
7 de febrero de 2018

Secrets of underground cities

Secrets of underground cities by Juliette Sweet   
 February 6, 2018

(HISTORICAL INFORMATION) - The following account of life in Telos was written by Juliette Sweet, who Sharula and lived in Mount Shasta Shield. The last time I spoke with Shield was in 1993, and he told me that he and Sharula went into seclusion on the surface. Yono I know where they are.

Agartha network
Think of Shamballa the Lesser as the United Nations of over 100 subterranean cities that form the Agartha network. It is, in fact, the seat of government for the inner world.

While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed located just below the earth's crust or discreetly within mountains ecosystems.

All cities in the Agartha Network are physical and are of light, which means they are benevolent societies based on spirituality that follow the Christic teachings of the Order of Melchizedek.

Simply continue in the tradition of the great mystery schools of the surface, honoring beings like Jesus, Buddha, Osiris and Isis ... all Ascended Masters that we of the surface know and love, plus teachers spiritual heritage of their own long-standing.

Why did you choose to live underground?
Consider the magnitude of the geological Earth changes that have swept the surface over the past 100,000 años.Considere Atlantean-Lemurian long war and the power of thermonuclear weapons that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations.

The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of EE. UU. They are just a few examples of the devastation that resulted. The sub-cities were created as refuges for people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures.

Capitol Cities:
OSIDs: Outpost Atlante, located beneath the plains region of Mato Grosso in Brazil. Population: 1.3 million.

SHONSHE: Refuge of the Uighur culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own colonies 50,000 years ago. The entrance is guarded by a lamasery in the Himalayas. Population: 3/4 million.

RAMA: Remnant of the surface city of Rama, India. Located near Jaipur. The inhabitants are known for their Hindu clásicas.Población characteristics: 1 million.

SHINGWA: Remnant of the northern migration of the Uighurs. Located on the border of Mongolia and China. Population: ¾ million.

TELOS: post Lemurian advanced located inside the mountain. Shasta, with a small secondary city in the bush. Lassen, California, USA. UU. Telos translated means "communication with Spirit." Population: 1.5 million.
Spotlight on Telos
How is it possible that more than one million people have their home in Mount Shasta?
While we're stretching our imaginations, our neighbors, the Japanese have already designed underground cities in answer to your problem of surface area.The room of the sub-city has been for thousands of years, a natural vehicle for human evolution. Now here's a look at a well thought ecosystem.
The dimensions of this domed city are approximately 1.5 miles wide by 2 miles deep. Telos include 5 levels.
LEVEL 1: This top level is the center of commerce, education and administración.El pyramid - shaped temple is the central structure and has a capacity of 50,000. It is surrounded by government buildings, the equivalent of a courthouse that promotes an enlightened judicial system, halls of records, arts and entertainment facilities, a hotel for foreign emissaries visitors, a palace that houses the "Ra and Rana Mu" (the reigning king and Queen of the Lemurian royal lineage), a communications tower, a spaceport, schools, food and clothing dispatches and most residences.

LEVEL 2: A manufacturing center and a residential level. The houses are circular and have dust on it. Like surface living, housing for singles, couples and extended families is the norm.

LEVEL 3: Hydroponic Gardens. Highly advanced hydroponic technology feeds the entire city, with some to spare for intercity commerce. All crops produce larger and tastier fruits, vegetables and soy products that make a varied and fun diet for Telosians. Now completely vegetarian, the cities of Agartha have taken meat substitutes to new heights.

LEVEL 4: More hydroponic gardens, more manufacturing and some natural park areas.

LEVEL 5: The level of nature. Located one mile below ground level, this area is a great natural environment. It serves as a habitat for a wide variety of animals, including those extinct on the surface. All species have grown up in a non -violent atmosphere, which could be carnivorous on the surface now enjoy soy steaks and human interaction. You can frolic with saber - toothed tiger with wild abandon. Along with the other levels of the plant, sufficient oxygen is produced to sustain the biosphere.

LANGUAGE: While dialects vary from city to city, commonly "Solara Maru", which translates as "solar language" is spoken. This is the root language of our sacred languages such as Sanskrit and Hebrew.

