
4 de septiembre de 2017

China y Rusia "son ayudados por los EXTRATERRESTRES" para tomar el control del occidente


CHINA y Rusia usurparán a las potencias occidentales a causa de la tecnología que les han dado los extraterrestres.

La superpotencia oriental China ha estado trabajando con extraterrestres basados ​​en la Tierra, quienes le han estado ayudando a desarrollar una ventaja tecnológica sobre Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo occidental, según el editor de una revista internacional.

Duncan Roads, editor de la fuente alternativa de noticias Nexus Magazine, hizo la afirmación impactante en el editorial de la última edición.

Dijo que se le había pedido que diera su perspectiva sobre los acontecimientos globales actuales.

Él dijo: "En el este, un nuevo poder está emergiendo. Los Chinos tienen una tecnología y una relación con los ET.

 "China ha demostrado su superioridad ante los líderes relevantes del oeste, y lo único que queda es que la transición tenga lugar. Eso es lo que está sucediendo ahora. "

Muchos teóricos de la conspiración afirman que los extraterrestres han estado viviendo secretamente en la Tierra durante años y trabajando con los gobiernos del mundo.

Según las teorías esto se mantiene oculto al público por el temor que el conocimiento público tendría sobre la religión y el estado de derecho.

El Sr. Roads cree que los extraterrestres que trabajan con los líderes chinos les han dado más mejoras tecnológicas que los que trabajan con el oeste.

El Sr. Roads también parece creer una teoría de la conspiración Illuminati que dice que las sociedades secretas son manejadas por seres del espacio exterior que mueven los hilos del gobierno global de detrás de las escenas.

Él escribió: "Por un lado hay un montón de bloodline, pero familias consanguíneas con su inteligencia, banca, fabricación de armas, e imperios de los medios de comunicación.

"Estos suelen manipular y controlar el voto internacional y las acciones militares de los EE.UU., el Reino Unido, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Canadá, Dinamarca, Noruega, Japón y Corea del Sur.

"Por otro lado, China está actuando como el punto de encuentro de los países descontentos, que probablemente incluirán a Rusia, Malasia y una gran cantidad de otras naciones asiáticas, sudamericanas y africanas.

Pero, en última instancia, China y Rusia no gobernarán el gallinero, serán los extraterrestres.

El Sr. Roads está convencido de que los seres humanos son una raza híbrida creada por alienígenas superiores que nos visitaron hace miles de años.

Él sugiere en su editorial que no somos nada más que un "ganado" para servir a los propósitos de nuestros creadores alienígenas.

Él dijo: "Para entender el futuro de la humanidad, uno tiene que entender nuestro pasado y nuestra razón de existir.

 "Los seres humanos son una forma de vida híbrida modificada, creada por una raza o razas de" no humanos "

 "Fuimos modificados por una variedad de razones, todas las cuales sirvieron a los propósitos de las civilizaciones no humanas".

Sin embargo, afirmó que los creadores estaban a punto de hacer algo que esperanzadamente escaparía a la paz en todo el mundo.

Y añadió: "La humanidad está siendo" mejorada "por aquellos que nos crearon o modificaron en primer lugar.

"Sólo espero que el resultado final deseado sea una civilización global que hable con una sola voz en nombre de la tierra y de la humanidad y que reconozca y respete la soberanía de sus vecinos en el espacio y en otras dimensiones".

Los vientos y las aguas del cambio | Comprensión de los desastres

Arcángel Metatron vía James Tyberonn

Saludos Masters, soy Metatron, Angélico de Luz con Tyberonn de Servicio Cristalino. Damos la bienvenida a cada uno de ustedes en un vector de amor incondicional.

Hablamos hoy sobre un tema muy oportuno, el de los desastres naturales. Entendemos el profundo trauma y dolor, así como el gran dolor y la miseria que acompaña a todos estos eventos catastróficos, como ha ocurrido con los huracanes, incendios forestales, súper tornados y terremotos en los últimos años. Una super-tormenta muy reciente ha ocurrido en el Golfo de México, con aterrizaje cataclísmico ocurriendo en Texas y Luisiana.

Tiempo de cambio

Ser humano en este momento de cambio en la Tierra es extremadamente difícil para muchos, y les pedimos a todos ustedes que ofrezcan sus oraciones a aquellos que están experimentando una pérdida agonizante. Nosotros del reino angelical estamos con vosotros.

Aunque hubo una trágica pérdida de vidas y devastación a la tierra y las estructuras, estas catástrofes no significan ninguna retribución. Maestros, os decimos que lo que está ocurriendo debe transpirar. Es un realineamiento requerido. Es el cambio de la tierra, transitando en nueva energía .... y de hecho el tipo de ocurrencias continuará en una escala regional a través del planeta.

La energía del cambio

Sentimos su dolor ante estas pérdidas, y le honramos tanto por mantener la energía del cambio a lo largo de las dificultades que está soportando. Realmente entendemos la tristeza de los reinos de la dualidad. Te rodeamos en amor a través de estos tiempos de transición. Pero entiendan que todo lo que sucede es por elección, y la valiente y sagrada elección que la humanidad ha hecho, es Ascender.

Cada alma cuya vida física termina en tales eventos, hace la elección de hacerlo en el libre albedrío y en el propósito superior. También les decimos que, aunque difíciles, tales eventos reúnen a la gente y verdaderamente sacan lo mejor de la humanidad, reuniéndose para ayudarse unos a otros. Y este aspecto de la unidad fue visto de hecho en las áreas de Texas y Luisiana huracán / tormenta tropical. Ahora bien, aunque el aspecto de cambio de limpieza que se denomina como huracanes, tornados, terremotos y tsunamis son hechos naturales necesarios para el planeta, estos en la reciente circunstancia, también tienen un efecto de re-priorización.

