! Por favor, publicarlo en sus sitios web y blogs. Invite a grupos espirituales a unirse a nosotros. Si conoce un medio de comunicación alternativo, puede enviarlo a ellos. Puedes crear un grupo de Facebook para tu grupo local de personas haciendo esto en tu parte del mundo. También necesitamos un grupo principal de Facebook para este evento.Puedes crear un video sobre esto y publicarlo en Youtube.
Los estudios científicos han confirmado los efectos positivos de las meditaciones de masas en la sociedad humana, por lo que cada uno de ustedes que participarán en esta meditación puede realmente ayudar a acercar el Evento y la Divulgación Completa a nosotros:
Esta meditación ayuda a las fuerzas de la Luz a basar la energía de la Luz en la superficie del planeta para fortalecer la rejilla de Luz que es necesaria para acelerar el proceso de Divulgación y Ascensión Total. El número de personas que hacen esa meditación es el factor más influyente en el poder de la población humana de superficie para acelerar el proceso.
¡Podemos alcanzar la masa crítica de 144,000 personas que hacen esta meditación! Esto creará una reacción en cadena curativa masiva en el campo de energía en todo el mundo. El foco estará en los Estados Unidos, donde se necesita mucha sanación.
La carta astrológica de nuestra meditación muestra un poderoso gran trígono entre el centro galáctico / Saturno / Lilith en Sagitario, Eris / Urano en Aries y Marte / Nodo Lunar / Sol / Luna en Leo. El núcleo de este trino magnífico es el trígono grande exacto del Centro Galáctico a 28 grados Sagitario, Urano a 28 grados Aries y Sol / Luna eclipsa a 28 grados de Leo. En el eclipse, la energía del fuego eléctrico de liberación fluirá del Centro Galáctico (el Pleroma) a través del Sistema Solar y será canalizada a través de Urano ya través del eclipse Sol / Luna, todos ellos ubicados en signos zodiacales de fuego. Por lo tanto nuestra meditación en el momento del eclipse tiene un potencial para un gran avance en la superficie planetaria, ya que es un momento de la conexión más directa con el Centro Galáctico.
Este será el primer eclipse desde 1918 con el camino de la totalidad pasando por los Estados Unidos continentales. Este eclipse es una gran oportunidad para que tomemos la decisión de crear unidad. La unidad de los individuos despertados es el catalizador más poderoso para la liberación planetaria. Por esta razón, Corey Goode y muchas otras personas están uniendo fuerzas para reunir la masa crítica de al menos 144,000 personas haciendo esta meditación exacta.
Una entrevista conjunta Cobra / Corey ha sido grabada especialmente para esta ocasión y será lanzado en pocos días.
El camino de la totalidad tocará el suelo cerca de Salem, OR a las 10:18 am PDT y saldrá cerca de Charleston, SC a las 2:47 pm EDT. Para la gente en la parte occidental de los Estados Unidos la fase total del eclipse ya terminará cuando comience la meditación. La meditación comenzará justo antes del momento del punto máximo del eclipse y la gente en el centro de los EE.UU. estará meditando a través de la totalidad. La gente en la parte oriental de los EE.UU. será capaz de ver el eclipse total después de la meditación.
Mapa de la nube muestra que la gente en la parte occidental de los EE.UU. tienen la mayor probabilidad de ver realmente el eclipse:
Estaremos haciendo esta meditación en el momento del máximo del eclipse Solar el lunes 21 de agosto a las 11:11 am PDT en Los Ángeles. Esto es igual a 8:11 pm EET en El Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST en París, 7:11 pm BST en Londres, 2:11 pm EDT en Nueva York, 1:11 pm CDT en Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT en Denver y 2:11 pM CST el martes de agosto de 22 de ND en Taipei.
Puedes consultar la hora de la meditación para tu zona horaria aquí:
1. Usa tu propia técnica para llevarte a un estado relajado de conciencia.
2. Indique su intención de usar esta meditación como una herramienta para acelerar el proceso de traer armonía y unidad para el planeta Tierra y sus habitantes.