GOVERNMENT: A Council of Twelve, six men and six women, along with Ra and Rana Mu, solve collective problems and serve as guides and guardians of the people. The positions of royalty, such as those Ra and Rana Mu, are considered responsibilities in the defense of God 's divine plan. Priest, an Ascended Master named Adama, Sumo is also an official representative.

COMPUTERS: The Agarthean computer system is based on amino acids and meet a wide range of functions. All subcities are connected by this highly spiritualized information network. The system monitors communication between cities and galactic, while addressing the needs of the individual at home. You can, for example, report deficiencies of vitamins or minerals your body or, when necessary, transmit relevant information from the akashic records for personal growth.

MONEY: nonexistent. All the basic needs of people are met. Luxuries are exchanged via a sophisticated barter system.

TRANSPORTATION: Moving sidewalks, elevators between levels and electromagnetic sleds resembling our snowmobiles in the city. For travel between cities, residents take "The Tube , " an electromagnetic meter capable of accelerating up to 3,000 mph. Yes, Agartheans are well versed in intergalactic etiquette and are members of the Confederation of Planets. Space travel has been perfected, like the ability of interdimensional changes that make these ships undetectable.

ENTERTAINMENT: theater, concerts and a wide variety of artes.Además, for you Trekkies, Holodecks. Program your favorite movie or chapter in the history of the Earth and part of it!

CHILDBIRTH: A sore three months, not nine. A very sacred process by which, from the moment of conception, a woman will go to the temple for three days, immediately welcoming the child with beautiful music, thoughts and imágenes.El waterbirth in the company of both parents is standard.

HEIGHT: Due to cultural differences, average heights of subterranean citizens vary, generally 6'5 "to 7'5" in Telos, while nearly 12 'in Shamballa the Lesser.

AGE : Unlimited. Death by degeneration is simply not a reality in Telos. Most choose Agartheans resemble aged between 30 and 40 years and remain there, while, technically, can have thousands of years. Not believing in death, this society is not limited by that. By completing a desired experience, one can disincarnate at will.

ASCENSION: Absolutely, and much easier and more common than on the surface. Ascension is the ultimate goal of training in the temple.
Why they have remained underground all this time? Partly because Agartheans have learned the futility of war and violence and are patiently waiting to come to the same conclusion. People are so gentle that even our judgmental thoughts are physically harmful to them.

The secret has been its protection. So far, the truth of its existence has been veiled by the Spirit. When can we visit? Our entrance to the sub-cities depends on the purity of our intentions and our ability to think positively. A warm welcome from both worlds is the ideal and should be expressed by more than just the community of light workers.

Currently, a few hundred brave underground are working on the surface. To mingle with the masses, they have suffered a temporary cellular change to physically do not rise above the rest of us.

They can be recognized by its gentle and sensitive nature and introduce something misterioso.Deseamos accent Sharula Princess Aurora Dux, the daughter of Ra and Rana Mu of Telos. Sharula has been officially appointed Ambassador to the surface world by the Agartha Network.

She was born in 1725, and looks 30. This article is courtesy of her firsthand experience.

photo of Julio Ferreira.

Before you set foot on planet Earth for the first time, you understood that this was a mission. You understood that the Earth had a very special place in the galaxy and that you embarked on a very specific mission for the whole consciousness.

THE HIGH PLEYADIAN COUNCIL ,. Mission: Earth through Daniel Scranton, February 6, 2018

Mission: Earth ∞ The Pleiadian Supreme Council of the Seven

"We are the Pleiadian High Council of the Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Before you set foot on planet Earth for the first time, you understood that this was a mission. You understood that the Earth had a very special place in the galaxy and that you embarked on a very specific mission for the whole consciousness.

Everyone saw this experience as the greatest possible challenge they could undertake. And even though you knew there would be very dark moments, a lot of pain and a little too much suffering, you came to him and decided that this was the only place for you.

Now that you started your cycle of lives on planet Earth, you also understood how far you could expand. You understood that the reward for being on planet Earth was like no other in the galaxy. And then you feel that pain and suffering were worth it. You may not feel it now, from where you are, but we guarantee that you feel it at the level of your higher self and your super-soul.