Hemos compartido con usted la información sobre el upshift y la limpieza de la tierra en buscar el equilibrio y la preparación para el cambio. Sin embargo, muchos de ustedes no se dan cuenta de que existen también relaciones muy intrincadas que existen entre el ambiente psicológico del flujo de pensamiento colectivo humano, y los efectos climáticos y los patrones climáticos que siguen. Les decimos que los pensamientos colectivos de las personas pueden y realmente desempeñan un papel clave. Los sentimientos, pensamientos y emociones colectivos de la humanidad fluyen absolutamente hacia, y por lo tanto, influyen en diversos grados, el campo de la "conciencia" de la Tierra Viva.

De hecho, es desde el campo de la conciencia de los patrones naturales de la tierra que surgen todas sus estaciones anuales y el clima. En consecuencia, la humanidad colectivamente puede y puede desempeñar un papel en la formación y efecto de lo que usted considera ser "desastres naturales" ... especialmente en tiempos de polarización y miedo.

Polarización y Reequilibrio

De esta manera, los desastres naturales finalmente terminan por "corregir" un desequilibrio existente o emergente, y forman condiciones que pueden llevar a una mayor realización del verdadero propósito de la vida, la de ayudar, verdaderamente incondicionalmente, y amarse unos a otros.

Cuando la polarización sorprendente ocurre dentro del campo humano, crea un desequilibrio frecuencial, y tales desequilibrios de la actitud de la división son capaces de mal-effecting la trayectoria de la ascensión y de obstruir la calidad deseada y metas más altas de la vida. De esta manera, los desastres naturales, a menudo crean un escenario que altera las prioridades, cambia el pensamiento colectivo en maneras que producen un bien superior, y permiten una necesidad de unidad, de cuidado mutuo y asistencia frente a la tempestad.

Es cierto que cuando los seres humanos sufren grandes pérdidas en un desastre devastador, tan doloroso y doloroso como es, los supervivientes abrumadoramente expresan su gratitud por estar todavía vivo. Para tales acontecimientos traumáticos traen un sentido de renovada prioridad, una comprensión del "regalo de la vida". Y en la mayoría de los casos, viven sus vidas con un renovado sentido de armonía y amor hacia los demás y un gran y mayor entendimiento que los cambia para mejor.

El planeta físico que reconoces es altamente consciente, de hecho más consciente que la humanidad en la actualidad. La Tierra Viva está en sintonía con las necesidades, la resonancia y los patrones de energía vibratoria del pensamiento humano, y está alineada con el camino de ascensión de la humanidad en la "Nueva Tierra".

No se equivoquen, los patrones climáticos naturales de la limpieza no son sólo requisito, sino que también contienen vastas geopodificaciones y códigos imprintables. Estos patrones son "fluidos", ya que mientras existen, su expresión final suele ser un formato de posibilidades y probabilidades, impresas y dirigidas por la conciencia. Los patrones mismos pueden ser "activados" en maneras y afectos específicos.

J Tyberonn Pregunta a Metatron: Entendemos por la información dada durante los últimos años, que éstos son necesarios para la Ascensión. ¿Puedes ampliar esto?

AA-Metatrón: Huracanes, tormentas, terremotos, inundaciones, etcétera, son siempre y siempre, necesarios para el equilibrio y el bienestar de la tierra. Por consiguiente, tanto el equilibrio electromagnético del planeta, como los propósitos sucintos de la humanidad son "naturalmente" servidos cuando ocurren tales eventos. La tierra es siempre dinámica. Debes entender que el equilibrio del planeta vivo es un proceso "natural" continuo. El cambio de equilibrio que siempre ha ocurrido continuará ocurriendo según sea necesario, es un proceso continuo.

Pero en el tiempo presente, estas tormentas y también sirven para despertar aún más a la humanidad a una mayor verdad, un propósito superior. Pues es dentro de la difícil arena experiencial de desastres y catástrofes que la vida humana es por un tiempo perdurable, drásticamente alterada.

Así como su cuerpo humano físico y el cuerpo "áurico" hacen los ajustes necesarios de acuerdo con las experiencias externas y internas y las fuerzas, también lo hace el cuerpo del planeta Tierra viva hacen cambios para el equilibrio.

En cierta medida, las actitudes, deseos y emociones colectivas de la humanidad se mezclan y fusionan efectivamente con los aspectos físicos de la naturaleza, de modo que tales tormentas o desastres en ciertas circunstancias son tanto el resultado de la actividad psicológica como de las condiciones físicas del tiempo.

Los desastres provocan un choque social bastante drástico. Esta confrontación caótica inmediata interrumpe los patrones habituales e institucionalizados de conducta y rápidamente hace que la gente reaccione en el 'ahora' y abra a las personas a acciones más asequibles de asistencia y supervivencia. El afecto puede traer cambios sociales, políticos y personales.

Influencia emocional como un "evento humano"

La humanidad en masa considera tormentas, huracanes, lluvias, terremotos, etc., como eventos naturales, sin embargo, no consideras pensamientos o emociones como eventos naturales en los mismos términos. Le decimos que existe una interacción muy real y válida entre las actitudes emocionales y los eventos físicos 3D.