3. Visualice un pilar de Luz que emana del Sol Central Galáctico, luego pasa por todos los seres de Luz dentro de nuestro Sistema Solar, a través del Sol eclipsado y la Luna y luego a través de su cuerpo al centro de la Tierra. Visualice otro pilar de Luz que se eleva desde el centro de la Tierra, luego a través de su cuerpo y hacia arriba en el cielo hacia todos los seres de Luz en nuestro Sistema Solar y nuestra galaxia. Ahora ustedes están sentados en dos pilares de Luz, la Luz fluyendo hacia arriba y hacia abajo simultáneamente. Mantenga estos pilares de Luz activos durante unos minutos.
4. Ahora visualice una energía femenina divina de curación rosa suave, curando a todas las personas del planeta de sus traumas pasados, trayendo paz, armonía, comprensión, abundancia y unidad.Visualice esta suave luz rosa que cura las mentes y los corazones de todas las personas en todo el mundo. Ver todos los Trabajadores de la Luz, Lightwarriors y Truthers trabajando en la unidad para la creación de la Nueva Tierra. Vean a la gente de la Tierra celebrando y participando con alegría en la creación de nuestra nueva realidad donde todos puedan obtener lo que necesitan y elegir libremente vivir como desean.
El tiempo sugerido para la meditación es de 15 minutos.
Diosa quiere unidad y unidad será!
Actualizaciones sobre la Meditación de la Unidad:
BREAKING: Russian Embassy in Damascus under terrorist mortar attack
BREAKING: Russian Embassy in Damascus under terrorist mortar attack
Luckily no one appears to be injured.
Two mortars fell inside the territory of the Russian Embassy in Damascus while two others reportedly landed just outside.
Russia has called on the United Nations Security Council, including western nations to condemn the terrorist attack.
This is not the first time that jihdists have attacked the Russian Embassy in Damascus in reprisals for Russia’s assistance to Syria in fighting Salafist terrorism in the country.
No one is thought to be injured.
Donald Trump and the sanctions law: Supreme Court challenge coming (full text and analysis of the Presidential Statement) Analysis, Latest, News Donald Trump and the D
Donald Trump and the sanctions law: Supreme Court challenge coming (full text and analysis of the Presidential Statement)
Whilst signing the sanctions law President Trump publishes a Presidential Statement which is clearly intended to prepare the ground for a challenge to the US Supreme Court on the grounds that key provisions in the sanctions law are unconstitutional
US President Trump has as predicted signed the new sanctions law but he has done so in a most interesting way which suggests that after a rocky couple of weeks he may be rediscovering his political touch.
I share the view that it would have been a serious mistake for President Trump to veto the new sanctions law. With overwhelming majorities voting for the sanctions law in Congress, his veto would certainly have been overridden and he would have achieved nothing by attempting to exercise his veto other than escalate the political crisis in the US in a way that would have damaged his own authority.
Nor in my opinion was the other option some have suggested – of letting the sanctions law come into effect without appending his signature – been a good one. It would have made President Trump appear weak and would have exposed to almost as much criticism as an attempt to veto the law would have done.
Instead by signing the law President Trump has been able to make a Presidential Statement which whilst it has enraged his opponents has put him in a stronger position than an attempt to exercise any other option would have done.