Your next mission on this trip will be to create a new earth experience for you and for all future generations, and those experiences will not be about challenges. The next mission is to experience uncontrolled and unconditional joy and love. You have come here to feel what it is to move from the depths of darkness to the heights of ecstasy.

Now, when you decide to embark on the new mission, it's up to you. It is up to you how much more time you play with the rules of the third dimension and when you fully embrace the perspective of the fifth dimension, the frequency of the fifth dimension, the experience of the reality of the fifth dimension. We know that many of you feel ready, and we tell you that they are. Everything is just a matter of opening your heart, letting it be your guide and forgetting everything you think you have learned up to this moment.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of the Seven, and we have great appreciation for them. That is all."

Abans de posar un peu al planeta Terra per primera vegada, vas entendre que aquesta era una missió. Vas entendre que la Terra tenia un lloc molt especial en la galàxia i que et embarcabas en una missió molt específica per a tota la consciència.

L'ALT CONSELL PLEYADIÀ  Missió: Terra a través de Daniel Scranton, 6 de febrer de 2018

Missió: Terra ∞El Concili Suprem PleyadiÀ dels Set "Som l'Alt Consell Pleyadiano dels Set, i ens complau oferir-les nostres paraules de saviesa. 

Abans de posar un peu a el planeta Terra per primera vegada, vas entendre que aquesta era una missió. vas entendre que la Terra tenia un lloc molt especial en la galàxia i que et embarcabas en una missió molt específica per a tota la conciencia.

Tots van veure aquesta experiència com el major desafiament possible que podrien emprendre. i encara que sabies que hauria moments molt foscos, bastant dolor i una mica massa de patiment, et vas acostar a ell i vas decidir que aquest era l'únic lloc per a tu.

Ara que vas començar el teu cicle de vides al planeta Terra, també vas entendre fins on podries expandir. Vas entendre que la recompensa per estar al planeta Terra era com cap altra en la galàxia. I llavors sents que el dolor i el sofriment el van valer. Potser no ho sentis ara, des d'on et trobes, però et garantim que ho sents en el nivell de la teva jo superior i el teu superanima. 

La seva propera missió en aquest viatge serà crear una nova experiència terrestre per a vosaltres i per a totes les generacions futures, i aquestes experiències no seran sobre desafiaments. La propera missió és experimentar l'alegria i l'amor desenfrenat i incondicional. Has arribat fins aquí per sentir el que és moure de les profunditats de la foscor a les altures de l'èxtasi.

Ara, quan decideixes embarcar-te en la nova missió, depèn de tu. Depèn de vostè quant de temps més jugui amb les regles de la tercera dimensió i quan abraci completament la perspectiva de la cinquena dimensió, la freqüència de la cinquena dimensió, l'experiència de la realitat de la cinquena dimensió. Sabem que molts de vostès se senten llestos, i els diem que ho són. Tot és només qüestió d'obrir el cor, deixar que sigui el teu guia i oblidar tot el que creguis haver après fins aquest moment. 

Som l'Alt Consell Pleyadiano dels Set, i els tenim molta estima. Això és tot. "

Ara és temps de sortir i fer servir les seves vestimentes de Llum que els estan esperant.