Aunque la mayoría de los seres humanos se dan cuenta de que el clima afecta sus estados de ánimo emocional, muy pocos de ustedes reconocen profundamente que sus estados de ánimo y actitudes resultantes pueden tener un efecto absoluto sobre el clima. Aunque esto puede parecer oscuro, incluso increíble para muchos, nunca son conscientes de las víctimas de los desastres naturales. Al principio puede parecer que eres, pero en un nivel superior, debes entender que has hecho un guión de tus eventos de la vida, y por consiguiente has tenido voluntariamente una mano en formarlos .... para un mayor bien y un mayor crecimiento. De hecho, sus vidas están pre-planificadas en uno mismo superior. Ustedes están individualmente, colectivamente co-creativamente involucrados en todos los eventos y ciclos de la tierra. Lo entiendes?

Un evento global

En gran medida, la polaridad creciente y los estallidos resultantes de la violencia, han influido en la longevidad y la intensidad de los recientes huracanes e inundaciones experimentados en los Estados Unidos. No pienses que es un castigo específico para una región localizada. No es un castigo, sino una oportunidad para aumentar la conciencia y cambiar las prioridades. Tampoco es verdaderamente regional, es un evento global, en el sentido de la atención focal mundial dada por los medios de comunicación.

Lo que ha ocurrido en la cara y después de las inundaciones desastrosas, ha proporcionado una oportunidad única y óptima para el cambio, sirve como un despertar. Un deseo unificador para que el hombre ayude al prójimo.

Si la calidad de vida que se considera espiritual y biológicamente necesaria falla, entonces los ajustes deben ocurrir. Los problemas sociales y políticos pueden de hecho ser modificados, reformados y reformados por un desastre natural si los medios políticos fallan.

Respuesta creativa

Los desastres proporcionan una liberación temporal del statu quo en la vida cotidiana. Preocupaciones, agresiones, prejuicios, inhibiciones y ansiedades asociadas con el pasado inmediato y el futuro temporalmente se ponen en espera. Esto es claramente porque los desastres, literalmente, obligan a la gente a concentrar toda su atención en la supervivencia, en las necesidades inmediatas momento a momento, en el contexto de las realidades actuales.

Los desastres, de esta manera, estimulan el entusiasmo y las energías creativas de la población. En el modo de emergencia de supervivencia, los seres humanos tienden a verse unos a otros como compañeros humanos en necesidad, no categorizados por raza, religión o clase económica. La asistencia se presta en función de una necesidad común. De hecho, esto se ejemplifica en las acciones altruistas y heroicas de tantos después del reciente huracán en Texas. Personas de todas partes de los Estados Unidos, Canadá y México se unieron para ofrecer asistencia. Muchos valientes rescates no vinieron de agencias gubernamentales o militares, sino de lo que sus medios de comunicación se conoce como la marina de guerra "Cajun & Cowboy".

Personajes barbudos y tatuados, ásperos y listos para navegar por sus barcos a través de corrientes furiosas en barrios inundados aislados para rescatar heroicamente a los atrapados de todas las edades, religiones y razas. Esta acción inspiró a otros a desempeñar varios papeles en la apertura de sus hogares, proporcionando comida y mantas a los menos afortunados. ¿Ves el revestimiento de plata?

¿Entiende usted que tales acciones nobles no habrían ocurrido sin el establecimiento de las inundaciones catastróficas?

Les decimos que las acciones tanto de los rescatadores como de los rescatados han cambiado las actitudes y el enfoque de millones, no sólo afectando a los que están en el área inmediata, sino también a los cientos de millones de almas a través del planeta que vieron los eventos en televisión, otros medios de comunicación.

Naturaleza y Naturaleza

La humanidad no puede separarse, no puede divorciarse de la naturaleza, ni de los propósitos experienciales colectivos de la naturaleza. Aunque en esos momentos se puede considerar a la naturaleza, en sus violentas expresiones de asalto como un adversario, en un nivel superior que son conscientes de que colectivamente jugó un papel en la co-creación del trauma permanente de la experiencia .... y que este mismo trauma sacó un lado mejor de la humanidad. De esta manera, se ven obligados a buscar razones fuera de ustedes mismos para explicar lo que parece estar ocurriendo. Los sistemas de creencias y la lucha por la supervivencia, en la que los seres humanos basan sus vidas, de hecho condicionan y culturalmente programan su existencia de tal manera que negan exteriormente lo que ustedes conocen interiormente.

Usted ha hecho ciertas divisiones debido a su programación cultural y las creencias que hacen este tipo de explicación extremadamente importante, pero igualmente difícil de contemplar o realmente comprender en un contexto superior. Ustedes piensan en inundaciones o terremotos como eventos totalmente naturales, pero no consideran pensamientos o emociones como eventos naturales de la misma manera ... o consideran que sus miedos, prejuicios o pensamientos emocionalmente cargados jugaron un papel en la manifestación de cualquier desastre . Y que el desastre mismo te ayudó a elevar tu conciencia a un contexto más consciente y realmente noble.


Maestros, enfatizamos que cada experiencia que cada uno de ustedes experimenta, ha tenido una mano en la creación. La Universidad de la Tierra es una ilusión intencionada, pero si no parecía real, no aprenderías.

La vida puede ser difícil, y eso es una gran Verdad. Pero es a menudo en tiempos muy difíciles que se levanta a la ocasión, y trascender las jaulas pasado y límites. Pues es a través de enfrentarse a sus 'set-ups' elegidos que dominen las lecciones de amor ofrecidas en el plan de estudios de la dualidad.

Paradójicamente, los desastres naturales ponen de manifiesto el aspecto altruista de la humanidad, en el que la humanidad se convierte en hombres amables, y los vecinos se vuelven verdaderamente vecinos. Las lecciones aprendidas en estas experiencias, aunque devastadoras en 3d, también cambian a la gente para mejor, revelando una verdad más grande, la verdad del Amor.

Soy Metatrón, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y compartimos con ustedes estas verdades. Ustedes son profundamente amados.