The Presidential Statement has clearly been carefully drafted – unquestionably by lawyers – and it is clear from Secretary of State Tillerson’s comments about the sanctions that he was involved in drafting it. Its text deserves to be set out in full
Today, I signed into law the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act,” which enacts new sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia. I favor tough measures to punish and deter bad behavior by the rogue regimes in Tehran and Pyongyang. I also support making clear that America will not tolerate interference in our democratic process, and that we will side with our allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilization.That is why, since taking office, I have enacted tough new sanctions on Iran and North Korea, and shored up existing sanctions on Russia.Since this bill was first introduced, I have expressed my concerns to Congress about the many ways it improperly encroaches on Executive power, disadvantages American companies, and hurts the interests of our European allies.My Administration has attempted to work with Congress to make this bill better. We have made progress and improved the language to give the Treasury Department greater flexibility in granting routine licenses to American businesses, people, and companies. The improved language also reflects feedback from our European allies – who have been steadfast partners on Russia sanctions – regarding the energy sanctions provided for in the legislation. The new language also ensures our agencies can delay sanctions on the intelligence and defense sectors, because those sanctions could negatively affect American companies and those of our allies.Still, the bill remains seriously flawed – particularly because it encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate. Congress could not even negotiate a healthcare bill after seven years of talking. By limiting the Executive’s flexibility, this bill makes it harder for the United States to strike good deals for the American people, and will drive China, Russia, and North Korea much closer together. The Framers of our Constitution put foreign affairs in the hands of the President. This bill will prove the wisdom of that choice.Yet despite its problems, I am signing this bill for the sake of national unity. It represents the will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States. We hope there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues so that these sanctions will no longer be necessary.Further, the bill sends a clear message to Iran and North Korea that the American people will not tolerate their dangerous and destabilizing behavior. America will continue to work closely with our friends and allies to check those countries’ malignant activities.I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars. That is a big part of the reason I was elected. As President, I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress
(red color shows the bold italics added)
Note that the Presidential Statement makes no criticism of Russia, refers to no action by Russia that might justify the sanctions, and clearly distinguishes Russia from the two other countries which are being targeted with sanctions – North Korea and Iran – which President Trump clearly considers should be sanctioned.
Some of the language in the Presidential Statement also clearly hints that the Trump administration will seek to avoid over-rigorous enforcement of the measure so as not to hurt the interests of US companies and of the US’s European allies, concern for whose interests the Presidential Statement is careful to emphasise.
The single most important comments in the Presidential Statement are those which however clearly say that the sanctions law infringes on the President’s constitutional prerogative to direct the US’s foreign policy.
In doing so the Presidential Statement calls into question the wisdom of the whole measure, for example by worrying that its effect will be to “drive China, Russia, and North Korea much closer together”. It is actually remarkable that Donald Trump – a person wholly inexperienced in exercising public office – seems to be the only prominent public official in the US who worries about this.
The key point is however that the sanctions law unconstitutionally restricts the President’s ability to conduct foreign policy, in this case by hindering his ability to conduct negotiations with the Russians and to reach agreements with them which might involve the lifting of sanctions.
It is difficult to see these comments are anything other than preparation for a long term challenge of the measure to the US Supreme Court. The US Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign states. However the President is saying that by seeking to tie his hands Congress is abusing this power and is acting unconstitutionally.
At this point I should say that by signing the law President Trump is not throwing away his right to challenge the constitutional basis of the law in the US Supreme Court at some future time. The President does not have the power to sign away his rights which are given him by the Constitution. If the US Supreme Court at some future time decides that the President’s constitutional powers are being infringed by the law, then it will set the offending provisions of the law aside regardless of whether or not the President signed the law.
As to the circumstances where the President might make this challenge, the Presidential Statement all but says them. The challenge will be made if or when the President reaches an agreement with the Russians – “a deal” – which involves an agreement to lifting the sanctions, but Congress, using the clumsy procedure set out in the law rejects, refuses to lift the sanctions and keeps them in place. At that point the President will call on the Supreme Court to declare the offending passages in the law unconstitutional and set them aside.
I am not an expert on US constitutional law. I cannot say whether or not such a challenge if or more probably when it is brought will succeed. On balance I suspect it will, and the careful wording of the Presidential Statement suggests the President has legal advice that it will. Time will show whether or not that advice is right.