Data de publicació: 6 de febr. 2018
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Estimats germans:
De nou els ha arribat l'hora de respondre a la crida que se'ls fa, de aixecar-se i dir: - "Ja em trobo preparat '
. Aquesta és l'hora de rebutjar a la resta de les disfresses que van utilitzar en el moment de venir a la Terra, a experimentar les comèdies terrestres a les que van decidir participar-hi.
• Durant el transcurs de la seva existència terrenal, han tingut l'oportunitat de practicar bastant el concepte de 'enfortir l'ego'.
• Ara és temps de sortir i fer servir les seves vestimentes de Llum que els estan esperant.
• Aquesta vestimenta compta amb tot el Coneixement de cadascuna de les qualitats del Màster que van deixar a un costat, per encarnar en aquest món. Estimats Germans, vostès es troben satisfets per nombroses capes de conceptes, que són negatius, limitants i no els permeten avançar, i inclou a tots els pensaments que han anat acumulant durant les seves vides anteriors.
• Amb el propòsit de combatre i vèncer al major por i enemic que posseeixen, en múltiples ocasions els hem dit que la por, fins a cert punt, es tracta de falta d'Amor.
• Això vol dir, que cadascuna de les creences, impulsos i emocions negatives, com la vergonya, fúria, culpa, falta de confiança, dignitat, rancor, etc., emanen del sentiment de trobar-se allunyats de la Llum i l'Amor que sorgeixen de la Gran Font Creadora.
• Cada un de vosaltres ha après a projectar aquests sentiments en els Éssers que els envolten, com un intent per recobrar la sensació de seguretat, calidesa, Poder i alegria que brinda contínuament l'Amor Incondicional de la Font, que està infós dins dels seus cors .
• Amb el transcurs dels anys i en les diferents vides terrenals que han experimentat, han oblidat que tot l'aliment emocional que requereix la seva Ésser, l'ofereix aquest Raig de Llum que els connecta amb la seva pròpia Presència Divina, i en conseqüència, amb el gran Creador. Van començar a projectar vincles emocionals d'afecció, cap als que es troben al seu voltant, el que va generar diferents maneres de lluita, entre individus, famílies, amistats, cultures, i fins i tot nacions.
• Com a resultat de tot això, ha tingut lloc una guerra emocional cíclica, on no hi ha un guanyador, sinó únicament perdedors, ja que cap Ésser humà pot predominar sobre l'altre, si aquest té la força de voluntat necessària, per vèncer a aquest esgotador enemic conegut com por.
• Vostès es troben recorrent el camí del retrobament del 'Amor del Sagrat Cor', i com hem esmentat es tracta d'Amor Incondicional
• Han de ser conscients que, a partir del moment que l'Amor condicionat passar a ser una norma per als homes, els models de pensaments negatius van permetre el desenvolupament d'altres conceptes 'autolimitantes', que a poc a poc van aconseguir convertir-se en la seva Veritat de la realitat .
• No obstant això, ha arribat l'hora de revertir això, de donar una nova estructura a la realitat que experimenten actualment, per al sorgiment d'una nova realitat futura, on estarà cadascuna de les lliçons de Mestratge, que hem estat donant-los últimament.
Benvolguts Éssers de Llum:
• Hem posat a disposició de vostès cadascuna de les eines necessàries per monitoritzar els seus pensaments i tranquil·litzar les seves ments per tal de reprogramar el seu conscient i subconscient amb una major saviesa que es troba a tots vostès.
• També els hem ajudat a equilibrar el seu sistema de xacres de manera que tinguin la
oportunitat de treballar en harmonia novament.
• No resulta cap sorpresa que es trobin desconnectats dels que els envolten a causa d'una batalla perduda fa molt temps, però, a mesura que comencin a experimentar i acceptar la pau mental també sentiran felicitat i alegria pel fet que recordaran la connexió íntima que els uneix els éssers que habiten a la Terra.
• Ha arribat l'hora que deixin enrere a cada un dels conceptes que no promouen una visió suprema que els asseguri que en el futur aconseguiran un plànol existencial superior on diàriament seran cocreadors amb un poder sempre en augment amb el pas del temps.
• De la mateixa manera que s'han aixecat al veure les tragèdies del seu món han dit:
"No més estic preparat per caminar, avançar i canviar el món"
• Han deixat de banda la comoditat i seguretat del món que coneixien i s'han embarcat en
un viatge cap al desconegut on han estat durant molts anys amb el propòsit de preparar-se i complir amb la seva missió.
• Al llarg d'aquest viatge han estat sent provats constantment per determinar si estan preparats per complir la seva missió que van jurar i es van comprometre .
• Cal que experimentin les diferents coses que els ofereix el món sense deixar-se guanyar per elles, sinó mes bé comprenent-i adaptant-les.
• Així és com avancessin en els seus viatges espirituals i arribaran a una major saviesa a través li permetran que la seva llum brilli.
• usessin els seus coneixements i poder per canviar el món on han encarnat.
• Estimats fills de la Terra els desitgem tot el millor d'aquest viatge, tot i que els hem estat observant amb una mica de tristesa.