Y así es ... y es tan ...

Autores Derechos de autor 2017 Duly Reserved to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper

AA Metatron via James Tyberonn: The Winds and Waters of Change

The Winds & Waters of Change

Understanding Disasters

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We welcome each of you in a vector of unconditional love.

We speak today on a very timely topic, that of natural disasters. We understand the deep trauma and sorrow, as well as the great pain and misery that accompanies all such catastrophic events, as has occurred with the hurricanes, forest fires, super tornadoes and earthquakes over recent years. A very recent super-storm has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, with cataclysmic landfall occurring in Texas and Louisiana.

Time of Shift

Being human at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so many, and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are experiencing agonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you.

Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land and structures, these catastrophies are not meant as any retribution. Masters, we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisite realignment. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy....and indeed the sort of occurrences will continue on a regional scale across the planet.

The Energy of Change

We feel your pain at these losses, and we honor you so much for holding the energy of change throughout the hardships you are enduring. We truly do understand the sadness of duality realms. We encircle you in love through these times of transition. But understand that everything happening is by choice, and the courageous, sacred choice that humanity has made, is to Ascend.

Every soul whose physical life ends in such events, makes the choice to do so in free will and in higher purpose. We also tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another. And this aspect of unity was indeed seen in the areas of the Texas and Louisiana hurricane/tropical storm. Now, although the cleansing shift aspect of that termed as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes & tsunamis are natural occurrences requisite for the planet, these in the recent circumstance, also have an effect of re-prioritization.

We have shared with you information regarding the upshift and cleansing of the earth in seeking balance and preparing for change. However, many of you do not realize that there are also very intricate relationships that exist between the psychological environment of the human collective thought-flow, and ensuing weather affects & climatic patterns. We tell you that people's collective thoughts can & do indeed play a key role. Humanity's collective feelings, thoughts & emotions absolutely flow into & thus influence to varying degrees, the 'consciousness' field of the Living Earth.

Indeed, it is from the consciousness field of the earth's natural patterns that all of your annual seasons and weather affects emerge. Accordingly humanity collectively can and do, play a role in the formation & effect of that which you consider to be 'natural disasters'....especially in times of polarization and fear.

Polarization & Rebalance

In this way, natural disasters oft ultimately end up 'correcting' an existing or emerging imbalance, and form conditions that may bring greater realization of life's true purpose, that of truly, unconditionally assisting & loving one another.

When striking polarization occurs within the human field, it creates a frequencial imbalance, and such divisional attitudinal imbalances are capable of mal-effecting the ascension path and obstruct the desired quality & higher goals of life. In this way, natural disasters, often create a scenario which alter priorities, up-shifts collective thinking in manners that bring about a higher good, and enable a need for unity, of mutual caring and assistance in the face of the tempest.

It is true that when humans suffer great loss in a devastating disaster, as excruciating & painful as it is, the survivors overwhelmingly express their gratitude at still being alive. For such traumatic events bring a sense of renewed priority , an understanding of the 'gift of life'. And in most cases, live their lives with a renewed sense of harmony and love toward one another and a great and greater understanding that changes them for the better.

The physical planet that you recognize is highly conscious, indeed more conscious than is humanity at the current time. The Living Earth is attuned to the needs, resonance and vibratory energy patterns of human thought, and is aligned to the ascension path of humanity in the ''New Earth'.

Make no mistake, the natural climatic patterns of cleansing are not only requisite, they also contain vast imprintable geo-patterns & codes. These patterns are "fluid," in that while they exist, their final expression is often a format of possibility and probabilities, imprinted & directed by consciousness. The patterns themselves can be "activated" in specific mannerisms & affects.

J Tyberonn Question to Metatron: We understand from the information given over the past years, that these are necessary for the Ascension. Can you expand on this ?

AA-Metatron: Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, floods, et cetera, are ever and always, necessary to the balancing & well-being of the earth. Accordingly, both electromagnetic balancing of the planet, as well as mankind's succinct purposes are 'naturally' served when such events occur. The earth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of the living planet is a continual 'natural' process. The equilibrium shifting that has always occurred will continue to occur as needed, it is an ongoing process.

But in the present time, these storms and also serve to further awaken humanity to greater truth, higher purpose. For it is within the difficult experiential arena of disasters and catastrophes that human life is for an enduring time, drastically altered.

Just as your physical human body & 'auric' body make necessary adjustments according to external and internal experiences and forces, so does the body of the living planet Earth make shifts for balance.

To some extent mankind's collective attitudes, desires and emotions effectively blend & merge with the physical aspects of nature so that such storms or disasters in certain circumstances, are as much the result of psychological activity as they are of physical weather conditions.

Disasters provide a rather drastic, societal shock. This immediate chaotic confrontation disrupts habitual, institutionalized patterns of behavior and quickly renders people to react in the 'now' and opens people to more amenable actions of assistance & survival. The affect can bring social, political and personal change.

Emotional influence as a 'Human Event'

Mankind in mass consider storms, hurricanes, rain, earthquakes etc, as natural events, yet you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same terms. We tell you there is a very real & valid interaction between emotional attitudes and 3d-physical events.

Although most humans realize the weather affects your emotional moods, very few of you recognize deeply understand that your moods & resulting attitudes can have an absolute effect upon the weather. Although this may seem obscure, even unbelievable to many, you are never unaware victims of natural disasters. Initially it may seem that you are, but on a higher level, you must understand that you have scripted your life events, and accordingly you have willingly had a hand in forming them....for greater good and higher growth. Indeed, your lives are pre-planned in higher self. You are individually, collectively co-creatively involved in all of the the earth's events & cycles. Do you understand?