However irrespective of whether or not the challenge succeeds, I have no doubt President Trump is politically wise to take this course. To have done anything else would as I have said have deepened the political crisis in the US and damaged the authority of the President to no useful purpose.
At least in this way the President is keeping his legal powder dry, and his future options open.
What is behind the coming breakup of America?
Civil War II and the Coming Breakup of America
NOTE: Though Obama is no longer 'president', the negative legacy of his 'presidency' will go down in history, and to this day continues to haunt and threaten our once great nation. More thoughts below .......
Can Americans Win a Guerrilla War Against the Banker Occupation Forces? This is still an open question and the answer to the question should be rephrased to “Does America have the stomach to fight a guerrilla war against the banker occupation forces? The fact remains that the civil war has already begun”
Benghazi is the one event that former president Obama cannot make go away. This article will review the facts that demonstrate that the Benghazi affair was connected to an attempted military coup against Obama which subsequently failed. However,the motivation behind the coup did not die with Ambassador Stevens, it has only changed form and has now morphed into civil war mode.
This is a two part series which examines why it is likely that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war. Further, a convincing case will be made that the Benghazi incident will serve as the flash point for this emerging civil war. Also, the next part in this series will expose how the dead bankers and earthquakes in Connecticut factors into this crisis.
Four Types of Conflict
How can one be certain that the coming conflict will be a guerrilla war?
Military strategists identify four levels of conflict:
(1) nuclear war is the trump card of all conflicts (NOTHING intended against our great President Donald Trump)
(2) conventional warfare
(3) guerrilla warfare
(4) terrorism
Terrorism is the least preferred option by any insurgent group. With terrorism there is absolutely no hope of final victory because territory is never occupied. For that reason, nobody aspires to engage in terrorism if they have a viable alternative and the American people do have a choice given how well armed we are.
While some of the 260+ command level officers fired by Obama are privately informing many of us in the media about the current state of affairs, they are not on the record. Other than self-preservation, the major reason why these former military commanders are not on the record is because some of them are involved in planning a guerrilla war against the occupation forces commanded by this administration under the auspices of DHS.
One of my sources states that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war and it will be prolonged.Another former General has told me that the American people do not have the stomach for guerrilla war and that majority of our people will lay down like sheep and be slaughtered. (DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! PREPARE TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH IF NEED BE! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY - DEFEND IT!)
Can Americans Win a Guerrilla War Against the Banker Occupation Forces?
Why the Coming Civil War Must Be a Guerrilla War
There are a total of 1,455,375 active personnel in the US military. The United States has over 200,000 troops stationed in 144 countries. These 200,000 men and women will not likely be a factor in the coming conflict and will prove to be in grave danger in the coming conflict.
I constantly have former military write to my website and proclaim their allegiance to the Constitution and pledge to destroy all enemies both foreign and domestic. I do not doubt their resolve or courage. However, there are not 30 million combat ready veterans with the technological means and military organizational skills who would be ready to fight as they frequently claim.
There are only 1.8 million veterans who are under the age of 35, which would be the prime fighting age for any resistance force. This means that, in the best case scenario, that any resistance that the occupation forces could muster would consist of about 2.5 million men who have combat training in both our active duty personnel and our veterans.
The mere size of the army that the Chinese could muster, in addition to the DHS, and the Russians, would dwarf any force that the American people could place on the battlefield. The only choice that this country would have to resist the coming occupation and genocidal purge would be to make the war a guerrilla war.
The Sides Are Drawn
The coming civil war will consist of those in the former Obama administration, the DHS, the Chinese, and the Russians versus some of the American military and about 10% American people.
Could a guerrilla war succeed? Is America equipped to fight a guerrilla war?
Can a Guerrilla War Succeed?
Guerrilla warfare, for most of human history, is not new. Tribal war, which traditionally pits one guerrilla force against another, is the oldest form of warfare. The new “conventional” form of warfare, which pits guerrillas against “conventional” forces, is more recent as it arose in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago.