• El nostre orgull és més gran en saber que han acceptat encarnar en aquest món per complir amb la gran missió prèviament establerta per la Font.

• Tots vostès són conscients que no tornarien a veure'ns durant força temps, que oblidarien a la seva veritable essència o que la ocultarien. No obstant això, van acceptar la missió i ho estan fent molt bé.
• Per això els seus membres de les seves famílies espirituals es troben molt més a prop de vosaltres per fer-los sentir l'amor incondicional que la Gran Font sent per vosaltres i per fer-los saber que ja és temps de tornar.
• Ara se'ls ha donat una nova missió la qual consisteix en la recuperació que van deixar i van oblidar al llarg del seu viatge terrenal.
• A mesura que ho facin, més a prop estaran de reunir-se amb les seves famílies esprituales qui els esperen amb amor, alegria i orgull.
• Tinguin la seguretat que a mesura que s'acosta la llum de la seva veritat espiritual, més pròxims
estarem nosaltres de vosaltres, i serà major el poder diví que tindran.
• Gaudeixin d'aquesta experiència que han escollit viure per guanyar coneixement.
• Recordeu que tots vostès són fills estimats de la Gran Font i que sempre seran estimats de manera incondicional.
Jo, l'Arcàngel
Miguel m'acomiado de cada un de vosaltres enviant-los benediccions.
Els recordo
l'immens amor que la Font i la resta dels éssers de Llum senten per vostès.
 No oblidin que aquest és el moment en què ens tornarem a trobar

Now it's time to go out and use their garments of light that are waiting.

Data from publicació: 6 Febr. 2018
Archangel Michael

Data from publicació: 6 Febr. 2018
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THE TIME Archangel Michael

Dear brothers:
Again it came to them when responding to the call made to them, to stand up and say - 'You find me prepared'
. This is the time to discard the rest of the costumes used at the time to come to Earth to experience the land comedies in which they chose to participate.
• During the course of his earthly existence, they have had the opportunity to practice quite the concept of 'strengthening the ego'.
• Now it's time to go out and use their garments of light that are waiting.
• This dress has all the knowledge of each of the qualities of the Master to put aside, to incarnate in this world. Dear Brothers, you are filled by numerous layers of concepts that are negative, limiting and do not allow them to advance and includes all the thoughts that have accumulated during their previous lives.
• In order to fight and defeat the enemy and greatest fear they have, on many occasions we have said that fear to some extent, is unloving.
• This means that each of the beliefs, impulses and negative emotions, such as shame, anger, guilt, lack of trust, dignity, resentment, etc., emanating from the feeling of being away from the Light and Love that arise the Great Creator Source.
• Each of you has learned to project those feelings in beings around them, as an attempt to restore a sense of security, warmth, strength and joy that continually provides Unconditional Love of Source, which is infused into their hearts .
• In the course of the years and in different earthly lives they have experienced, they have forgotten that all the emotional food that requires your Being, provides that Ray of Light that connects you to your own Divine Presence, and consequently the great Creator. They began to project emotional attachment bonds, to those who are around them, generating different ways of struggle between individuals, families, friendships, cultures and even nations.
• As a result of this, there has been a cyclical emotional war, where there is no winner, only losers, since no human being can prevail over the other, if he has the willpower to overcome this stressful enemy known as fear.
• You are walking the path of reunion of 'Love of the Sacred Heart,' and as we mentioned is Unconditional Love
• They should be aware that from the moment the conditional love became a norm for men, patterns of negative thoughts allowed the development of other 'self-limiting' concepts, which gradually managed to become the truth of reality .
• However, the time has come to reverse that, to give a new structure to reality currently experiencing, for the emergence of a new future reality where will each of the lessons Master, we have been giving lately.
Dear Ones of Light:
• We have made available to you each need to monitor your thoughts and calm your mind to reprogram your conscious and subconscious with greater wisdom that dwells in you all tools.
• Also we have helped to balance your chakra system so they have the
opportunity to work in harmony again.
• There is no surprise that they are disconnected from those around them because of a lost battle long ago, however, as they begin to experience and accept peace of mind also they feel happiness and joy because they remember the intimate connection that unites the beings that inhabit the Earth.
• When you leave behind each of the concepts that do not promote a supreme vision that assures them that in the future will achieve a higher plane of existence where daily will be co-creators with power always increasing with the passage of time has come.
• Just as we have risen to see the tragedies of the world they have said:
"I am no longer prepared to walk, move and change the world"
• Have put aside the comfort and security the world they knew and have embarked on
a journey into the unknown where they have been for many years in order to prepare for and fulfill its mission.
• Throughout this trip they have been constantly tested to determine if they are ready to fulfill its mission sworn and committed .
• We need to experience different things offered by the world not be outdone by them, but rather understanding them and adapting them.
• This is how spiritual journeys advance their greater wisdom and reach through will allow your light shine.
• use their knowledge and power to change the world where they have incarnated.
• Beloved children of the Earth wish them everything good about this trip, although they have been watching with some sadness.