A Global Event

To no small degree, the increasing polarity and resulting outbursts of violence, have influenced the longevity & intensity of the recent hurricane & flooding experienced in the United States. Do not think it is a punishment specific to a localized region. It is not a punishment, rather an opportunity to raise awareness and change priorities. Nor is it truly regional, it is a global event, in the sense of the worldwide focal attention given by the media.

What has taken place in the face and aftermath of the disastrous flooding, has provided a unique and optimal opportunity for change, it serves as an awakening. A unifying desire for man to assist fellow man.

If the quality of life that is considered spiritually and biologically necessary fails, then adjustments must occur. Social, political problems can indeed be modified, reshaped and reformed by a natural disaster if political means fail.

Creative Response

Disasters provide a temporary liberation from the status quo in daily life. Worries, aggression, prejudices, inhibitions and anxieties associated with the immediate past and future temporarily are put on hold. That is clearly because disasters literally force people to concentrate their full attention on survival, on the immediate moment-to-moment, needs within the context of the present realities.

Disasters, in this way, stimulate rousing courage & creative energies of the populace. In survival emergency mode, humans tend to see one another as fellow humans in need, not categorized by race, religion or economic class. Assistance is rendered based on common need. Indeed, this is exemplified in the altruistic and heroic actions of so many in the aftermath of the recent hurricane in Texas. People from all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico came together to offer assistance. Many courageous rescues came not from government agencies or military, but from what your media referred to as the 'Cajun & Cowboy' navy.

Bearded and tattooed, rough and ready individuals highly capable of navigating their boats through raging currents into isolated flooded neighborhoods to heroically rescue the trapped of all ages, religions and races. This action inspired others to play various roles in opening their homes, providing food and blankets to the less fortunate. Do you see the silver lining?

Do you understand that such noble actions would not have occurred without the setting of the catastrophic floods?

We tell you that the actions of both the rescuers & rescued have changed the attitudes & focus of millions, not only effecting those in the immediate area, but also the hundreds of millions of souls across the planet who viewed the events on television, internet and other media outlets.

Mankind & Nature

Mankind cannot separate, cannot divorce themselves from nature, nor nature's collective experiential intents. Although at such times you may consider nature, in its violent storming expressions as an adversary, on a higher level you are aware that you collectively played a role in co-creating the enduring trauma of the experience....and that this very trauma brought out a better side of humanity. In this way, you are forced to look for reasons outside of yourselves to explain what seems to be occurring. The belief systems and struggle for survival, upon which you humans base your lives, do indeed condition & culturally program your existence such that you outwardly deny what you inwardly know.

You have made certain divisions because of your cultural programming and beliefs which make this kind of explanation extremely important, but equally difficult to contemplate or truly grasp in higher context. You think of flooding or earthquakes as totally natural events, but you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same way....or consider that your fears, prejudices or emotionally charged thoughts played a role in the manifestation of any disaster. And that the disaster itself helped you raise your consciousness into a more aware & indeed noble context.


Masters, we emphasize that every experience each of you experience, you have had a hand in creating. The University of Earth is a purposed illusion, but if it did not seem real, you would not learn.

Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth. But it is often in very difficult times that you rise to the occasion, and transcend the past cages & limits. For it is through facing your chosen 'set-ups' that you master the lessons of love offered in the curriculum of duality.

Natural disasters paradoxically bring out the altruistic aspect of humanity, in which mankind become kind men, and neighbors become truly neighborly. The lessons learned in these experiences, while devastating in 3d, also change people for the better, revealing a greater truth, the truth of Love.

I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these truths. You are deeply beloved.

And So it Is...And it is So...

Authors Copyrights 2017 Duly Reserved to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper

CHANGE AND REBALANCE - They are on the threshold of a new life, in a completely new Earth

Date of publication: 4 Sep. 2017


Greetings, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:

As most of you know, I am currently working full time with the Earth Council.

• Since our last report, the Energies of Ascension have been amplified.

• We believe that they know what we mean.

• The Solar Eclipse of August 21, brought powerful cleansing, healing and change where it was most needed.
You are in the midst of a great change, which contemplates power over the people and the people.

• Although they are in the middle of separation and can perceive it in another way, the present modality is being changed, for the return to the original foundations.

• We want you to know that everything will be rebalanced and reunited at humanity level.

From our point of view, this is happening rapidly.

• It is therefore extremely important for the world to exemplify the change in Consciousness that is occurring on Earth.

• Please remain faithful to your vision for the world and the planet.

• This information applies to all countries, because each one is going through their trials through a test, so that as humanity, they can decide once and for all, whether they choose the Light or not.
We, together with the other Galaxies, are giving them an intense focus on everything that is happening on the planet now.

• We have already intervened with the deactivation of weapons that could be destructive for life.

• Those with great egos, who think they have power over Earth and life, are neutralized and will not be allowed to harm the planet, or humanity.
Behind the known scenarios, many Beings are working, to improve aspects of life on Earth.

• Its main objective is to balance the financial situation so that all have their needs met, to eradicate completely from the Earth, the fear of shortcomings and inadequacies.

• We understand that Heaven has for a long time promised financial well-being and the end of those who believe themselves to be worthy and owners of the world's economy.

• The days of his reign and financial control are rapidly coming to a conclusion.

• Many of them, have given false promises and information to you, cast false hopes, based on fallacies.

• Now you know in your hearts that you possess the Abundance of the Creator within you and that you need only a pure and firm intention to provide yourself and all life on Earth.

• The Abundance of Creation was never intended to be treasured by a few.
They are on the threshold of a new life, in a completely new Earth.

• This time of chaos is necessary, so that the Consciousness expands and evolves.