The good news for future American freedom fighters is that guerrilla war has been getting more successful since 1945, but unfortunately guerrilla fighters still lose most of the time. An analysis of past conflicts featuring guerrilla war reveals that only 25% of guerrilla forces, out of 443 such conflicts since 1775, were successful. The government prevailed almost 64% of the time with the remainder of the conflicts ended in a stalemate. Conversely, since the end of WWII, the percentage of success for guerrilla forces has indeed gone up to 39.6%. Yet that still means that government forces have continued to prevail 51% of the time.
When the American people engage in a guerrilla war in the upcoming years, the people have less than a 40% chance of success.
Guerrilla wars are rarely short and as a result do not favor the American culture and psychological makeup because of our collective psyche of instant gratification. When Americans flip the switch on the wall, we expect the light to come on. Will Americans set aside their entitlements as well as their entrenched soft lifestyle and rise to the occasion? The answer to that question is that it does not matter. America is in the early stages of a civil war, whether it realizes it or not.
When Will the Civil War Start?
History will someday show that Civil War II began with the Benghazi affair. In the fall of 2012, it is now clear that Obama survived an attempted bloodless military coup. My sources accurately told me at the time that Obama was fully aware of the fact that key elements of the military want him gone as the President. In response, Obama had secretly embedded his CIA operatives into various military command structures around the world by placing these operatives into executive command positions in order to help them prevent just such a military coup and these embedded forces have indeed served him well in the aftermath of Benghazi.
The military commanders in the Middle East had full knowledge that Ambassador Stevens was running not only drugs but guns and children as well in order to financially support Obama's regime overthrow apparatus. This strategy of arming terrorists to promote regime change in Libya worked quite well in over throwing Muammar Gaddafi. Stevens was employing the same strategy in attempting to unseat Assad of Syria.
The murder of Stevens and his security team at Benghazi is a seminal moment in American history. We have further learned that al-Qaeda forces, fighting on the side of NATO in Libya, obtained 20,000 hand-held stinger missiles. This means that the Obama administration has allowed al-Qaeda to be armed to the teeth including the acquisition of 20,000 stinger missiles in which only one is needed to take down an American airliner.
The ties between murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and jihadist Syrian rebels, now morphing into ISIS, are becoming more clear as it is now known that Chris Stevens was an arms dealer for the CIA. To cover their tracks, the Obama administration left Chris Stevens and his bodyguards defenseless as they were killed by the very terrorists that this administration armed.
Can you imagine how the election of 2012 would’ve turned out if the American public had this information prior to voting? This is why Stevens had to be killed, but there’s more. These events also explain why Hillary Clinton refused to honor Stevens’ request for more bodyguards. Is this why DHS director, Janet Napolitano abruptly resigned her post as well. Clinton certainly distanced herself from Obama by resigning as the head of the State Department.
The American people may have not been privy to the dynamics underlying the Benghazi affair, but the military leadership in the Middle East was keenly aware of the situation. With his nonsensical policies, his purge of the leadership of the American military and his disdain for the traditions of the military being forsaken by Obama, the military seized upon the first opportunity to unseat Obama.
If Stevens, knowing he was betrayed at Benghazi, had been rescued by American military forces, Obama and his administration would have been deposed. As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Ham had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy was really a CIA safe house that was under attack. When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he still continued with his plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening the order by his second in command, CIA plant, Colonel Rodriquez. Admiral Gaouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Ham’s rescue in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of commandfor allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”
What is so significant about the sacking of these two military officers is that they were from two completely different command structures in two different branches of the military. This speaks clearly to an overall military mindset with regard to how they view Obama and their intent to remove him from office with Stevens being the key.
It is abundantly clear that had Obama been concerned for saving the lives of the four murdered Americans, American forces could have stopped the mortar fire that eventually killed Ambassador Stevens. However, Panetta and Obama blocked any rescue attempt. In legal parlance, Obama, Panetta and Clinton are, at minimum, accomplices to murder. At maximum these three rogue government officials are co-conspirators to first degree murder and now they have sacked two senior command military leaders to cover their complicity in an act of treason.