• Our pride is greater knowing that they have accepted to incarnate into this world to fulfill the great mission previously established by the source.
• You are all aware that they would not see each other for a long time, you forget your true essence or that would hide. However, they accepted the mission and they are doing very well.
• Therefore members of their spiritual families are much closer to you to make them feel the unconditional love that the Great Fountain feel for you and to let them know that it is time to return.
• Now it has been given a new mission which involves the recovery that left and forgot throughout his earthly journey.
• As they do, the closer will be reunited with their families esprituales who await them with love, joy and pride.
• Be assured that as the light of spiritual truth, closer approaches We will be us of you, and the greater the divine power they will have.
• Enjoy this experience they have chosen to live to gain knowledge.
• Remember that you are all beloved children of the Great Source and always be loved unconditionally.
I, Archangel
Miguel firing me of each of you sending them blessings.
I remember
the immense love that the source and the other light beings feel for
 Nor forget
this is the time when we will meet

many reptilians would have given up and switched sides to see continuity successfully defeated.

..... According to the same sources contacted, many reptilians would have given up and switched sides to see continuity successfully defeated .... the problem for them is that ..... them at the same time they had contract with other destructive races asking them to account and ask them to feed energy theft and they may want to pass bill of failure. So, they have been sent to work in places that may be useful with this technology and further weakens the predatory energy. They will not be the only ones to fall or to be pursued by them and that human beings do not understand but that are necessary for the earth.
Resultat d'imatges big ufo
Continuing the source, some extraterrestrial races, many of them benevolent, say they are pushing very, very strong governments to set a date for the reunion or official presentation.
They add that the dreaded ship or object called OMUAMUA ... is an unknown ship for many and has approached our system is to support but which can serve both for one thing or another (attack or defend) for those who are in space their approach has caused a stir, but depending on how events unfold on earth ... they also receive their orders from their superiors Hierarchs!

molts reptilians s'haurien rendit i canviat de bàndol en veure derrotada la seva continuïtat amb èxit.

.... Segons aquestes mateixes fonts contactades, molts reptilianos s'haurien rendit i canviat de bàndol en veure derrotada la seva continuïtat amb èxit .... el problema per a elles, és que ..... elles al seu mateixa vegada tenien contracte amb altres races destructives que els demanen comptes i els demanen robatori d'energia per alimentar-se i que poden voler passar-los factura del fracàs. Així que, se les ha enviat a treballar a llocs que puguin ser útils i amb aquesta tecnologia afebleix encara més a les energia depredadores. No seran les úniques que caiguin o que s'implantin segons ells i que l'ésser humà no entén però, que són necessàries per a la terra.
Resultat d'imatges de big UFO

Continuant amb la font, algunes races extraterrestres, moltes d'elles benèvoles, diuen que estan pressionant als governs molt, molt fort per posar una data per al retrobament o presentació oficial.
A més, afegeixen que la temuda nau o objecte anomenat OMUAMUA ... que és una nau desconeguda per a molts i que s'ha acostat al nostre sistema, és a suport però, que pot servir tant per a una cosa o una altra (atacar o defensar), per als que estan en l'espai el seu acostament ha causat enrenou, però que depenent de com es desenvolupin els esdeveniments a la terra ... ells reben també les seves ordres dels seus superiors Jerarcas!

Entrada destacada


SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...