• Please paint a picture in your heart and mind about what this new life will look like and feel.

• The many distractions you have had physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, will come to an end.

• This will allow your thoughts to arise from the purity of your hearts, so live in Peace on planet Earth.

As you continue to complete the cycle of darkness and move in the Golden Age, you will find that your Enlightenment expands exponentially.

• When this happens, you will become a part of the Unity Consciousness.

• We are waiting for you, we love you and we are at your service.

I am Mira, sending you the Love of the Pleiades and the Council of the Earth. Our Site on Facebook Our Community on Google+ Our Channel On You Tube Our Blog
Creative Commons attribution license (re-use allowed)

CAMBIO Y REEQUILIBRIO - Están en el umbral de una nueva vida, en una Tierra completamente nueva


Data de publicació: 4 de set. 2017

Saludos, Soy Mira del Consejo Superior Pleyadiano: Como la mayoría de ustedes sabe, actualmente trabajo a tiempo completo con el Consejo de la Tierra. 

• Desde nuestro último informe, las Energías de la Ascensión se han amplificado. 

• Creemos que saben lo que queremos decir. 

• El Eclipse Solar del 21 de agosto, trajo consigo una poderosa limpieza, curación y cambio, donde más se necesitaba. Ustedes están en medio de un gran cambio, que contempla al poder sobre el pueblo y la gente. 

• A pesar que se encuentran en el medio de la separación y puedan percibirlo de otra manera, se está cambiando la actual modalidad, para el regreso a los fundamentos primigenios. 

• Queremos que sepan que todo será reequilibrado y reunificado a nivel humanidad. Desde nuestro punto de vista, esto está sucediendo rápidamente. 

• Por ello es extremadamente importante que el mundo ejemplifique el cambio en la Consciencia que está ocurriendo en la Tierra. 

• Por favor, permanezcan fieles a su visión para el mundo y el planeta.

• Esta información se aplica a todos los países, porque cada uno está atravesando en sus procesos por una prueba, para que cómo humanidad, puedan decidir de una vez por todas, si elegirán la Luz o no. Nosotros, junto con las demás Galaxias, estamos proporcionándoles un enfoque intenso, en todo lo que está ocurriendo ahora en el planeta. 

Ya hemos intervenido con la desactivación de armas que podrían ser destructivas para toda la vida. 

Aquellos con grandes egos, que piensan que tienen poder sobre la Tierra y la vida, son neutralizados y no se les permitirá hacer daño al planeta, ni a la humanidad. Detrás de los escenarios conocidos, muchos Seres están trabajando, para mejorar los aspectos de la vida de la Tierra. 

• Su principal objetivo, es equilibrar la situación financiera para que todos tengan satisfechas sus necesidades, para erradicar completamente de la Tierra, el miedo a las carencias e insuficiencias. 

• Entendemos que el Cielo, durante mucho tiempo, ha prometido bienestar financiero y el fin de quienes se creen dignos y dueños de la economía del mundo. 

• Los días de su reinado y control financiero están llegando rápidamente a una conclusión. 

• Muchos de ellos, les han dado promesas e información falsa a ustedes, les depositaron falsas esperanzas, basadas en falacias. 

• Ahora ustedes saben en sus corazones, que poseen la Abundancia del Creador en su interior y que sólo necesitan de una intención pura y firme, para proveerse a sí mismos y a toda la vida en la Tierra. 

• La Abundancia de la Creación, nunca fue pensada para ser atesorada por unos cuantos. Están en el umbral de una nueva vida, en una Tierra completamente nueva. 

• Este tiempo de caos es necesario, para que la Consciencia se expanda y evolucione. 

• Por favor, pinten un cuadro en su corazón y en su mente, sobre cómo será y sentirán esta nueva vida. 

• Las muchas distracciones que ustedes han tenido física, mental, emocional y espiritualmente, llegarán a su fin.

 • Esto les permitirá que sus pensamientos surjan de la pureza de sus corazones, así vivan en Paz en el planeta Tierra. A medida que continúen completando el ciclo de tinieblas y se muevan en la Edad de Oro, encontrarán que su Iluminación se expande exponencialmente. 

• Cuando esto ocurra, ustedes se convertirán en una parte de la Consciencia de Unidad. 

• Te estamos esperando, te amamos y estamos a tu servicio. Soy Mira, enviándoles el Amor de las Pléyades y del Consejo de la Tierra. Nuestro Sitio en Facebook Nuestra Comunidad en Google+ Nuestro Canal En You Tube Nuestro Blog

Categoria Formació

"Carta a los Ancianos"

"Carta a los Ancianos" por Nosotros Conocemos a los Americanos - 9.4.17
9/04/2017 11:55:00 Emailed, Pensamientos
Entrada Enviado por Nosotros Conocemos a los Americanos a las 9:42 AM EDT on September 4, 2017

Queridos ancianos,

Felicitaciones por el anuncio de yout BRICS obligando a todos a un estándar de oro. La mayoría de nosotros en los Estados Unidos no saben lo que han hecho por nosotros. La mayoría sabrá que espero muy pronto y todos necesitamos humildemente inclinarnos ante vosotros respeto y en agradecimiento. Todo el orgullo a un lado. No pertenece.

Yosef sugirió que hay una viuda entre los huracanes que podemos usar t aceptar sus regalos y sé que hay mucho que reparar como de reciente debido a estas tormentas. Por favor, utilice esta oportunidad de viuda para permitirnos finalmente aceptar la responsabilidad por el orgullo ciego suponiendo que era correcto dominar a los demás. Esto no es ciertamente la vista sino de unos pocos selectos. Pero todos lo poseeremos y aceptaremos como la nueva fuente de financiamiento mundial graciosamente y humildemente admitiremos que éramos demasiado grandes para nuestros pantalones.