I feel like I am watching an episode of the former popular television show '24' as we are presently engaged in a plot that scarcely anyone would have believed if it had aired on television and not occurred in real life.
The positions held by Ham and Gaouette are so powerful and so sensitive that their replacements require approval from the Senate. This fact is so significant that the two men were sacked at the same time in a potential war zone! And the military purge in this potential war zone was not limited to Ham and Gaoutte. Within two months after the Benghazi attack, four senior U.S. military officers were purged by Obama:
- Gen. Hamm, on October 18, 2012.
- Adm. Gayouette, on October 18, 2012.
- Gen. Petraeus, on November 9, 2012.
- General Allen, on November 13, 2012.
General Patraeus (RET) was the former commander in Iraq and in Afghanistan after McChrystal was fired by Obama. He was rewarded when he was appointed to be the CIA director. An extramarital affair with Paula Broadwell brought down his reign as CIA director in November of 2012 just following the election.
There is the reason given to explain an event and there is the real reason behind the event. Sixty percent of all married men cheat on their spouses. The more money they make and the more power a man possesses, the more opportunity for cheating.
I have swamp land for sale, in Florida for anyone to purchase if they are naive enough to believe that David Petraeus, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), resigned solely based upon having an extramarital affair with the biographer-turned-mistress, Paula Broadwell. How did the affair compromise Petraeus’ position as CIA director? The FBI, who vetted Patraeus for the CIA director position, concluded the affair did not matter. What is behind this seemingly meaningless persecution of Petraeus? I can only conclude that Patraeus was also involved in the plot to bring Obama down and the affair was simplest way to bring him down.
From Coup to Civil War
Information is coming to light with regard to new military and paramilitary actions being directed against the Obama administration by disaffected military, black-ops, ex-military contractors and private mercenaries. This unholy alliance is presently acting out against the establishment. In short, dead bankers and earthquakes in Connecticut are interrelated and are much more significant than the American people are being led to believe. This is the topic of the next part of this series.
Posted by Olive Oyl
En 10 años España ha perdido más de la mitad de los festejos taurinos...
Ya ven, de ese "glorioso" 2007 con 3.651 festejos taurinos a los 1.598 del 2016...
Pero, como siempre, España se equivocó por la manera en que reaccionó ante la prohibición catalana. De repente hubo mucho ruido y debate. Lo que los medios de Madrid y el gobierno de Rajoy pretendieron vender como una jugada más de los catalanes en contra de todo lo que suena a español, fue visto por una parte de la sociedad española como un avance racional a favor de los derechos de los animales...
En el mundo de twitter nadie cree que el nazi es el que está en contra de la tortura animal.
Aunque el constitucional tumbo la ley catalana en otra decisión enloquecida. Como si los toros aparecieran en la constitución heredera del franquismo.
En todo caso, fue gracias a Catalunya que se despertara la conciencia del mundo animalista, provida.
Sí, fueron unos imbéciles los de Madrid haciendo un motivo de estado la prohibición de las corridas de toros...
Por 10 corridas que se celebraban en Catalunya la liaron tan gorda que, en vez de odio a Catalunya como se pretendía, se consiguió lo contrario, el odio al torero asesino.
Y por eso que las corridas van de capa caída...
De 561 corridas de toros del año 2011 a las 386 del 2016...
El toreo ya solo resiste en la meseta de matorrales y en Andalucía:
Los tauromaquia sobrevive gracias a la subvenciones...
Recuerden que hasta en la campaña a favor del BREXIT apareció el asunto de la subvención europea a las corridas de toros...
Plazas que dan pena... |
El populista de ultraderecha Albert Rivera saliendo a hombros de la plaza de toros Monumental.. |
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