Por favor permita que esto comience dentro de la ventana sugerida.

Conocemos a los estadounidenses

Benjamin Fulford 9-4-17… “Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing” [FULL ARTICLE]

New weekly report from Ben. Extremely fascinating, in my view. And points to very constructive things happening for the planet.
I will note the following: in last week’s Ben report he wrote, “…the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane… The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.”
This week, Ben references the Sputnik Charley Hebdo article, which wrote, “God exists! He drowned all the neo-Nazis of Texas,” reads the picture’s caption. The caption seems to be a reference to Texas’ support for US President Donald Trump, who won 52.6 percent of the state’s vote during the 2016 general election. Houston, however, is a liberal stronghold — 54 percent of Harris County, which houses Houston, voted for Hillary Clinton.” Thus the “neo-Nazis” referred to may very well be the Clintons, Bushes.
I’ve decided to just go ahead and publish the report as Ben has posted it, in this case, as the last few weeks, as the full article. Enjoy.
“Evidence is mounting that both a new financial system and a civil war in the US are imminent. There is also a high probability the US east coast will be hit with a geo-engineered hurricane so severe that people are being asked to evacuate 60 miles inland, CIA sources say. What seems to be happening is that the Khazarian mafia is unleashing weather weapons and making other mischief to try to prevent the announcement of a new, gold-backed financial system.
“This started on August 21st when Steven Mnuchin became the first US Treasury Secretary to visit the Fort Knox gold depository since 1948 and proceeded to tweet “glad gold is safe.”… Then self-described US intelligence community financial adviser Jim Rickards appeared on TV predicting the price of gold would rise to $5000 or even $10,000 an ounce… Also, the Rothschilds contacted the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that a large amount of off-ledger gold was being monetized and moved into the financial system.
“This was backed up with a series of gold-related events from around the world… the announcement that China is starting oil futures trading denominated in gold-backed yuan, a clear shot at the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system… Germany’s Bundesbank announced it had completed its plan to repatriate half of its gold three years in advance… Now suddenly the gold is being returned ahead of schedule as Mnuchin tweets about gold being safe.
“So, where is all this gold suddenly coming from? Two reliable sources say that gold bunkers in Asia are being opened and the gold is being removed. WDS sources in Indonesia were told by Indonesian authorities that gold bunkers in Indonesia had indeed been opened and the gold was removed.
“All these gold related announcements were combined with serious attacks on the current petrodollar system and strong indications the current US financial system is about to implode… While this writer does not pretend to be a financial adviser, I can say that in my long career as a financial/business/geopolitical journalist, I have never before seen so many clear warning signs of a disruptive financial event on the horizon.
“Clearly the controllers of the old system are not going out without a fight. The “once in a thousand years” (upgraded from once in 500 years) Hurricane Harvey was definitely a weather warfare attack on the US. The Magazine Charlie Hebdo, owned by the French branch of the Rothschild family, seems to point the finger at its owners with a cover page implying that God flooded Houston, Texas as an attack on Nazis. Now an even bigger weather warfare attack is apparently about to take place in the form of Hurricane Irma.
“The US military is… taking action… Pentagon source…: “Hurricane Harvey… allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository, defend borders from drug cartels, terrorists, human, arms traffickers, stop the UN agenda 21 which preys on weak states, deny Soros illegal aliens for his antifa troops, strengthen the state’s leadership against the Khazarian liberal LGBT, abortion, pro-immigration, anti-Christian, anti-gun agenda.”
“There is also a crackdown continuing in Washington DC against “Mossad assets like former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Zionist senator, minority leader Chuck Schumer,” the sources say.
“Thugs like the Antifa and fake KKK rioters hired by the Khazarians are also being rounded up now that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have formally labelled them as domestic terrorists, they note. Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebooks’ Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are also now under attack for their brazen efforts to manipulate public discourse and will have their companies nationalized and broken up, CIA sources say.”
Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing
Posted by benjamin, September 4, 2017

Evidence is mounting that both a new financial system and a civil war in the US are imminent. There is also a high probability the US east coast will be hit with a geo-engineered hurricane so severe that people are being asked to evacuate 60 miles inland, CIA sources say. What seems to be happening is that the Khazarian mafia is unleashing weather weapons and making other mischief to try to prevent the announcement of a new, gold-backed financial system.
First, let us look at all the gold related news, some of it bizarre, that has suddenly poured out in recent days and all seems to be preparing us for the announcement of a gold-backed system. This started on August 21st when Steven Mnuchin became the first US Treasury Secretary to visit the Fort Knox gold depository since 1948 and proceeded to tweet “glad gold is safe.”
Then, since his visit apparently failed to generate enough publicity, a fake scandal involving the visit to the fort, the solar eclipse and pictures of his bikini-clad trophy wife appears to have been concocted. In all of this Mnuchin failed to mention the fact the gold has not been counted since 1953 or how much gold “is safe,” but never mind, his wife makes for good distracting eye candy.
Then self-described US intelligence community financial adviser Jim Rickards appeared on TV predicting the price of gold would rise to $5000 or even $10,000 an ounce.
Also, the Rothschilds contacted the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that a large amount of off-ledger gold was being monetized and moved into the financial system. This was backed up with a series of gold-related events from around the world. The most important one was the announcement that China is starting oil futures trading denominated in gold-backed yuan, a clear shot at the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system.
Then Germany’s Bundesbank announced it had completed its plan to repatriate half of its gold three years in advance.
Furthermore, Germany announced the forced evacuation of 60,000 people from around the area of the Bundesbank last weekend just as 743 tons of gold was due to arrive there, because of “unexploded World War II bombs.”
This is interesting because when Germany first asked for its gold back from France and the US, neither country had any gold to give back. Around the same time the Americans were caught shipping gold-plated tungsten to the Chinese. Now suddenly the gold is being returned ahead of schedule as Mnuchin tweets about gold being safe.
So, where is all this gold suddenly coming from? Two reliable sources say that gold bunkers in Asia are being opened and the gold is being removed. WDS sources in Indonesia were told by Indonesian authorities that gold bunkers in Indonesia had indeed been opened and the gold was removed. Furthermore, Freeport-McMoRan announced that a deal has been reached with the Indonesian government to continue operation of the giant Grasberg mine there, with Indonesia getting 51% control.
Sources in the Rothschild family say the mine is just a front being used to launder the historical gold into the financial system. The important point to note though is that the Asians now have majority control.
Neil Keenan for his part, has reported that gold and cash bunkers in South Korea have also been broken into. He backed this up by posting videos of gold as well as freshly minted US dollars and Korean Won being divvied up.
All these gold related announcements were combined with serious attacks on the current petrodollar system and strong indications the current US financial system is about to implode. Jacob Rothschild, for example, announced that his company, RIT Capital Partners, reduced its US dollar investment exposure to 37% from 61% in the first six months of this year. Rothschild’s reasons for getting out of US assets were “unprecedented” share prices and a belief that the artificial propping up of markets by the World Bank and Central Banks was unsustainable.
Another high level insider who is getting out of the US stock market is investment guru Warren Buffet who is now sitting on $100 billion in cash because he is finding it hard to find attractive deals.
Investors are also paying 20% more for US Treasuries that mature before the end of September US fiscal deadline than they are for ones that mature after that date, yet another sign that people sense something is coming.
There was a chart on the internet that appeared shortly after the private central bankers had their Jackson Hole summer meeting that showed about 40% of so-called world GDP was just fake central bank accounting magic. This chart has now been deleted from the internet.
The Federal Reserve Board has announced it will be selling off the assets it has been buying to prop up markets but, with $4.5 trillion worth of stuff on its books, it is mathematically impossible for them to do this without imploding the economy.
While this writer does not pretend to be a financial adviser, I can say that in my long career as a financial/business/geopolitical journalist, I have never before seen so many clear warning signs of a disruptive financial event on the horizon.
Clearly the controllers of the old system are not going out without a fight. The “once in a thousand years” (upgraded from once in 500 years) Hurricane Harvey was definitely a weather warfare attack on the US. The Magazine Charlie Hebdo, owned by the French branch of the Rothschild family, seems to point the finger at its owners with a cover page implying that God flooded Houston, Texas as an attack on Nazis.
Now an even bigger weather warfare attack is apparently about to take place in the form of Hurricane Irma. The warning below was forwarded to this writer from a source in the CIA via e-mail:
Hurricane IRMA – expected landfall Eastern coastline USA, tracking TBA (uncertain) CAT 5 and higher expectation.
Expect major damage – life threatening – major flooding – power outage – transport chaos – looting – high casualty rate/deaths.
Landfall expected from 9th September onwards through 10th and 11th September 2017, could be sooner, TBA.
Updates see:- BPEarthwatch on the web.
ADVISE ALL STATIONS – make preparations now, secure property – LEAVE THE AREA by a distance of at least 60 miles from coast.
Seek altitude, avoid river valleys, flood plains, heavy population areas. Secure food, portable water, fuel and secure shelter.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is “HARVEY” on steroids.
Speed this warning far and wide NOW. Do not wait for the crisis to develop. Even if it does not come ashore (unlikely) the wave propagation is showing wave height expectations of over 50 ft and duration of wavelength of 16 seconds. ALL SHIPPING leave tracking area immediately and run for safe haven at maximum speed while time allows please. All models agree the above data set.
Director, North Atlantic Intelligence Group (NAIG) Public Domain. Ends 23.10 02/09/2017 TREAT AS URGENT.”
This writer could not locate any NAIG on the internet but clearly, at the very least, some people in the CIA are trying to generate fear.
The US military is, in any case, taking action. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say:
“Hurricane Harvey, while tragic, allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository, defend borders from drug cartels, terrorists, human, arms traffickers, stop the UN agenda 21 which preys on weak states, deny Soros illegal aliens for his antifa troops, strengthen the state’s leadership against the Khazarian liberal LGBT, abortion, pro-immigration, anti-Christian, anti-gun agenda.”
There is also a crackdown continuing in Washington DC against “Mossad assets like former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Zionist senator, minority leader Chuck Schumer,” the sources say.
Thugs like the Antifa and fake KKK rioters hired by the Khazarians are also being rounded up now that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have formally labelled them as domestic terrorists, they note. Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebooks’ Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are also now under attack for their brazen efforts to manipulate public discourse and will have their companies nationalized and broken up, CIA sources say.
The other person who is under serious attack now is top ranking Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu who faces jail in Israel for corruption but really should be treated as a war criminal of the highest order. Netanyahu recently visited Russia uninvited and made a series of threats to Russian President Vladimir Putin, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say “Putin was not amused by bibi [Netanyahu]’s threats and lies and sent two attack submarines into the Mediterranean to hunt Israeli subs, to improve training and test new weapons, and potentially to impose a naval blockade.”
The Khazarian controlled or influenced rogue states of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Ukraine are being steadily quarantined while their criminal leadership is being removed.
North Korea, for its part, is getting lots of money and weapons technology from the Khazarians but is only interested in its own survival and is not about to start some suicidal nuclear attack on behalf of Khazarians with apocalyptical delusions.

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